Chapter 900: The Hero Saves the Beauty!Guo Fu Guo Xiang! - Ask for a monthly pass!

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Du Yu sighed.

More and more of these plot characters came to the bloody city.

It is not difficult for Guan Gong to fight Qin Qiong in the future.

Du Yu followed Zhang Sanfeng and Yang Guo all the way.

I saw that Yang Guo smiled lightly, he didn't mention Guo Xiang much in his words, he just talked about the anecdote of how he fed her leopard milk when she was a child.

But in Zhang Sanfeng's words, he respected Guo Xiang a lot, and there were all kinds of praises.

This is first love, is this true love?

Du Yu followed Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng all the way.

In the end, the two came to a shop specializing in jewelry for women's armor.This is where Mai Laxue first discovered Miss Guo Er.

she is still there!
Zhang Sanfeng suddenly didn't know what to say.The profound knowledge gained from practicing martial arts for a hundred years, and his status as the master of the Jianghu, all flew to the country of Java at this time.

He seems to have returned to the young man of Zhang Junbao a hundred years ago.

When I was young, I wore thin spring clothes and rode a horse leaning against a leaning bridge.

Although Zhang Sanfeng studied under the monk Jueyuan since he was a child, and wasted his youth busy carrying water and doing homework, but the youthful germination cannot be suppressed by the strict rules and strict life.

At the top of Mount Hua back then, when he saw Guo Xiang, he couldn't help but fell in love with the world-shaking Second Miss Guo Daxia.

But helplessly, the identity gap between the two is too great.

She is the daughter of Guo Daxia, who is well-known all over the world, and he is an apprentice of a water-carrying monk in Shaolin Temple.

Even if there is something sprouting in my heart, I dare not show it in my mouth.

If Master knows, will he punish me to kneel for three days and three nights?

Guo Fu and Guo Xiang are carefully picking out items.Guo Fu still looks like a young woman from a rich family, wearing a pink silk sarong dress, embellished with beauty just right.

Guo Xiang, on the other hand, doesn't like fans by nature, but likes to make friends. He is a hero of righteousness, and he can get along well with all kinds of scholars in the world, and has friends all over the world.

A few people were observing in secret, but who would have thought that four adventurers barged in with fierce eyes.The leader, dressed as a scholar, waving a fan pretentiously.He is tall and tall, and he can be called extraordinary, with a handsome face that attracts attention, but a pair of peach blossom eyes are piercing, which makes people feel evil.Behind him were three strong men.The aura of the four people is restrained and unpretentious, and they are actually masters who have reached the realm of cultivation.

"Who was pawning this spirit stone at the pawn shop opposite just now?" The leading scholar-adventurer licked his lips greedily and asked with an evil smile.

Du Yu saw that the spirit stone was filled with immortal energy, and it turned out to be a middle-grade spirit stone.

Spiritual stones are treasures that are only used by immortal practitioners. Each spiritual stone contains different degrees of innate spiritual energy, which can be used by immortal practitioners to speed up their cultivation, replenish spiritual energy in real time during battles, and create advanced magic weapons for immortals.It is said that in the inner city and imperial city, most of the transactions among immortal cultivators use spirit stones as hard currency, rather than cheap survival points.

"My aunt and I pawned it. What's wrong? Is it a fake?" Guo Fu straightened her chest and opened her almond eyes.

"It's because it's true that there's a problem." The leading scholar glanced at Guo Fu and Guo Xiang, his peach blossom eyes couldn't tell the evil.

Guo Fu felt uncomfortable under his gaze, and scolded coquettishly, "What a mess. Xiang'er, let's go."

"Go? Where to go?"

The scholar flashed his fan, blocked Guo Fu's way, and said with an evil smile: "I heard the report from the pawn shop, saying that there are two little beauties, who obviously only have the strength in the outer city, but they dare to pawn in the pawn shop and get high-quality spirit stones. Come over and have a look. Unexpectedly, the spirit stone is real, and so are the two beauties. If you refuse to tell the origin of this spirit stone, don't blame me for being rude to beauties."

Guo Fu's face turned pale with anger: "It's true that I pawned the spirit stone. It's a fair trade. Are you being too lenient?"

The scholar seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "It turns out that they are really two young children. Have you ever heard of the crime of being innocent and pregnant? You can actually come up with the spirit that only high-level cultivators can have." Shi, they are just two little fat geese. Capture them back!"

The three thugs behind responded loudly, pressing forward step by step.

This is the inner city, and Du Yu watched with cold eyes. Including the scholar, these four people's cultivation is very extraordinary, and they should be experts in the inner city.

But this kind of blatant robbery actually happened in the inner city, which made Du Yu deeply moved.

Strength, wherever strength is respected.

