Chapter 890 Wanwan Illusion, The Demon God is Wrathful! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu had already jumped up, and with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he blasted towards Diablo's back.Diablo's taunt was slapped firmly!
The 9th level of Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms!

With the power of one blow, the demon god shook the ground twice!
The damage was higher than Diablo imagined!

Don't forget, Du Yu's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is a veritable subduing dragon, causing extra priority and damage to high-level creatures such as gods, immortals, dragons, and phoenixes!
In other words, the more powerful a creature exists, the more it will be injured in front of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!
Don't forget, Du Yu also has the s-level treasure and the Jade Seal's [Awe-inspiring Righteousness]: After being equipped, the damage to all dark creatures will be increased by 50%, and this attribute can be superimposed with other buffs.

After the two phases are superimposed, there is also a powerful martial arts and [Monkey King's Tricks] suit. The damage of each blow is enough to pose a direct threat to Diablo!

Du Yu took advantage of Diablo's bragging, and launched a fierce attack.

At the same time, Wan Wan landed behind Diablo without making a sound.She was submerged in a black mist, and she was so skillful that even Diablo didn't notice it, let alone other adventurers.

The illusion of the king of lies!
The skills of Belial, the king of lies, have been upgraded to the 7th floor again by using Du Yu's villain value in the following world!
S-level skills on the 7th floor!
There are two precious branches of skill rewards, both of which are used to strengthen the priority of skills against high-level beings, ensuring that this precious demon move can be effective against powerful beings!
The sword pointed at Diablo.

The fantasy skills that Du Yu and Houhou had invested heavily in had played a major role at this time.

Around Diablo, there was suddenly no trace of any adventurer, but billowing smoke and flames from hell.

Burning hell.

This place turned out to be a burning hell.

Diablo was stunned.

With his Diablo ability, there is no existence in the world that can cast such a realistic illusion, except for one existence.

Belial, the king of lies!

It was because of being fooled by the king of lies that he was exiled to the world by the four great demon generals.

The king of big lies!

Diablo turned his body furiously, trying to find the flaw in this illusion.

but no.

With the strength of his fusion of 7 great demon gods, he still couldn't find the flaw of this illusion skill up to level 7 for a while.

And the long-range artillery fire from the adventurers bombarded him intensively all the time.Although many skills were ruled invalid because of Diablo's rough skin and thick flesh, the defense priority was extremely high, but the ants killed elephants more often.Diablo was not reconciled to being beaten so continuously.

Du Yu appeared in the void, and continued to bombard Diablo with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Diablo became furious: "What do you mean by bringing me to this burning hell?"

Du Yu laughed, and said proudly, "I am just taking my respected Mr. Diablo to review your past glorious achievements."

When Diablo looked up, he saw a scene of the past that made him brood.

The ones who gathered there were the four great demon generals.

Andariel, Queen of Pain, Azmodan, Lord of Sin, Duriel, King of Pain, and Belial, King of Lies!

The Four Great Demon Generals are talking about how to seal themselves, their brothers Barr, and Mephisto!
This scene made Diablo so angry that his eyes were about to burst.

Diablo yelled furiously: "You idiot, idiot, provoking me so much will only make me kill you all in a more cruel way!"

The last time he was going to play a bitter trick, but his subordinates used his tricks and exiled him to the human world. For the invincible Diablo, it was the beginning of painful memories.

Since then, he and the three brothers have been sealed again and again.

First, Prince Aiden, the only son of King Leoric of the first generation, defeated him, and then sealed him in the dark soul stone. The second time he finally resurrected, he was rushed into the Burning Hell by the hero, and was sealed in the Forgotten Trial.The experience of Barr and Mephisto, being sealed and imprisoned by Tal Rasha and other human heroes one after another, is also called a bumpy one.

They are not like the three demon gods who came to the world, but they are like three poor children who were kidnapped and sold to the world.

It's all tears when I say it, it's all caused by these hateful four demon generals!

Diablo was completely enraged.

As he spoke, he launched a crazy trampling.

Trampling is a must-have directional skill, but since you are in an illusion at this time, you can't see where the enemy is.Even Du Yu's figure was probably the result of Houhou's fraud.

But Diablo still activated the skill he had used once, and rushed towards Du Yu's phantom.

Sure enough, under Diablo's ferocious trampling, Du Yu's figure disappeared in an instant like soap bubbles in the sun.

But Diablo didn't care. After launching the trample, he eliminated Du Yu's phantom, and immediately released the second stage of the ultimate move.

Ring Fireball!

The indiscriminate 360-degree annular fireball shoots out in all directions with crazy speed and momentum!
There were screams all around.

Illusion, in the final analysis, is a confusing tactic, but it cannot change the surrounding space.

