Chapter 898 Zhongda!Three crimes and three punishments! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
In this dark parliament, fish and dragons are mixed together, and a large number of villains of all kinds are gathered.Some are forced victims, but some are heinous existences, and some are races that are not tolerated by the church, such as vampires, werewolves, orcs, and so on.Therefore, there is no unified dark emperor, but everyone votes.Of course, there are also various conspiracies and tricks such as bribery, assassination, and intimidation during the voting process.

The cult of the Flame God Sect is one of these dark and filthy existences.According to legend, this divine religion acts secretly, uses bloody methods, and uses everything to the extreme.Even many people in the dark are unwilling to deal with it.

Catherine can stand out from the dark council and become the dark saint. It cannot but be said to be an anomaly. It can be seen that her ability and quality have been highly recognized by the dark council.

Now, is this cult sending people to try to lure Catherine into the world of Lord of the Rings at a sky-high price of 1500 million survival points?

"Have you already done it?" Du Yu gave Tang Lu a hard look.

Tang Lu didn't show any weakness, she puffed up her small chest and said arrogantly: "I am the number one wind media, and I don't care what Shenluo Datang is, as long as it fits my business scope and is willing to pay enough survival points, I will do it." .Business is business. And I’m sorry to tell you that there is only one chance to modify the adventure world in space, and Queen Catherine must go to the Lord of the Rings whether she wants to or not.”

Du Yu snorted coldly.

Tang Lu's eyes rolled, her tone softened and she said with a smile: "But don't worry, uncle. I promise not to reveal your secret, and I won't do it for anyone else. , Wasn’t I also the first to tip off the news? Don’t say that I leaked it. It’s too much of a brand.”

Du Yu couldn't help but nodded.

After the space order is corrupted, everyone can take advantage of the loopholes in the rules to plot against others.Even if Tang Lu doesn't accept the order, the people of the cult Vulcanic Sect can still find someone else to do it with 1500 million survival points.

Thinking of this, he took out another 300 million survival points and handed them to Tang Lvdao: "I can't let you work for nothing. In this way, in the future, anyone who buys services about me, Catherine and the wolf pupil team from you will be notified as soon as possible Me, how are you?"

Tang Lu accepted it with a smile, and Du Yu lamented, "I finally know what the darkest thing in the world is. It's just sitting around and collecting money even though you're doing nothing."

Tang Luhao patted the airport's chest angrily and said: "Don't worry, your business will be my business in the future. Who will we brothers follow?"

Du Yu looked at this older, poor-breasted loli, with a shiny black belly and black hair.

"Why do I feel that your guarantee is so unreliable? If someone bids more than me, you just sold me out, right?"

Tang Lu smiled and leaned into Du Yu's ear and said, "For the sake of the boss being so forthright, why don't I send you another message. I sent someone to track down the person of the cult Vulcan Sect, and found that he used teleportation The device was teleported to a house in the 3rd district of Shinra. I will mark the location for you."

Suddenly, a mark appeared on Du Yu's map.

Du Yu nodded.

As long as there are clues, there is no fear of not being able to find people.

It seems that the Dark Council really needs to clean up.

Du Yu suddenly thought of something, and said to Tang Lu: "In the next world, I want to enter the Lord of the Rings, is it okay?"

Tang Lu was taken aback: "Theoretically speaking, of course there is no problem. The space prohibits high-difficulty adventurers from going to low-difficulty worlds to score points, but there is no strict protection for low-difficulty adventurers entering high-difficulty worlds. After all Under normal circumstances, no one would die like this. But are you sure you want to do this? You know, the world of the Lord of the Rings is the subject of large-scale wars. The battle between good and evil can be tens of thousands of scales. I guess the people of the cult have to deal with Catherine is also taking advantage of the plot. But you, a strong man in the outer city, what can you do if you go there?"

Du Yu smiled lightly: "You don't need to worry about how I do it, just tell me whether it can be done or not?"

Tang Lu thought for a while: "Originally I had to ask you to pay 100 million, but since everyone has such a good relationship, I will give it away for free. But you have to think about it. There is no turning back when you open the bow, and you will come back when you want to." not coming."

Du Yu thought of Catherine and nodded.

Tang Lu couldn't help being a little surprised to see that Du Yu, a guy from the outer city, insisted on going to the inner city to take risks or follow Shinra's inner city plot.But everyone has decided, and she will not try to persuade them.

After Tang Lu left, An Huaqing couldn't help but said: "The difficulty of the inner city is not just a simple increase in difficulty, but also a change in the specific fighting style. It is difficult for you to adapt to it alone. Besides, the enemy dared to plot God this time." Empress Luo Catherine, the potential power is so great that it is unimaginable. It is better to be cautious. And I always feel that this news comes too easily, and there seems to be something tricky in it."

Du Yu nodded.

Assassinating Catherine is such a big deal, how dare the other party ask the wind media to do it?

This is no longer a carelessness, this is clearly an open mind, okay?