Guo Fu lacked survival points, so it should be the middle-grade spirit stone left by Huang Laoxie, and if he pawned it, he would be targeted by the big forces.

But at this time, the shopkeeper was silent and did not dare to make a sound.

Du Yu deduced that the influence behind this scholar should be very strong, otherwise he would not dare to openly rob the inner city.

But at the same time, it also shows that spirit stones are scarce and are coveted by big bosses from all walks of life.If it was an ordinary thing, it would definitely not become such an exaggeration as robbery.

Guo Fu snorted coldly, and stabbed out with a long sword!
Luo Xiao swordsmanship!

This is the orthodox Peach Blossom Island martial arts handed down by Huang Yaoshi.

At this time Guo Fu used it, although her internal strength seemed a bit mediocre, but her family background, this move is rigorous, strict, both offensive and defensive, and looks like a son of a famous family.

"Hehe?" The scholar said with an evil smile: "The beauty can also martial arts? Does she look very talented. It's a pity that compared to me who was born in the palace, you are still not close."

He rushed into the shadow of Guo Fu's sword with a speed so frightening.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were naturally sharp, and the scholar's speed also fell into their eyes.

"The agility attribute is above 150," Du Yu judged.

After wearing the [Monkey King's Tricks] suit, his agility has already broken through 300, but if it is a naked attribute, he is no better than this scholar.

This shows how powerful the adventurers in the inner city are.

Seeing the menacing approach of the enemy, Guo Xiang exclaimed, "Sister, be careful."

She patted the scholar's flank with her palm.

"Is this Guo Jing's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?" Mai Shela asked curiously.

"Yes, before the destruction of Xiangyang City, Guo Jing and Huang Rong once wrote all the martial arts into secret books, including the essence of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Nine Yin Scriptures, etc., and hid them in the Yitian Dragon Slaying Weapon. At the same time, they passed them on to the three children. How much you absorb depends on your destiny. Guo Xiang also learned a little bit." Du Yu said.

Although Guo Xiang's plan was subtle, but in the eyes of the scholar, it was full of flaws.

"Haha, all beauties know martial arts, nothing could be better!" The scholar laughed wildly.

He snapped off Guo Fu's long sword, and Guo Fu screamed in shock, but was grabbed by his muscular and bone-stretched hands, unable to move.He dodged Guo Xiang's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms again, and hit Guo Xiang's acupuncture points with one kick.

Guo Fu and Guo Xiang fell into the hands of the scholar at the same time, they couldn't move, they could only stare with wide open almond eyes.

The scholar broke the sword, captured Guo Fu, kicked his legs, tapped acupuncture points, and captured Guo Xiang. A series of movements were performed in one go, as one.

As soon as the so-called expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

This scholar is by no means a simple person.

The man dressed as a scholar touched Guo Fu's chin with an evil smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "You still haven't said the origin of the spirit stone? With your skills, it is impossible to have such a spirit stone. Have you found the spirit stone?" Mineral lode? Say!"

The storekeeper kept silent, seeing Du Yu and the others still lingering, he said in a low voice, "My lord, I advise you to leave quickly. This is the young prince of Prince Zheng's mansion! Ordinary people can't afford to offend them. These two girls are also unlucky." , Why are you pawning middle-grade spirit stones in the pawn shop of Prince Zheng's Mansion? The young prince of the world has a successful cultivation of immortals, and he likes collecting things from the immortal family the most."

Prince Zheng's Mansion?
When Du Yu thought about it, he already thought of what Yimei had warned him.

Yimei is also afraid of the master who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and stabs him everywhere. Before Du Yu became the director of Program Yuan, he told him about the powerful people in Datang.

The biggest boss is of course the emperor of the Long family. The emperor has Princess Yumin, Princess Yuli, and three princes.

And the emperor of the Long family has two brothers, Zheng Guogong and Tang Guogong!

This young man dressed as a scholar turned out to be the eldest son of Zheng Guogong's Prince Zheng's mansion?

Du Yu's eyes turned cold, and he pouted his mouth!

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng immediately floated up like clouds and wind.

Whoever Zheng Guogong you are, son of a bitch!
Du Yu looked down at the crowd, an awe-inspiring aura emerged from him.

Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Mai Shela had long been extremely dissatisfied with the scholar's actions, and immediately launched an all-out attack after receiving Du Yu's order.

Du Yu was not too polite, and activated Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, rushing into the middle of the four of them!
The war is on!
The scholar obviously didn't expect that someone would dare to provoke him in the inner city, and sneered, "There are too many troublemakers recently, kill them for me! No men will be left, but women will be kept. Take them back to the palace!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Yu charged in front of him like a tiger.

"Looking for death! Fire Cloud Palm!"

