Chapter 899 Lord of the Rings!Attacking shadows! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Sima Zhongda laughed loudly and said, "This is just a tactic to slow down the army. It is intended to paralyze the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. It is better to wait for a more favorable time to buy the emperor for a certain period of time before mobilizing the army. Please see, Young Master Bai. There are three crimes of contempt and madness, but none of the crimes violates the law of the Tang Dynasty and the death penalty! The emperor can't give a real punishment, the most is to order a meal."

Hou Xiaobai was stunned for a moment before he noticed the mystery of the words.

Dereliction of duty refers to the fact that the front line was once breached by a wave of beasts, contempt refers to the emperor's decree that Hou Shen will go to Beijing to report on his duties, and his actions are not fast enough, and rebellion refers to the Hou family not being respectful enough in the way of courtiers.

These crimes are also considered crimes, but they are not unforgivable crimes such as resisting orders, deceiving the emperor, and rebelling. The most serious crimes are nothing more than fines and demotions.

And the next three punishments fully echo the three crimes.That is to say, the thunder is loud, the rain is small, and the ground is not wet.

Penalty?Is Hou Shenjiang short of that salary?

"What do you say about disarmament and defense?" Hou Xiaobai grasped the crux of the problem: "We can intimidate the emperor because we have military power. Once we disarm"

Sima Zhongda smiled slightly and said: "Disarmament is a good thing. We have mastered the East China Sea army, and whoever the general says to be dismissed can be dismissed! Aren't there many lieutenants and supervisors sent by the emperor to disobey orders? Dismiss them." ...cut them all, and although the number of troops will drop, the general's control over the army will increase significantly."

Hou Xiaobai was taken aback.

General Hou Shen laughed loudly: "That's right, I see a few lieutenants who are always acting strangely, which makes me upset. If the emperor really orders the disarmament, I will take them first!"

Sima Zhongda pointed again: "As for moving the defense, it's easier to understand. We are stationed in the east of Jieshi, guarding the East China Sea, thousands of miles away from the capital. What's more, it's bitter cold here, and there are powerful East China Sea dragons watching. We Why don't we move here and leave this drudgery that consumes our troops and energy to the imperial court! One more burden for the imperial court, and one less burden for us. In the event of an incident in the future, don't expect the imperial court's troops stationed in the land near Jieshi to the east to be able to Rescued."

This time, even Hou Xiaobai was overwhelmed.

Although the land of Jieshi in the east is dangerous, it is also a waste of energy for the Hou family.If this burden is left to the imperial court and the defense is moved to the heart of the imperial court, even if the number of troops is small, the threat to the imperial court will be even greater.

"And what does this have to do with Catherine?" Hou Xiaobai was puzzled.

Sima Zhongda said: "It has a lot to do with it. I predict that the policy of three crimes and three punishments will be brought up to the emperor of the Long family. Even if the emperor sees our intentions, he will have to adopt it or reduce some punishments. Because at this time the Four Kingdoms Standing side by side, the royal family still needs a lot of troops to guard the border. If we don’t rebel, it will be difficult for the emperor to make up his mind to fight a full-scale civil war. That is to say, as long as we give the emperor a step down, he will definitely go down the slope, even for the sake of Show generosity, not even a small punishment."

"But we can't trust the emperor's words, and we have to create a situation where the emperor can no longer look at us. My strategy is to disturb the neighboring countries!"

"The national strength of Shenluo is enough to rival that of the Tang Dynasty. If there is a full-scale civil strife in Shenluo, will the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty send troops?" Sima Zhongda stood up and said impassionedly.

"If Bai Shao is the emperor of the Long family, will he send troops?"

"I will!" After thinking about it, Hou Xiaobai still felt that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty would send troops.

"Ah!" Sima Yi's eyes flashed a cold light: "Any emperor of the Tang Dynasty will never let go of this golden opportunity. He will definitely send troops to fight for the best interests of the Tang Dynasty. I asked Mr. Bai, the Great Tang How many troops are there, and they are able to withstand it and deploy the East China Sea to garrison? Are they going to conquer Shenluo in the West?"

"The country will be empty!" Hou Xiaobai said in surprise.

"That's right, and that was the time when General Hou raised the tiger and wolf division, criticized Kang and made mistakes, and went straight to Chang'an!" Sima Yi shouted impassionedly.

Hou Xiaobai still has a question: "But why Catherine?"

Sima Yi said with a sly smile: "Because the emperor of Shenluo is weak and sick, and his deadline is coming soon, he is about to die!"

"And the emperor has no heirs, so he has no right to inherit."

"In order to compete for the throne of the emperor, the princes of the Habsburg family are ambitious, so they will naturally launch an electoral war."

"When there is war and chaos, Datang will have an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"But what does Catherine have to do with the emperor's heir?" Hou Xiaobai still didn't understand.

Sima Yi sighed: "Because Catherine is Joseph's only woman! If she dies tragically in the plot world, Joseph himself will be terminally ill, and Shinra's throne will be doomed to have no heirs!"

"Even if Catherine is here, with Joseph's sick son, can she get pregnant before he dies?" Hou Xiaobai didn't believe it.

Sima Yi laughed and said: "Ninety to nine times I can't! But as long as there is a need, with the filth of the Habsburg family and Tracy's cunning, what can't be done? Get a child with a suspicious identity and declare that he is the emperor's posthumous son. Shouldn’t the issue of succession be resolved? Even if the electors have doubts, they will be suppressed. Shinra will not be in chaos.”

