Chapter 892 Brainstorming?Pineapple must die! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Every adventurer's heart is heavy.

One Diablo is enough for everyone to drink a pot. It is only due to the toughness of Du Yu's boss and the support of Houhou's illusion. trick?
"You must defeat Diablo's nightmare! Only then can you break out of the realm of fear!" Leah said firmly.

"Then let's fight!" Du Yu laughed wildly and jumped up.

With a roar of fear and nightmare, a move [Hell Prison] was used!
Diablo's real body also used the same [Hell Cage] at the same time!
[Hell Cage] Can imprison 5 victims at a time, and the joint force of two Diablos can expand the range of this move to 10 people!

All of a sudden, there were black circles everywhere on the cracked ground!
The wolf pupil team suddenly fell into chaos.

Everyone knows the dire consequences of being imprisoned by hell spikes.

But this time the earth cage is too dense, and there is no place to run if you want to.

In this way, in the end, the wolf pupil team and the parliamentary country were arrested for a total of 5 people!
5 adventurers, it is impossible not to save.

The greater threat is the overlap of the fear halos of the two Diablos.

In this way, the possibility of being feared is greatly increased.

Not long after, the five adventurers fell into the frenzy of Captain No. 5 amidst the anxiety of being imprisoned and the fear halo of the two Diablos.

The more frenzied, the more disorganized, the more unable to escape the hands of the Demon God.

Du Yu!

It's Du Yu again!

He rushed to the middle of the five people, and suddenly took out something!
[True Dragon Son of Heaven]: After equipped, it can obtain the coercive effect of weather power, and weaken the combat effectiveness of other weather powers by 15%.

True dragon emperor, vast righteousness!
All kinds of Diablo's coercive aura suddenly subsided significantly.

The five people around immediately felt at ease and recovered from the confusion and fear.

The adventurers rushed forward, setting fire to the hell spikes.

"Due to the dim vision in the domain of fear, avoiding the hell spikes will become the most troublesome part of this battle. At this stage, we can easily be caught by Diablo."

Shen Luoyan reminded in the heart of the castle.

"Fire a flash bomb!" Du Yu ordered.

Michela's flash bombs were fired randomly, and her unique magic effect [Illumination] was attached.

In the dark domain of fear, it suddenly became bright as day.

Fearing the nightmare, he roared angrily.

A wave of attacks was actually broken, making it very angry, and launched the [Ring of Flames] desperately!
And Diablo's real body also activated accordingly.

Two Rings of Flame, overlapped and cut!
An unrescued wolf pupil team adventurer was unfortunately hit by two flames at the same time, and before he could scream, he was reduced to a ball of ashes.

Died on the spot.

But another adventurer was grabbed by Diablo's real body.

The moment Du Yu's roar hit the Demon God's chest, pop!
That unlucky adventurer was caught by Diablo!

Blood and stumps flowed slowly from between the demon god's sharp claws.

"That's right." Diablo licked the flesh and blood on his palm greedily, and smiled grimly.

Shen Luoyan continued to analyze: "Every time a skill is activated, the nightmare moves first, followed by the real body. Once the two skills overlap, the power is much greater than before. What is even more elusive is the mobility of the nightmare, which moves everywhere. It is difficult for us to form a formation and deal with Diablo on both ends at the same time."

Du Yu said coldly: "Therefore, we must first defeat Diablo's real body. After dealing a certain amount of damage to his real body, he should not be able to maintain this domain of fear, and we will have the dawn of victory."

"The question is, which one is the real body?" Shen Luoyan turned his eyes to Diablo.

"At first glance, the red end should be the real body. But it's not true, who knows if the black end of the nightmare is the real body?" Shen Luoyan also had a headache.

"It doesn't matter how many, let's grab one and beat it hard." Du Yu looked at the black nightmare with a half-smile.

This Demon God Nightmare took the lead in attacking several times in a row, so there is a high possibility that it is the real one.

Du Yu roared: "Everyone summon pets to assist, such as heaven and earth spirits, ancestor summons or sentry guards! Try to reduce the health of Diablo's shadow! His life is less than a certain level, and he can't maintain this fear. domain."

The wolf pupil team started to act.

Under such strong pressure, the wolf pupil team's advantages of long battles and tacit cooperation were brought into play.Although the scene was chaotic, the chaos was orderly.

Du Yu personally summoned Moliel and Helfah to help out and besiege the black clone nightmare.

He, Dongfang Bubai, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng rushed towards the black shadow at the same time.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky, but it was Anakin who had just rushed to the battlefield and was sucked in.

This was indeed beyond Du's expectations.

Anakin was taken aback, and immediately took out his sniper rifle, aiming at the head of Diablo, who was madly showing off his power, and with a snap, the demon god's eyes were concentrated, causing Diablo to roar wildly in pain.