The arrogant and domineering son of Zheng Guogong sneered at Du Yu who was rushing towards him.

He was sure in an instant that this person did not know him.

As for the masters in the inner city of the Imperial City of the Tang Dynasty, even if he had never seen them, he could still tell them apart.

The fact that he didn't know him meant that he was a nobody, a poor fellow in the outer city.

What?Zifu District?
He is really not lucky to see the masters in Zifu District, and it is estimated that his father Zheng Guogong will not see many.But those are hermits who are not born in the world, and they are the core strength of Datang.Even Emperor Long's will not easily disturb the hermit cultivation of the strong in Zifu District.

Since he is a troublemaker in the outer city, he can be killed with one punch!
These two sisters are going to decide for themselves.

He used the Huoyun Palm, which he had painstakingly cultivated, in the hope that this move would kill the unruly people immediately.

As the name suggests, the Fire Cloud Palm hurts people with fire power. The unparalleled palm strength combined with the high heat of the flame greatly increases the lethality. It really is a first-class domineering force.The Fire Cloud Palm has been cultivated to perfection, its stamina can be released and retracted, and when it is released, it can emit continuous fire power, sweeping and spreading, hurting the enemy in the air, and it can deal with many opponents at once. With one palm, there is no injury on the surface of the body, but the internal organs are completely incinerated into fly ash, which is really amazing.

This Fire Cloud Palm is a master of the world, the Fire Cloud Evil God, who was hired by Zheng Guogong at a high price, and taught him to himself. The moves are fierce and very suitable for him, so he put in a lot of effort to practice.
The first move of Wang Shizi is the fire dragon piercing the mountain: if the fire dragon attacks a fortified point with a concentrated force of fire, it will be unstoppable.

And to cooperate with the Fire Cloud Palm, there is also his surging Nine Suns Divine Art.

It is difficult to enter the inner city, even if he is the son of Zheng Guogong, he still has extremely high martial arts attainments!

This Nine Suns Divine Art is one of his reliance.

The coordinated Fire Cloud Palm is even more powerful.

On weekdays, he has fought with all kinds of masters in Zheng Wangfu, and he has never had a defeat. Even in the three-month plot world, with the help of the Nine Suns Magic Art and Fire Cloud Palm, plus various rare treasures that Zheng Guogong searched for, and accessories There is no match for the dog-legged master group.

In this way, Zheng Guogong's son came to a conclusion.

I am an invincible genius.

Even if I meet someone who is more diligent and talented than me, in front of my power and master group, I can only admit cowardly.

He was used to running rampant in the inner city, and he did meet a few high-ranking people, but each of them cared about his status and didn't want to have any grudges with him, and let this guy go smoothly all the way.

Today, seeing two beauties selling mid-grade spirit stones in his pawn shop, he immediately couldn't sit still.

Strength is the most important thing in space, and his father, Zheng Guogong, is also obsessed with collecting all kinds of gods and gods, concentrating on cultivation, hoping to get a glimpse of the way of heaven.

If I could extract more spirit stones from these two women and dedicate them to my father, I guess my father would be happy and reward me for my filial piety.

He has always been arrogant, used to being domineering and domineering, and never puts anyone in his eyes.Even Hou Xiaobai, the former son of the Hou family, had to walk around when he saw him.

In the end, this move of Fire Cloud Palm was really dodged by Du Yu in a flash.

Who is Du Yu?

Although his talent has never been outstanding, but Du Yu's talent is different, he has a villain look, and in the constant adventure, he encounters adventures again and again, adding up, how can a mere young man in a hothouse be able to match?

With a top-level Lingbo microstep, he decisively dodged Shizi's Huoyun Palm.

And Yang Guo floated over like a big bird, and with one move of his fluttering sleeves, the prince's face was red and swollen, and he flew high!
Depressed ecstasy!

The three thugs exclaimed in unison.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shizi was beaten like this on his own land.

Thinking of the terrible consequences, the thugs shuddered and rushed towards the three of Du Yu with roars.

Guo Fu was overjoyed to see someone appearing suddenly, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Du Yu and Yang Guo!His face suddenly darkened.

After being slapped in the face by Du Yu and Yang Guo, Zheng Guogong and Wang Shizi fought back like crazy.

Never before had he suffered such a disgrace.Even if he has someone he can't afford to offend, at best he won't provoke them, but such a thing as being slapped in the face in public has really never happened.

"Ahhh! This young master wants your dog's life!" He frantically sent out one move after another.

The Fire Snake spat out the letter, and the angle of the shot was strange and tricky. It was as nimble as a snake, and it was impossible to figure out the palm movement, so it drew towards Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "The moves are not bad, the speed is not bad, but it's a pity"

"You only have killing intent, not murderous intent!"

(End of this chapter)

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