Around Diablo's invisible surroundings, adventurers are rushing forward crazily. Li Tang and Captain No. [-] charged forward, but they were caught on fire by Diablo's ring-shaped fireball head-on!

This is Diablo on Hell Difficulty.

Even if the strongest MTs of the adventurers are at the top, Diablo's tyrannical flames still cannot resist the burning.

They fell down one after another, and the healing light fell on them immediately, and the assistants of the wolf pupil team were desperately pulling them back from the gate of hell.

The illusion disappeared immediately.

Diablo looked proudly at the adventurers who were tumbling on the ground and covered in flames, and laughed wildly: "I said, you will reap the consequences yourself. Does it feel good to piss me off?"

This is Diablo's powerful ability, and after casting a trample, it will launch a series of fireballs in all directions.As long as it is close, there is almost no possibility of dodging.I can only pray that luck is on my side.

Diablo rushed towards the adventurers with a grin. The anger caused by the illusion just now needs to be vented.

But Du Yu rushed forward!
The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, against each other!

At this moment, Du Yu was playing resolutely and resolutely, like a knight fighting a dragon, rushing up suddenly, smashing mountains and seas with his palm, and roaring out.

The roar of the real dragon resounded throughout the Supreme Heaven.

Even as proud as Diablo, he had to give up his plan to slaughter melee adventurers and fight Du Yu head-to-head.

Palm to flesh, damage combo!
On Du Yu's body, the image of a dragon and wolf that terrified Diablo emerged. When he was still in the state of a soul, he was often chased and bitten by this evil wolf.Although he had recovered his full body at this time, the roar of the dragon wolf still chilled Diablo subconsciously.

Taking this opportunity, the adventurers who were on fire were rushed to rescue under the command of Michelle.

With Shinra and Sultan not participating in the war, the power of the wolf pupil team and the parliamentary state alone cannot be compared with before.

But Du Yu, fighting with passion and strength, insisted on fighting Diablo without giving an inch, and fought fiercely.

Although his body was scratched to pieces by Diablo's sharp claws, and the steel and iron body of the demon god even vomited blood continuously when he hit the ground, but his face was full of arrogance, the rage of a warrior fighting, and his momentum was overwhelming. , it is exciting.

The wolf pupil team is on fire one after another, this is their captain, Du Yu!
At the critical moment, Captain Du Yu stepped forward and fought fiercely with the demon god for them.

Not to mention Captain Du Yu's unrivaled martial arts, being able to confront Diablo head-on, his courage alone is admirable.

Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Shendiao rushed forward from three sides, pinching Diablo.

And a red cloud flew across like lightning, piercing Diablo's eyeball.

East is undefeated!

This supreme martial arts expert finally made a bold move.

If Du Yu hadn't fought so desperately, she wouldn't have taken the lead so easily.

This opportunity must be seized.

But Diablo once again smashed the crazy counterattack of the adventurers with his unreasonable strength!
Ring of flames!

Around his devil-like body, a raging fire burned.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng roared in pain at the same time, and the eagle shrieked, its feathers were all ablaze.

Unlike the previous ring fireball, which only has one damage determination, the ring of flames will cause a circle of fire, and anyone standing in the circle of fire will receive continuous burning damage.

This is a magic weapon for Diablo to break the group attack.

If you want to besiege him, you have to take fire damage at the same time.

Fortunately, before the battle started, Wang Yuyan pointed out that Diablo had a lot of fire damage skills and needed to strengthen his fire resistance.

Du Yu needless to say, he has the A-level item Garuda Heart, which can greatly increase the fire resistance attribute.Increase fire resistance by 60 points and reduce fire damage by 60%.In addition, the perfect level diamonds inlaid on his green suit by Michelle increased the overall resistance by 50%.The additional fire damage has approached zero.

And the others also received Shan Wanjing's enhanced equipment to varying degrees, increasing their fire resistance.The only exception is the unlucky Brother God Eagle.He was dressed in handsome scum feathers, and was burned by Diablo. At this time, his buttocks were naked, and he was frantically pecking at Diablo's vitals with eyes full of anger, wishing to choose someone to eat.

It's no wonder, this old handsome pot god brother, still pointing to this handsome feather to come to an old cow to eat tender grass, and make a young and beautiful female eagle.He couldn't cover his face and was burnt like this. His handsome face couldn't be preserved no matter what.

The ring of flames was still burning, but Du Yu and others survived the first round, and then attacked even more frantically.

And the rescued adventurers, after treatment, started to output crazily again.

"Hit!" Myshea shot poisonous arrows every time, causing Diablo to be continuously poisoned.After all, it is Andariel's venom, and even the God of Destruction cannot be completely exempted.

Leah gritted her teeth, and shot at Diablo with an arrow, which pierced into the bone, causing terrible injuries.

Everyone worked hard to win.

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(End of this chapter)

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