"I came to join the battle in my own name." Anakin patted the sniper rifle and said coldly.

Du Yu nodded.

Those who dare to fight with Diablo are doing well.

Although Anakin is conceited and arrogant, he still has courage after all.

The health of Diablo's nightmare is steadily decreasing.

Although he kept killing adventurers, under the leadership of Du Yu and others, the adventurers did not give up an inch, output crazily, and still caused terrible damage.

Especially Du Yu himself, every time the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon strikes, it can cause more than 2000 points of heavy damage to Diablo.

Diablo's nightmare finally roared unwillingly.

"How on earth did you see through my real body?" Nightmare growled.

But his red body is slowly disappearing.

Everyone can see that Du Yu's judgment is accurate, this nightmare body is the real body, and the real body is a fake.

Du Yu raised his eyebrows: "Do you know why every time you are born, you are sealed?"

Diablo was taken aback by asking this question.

Du Yu shrugged: "Because, every time you open your mind!"

Who doesn't know that every time Diablo is possessed, the possessor needs to insert the dark soul stone into his forehead.From the second generation of Aiden to the third generation of Adelia, there is a big black hole on the forehead.

This is really a bad joke.

The adventurers of the wolf pupil team burst into laughter, and the atmosphere of the bloody fierce battle was eased because of this cold joke.

But Diablo, who was ridiculed, became even more furious.

This group of damned ants actually made fun of me?

He said with a smirk: "Although you have broken my nightmare, your nightmare has only just begun! Look at the trick!"

The terrifying Demon God waved his hand.

Opposite Du Yu, there was a black self.

The dress is exactly the same, the appearance is exactly the same, even the moves are exactly the same.

Diablo laughed wildly: "Come on, fight with yourselves."

Everyone in the wolf pupil team was surprised to find that there was an identical clone standing opposite them.

"You will win only if each of you defeats the clone." Diablo grinned. "Of course, I won't be idle either."

He immediately charged at an adventurer, unleashing a stomp and dash.

Du Yu blankly glanced at the clone in front of him.

"Do you want to deal with your clone?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly pointed: "Look, fuck!"

The avatar couldn't help himself, looking into a void.

Wan Hou giggled, appeared behind the clone, and destroyed the clone with a big move from the Heavenly Demon.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a perfect clone, even the weakness of lust is so consistent." Wan Wan scratched her face with her little hand, shyly avoiding it.

Du Yu laughed loudly, and hugged Houhou: "This clone is still not realistic enough. If I have the ability to clone all of you beauties, I will take a double share. From now on, beauties can realize true double flying. !"

Humiliated and furious, Houhou rewarded his master with a white cloud, rushed towards Diablo, and used illusion to support the team's battle.

Shi Feixuan and other beauties hid in the darkness and shot from time to time, wishing their teammates a helping hand, and quickly killed the shadow clones one after another.

What makes people laugh and cry is that the most difficult to kill is the clone of Dongfang Invincible.I saw a group of black shadows and a group of red clouds entangled together, the speed was so fast that no one could keep up with this pace.

In the end, the Eastern Invincible still won.

Shadow clones have only one-third of the life of the original body, which is their only weakness.

After killing the Shadow of Diablo, everyone was teleported back to the Crystal Arch with an or sound and entered the final stage.

"Diablo is dying!"

Du Yu roared angrily: "Everyone, work harder and kill him in one go!"

The wolf pupil team roared in unison, and their morale was greatly boosted.

Being able to survive two rounds of killing by Diablo, everyone has a real understanding of this demon god.

Indeed powerful, but not invincible.

At this moment, everyone heard the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Shinra, Sultan, Datang Sanren

Teams of adventurers jumped up from below and rushed towards Diablo.

"Lampard? Sai Yiwu? Tian Yulang?" Everyone was excited.

Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment, these guys finally rushed forward.

Lampard roared: "Devil, as a knight of justice, I must kill you myself."

Michelle spat: "Bah, I'm here to take advantage of the fallen peaches, and I'm pretending to be a savior. Bah!"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't be picky. It's fine as long as you come."

With a wave of his hand, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, who had been fighting with Diablo for a long time, turned over and retreated. Only the bare-bottomed vulture, who had a deep hatred, was pecking at the God of Destruction frantically.

Tian Yulang, Lampard, and Saiwu saw Diablo fighting fiercely with the adventurers, but failed to kill them all. On the contrary, Diablo was beaten into a mess.

The three of them took a closer look, and as expected, Diablo's scales were broken everywhere, several bone spurs on his tail were broken, and bright red blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was overjoyed!
With a reserved smile on his face, Lampard swept towards Du Yu, summoned his war horse suddenly, and charged Diablo crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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