Chapter 886 The king of despair, full of shadows! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Everyone can see that the Empress Dowager has murderous intentions towards Du Yu.

Catherine's expression was as usual, and she said with a charming smile: "Queen Mother, although we finally gained the initiative, Du Yu has the advantage of numbers and is full of tricks. One thing is worse than one thing. It is more important to get the Dark Soul Stone first."

For Catherine, Du Yu's first choice is of course to get the soul stone, but if Shinra's character explodes, it will be a good situation to come from behind and get the soul stone.Although the Soul Stone is either taken by the Holy See or Tracy, it will definitely not fall into her hands, but at least in Shinra, she has a lot of opportunities to get the Soul Stone.

Tracy snorted coldly and was about to hit her daughter-in-law when she heard Lampard's anxious voice in the communication: "We have met Lakanos, the King of Despair! We are fighting hard!"

"Fight hard?" The four big brothers became worried again.

Could it be that there are two genuine supreme angels, plus a team of powerful adventurers who swept through the three acts, can't beat a king of despair?
But that's exactly what it is.

When he took the lead and entered the Destiny Library, Lampard looked very energetic and felt extremely comfortable.

One main battle, one treatment, two genuine angels guarding the left and right, what enemy can block your footsteps?
But he soon realized why this place is called the fourth act of hell difficulty!
Even in heaven, with all kinds of favorable conditions and people, even in the team, with two powerful real angels, even Shinra's sacred skills and spells, in the highest heaven, will gain an additional 50% field advantage , they were still blown away!

Completely blow up!

Lakanos, the King of Despair, has a huge triangular head and is wrapped in a black burqa, looking like a big lobster.Seeing this legendary magic general for the first time, Lampard and others couldn't help laughing.

But it's not so ridiculous to fight.

Lakanos, the King of Despair, started with a flicker, and the huge saw-hand in his right hand, wrapped in a crazy wind, had already been involved in the camp of the Shinra people.

In the face of adventurers such as terrified priests, it kills!
In just one meeting, a pastor was cut in half!
One of the female angels was beheaded before they could be rescued.

Another member of the Orphans in the Twist Team who was trying to escape was also stabbed by the saw of Lakanos, the King of Despair, while activating the teleportation props on his waist, and blood gushed out.

Fortunately, he had a lot of experience and escaped quickly, and fainted on the ground as soon as he landed.A right arm has been severed at the root.

The female angel Delwin hurriedly used a healing spell to save his life.Although his life is guaranteed, his combat effectiveness is useless.

"Scatter! Spread!" Lampard held a golden steel shield, summoned his mount, charged forward with a lunge, trying to buy time for the team.

And the archangel was even more furious and slashed out with a sword, going straight to the King of Despair.

Lakanos, the King of Despair, waved his hand unhurriedly.

A large amount of black mist appeared around, and a large number of monster lickers sprang out from the shadows, rushing towards the flustered Shinra people.

In an instant, these terrifying hell monsters threw several people down.There are the sounds of desperate hand-to-hand combat, the sound of teeth being bitten by armor, and the screams of throats being cut.

Difficulty hell.

Lampard really underestimated here and overestimated the strength of himself and Angel.

He didn't want to think about it, if the angels really had an absolute advantage, why did they need external heroes to rescue them?Wouldn't they be able to drive away Diablo's army by themselves?
Lakanos, the King of Despair, can occupy the Destiny Library and imprison the Angel of Hope precisely because no angel can beat him!
Lampard was very annoyed, but it was too late for any regrets. At this time, he could only hope for Du Yu's rescue.

At this time, Du Yu and other follow-up troops happened to push open the door.

Seeing the tragic situation of the Shenluo people, Sai Yiwu Ying couldn't help showing a sneering smile, obviously very satisfied.There is no immediate plan to rescue him.

But Du Yu only took a second to make a decision!

"All press on, rescue!" Du Yu ordered.

Michela didn't understand very well, but since the captain made a decision, her [Andariel's Face] immediately added poison to the bow and arrow, and shot fiercely at Lakanos, the King of Despair.

Rakanos was immediately poisoned, and life began to slip slowly but surely.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, he was the first to charge forward.

Sai Yiwu rushed forward on a steed, wielding a Damascus steel knife, and shouted at Du Yu, "Why?"

Du Yu said without raising his head, "Because Lakanos is so powerful, how powerful should Diablo be? Even if we fight each other, we must ensure that everyone can go back alive?"

Sai Yiwu was taken aback for a moment, and became thoughtful.

The power of Lakanos is fully reflected in the battle with the Shinra people.It is not only powerful in melee combat, but also has the ability to summon. There are constantly licker ghouls and dark abyss bats. Under its call, they walk out of the void and rush towards adventurers.