"And our goal is to mess up the four countries. The more chaos the four countries have, the more beneficial it is for us to rebel," Sima Yi taught earnestly.

Hou Shenjiang said with a sinister smile: "Besides, we lurk in the dark and let those fools and lunatics of the Dark Council take action. Catherine was assassinated by the Dark Council in name, so she can immediately make Shenluo mess up without provoking it!"

Hou Xiaobai finally understood the complicated calculations.

Although Shinra is strong, his weakness lies in his heirs. Once Catherine dies, even the legal heir in name is hopeless.There will be a separatist regime, and a war between the electors and princes.Datang will take this opportunity to send troops to participate in the war to reap benefits, and focus all their attention abroad.And after the strength of the troops has been diluted again and again, the Hou family has an opportunity to take advantage of.

"This game of chess is big enough," Hou Xiaobai admired heartily.

Sima Yi walked slowly to the chessboard, and said with a smile, "No matter how smart an old minister is, he can't match the foresight of a great general. Master Bai looks at your king."

Hou Xiaobai looked down and saw that his father had already become a general.

"Death!" Hou Shenjiang settled down steadily, showing a cold smile.

"But Catherine must die in the Lord of the Rings to ensure the situation we expect," Sima Zhongda said.

The Hou family father and son nodded.No matter how good the plan was, if the bad guys from the Vulcan Cult could not kill Catherine, everything would still be in vain.

"I suggest that Weichen lead a capable squad of dead soldiers from the inner city to the world of Lord of the Rings to ensure that this operation is foolproof." Sima Zhongda's eyes flashed.

Hou Shenjiang nodded: "Very good! You can go down and choose as much as you can in the death camp. Be sure to save Catherine's life!"

Sima Zhongda bowed his head respectfully.

"Since the relationship between that person and Catherine is irresistible, I will release the news to him through the wind media, and Catherine must go. I will definitely be able to lure him into the Lord of the Rings. I am also a wolf guard, tsk tsk, if there is an old man That's enough. Can the power of weather be raised to level 5?"

There was an indescribable mystery in Sima Zhongda's smile.

Du Yu returned to the headquarters, the more he thought about it, the weirder he became.

The news came as a bit strange.

For Catherine?
It's not scary that the dark parliament produces lunatics.

But Catherine didn't mean to kill, otherwise the rulers of the four countries would have been killed long ago.

Where did the 1500 million sky-high survival points come from?

In the world of Lord of the Rings, where did the hidden killer capable of dealing with Catherine come from?
The news that the wind media know, is this group of guys not afraid of spreading to Catherine's ears? Where does their confidence come from?

This is like an extremely huge net, so that Du Yu can always smell the breath of conspiracy.

But there are too few clues.

Only one of the Holy Fire Cult badge cuffs.

How to find it?
As Du Yu was walking, he met a furtive figure head-on, and the two of them were far away.

"Mishela?" Du Yu was a little surprised.What is this trouble?

Looking at the backs of those two people, it turned out to be Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng?
What's going on with Michelle following the two of them?
With sharp eyesight, he walked up to Michelle and coughed, "What are you doing?"

When Maishela saw Du Yu, she winked, fearing that Du Yu would alarm the two people in front, she pulled her over and said in a low voice, "Keep your voice down! Otherwise, you won't be able to see Super Gossip."

It turned out to be gossip, and Du Yu had black lines all over his head.Even though Michelle is a heroine, she still has the spirit of gossip.

He is not interested in gossip about his second and third brothers.

Mai Shela said anxiously: "This is a romance in Jin Yong's world, don't regret it if you don't want to see it."

Du Yu was curious for a while.

What can be called a romance?

Maishela burst into laughter, and said excitedly: "I don't remember Zhang Sanfeng, why did you follow you into the bloody city?"

Du Yu nodded, "I know, Guo Xiang."

Mai Shela touched Du Yu's waist with an elbow, winked and said, "Then you know, why are these two brothers coming out hand in hand at this time?"

"Could it be that Guo Xiang came to the bloody city?" Du Yu was dizzy for a while.

"A love triangle! A love triangle!" Michelle couldn't help but get drunk, and her eyes were starlets who were no brain fans of stick dramas.

In Du Yu's heart, [-] muddy horses galloped past.

Is there such a dog blood?
Guo Xiang is also an urban adventurer?
This is very interesting.

Du Yu also squatted down unscrupulously, and moved obscenely, following Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng along with Maishela.

Michela snickered and said, "By the way, I passed the news to the two of you. Today I went to the street for errands and was discussing business. I suddenly saw a beautiful girl passing by. There was a young woman beside her. Call her "Little Dongxie". I heard you mentioned Guo Xiang's appearance in the world of the Condor Gods, so I immediately paid attention to it. I didn't expect it to be true!"

Du Yu reacted immediately.

At the beginning, Huang Laoxie planned to leave Peach Blossom Island to Guo Fu and Guo Xiang, so that he could use it to break through into immortals and ascend during the day.Maybe the two sisters have already been to Peach Blossom Island, but they didn't notice it.

Relying on the treasures left by Huang Laoxie's Nascent Soul stage monks, the two sisters Guo Fu and Guo Xiang ascended?

Come to this bloody city and become an adventurer?
(End of this chapter)

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