Chapter 896 Blacksmith Artifact!Pineapple skills! - Ask for a monthly pass!

There is no camp, no country, no strength, everyone hugs and cheers.

Once upon a time, everyone thought they were dead.

But Du Yu didn't lie to everyone.

Relying on his strong play, Diablo was successfully defeated and escaped.

Although he couldn't get Diablo's soul stone, other rewards were not lacking at all!


As for the golden equipment, there is no need to mention the minutiae.

This rich harvest made all adventurers jealous!
The Shinra people, the Sudanese, the Sanren of the Tang Dynasty, and the parliamentary state were all jealous.

Everyone dispersed quickly, and there was no more hug and harmony at the moment of celebrating the victory.


No permanent friends, only permanent interests.

But the ruthless facts quickly made the Shinra people, the Sudanese and the Datang Sanren completely dumbfounded!
Because the contribution is not enough!
Thinking about it with their buttocks, they knew that in the first two stages of the battle with Diablo, they were greedy for life and afraid of death, so they didn't participate in the battle at all.

And the only ones participating in the battle were Du Yu's wolf pupil team and the Parliament!
And when they saw the hope and came to pick up the fallen peaches, it happened that Diablo went berserk, showing off his might, and they were all crying for their fathers and mothers, throwing their helmets and armors down, and they didn't create much contribution.

The final result is assessed.

Datang wolf pupil team, the contribution rate is 88%.

Parliamentary country Zulu and Toledo, etc., contributed 8%.
The remaining adventurers from the Three Kingdoms combined contributed only a pitiful 4%.


Wang Xiaorong could only grit her teeth and watch as Maishela picked and picked among Diablo's mountain of top-notch trophies in front of her.

In fact, there is nothing to choose.Because that domineering 88% contribution rate is enough to cover all the legendary equipment and green suits.

Some of the remaining equipment will be taken away by the desperadoes of the parliamentary country.All that is left for the adventurers of the Three Kingdoms is poor scum.

But what can Wang Xiaorong do?

The adventurers of the wolf pupil team cheered again and again in front of her in great surprise.

"Fuck, this is a good thing!"

Michela picked up a dark golden hammer from all kinds of golden rewards.

[Hammer of Horadric]!
How many people remember that this is the special hammer used by the blacksmith Chasi in Diablo 2. It is so powerful that it can infuse the blacksmith with magic, turning a piece of white equipment into gold equipment!

In terms of attributes, the Dark Gold Hammer dropped from Hell did not disappoint Du Yu and the others.

[Hammer of Horadric]: Adventurers and plot characters use professional equipment.It contains the ultimate blacksmithing technique of the Horadric Cult. A-level space props, function: the user's blacksmith skill is increased by 3 levels.Increase the success rate of blacksmith decomposition and custom building by 10%.Increase the number of successfully decomposed materials by 10%.When custom-made, the number of magic attributes of the customized equipment will automatically increase by 1. The probability of top-quality attributes will be increased by 15%.

The appearance of this dark gold professional equipment made Du Yu heave a sigh of relief, extremely satisfied.

When Shan Wanjing entered the Diablo, she had her own level 7 blacksmith skills. In the Diablo, she used the generous support of all teams to upgrade to level 15 in one go.Now with this [Hradik Hammer], she will be passively increased to level 18 in one leap!
As a level 18 blacksmith, Du Yu believes that only his beauty Shan Wanjing can do it in the space.

The former princess of Dongming faction finally grew into the most powerful space blacksmith in his own hands!
The space equipment she can create has also broken through the shackles of BB level, and has been promoted to A level in one go!
Level A is the difficulty of the Imperial City.

That is to say, as long as Shan Wanjing is given enough materials and blueprints, she will be able to produce terrifying Imperial City weapons in the team of adventurers in the outer city of the wolf pupil team!
Unlimited purchases, unlimited quantities, self-sufficiency.

What a terrifying and powerful weapon this is?

No wonder a philosopher in ancient Greece said, give a man a sword and you can make a warrior, but give a man-made sword craft and you can make an army.

Shan Wanjing's role and status in the wolf pupil team in the future will definitely be no less than that of Shang Xiuxun.

Of course, she has to give full play to her talents, but there are also restrictions.

That is materials and drawings.

