Chapter 885 Angel joins, Shinra is overjoyed! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
If Lampard is so bastardly all the way, and angels join everywhere, then he really doesn't need to fight anymore, and if he gets the dark soul stone, he will definitely not fall into the hands of the wolf pupil team.

Du Yu looked calm, looking at Anakin who turned his head from the front with a proud face.

"No wonder he agreed to enter heaven with us, and what about this ambush?" Li Tang muttered.

Du Yu used the investigative power of Dragon and Wolf Meteorology to test the angel, and smiled wryly in his heart.

inner city strength.

This is the answer.

You must know that this is originally the difficulty of hell, and all the characters in the plot also have the corresponding strength of the difficulty of hell.This middle-aged male angel is a master in the inner city.

There are not many such things, as long as it happens 2 or 3 times, the Shinra people will become the most powerful team of adventurers and dominate the entire battle.

But to Du Yu's relief, it seems that the probability of this kind of bug that destroys the balance of space is not high.

In the subsequent battles and adventures, although the Shinra people saw the angels, they approached them, trying to win over more angels.But again no success.

This made Lampard a little gloomy, but others were secretly happy.

An angel is enough to defy the sky.

The Demon General Iscartu and his minions are not too difficult to find.Under the guidance of the middle-aged angel, the adventurers fought fiercely all the way, and soon rushed to Diablo's confidant general Iscartu.

This guy looks a lot like Barr from Diablo 2, but he should be a counterfeit product with very strong strength.What's more frightening is that it has a huge army, all of which are shadow monsters.It is very difficult to besiege it.

When the middle-aged angel saw the demon general Iscartu, he roared angrily, "It was you who killed Vislulan, you monster."

With a wave of the angel sword, the Shenluo people immediately got two powerful group gain states.

One is heavenly courage.The defense, life value, and life recovery speed of the paladins have been greatly increased, and they are not afraid of any mental magic such as fear.

The second is the power of revenge.In the attack of the Shinra people, it has a sacred attribute, which increases the damage to demon monsters by 50%.

These two top-quality auxiliary magics are used by the Archangel, and they are just a matter of greeting.

Although the number of Shenluo people is small, but after the Archangel charged into the battle + the group recovered, they also transformed into tigers and violently rushed towards the demon general Iscartu.

This momentum is absolutely extraordinary.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, the Langtong team didn't play any tricks of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

The adventurers fully fired and focused on Iscartu.

This big spider-shaped monster laughed wildly: "My master Diablo, let me wait for you here. I thought how many of you there are, since you are here, stay here!"

He turned around and launched a range attack ring of flames!

This ring of flames is the rings of flames in Diablo 2, bursting out from Iscartu's body.

The nearest Shinra adventurer MT was burned black and fell down.

"Top!" Du Yu waved his hand.

Holding the [Wall of Corpse], Li Tang laughed loudly and said, "All the miscellaneous fish go away, let's go up."

Captain No. [-]'s [Guard of Weismaqu] also stood on the shield wall, withstood Iscartu's subsequent ultimatum trampling.

Iscartu screamed and unleashed Hellspike.

But Shinra's angel rushed up suddenly, and slashed Iscartu's shoulder with a sword.

With the help of adventurers, this demon general is no longer scary.

A large number of phantom monsters attacked from the side, and the adventurers had no time to think about it, and immediately turned to kill.

"This Iscartu is really hard to chew," Anakin complained, "It's much harder than the bosses in the first three acts."

Michelle said disdainfully: "Of course, this Iscartu alone is worth 24500 points. One is better than three! How can we not be more awesome? Let's focus!"

The adventurers once again entered the familiar coordination rhythm.Even if everyone has any ideas, Iscartu must be defeated first, and then we can see Diablo.

Unlike the first three acts, the fourth act is short and there are not many scenes, but the difficulty rockets up.Every battle is a decisive battle.

Iscartu deserves to be Diablo's confidant. He basically knows the melee combat skills that Diablo has mastered.Even if it is a copycat version, its power should not be underestimated.

The battle lasted for half an hour before the winner was gradually decided.

Shinra's newly added angel has become the key player in the outcome.He fought alone and couldn't deal with Iscarto, but with the wolf pupil team and Shinra's MT attracting Iscarto's attention, he only focused on output, and he played extremely wildly.Every time the angel sword slashed heavily, it could bring out a large piece of flesh and blood from Iscartu.

Iscartu eventually fell.

But before falling, even with the protection of the archangel, even with the cover of two top MTs and legendary shields, the adventurers still paid the price of 5 lives.