Catherine received the news that the guards around her in the next world will undoubtedly be strengthened.How did the assassins get away with being escorted by the Shinra Royal Guard?
Although the assassination of Tian Yulang and prospecting are very important, but with the possible assassination of Catherine, he must discuss it with Catherine immediately.

In the endless East China Sea, Hou Xiaobai stared at his father sitting across the chess table.

The father and son have been playing this game of chess for a full hour, but the endgame is still entangled.

"Father, I don't understand. We're already in trouble with the imperial court. Why are we going to mess with that Catherine?" Hou Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"This afternoon, I wrote a letter of confession to the emperor of the Long family for my father." Hou Shen will look normal, and throw a letter to Hou Xiaobai: "Look, tell me what's the problem later?"

When Hou Xiaobai opened the letter, his face changed suddenly: "This is simply..."

General Hou stood up leisurely and said, "I take the initiative to admit to the emperor the three major crimes of dereliction of duty, contempt, and arrogance, and propose three major punishments: fine salary, disarmament, and transfer of defense."

Hou Xiaobai was stunned.

Dereliction of duty, contempt, madness?
Penalty, disarmament, transfer of defense?
How could this be a memorial made by an arrogant father?

"Father, our Hou family is a famous family in the Tang Dynasty, how can we make such a low-key gesture to the emperor of the Long family?"

Hou Shenjiang laughed, clapped his hands and said, "Zhongda, come in."

An elder in green robes who was nearly fifty years old walked slowly into the chess room where the father and son played chess, and saluted Hou Xiaobai respectfully: "My minister, Sima Zhongda, pay my respects to the young master."

Hou Xiaobai stood up with a look of astonishment.

Sima Yi?
The elder raised his head, only to see his high forehead, a pair of eagle eyes, gentle and cold, and a pair of beautiful beards, gray with white, the biggest feature

It's because he has the image of a wolf!

Hou Xiaobai had dealt with Du Yu a lot, and he hated him to the bone. Now he saw a man like Du Yu who was a wolf, and couldn't help being shocked. He pulled out the bone fan to protect him, and asked sharply, "Who are you?"

The old man hadn't answered yet, the God General at the side said leisurely: "Bai'er, don't be rude, this is Sima Zhongda, the military advisor hired for my father!"

"Plot characters?" Hou Xiaobai settled down.

It is no secret that plot characters can appear in the city.But Hou Xiaobai is still rarely seen, especially a heavyweight like Sima Yi.

"Father, you said just now that the policy of three crimes and three punishments was Sima Zhongda's idea?" Maybe it was because he remembered Du Yu, who was also a wolf guard, Hou Xiaobai didn't like Sima Yi anyway.

Sima Yi laughed loudly: "That's right, it's the old man's idea. My lord can hear the harsh advice, readily accept it, and give up the previous wrong strategy. Congratulations."

Hou Xiaobai said unhappily: "What is there to celebrate? This policy of three crimes and three punishments is simply a loss of power and humiliation to the country!"

Sima Yi was not too polite, sat down happily, and said slowly: "Shu Zhongda didn't understand Bai Shao's words. Losing power and humiliating the country? The god general is a courtier of the Tang Emperor. How can a courtier be humiliating the country if he prays for the emperor's forgiveness?" ? Where does the Chinese character come from?"

Hou Xiaobai was at a loss for words, but he was used to being arrogant, how could he bear it.

The policy of three crimes and three punishments, in which the wording is humble and humble, makes Hou Xiaobai simply unable to stand it.

He was still thinking about when he would be able to break through the Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty in one go and pull the emperor of the Long family down from the throne. No, it was his father who would sit on it.

"Okay!" Hou Xiaobai decided to show off his political intelligence, and asked coldly: "The policy of three crimes and three punishments is easy to write. But after going up? The emperor came to push the boat along the way. Since your Hou family knows it so well, then Let’s do it! What shall we do? It’s okay to be scolded and lose some face, but fines, disarmament, and transfer of defense, these three punishments are all sensual, who can bear it?”

Sima Zhongda smiled slightly: "Young Master Bai, let me break it down one by one. Now, if the god generals and the imperial court fire together, who do you think will win?"

Hou Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, and said forcefully: "We are sitting on the most elite army of the imperial court, so naturally we are victorious."

Sima Zhongda shook his head and sighed: "Wrong! If the old minister sees it, the general and the imperial court are fighting at this time, 9% may be defeated and killed! 1% may be deadlocked, and there is no hope of victory."

Hou Xiaobai was stunned.

He wanted to object.

But the problem is, the opponent is Sima Zhongda, the god of soldiers, and even his father nodded slightly.

"Then what's your strategy?" Hou Xiaobai said unconvinced: "Will you let us go if you love the emperor?"

Sima Zhongda shook his head and said: "No. Although the great general has not shown any signs of rebellion, he has already attracted the emperor's taboo because he is so big. If there is no accident, even if the general does not rebel, the emperor will get rid of the Hou family. Actual denigration is an example."

Hou Xiaobai didn't understand even more: "Then you still let my father confess?"

He really couldn't understand why his father, who was so wise, wanted to reuse such a sinister old man?

(End of this chapter)

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