With no skill level and no blueprints, Shan Wanjing can only slowly explore the secrets of A-level equipment by herself, and even if she finds out, she can only look at the pictures and sigh.

A-level materials, of course, only monsters above A-level can drop them.

This puts higher demands on Du Yu and the MF of the Wolf Tong team.

But Du Yu was still extremely excited.

As long as there is a problem, there is a solution.

After Shan Wanjing got the [Hradik Hammer], the little bird nestled in Du Yu's arms like a human being, with a happy expression on her face.

As the princess of Dongming School, she is also eager to realize her own value.

Being able to create elite weapons and armor for her husband is her greatest value as a little wife.She would be immensely proud.

And another generous gift that Diablo broke out also satisfied Du Yu.

That is five skill books.

[Ring of Flame]: A-level skill, fire-type skill.Around you, a raging fire is burning, and every enemy who steps into the fire will suffer continuous fire damage.The damage formula is mana (internal power) * 10 per second, and the priority is 60 base priority + skill level * 2. The duration of the first level is 10 seconds.Consumes 80 points of mana/energy per second.

[Field of Fear]: A-level skills, illusion skills.Pull the enemy into the field of fear, create a shadow of fear and nightmare with the same strength as the enemy, and fight the enemy.The priority is 60 base priority + skill level*2.The Shadow of Frightened Nightmare has all the skills of the enemy, and the attack and defense attributes are exactly the same as the enemy, but the HP of the first level is only one-fifth of the enemy.Becomes stronger as the skill level increases.Consumes 50 points of mana/energy per second.

[Charge and trample]: A-level skill, melee skill.Charge forward 100 meters, the charge has its own super body state, and the enemy cannot be interrupted by skills other than grabbing.The damage caused by the charge is twice the sum of the user's strength and agility.After hitting the enemy during the charge, you can cancel the skill at will, stay on the enemy, and trample.The duration of trampling is 2 seconds + 3 second * skill level, and each damage is 1% of the sum of strength and agility.

[Hell Spikes]: A-level skill, field control skill.On the ground, a hell spike appears, imprisoning the prey like a bone prison and continuously inflicting damage.The prey trapped in it will not be able to move and cast spells, and teleportation spells under skill priority cannot be cast.But can counterattack remotely.The priority of this skill is 60 + skill level * 2. The duration of the Hell Spike is not limited, and it can only be disengaged if it is broken.Hell Spike has 10000 health and 500 defense.Every time the skill is upgraded, the number of hell spikes +1, the life value increases by 10000, and the defense power increases by 200. Each cast consumes 200 magic points/internal strength.


Such five powerful skill scrolls made Du Yu laugh from ear to ear.

As for the allocation of the skill book, [Field of Fear], as an illusion skill, naturally had to be allocated to Wan Wan.

Houhou's Heavenly Demon Dafa, combined with [The Illusion of the King of Lies], already produced an excellent chemical reaction, but with this [Field of Fear], it is even more powerful.

And [Hell Spike] was accepted by Du Yu himself. This is an excellent field control skill. When Hou Hou's energy is allocated elsewhere, Du Yu can control the enemy by himself.

His villain value is also enough to upgrade this skill to a very high level, which can immediately form combat power.

And [Trample Charge] was presented by him to Ning Zhongze, who played hard and forced to charge.Imagine that the jade girl of Huashan is holding a Quanzhen sword and rampaging among the enemy groups. Du Yu can't wait for her tough performance like a demon god.

The remaining [Ring of Flame] and [Electric Light Flame] were solemnly put away by him and the skill book of the King of Sin.

Du Yu's lack of magic talents is a shortcoming.These magic-oriented skills need to be in the hands of excellent magicians to shine the brightest.

And Michelle even put all the jewelry, legendary equipment, green suits, etc. into the team warehouse.

This time, the wolf pupil team can be described as a complete victory.

In the subsequent exchange session, Michelle performed even more amazingly, and once again used Taobao to purchase points to squeeze out the points of the other three teams.

In the end, the wolf pupil team purchased a large number of precious materials and drawings.

Now that Shan Wanjing has mastered the crafting technology of A-level weapons and equipment, the most affordable way is to buy back the material blueprints and do it by herself.

