Chapter 897 Tang Green!News of the assassination! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu smiled wryly and walked towards the fireplace.

The green flame of the Floo powder soared into the sky, illuminating Du Yu's face.

In a sense, Tracy and Catherine are his unexpected women.But the two women, Du Yu, both have their own likings.

Catherine and Du Yu walked hand in hand all the way, and the two had a tacit understanding.

Although Tracy has always been against Du Yu, including now, Du Yu feels that the Empress Dowager is not as ruthless as imagined.

Her affection is only for those she cares about.

Du Yu smiled wryly.

It's a real mess.

Originally, he wanted to leave after playing with Tracy, but after having a child, Du Yu couldn't be so free and easy.

Let's take a step by step.

Du Yu returned to the headquarters of the wolf pupil team and lay down on the bed to rest for a while.

After all, he is a human being and not a god. A night of flamboyant running around might be a supreme enjoyment for other people, but Du Yu's back hurts.

Catherine, who wanted a child wholeheartedly, and Tracy, who was full of maternal tenderness, this glamorous and mature beauties, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, almost squeezed Du Yu dry overnight.

After Du Yu woke up, Mai Laxue was already standing at his door and knocked on the door.

"There are some regiment affairs in the regiment that require you to make decisions," Myshera said with a smile.

"In this team battle, the strong teams in the outer cities of all countries have been weakened. It is a good time for us to take advantage of the momentum and rise." Michelle made a powerful gesture.

Du Yu shook his head slowly: "It seems so. But we should not think that the imperial court and other forces are so simple and will sit back and watch us grow stronger."

Michelle nodded appreciatively.

She fully understood what Du Yu meant.

The teams that can gain a firm foothold in the outer city are more or less related to the big bosses of the imperial court and various forces.

The wolf pupil team has nothing to do with it.Even if the strong team in the outer city of Datang withered badly, could they still sit back and watch the wolf pupil team develop and grow?

"Then shall we still recruit newcomers?" Michelle hesitated.

Du Yu nodded: "Recruit! And the quota can be relaxed a bit. Let's recruit 20 newcomers."

Michela became confused, keeping a low profile while recruiting troops aggressively. What is Du Yu doing?
Du Yu smiled and said, "It's useless to be afraid. Be careful, keep a low profile but don't interrupt the normal pace of development. We still have two worlds, so let's go to the inner city to challenge?"

Michelle nodded: "The gate of the bloody city is closed."

Du Yu said solemnly: "As long as we pass through the gate of the Scarlet City, we will no longer have to be afraid of anyone. The strong team in the inner city is enough to deter the leaders from all sides."

Maishela nodded: "We have gained a lot in the dark, and there is Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop. In the future, we can even publicly forge A-level weapons and obtain huge profits."

Du Yu vetoed this proposal: "Our growing strength has already made the imperial court scruples. If there are monster mount ranches and excellent blacksmiths, the imperial court will be even more suspicious. It is better to keep a low profile and act internally."

He stood up and straightened his clothes.

"You want to go out?" Myshea said.

"Kill!" Du Yu smiled, "Tian Yulang deserves to die."

Michelle knew that Du Yu had a weather compass that could track specific people.Tian Yulang repeatedly provokes and threatens the wolf pupil team, and prevents him from living any longer.

"But he is an expert in the inner city, do you want to bring some brothers?" Myshela said confidently.

The wolf pupil team is not Du Yu's one-man team, but now has nearly a hundred strong brothers, who can go out to kill people at any time.

"No need."

Du Yu smiled: "It's enough for me to go alone."

"In addition" Du Yu spread out the map and said: "Shan Wanjing also needs high-grade ore and monster materials to build weapons. I went out this time to scout for information. If we can find the gathering places of minerals and monsters, our strength will improve." faster."

Du Yu walked out of the wolf pupil team headquarters, but did not go straight out of the city, but went straight to An Huaqing's chapel bar.

He is looking for Tang Lu.

With the improvement of Du Yu's strength, his vision and pattern are also getting bigger and bigger.In the past, you only need to care about the news related to your own team, but now you must first ensure that your eyes and ears listen to all directions, and collect sensitive information from all directions.

As for Tian Yulang, Du Yu's weather compass showed that he was currently resting in a mansion in a resident in the inner city.

In the bloody city, the more advanced the area, the higher the level of security for adventurers' residences.The inner city already has adventurer security guards, not to mention that many masters will spare no expense to arrange their residences into solid defensive strongholds.