A powerful single boss is not scary, but this kind of boss who is good at summoning and can fight is scary.The formation of the adventurer team is always dispersed by the summoned objects, unable to form a whole force.

The Shinra people are about to collapse. If there is no reinforcement, Lakanos may cause serious damage to this adventurous team with different ambitions. How can we kill Diablo?

Sai Yiwu sighed softly and charged with the Sudanese adventurers.

Now that you decide to kill, then use all your moves and fight to the death.

Any indecision on the Hell difficulty showdown can lead to disastrous results.

The battle quickly entered the Rush phase.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng rushed up together and fought fiercely with Lakanos.But the strong men in the first wave of reinforcements were not the three brothers.

But the East is undefeated.

That's right, the superpower who was forced to enter the fourth act appeared in front of Lakanos with a flicker, as if traveling through time and space. eyeball.

Lakanos, like the triangular head of a prawn, let out a painful "hiss" coldly, and twitched back.

Eyeballs exploded.

Dongfang Bubai looked indifferent, and the red clouds floated around Lakanos!
Every time it can cause Rakanos to roar in pain.

The damage is definitely astronomical.

Du Yu also sighed inwardly.This Dongfang Bubai is definitely an unborn martial arts genius.

But the invincibility of the East alone is not enough to completely control Lakanos.Lakanos flashed a move, and his huge body appeared behind Dongfang Bubai. With a slash of white light, the saw hand pierced Dongfang Bubai's back.

This mighty King of Despair is by no means a fool who just stands there and lets adventurers blow him up.His strength is multi-faceted, and his fighting instinct and accomplishment are also an important aspect.

This move almost blocked all of Dongfang Bubai's routes, if he didn't dodge, he would be pierced.

But Dongfang Bubai flew in mid-air, like a fairy, with a pair of long legs under the red dress, turned 180 degrees, and leaped over the saw hand like a vault.

And Tian Yulang suddenly appeared behind Lakanos, accompanied by the dark underground demonic energy.

The ultimate skill, the Resentful Prison Necromancer Blade!
Hei Qiqi's sword of the demon world pierced Lakanos' back!

Even as a BOSS on hell difficulty, Lakanos couldn't bear this blow, roared in pain, and turned to fight.

But Tian Yulang's Resentment Prison Necromancer Blade is just the beginning.

He howled sharply, and the crystal magic ball in his hand was filled with clouds of black air, absorbing Lakanos forcefully.

Lakanos was actually dragged underground by Tian Yulang.There is hell in the demon world!
Seeing this scene, the middle-aged angel who was slashing wildly frowned.

The demonic aura on Tian Yulang's body made Angel very unhappy.

This kind of displeasure was also brought into the emotions towards the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty by the angel.

Sure enough, it was the team of paladins and priests who made the angel feel the most cordial.

Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang's powerful moves bought precious time for the fleeing Shenluo people.The terrified Western adventurers finally stabilized their ground.

"Counterattack!" Lampard's knight rushed forward, hitting a shield attack with a high skill level, interrupting Lakanos' counterattack.

The horn of counterattack was sounded.

Adventurers from all over the world have entered a crazy output rhythm, seized the opportunity when Lakanos was brought into the semi-underground by Tian Yulang and couldn't move, and attacked frantically.

But how could Lakanos admit defeat so easily?
With a wave of its hand, more lickers appeared from the black mist and rushed towards the crazy adventurers.

Jack the Ripper, the captain of the Orphans in the Twist team, walks around Lakanos insidiously, stabbing his vitals with scissors from time to time.He has a special skill that can see through the enemy's vitals with a very high priority, causing double damage.This kind of assassin's special skill, under the scissors of the Ripper, its power is brought to the extreme.But the tattered old English gentleman's burqa on his body emits black mist from time to time, which can cover his various actions and avoid attacks.

But at this time, his face was gloomy, because there were more lickers rushing from all directions than expected.And his original mighty Orphans in the Twist, after rounds of elimination, there is not much left.

"Jackfield! You pig, I told you to watch my back! Can't you even shoot?"

Jackfield's superpowers had long been used up. At this time, he was holding a sprayer similar to a holy shotgun, and was violently attacking the lickers who rushed forward, roaring: "I can't stand it anymore! Get out!"

Jack the Ripper snorted coldly.In the Orphans in the Twist team, as the captain, he exclusively enjoys 50% of the income. After a round of adventures, he has already made a lot of money. Except for the cloak, which cannot be replaced, he has already changed all other equipment.

Yishui's new equipment.

The scissors at this time are even more legendary equipment [Aztec Sacrificial Blade], which is very powerful and has a higher chance of triggering the instant death judgment.

For the BOSS, the chance of this instant death judgment appearing is small, but once it appears, I will completely lose it!
(End of this chapter)

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