Chapter 891 Hell Cage, Territory of Fear! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Diablo blocked Dongfang Bubai's embroidery needle attack like lightning.

This is the first time that Dongfang Invincible has been successfully blocked by someone since this world!
The speed she was so proud of couldn't work in front of Diablo!
As for Diablo, with a smirk, he grabbed East Bubai.

Dongfang Bubai let out a cold snort, and with a peerless and graceful posture in the air, he floated lightly and dodged the fatal blow.

But Diablo's move has only just begun.

He raised his hands above his head, and black circles randomly appeared on the ground at this time!
"No, it's a cage of hell! Run!" Du Yu had already studied Diablo's effective fighting style through Wang Yuyan and Shen Luoyan, and immediately roared.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng immediately turned over and jumped, Dongfang Bubai took a step ahead and floated backwards.

Li Tang, Captain No. [-] and other forcibly restrained MTs moved a little slower.

They are plate armor professions, and their speed is a shortcoming. This Diablo's hell cage is extremely fast, even if they see the black circle under their feet, they can't dodge it in time!
Five extremely sharp hell spikes will rise from the ground!

They stabbed at Du Yu, Dongfang Bubai, Yang Guo, Li Tang and Captain No. [-] respectively.

The first three were all superb lightness kung fu, and escaped the capture of the cage at the critical moment, but the last two were caught straight.

Diablo's huge body of the demon god loomed large in front of the two of them, staring at him with endless anger, and he was imprisoned in a cage. Ordinary adventurers couldn't help but faint when they thought of this scene , not to mention personal experience?

And another terrifying passive skill of Diablo has been activated invisibly.

That is the coercion of the demon god.

This coercion is like a halo, omnipresent, as long as it is within a certain range of Diablo, it will be affected every moment.The originally firm mind will be shaken, and some powerful skills will not be able to be used because of trembling and fear.

It can be said that every adventurer is experiencing double suffering.The strong sense of oppression in the battle is one aspect, and the greater threat is the hurdle that cannot be avoided in the heart!

Demon God Diablo is invincible.

It is impossible for the skills and weapons in my hands to penetrate his body like iron and steel and cause any harm to him.

This is an enemy that cannot be defeated, and it is important to escape as soon as possible.

These thoughts are irresistibly breeding in the hearts of every adventurer.

For combat, this is of course extremely disadvantageous.

Li Tang and Captain No. [-] in the cage are very close to Diablo, and they are extremely oppressed by the fear halo of the demon god.

Although both of them are warriors who have experienced many battles, even though they told themselves with all their strength that if they messed up, they would die even worse.But it was unavoidable that he was still affected by the halo of fear.

"No!" Captain No. [-] screamed wildly, using [Weishmaqu's Defense] to violently beat the Hell Spike, trying to get himself out.

Li Tang tried his best to fight against the fear. His method was much calmer than that of Captain No. [-]—activating skills.

Although it is an MT known for its defense, it also has a lot of output skills. Cooperating with the precise firepower from Michelle in the distance, it cooperates with the outside and destroys the hell spikes crazily.

Diablo was not in a hurry to launch a deadly attack, like a cat playing with a mouse, playing with the two adventurers looking at the Hell Spike, laughing wildly.

This is also the original intention of the Angel of Hope to give the adventurers the rope of hope—resisting the fear aura of the demon god Diablo is the basic premise of fighting.

But Diablo didn't intend to let the adventurer go back alive. He suddenly raised his foot and stepped on Li Tang who was about to get out of the cage.

The wolf pupil team roared in shock and anger.

Seeing that Li Tang, the deputy captain, was about to be trampled into meat paste by Diablo.No one doubted Diablo's fatal blow.

Fortunately, there is prevention!
After Du Yu dodged the attack, he found that Li Tang and Captain No. [-] had been captured, and immediately turned and fought back.

With a slight step, he appeared in front of the imprisoned Li Tang, and with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he shattered the crumbling hell spikes.

Li Tang escaped from the cage in embarrassment and immediately retreated outward.

Diablo's huge claws completely crushed the hell spike cage.

But it's a pity that Li Tang escaped a second ago, but he didn't succeed this time.

He furiously glanced at Du Yu at his feet, and shot at Du Yu with a flaming move.

Du Yu flew like a butterfly through flowers, dodged the attack, and then slammed his palm on Diablo's knee.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that he is trying to entangle Diablo and create conditions for the No. [-] captain who is also imprisoned to break through.

The five teammates of Captain No. 5 were moved to tears by Du Yu, and Sam roared: "Fire, save Captain!"

Several people rushed forward desperately, focusing on the hell spikes, trying to rescue the captain.

The other members of the wolf pupil team began to focus on Diablo crazily to attract his attention.

But Diablo has one goal in mind—to kill the prey imprisoned by the Infernal Spikes.