There is no way, there is no protection mechanism in the bloody city, and adventurers can attack each other, so everyone can only protect themselves, using traps, spells, fairy houses, and plane magic to strengthen their protection.

It would be unwise to fight in the home of an inner-city master with great martial arts skills.Even the masters in the imperial city may not dare to make such a big deal.

Du Yu is not in a hurry, Tian Yulang can never stay at home and be an otaku all his life.As soon as he leaves the city, it's time to kill him.

Du Yu was impatient and wanted to assassinate Tian Yulang precisely because he didn't want to leave such a powerful and terrifying enemy for the team.

Walking into An Huaqing's bar, everything remains the same.

The afternoon sun, through the colored mosaic glass, casts mottled patterns on the floor.The god statues, the holy spirit, and the holy son on it seem to be alive, and the air is filled with various incense and sandalwood scents, and time seems to be frozen here.

Entering this peaceful chapel + tavern, the quietness makes people feel that this place does not belong to the bloody city at all, as if all the killings, calculations and conspiracies are locked outside.

Inside it belongs to religion.

Any kind of religion can find traces here.The church-style dome is painted with Sistine-style dome strokes, and on the stained glass mosaics, various Bibles, Korans, Buddhist scriptures and Jewish King David stories are drawn.But on the tea table, there are gold-leaf lotuses in Thai Buddhist style. The air resounds with the sound of the imam reciting the Quran. Behind An Huaqing is enshrined the second master of Zhenwu Emperor Junguan.

What a messy mashup.

Du Yu glanced at An Huaqing.

This guy who could be called the best magician, with a calm expression, handed a glass of prepared cocktail to Tang Lu who was opposite him.

The little girl Tang Lu.

Tang Lu changed into a leather outfit that was far more mature than her age, revealing the playful legs and arms of a cardamom girl, but the undeveloped airport remained the same.

But her words were not immature at all, and what she said made Du Yu even more frightened.

"Here? How much will you sell me your dark soul stone?"

Du Yu's expression froze.

He is sure that no one else will see what he does in the dark world, and all those who know are absolutely reliable.

But it was such a secret, but it was smashed by Tang Lu, the space media.

He sat down with a big face, stared at Tang Lu and said, "I don't have a dark soul stone."

Tang Lu's beautiful green eyes are like a pair of pure and flawless emeralds, without a trace of lint that emeralds often have, they are transparent and transparent, staring at Du Yu, as if they can see the bottom of Du Yu's heart at a glance.

"You don't? Are you sure?" Tang Lu's small mouth showed a slight smile.

Du Yu frowned.

He doesn't like being followed.

Especially wind media like Tang Lu.

Letting her know is equivalent to letting the whole world know, the difference is nothing but a high price.

But Sugar doesn't seem to intend to let Du Yu go so easily: "You probably know that the dark soul stone can be used as a sky-filling stone to repair space loopholes. It can improve the stability of the world we live in. What's wrong? You don't want to Being crushed to death by the collapsing world, right?"

With these words, Du Yu didn't even frown.

The safety of space?
That is the business of the rulers of the four countries.

The serious space crisis they caused, but I, a small person, have to pay for it?

It's not that easy.

Du Yu was calm and calm.

At a critical moment, he can save the space, but it is definitely not this cheap way.

Either be the savior, or let it rot in your hands.

Seeing that Du Yu categorically denied having the Dark Soul Stone, Tang Lu also sighed, and exchanged glances with An Huaqing.

"Okay, what are you doing here?" An Huaqing interrupted the confrontation between the two.

Du Yu smiled and said, "I'm looking for No. [-] Wind Media to inquire about the recent changes in the space."

"The biggest change, of course, is the East China Sea."

Tang Lu raised her eyebrows: "But my information is not cheap."

Du Yu threw away 100 million survival points: "Enough?"

Tang Lu squinted her eyes and smiled: "Your internal preferential price. Ever since Hou Xiaobai went to Endless East China Sea, the relationship between the imperial court and Donghai Marquis God General has continued to deteriorate. The Emperor of the Long Family summoned Hou God General three times in a row to report on his duties, and they were all rejected. Hou Shengeneral refused on the grounds that the military affairs were busy and busy. The atmosphere between the two sides seemed to be on the verge of breaking out. However, Hou Shengeneral recently proposed to the court to increase his army and suppress the East China Sea Dragon Clan, which was of course rejected by the emperor. "

"Will there be a fight?" Du Yu was very interested in the news.