No way, Iscartu alone is not difficult to deal with, but the shadow monsters behind Iscartu poured out endlessly, greatly disrupting the rhythm of the adventurer's battle.If Du Yu hadn't brought Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng up to forcefully resist the monster's attack, the adventurers would have suffered even greater losses.

There is nothing to say about the distribution of points, according to the degree of contribution.There is no pressure to wipe out points, points are just currency for rewards, and there is no conflict.

It's just that the contribution of the archangel was included in the Shinra camp.So Shinra got 9000 points.

The Datang Adventurers scored 8000 points.

The remaining 7500 points are divided between the Sudan and the parliamentary state.

The battle was over, and Lia stared sullenly at the top.

The battle there seemed to be over, and Diablo's wild roar and Imprius's battle cry could no longer be heard, and they fell into a state of silence.

"Thinking of Adelia?" Du Yu hugged the little beauty's fragrant shoulders.

Liya forced a smile, but tears flowed down her cheeks.

"I miss her. I don't know how she is now?" Leah cried.

Du Yu sighed and hugged Liya: "Listen, your mother Adria died when Diablo possessed her. Now her body is just a puppet occupied by the demon king. To admit her die."

Leah finally burst into tears.

"Finally kill this bastard." Anakin stepped forward quickly and kicked the dead BOSS.

At this time, a frail female angel walked quickly to the corner and saw the middle-aged angel: "Praise the great God, are you still alive?"

The middle-aged male angel comforted: "Nice to meet you, Delwin."

The female angel of Delwin turned her head to Lampard and said, "Thank you for saving me. I am willing to join you to fight against the mighty Diablo. I am good at healing and assisting."

The middle-aged male angel said happily: "Delwin is the most powerful responder in my team. With her joining, I can focus more on killing demons."

Lampard naturally grinned from ear to ear.Everyone in Shinra gathered around and flattered the two angels, flattering them like a wave, for fear that the key treatment and cover would not favor themselves.

Shinra stole the show.Others feel less cheerful.

Sai Yiwu especially's face was dark, and he winked at Du Yu: "It seems that our allies can rescue a new angel every time we kill a strong boss. I guess he will join if we rescue the Angel of Hope in the Destiny Library."

Du Yu was silent.

The addition of female angels makes Shinra's recovery ability stronger, and it can even be said to easily crush any auxiliary adventurers of the same kind.

And she even liberated the middle-aged male angel, and the offensive ability of this angel will be completely released.

The strength of the Shinra people has greatly increased.

What's even more disturbing is that this seemingly infinite growth trend will continue with the adventurous journey.

The angel of hope in the Destiny Library, that is one of the archangels!

If he also joins the camp of the Shinra people, the balance of strength of the entire adventurer alliance will be greatly disrupted.

Although the angels who aim to repel Burning Hell and Diablo may not be happy to see the adventurers who come to help kill each other, but Shinra doesn't need to do so at all.Their goal is the Dark Soul Stone. With this powerful angel army as their backing, as long as they occupy the plot and lead other adventurers to kill Diablo, they will be able to obtain the Dark Soul Stone.The Angels don't sit back and watch others grab it.

Michelle muttered: "Should we do something? If this goes on, the Dark Soul Stone will fall into the hands of the Shinra people."

Du Yu's expression was as usual, and he said calmly: "No, Diablo is still very powerful, it's too early to tell. Go on and take risks."

At this time, Shinra was covered in snowflakes on the video screen, and nothing could be seen at all.

Because after arriving at the highest heaven, the strong holy light of heaven closed all transmission signals.

But Richelieu, Tracy and the others did not disperse, but continued to sit together, drinking tea and chatting with anticipation on their faces.

"What I gave to Lampard was the [Pious Favor] that His Majesty the Pope personally prayed for in the Pantheon for 3 days and 3 nights. In the name of my Holy See, I applied to God for a special scroll. When any angel sees this When reading the scroll, they will immediately believe in the beliefs and identities of Lampard and others, and take care of them within their ability." Richelieu smiled.

"In this way, in the highest heaven where angels are everywhere, they will have an absolute home court advantage. Every angel is equivalent to a top inner-city expert." Concubine Sisi smiled.

Although the Pope's faction and the Saintess' faction within the Holy See are always fighting endlessly, but in major matters, the interests of the two are highly overlapping.Such as this trip to the highest heaven.

Seizing the dark soul stone will be a major blow to the forces of light against the forces of darkness. It will also save the western space and enhance the prestige of the Holy See. It will kill two birds with one stone.

"After getting the Dark Soul Stone, do you want to use Du Yu's hands here in Heaven?" Tracy wiped her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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