He launched a charge and trampled on the target of Captain No. [-] who was in chaos.

No one can resist the high-priority charge and trample.

Everyone seemed to have seen the chaotic No. [-] captain being trampled and knocked away by the demon god, and then burned into a mass of scorched corpses by the ring fireball.

No one can stop this.

But Du Yu didn't believe it!
With a wave of his hand, Houhou reappeared for the second time, and the powerful 7th-level S skill, The Illusion of the King of Lies, was activated again.

It worked again!

Diablo was pulled into the fantasy space again.

His charge trampled, naturally lost his aim, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and he slammed into a crystal arch column. He didn't stop until the arch column collapsed and the crystal shattered.

Diablo yelled frantically, "You bastards are using illusion again!"

Seeing him looking left and right, with a furious and dazed expression on his face, everyone knew that he was still in the illusion, unable to judge everyone's position, took a long breath, and quickly smashed the spikes of Captain No. Pushed and shoved, dragged out and carried to the rear.

Shen Luoyan calmly said in the space: "This is Diablo's common tactic. Hell spikes imprison the hero in it. Once stabbed by the hell cage, Diablo will teleport to the adventurer and grab it. Afterwards, Deal a lot of damage to the adventurer, then throw it to the ground, and apply the debuff effect of the curse of destruction. Diablo will activate five hell spikes each time. Once you see black things flashing on the ground, run away! "

Du Yu ordered: "Everyone use slow down, cold, stun or freeze on Diablo to control him! Keep moving and use high output skills to attack Diablo, and at the same time hide the hell cage!"

After speaking, he took the lead and rushed towards Diablo.

Diablo entered another illusion at this time.

An illusion carefully designed by Du Yu and Hou Hou.

This time it was another painful memory for him—the battle of being sealed by Aiden.

Horadric hero Aiden, a young hero, a newborn calf, heroic and unstoppable.

Although Diablo roared again and again, when he was exiled to the human world by the four demon generals, he lost most of his magic power, was forced to be suppressed by Aiden, and finally had to be sealed in humiliation.

"Roar!" Diablo was completely furious.

These human beings challenged his bottom line time and time again, dragging himself back to painful memories and hitting his confidence.

And the various pains from his body made him even more insane.

Being in an illusion, he couldn't see where the attack was coming from, but Du Yu knew clearly that he was taking advantage of his ignorance to use the eighteen palms of the dragon again and again, causing serious damage!
Every blow of this tiny mortal actually made Diablo tremble from the bottom of his heart.

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms contain a huge amount of true energy internal force, and waves of attacks are overwhelming.

Diablo's life was slowly but surely declining.

He violently destroyed several of Du Yu's phantoms, but under the cover of Houhou's field-controlling illusion, Du Yu abruptly stood beside Diablo and held out for 3 minutes!

The cheers and powerful output of the wolf pupil team never stopped, for their captain, and even for the elimination of Diablo.

Diablo's health decreased all the way to about 50%, and he suddenly stopped struggling furiously.

The adventurers ignored it and continued to attack wildly.

Du Yu felt a little strange.

Danger is approaching.

Diablo sneered: "The illusion of the king of lies? Just want to defeat me? Even if the king of lies himself comes, he will kneel and submit under my wrath, let alone you copycats? Since you are willing Play with illusions, let me teach you, what is the truly terrifying illusion!"

He roared to the sky.

Du Yu and the others felt their bodies tense up, and they couldn't help but fly upwards!

"Oops! It's the Domain of Fear that Diablo can only use in his heyday!" Shen Luoyan cried out, "Get out of the way, everyone."

But unfortunately, this is an invincible group skill.

All adventurers were teleported into the Realm of Fear by Diablo!
The Realm of Fear is equivalent to a parallel space constructed by Diablo himself. There is black mist everywhere, the dry ground, and the demon summoning circle drawn with black dried blood. There is an aura of fear everywhere.

"Hahaha" Diablo laughed crazily, and walked out heavily.

"Kill him!" The impulsive adventurer was about to rush up on the spot.

But Diablo waved his hand contemptuously.

A shadow exactly like Diablo stepped out of the dark fog of fear and smiled grimly at the adventurer.

"Is this an illusion?" Li Tang asked doubtfully.

"Diablo is actually playing tricks with us? Using illusions to deal with our illusions?" Myshea trembled.

"No!" Leah, who knew Diablo best, said this time, "According to my uncle Kane's diary, Diablo's Domain of Fear is a powerful skill that can only be displayed by him in perfect condition. Diablo's nightmare is not entirely an illusion. He also has health and attack power just like his real body. The most frightening thing is that he also has a special ability-corrosion curse, which can greatly weaken the defense of adventurers , under two pincer attacks, it will cause heavy casualties."

(End of this chapter)

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