And Shan Wanjing finally made a fortune.The adventurers of the Three Kingdoms scrambled to send the good equipment they didn't need to her to disassemble it, and then custom-made equipment suitable for them.

You must know that many adventurers will designate their own heirs among their friends and teammates before they die.Most of the equipment obtained by these inheritance heirs is not required for their own professions and needs to be remade.

Shan Wanjing once again accumulated a lot of wealth for the wolf pupil team.

After returning to the bloody city, what Du Yu saw head-on was Yimei.

On behalf of the imperial court, she welcomes the heroes who have returned from participating in the world competitive team battle.

Du Yu swaggered towards Yimei.

Yimei read out the imperial edict in public, it was nothing more than showing how heroes you are, and how much honor it is to take back the first place for Datang, but there is no specific reward.

Du Yu took the edict, coughed, and walked away.

He has already received a summon from Shenluo Tracy, and he is in a hurry to rush over.As for what this charming and charming queen dowager is going to do?
Du Yu chuckled.

He already has Catherine, but if even Tracy swallowed it in one gulp, what secrets does Shinra have that he doesn't know?

This is a strategic need!
Someone shamelessly finds an excuse for their hookup.

"Hey!" Yi Mei quit, what is your attitude towards the Supervisory Censor who came to reward her?
"Ah?" Du Yu turned his head: "Do you have anything else to do?"

"What's the matter?" Yimei put her hands on her hips and said unceremoniously, "Where is the dark soul stone that the emperor wants you to bring back?"

Du Yu scratched his head: "Haven't you heard? That bastard Diablo has already escaped to the Burning Hell. Where can I get you the Dark Soul Stone?"

Yimei raised her eyebrows upside down and said: "You speak lightly! But what the emperor wants is the result! You didn't get back the dark soul stone, why don't you hurry up and find a way to defend yourself? Are you waiting for the emperor to reprimand you?"

"Ah?" Du Yu was speechless for a while: "I almost risked my life because of this dark soul stone? Is there such a thing as the emperor not rewarding him, but punishing him? Is there such a stupid boss?"

Yimei was so frightened that she hurriedly covered Du Yu's mouth, and said viciously, "Are you crazy? These are treasonous words. Emperor"

Du Yu laughed dryly: "The emperor's business is none of my business? I've tried my best, but I don't care if it doesn't work! As for what the emperor wants to say, that's his business."

"Then what should I do? Sponsor you in front of the emperor?" Yi Mei smiled wryly.

"That's your business."

"Then what do you do? If you get punched to the end"

"That's my business."

Without looking back, Du Yu shook the double whips of the Great Sage on his head, and the handsome and hateful [Monkey King's Hoop Curse] waved his hands away, leaving a handsome and flamboyant back to the gnashing Datang Supervisor Censor.

Yi Mei really wanted to jump up and kill this programmer director who didn't even look down on the emperor!

No matter how you look at this person, you hate him.

That green suit, obviously obtained from Diablo III, is extremely arrogant, and it is also stamped with top-quality gemstones, which makes people look even more angry.

No matter how you look at it, you feel that there is a sense of sight of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, and you seem to be the hard-working Taishang Laojun caught between the Jade Emperor and the monkey?

Two ends of the message, the two ends do not fish well.

Yi Mei almost wanted to gnaw her silver teeth, but finally couldn't help but burst out laughing out loud.

Before this kid was recruited by himself, wasn't he also such a fearless desperado?
Compared with his daring and reckless deeds when he was a prisoner in the past, his arrogance at this time is just acting in his true colors.

Yimei smiled and sighed.

Why doesn't she know that this matter is difficult?

Diablo on hell difficulty is so easy to kill?
Even if the Tang Empire sends out the most elite group of masters, it may not be completely sure to win the demon god on the difficulty of hell, right?
What's more, the adventurers from the four countries who went this time were full of conflicts and internal strife. Du Yu was able to forcefully lead these mobs all the way to Diablo, which is already against the sky!
But the emperor doesn't care about that.

All he wants is results.

Either get back the dark soul stone and be rewarded for meritorious service, or fail to complete the task and be punished.

The emperor of the Long family only cares about winning and losing, not about the process.

Yimei sighed, and went back to think of a way for the hozen, so that he would not be targeted and killed by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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