Because Hou Shenjiang and Hou Xiaobai are his sworn enemies.

"It's hard." Tang Lu's tone was very firm: "It's very difficult. Neither side can afford a full-scale war. First of all, General Hou's army is only one-third of that of Datang, and there are still many obstacles. His The location is between the East China Sea Dragon Clan and Datang, and it is easy to be flanked by both sides."

"Why didn't Datang send people to put down the rebellion?" Du Yu laughed.

"Because of Shenluo and the Sultanate." Tang Lu smiled: "There is not only one Tang Dynasty in this world. If there is a civil war, I am afraid that Shenluo and the Sultan will immediately send troops to attack Datang and reap the benefits."

Du Yu nodded.

"Is there any other news? Isn't that the only bar information you can hear for 100 million survival points?"

Tang Lu pouted: "Information on the bar? The most valuable part is that I can be sure that the information is true. Do you dare to believe the information heard by the bar?"

Du Yu shook his head: "Give me more dry goods."

Tang Lu suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I still have information about the Dark Council, do you want to listen?"

Du Yu had always paid attention to the Dark Council, so he nodded immediately when he heard this.

"Hey." Tang Lu rubbed her chin and said cunningly, "But there seems to be something wrong with the source of this news. I'm not completely sure whether it's true or not."

Du Yu flew over with a crow: "Miss, you are the number one wind matchmaker. People who rely on this ability to make a living, why would you sell it to me without knowing the truth?"

Tang Lvmei's eyes flashed with a mature and dignified look that didn't match her age: "I have passed the news through different channels, and I am sure that there is no problem. But the problem is that the way the news is delivered seems a bit strange. It came too easily."

Du Yu frowned.

Although he has not been in contact with Tang Lu and An Huaqing for a long time, every time he sees Tang Lu, he always feels at ease that "this person will never betray him".

Although Tang Lu knew many of his secrets, Du Yu was not worried that they would be leaked to the enemy.

Tang Lu's hesitation at this time made Du Yu feel that the news was really unusual.

"The Dark Parliament seems to have a very high-level traitor who has infiltrated the Shenluo Royal Court. Some people in the Holy See have rumored that it is Queen Catherine, but they have not been able to get the exact handle. But recently, the conflict between the Dark Council and Queen Catherine has been escalating. Someone is trying to assassinate the queen."

Assassinate Catherine?
It really is big news.

Du Yu's ears perked up.

"Queen Catherine is the top expert in the inner city. The Shinra Royal Court also protects her very strictly. Every time she completes a mission, a large number of masters will follow her. But someone paid a sky-high price to buy Queen Catherine's next world mission from me. "

Du Yu's hairs exploded when he heard it!
Tang Lu's BADGUY phone booth can determine an adventurer's next world. Du Yu has personally experienced it.

"Where is someone going to send Catherine?" Du Yu asked eagerly.

Catherine was very important to him. He was passionate about adultery and admired each other. Since Du Yu heard the news by accident, he naturally wanted to take care of it.

"Well, let me think about it." Tang Lu slyly shook her fingers, like a girl looking forward to a lollipop, with beautiful green eyes, purring non-stop.

"Okay!" Du Yu didn't care about the money, and threw out another 100 million survival points.

At this time, he has a big family and a big business, and he rules a powerful No. 1 team in the outer city. This mere survival point is not in his eyes.

Tang Lu cheered, put away the survival point decisively, and said with a smile: "Okay, refreshing! A mysterious man in a black cloak gave me 1500 million survival points, and asked me to designate Queen Catherine's next world as the inner city Lord of the Rings!"

"The Lord of the Rings?" Du Yu grasped the point sensitively: "Then how do you know that person is from the Dark Council?"

Tang Lu said leisurely: "Don't forget how many people I deal with. I can smell those rancid guys from the Dark Council even ten miles away."

Du Yu saw what she said with certainty, and shook his head in disbelief.

Tang Lu chuckled and spread her hands: "He hides well, but the problem is, I'm the number one wind media, and spying on information is my job!"

In her hand, there was a piece of golden cloth with beautiful patterns embroidered on it.

"This is the symbol of the space cult Vulcanism!" Du Yu blurted out.

As the boss of the outer city, he also knows some secrets of space.

Tang Lu smiled and said: "Exactly. After he left, I immediately found the corresponding badge from the space badge map I collected, and determined that it was the most extreme and evil flame god symbol in the Dark Council."

(End of this chapter)

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