Chapter 901 Seeing each other in a hundred years, Guo Xiang has no regrets! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
With one move, Du Yu swung the noble young master's tongue of fire and diverted it to another thug's direction.That guy was besieging Broken Sword's Guo Fu. He wanted to capture Guo Fu as a hostage, but he couldn't imagine being beaten by his master until he vomited blood!

The young master let out an angry roar, and another move was sent out from the top of the fire cloud cover, the palms were fast and dense, overwhelming the vital parts of Du Yu's body, making it difficult to parry.

The other three masters were also experts in the inner city, but under the joint siege of Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Mai Shela, they were powerless to fight back.

Yang Guo's big sleeve fluttered, and he beat the two of them dejectedly, so they flew out separately.And Zhang Sanfeng and Mai Laxue besieged the other without any pressure.

That noble young master's sea of ​​fire shot out in boundless anger, the fire swept across the ten directions, and the heat flow was like a stormy sea, swallowing everything in an instant.

But it's a pity that Du Yu used another move of Dragon Elephant Ban Ruogong, which sent him flying high, easily destroying his offensive.

Right now, the young master's face was red and swollen, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and two ribs were broken. Du Yu beat him to a bloody face.

"Bastard, a good man doesn't take advantage of immediate losses, let's go!" Zheng Guogong's son howled, and the four of them wanted to flee immediately.

Why didn't Du Yu understand the truth that defeating the enemy for one day would bring troubles for all eternity. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the back of Zheng Guogong's son, and he was about to stab the bastard's Achilles' heel with one move.

Even if the bloodbath here today, killing people to silence the mouth, this guy will never be allowed to escape.

But helpless, this is a busy city.

In the crowded downtown area, seeing Du Yu intending to kill Zheng Guogong's son, the shopkeeper screamed: "Killer! Killer!"

He escaped in a flash.

Du Yu was so dazed that Zheng Guogong's son had already pissed off, crawled out all the way, and fled to the downtown streets.

It is no longer feasible to kill him.

Unless Du Yu intends to rebel immediately.

Du Yu secretly sighed.

Before one Hou Xiaobai was killed, another son of Zheng Guogong came.

It's true that the capital is so rich.

However, he smiled coldly.

With his growing strength, even if he offends Zheng Guogong's son, so what?
At this time, hearing Zhang Sanfeng's useless grunt, the Guo family sisters turned their heads at the same time.When this guy was beating the dog just now, he was full of heroism, but when he saw Guo Xiang now, he swallowed so desperately.

Unfortunately, seeing Yang Guo, Guo Xiang's beautiful eyes immediately lit up.

"Brother Yang!"

In Du Yu's mind, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past again.

Once you encounter Yang Guo, you will miss your whole life.

Second Miss of the Guo family, you finally escaped from Yang Guo's clutches, why did you come in voluntarily?
Du Yu complained in his heart, but Guo Xiang couldn't stop Guo Xiang from being very pleasantly surprised by Yang Guo.

She smiled like a flower, and immediately walked towards Yang Guo, but was grabbed by a hand in time.

"Where are you going?" Guo Fu asked sharply, looking at Yang Guo angrily, "Okay, I didn't expect you to be here too?"

When Yang Guo saw Guo Fu, he thought of the hatred of the broken arm, but it has been a hundred years, all the hatred has been ignored, and he said calmly: "So it's sister Fu, how are uncle and aunt Guo?"

When Guo Fu heard it, her eyes turned red immediately, and tears were about to come out: "I'm sorry. My father and mother died in the city of Xiangyang. It's not like you don't know."

Du Yu nodded.This story still has a relationship of inheritance and transformation.Only the sisters Guo Fu and Guo Xiang who survived, and Huang Laoxie who became immortal and ascended.

Guo Xiang broke free from Guo Fu's arm, and ran to Yang Guo's side, everyone could see the respect and admiration in her beautiful eyes.

"Brother Yang, I have been looking for you for a long time? Not in Heartless Valley, nor in Huashan. After all these years, where have you been?"

Du Yu shrugged helplessly at this sincere confession.

Zhang San is crazy, it's really not that my brother doesn't help you.Falling flowers are really ruthless.

The girl is thinking about Yang Guo, so what can I do?
Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled generously: "Second Miss Guo, we meet again."

Guo Xiang stared at Zhang Sanfeng for a long time, then clapped her hands and laughed, "It's you! Zhang Junbao!"

Zhang Sanfeng's happy smile is still blooming, and Guo Xiang has already made up his mind: "You have changed a lot now, you are no longer so stupid."

Zhang Sanfeng has black lines all over his head.

It turns out that when I was discussing swords in Huashan, I left you with the impression of being stupid?
Finally, Michelle couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Yang Guo said helplessly: "Brother, Maishela, you followed all the way, it's time to come out."

It turned out that Yang Guo had discovered it a long time ago, Maishela stuck out her tongue and stood up.

When Du Yu's figure also appeared, Guo Fu's breathing became short of breath.

She never forgot how this guy humiliated herself and Erwu in the Condor World.That face was slapped and swollen so much that it couldn't be swollen any more.

"You villain, you're here!" Guo Fu yelled.

Du Yu smiled and said to Guo Fu, "I don't know where old Dongxie is?"

Of course he cared about Lao Dongxie, because he was a Nascent Soul cultivator and could improve his own cultivation.

Although he has the Heaven and Earth Heart Three Jade Pendants, Du Yu is not sure that he will be promoted to the Nascent Soul stage in one breath. If he can invite Yaoshi Yihuang face to face, he should make a lot of progress based on his good relationship with Yaoshi Huang.

Guo Fu snorted coldly through her nostrils: "You bastard, what are you doing asking about my grandfather?"

It was still Guo Xiang who sighed and said: "My two sisters, using the secret books left by my grandfather on Peach Blossom Island, cultivated to the point of Shattered Void, only hated that Emperor Dayuan was not exhausted, and failed to avenge his parents, so they entered the bloody city and became an adventurer. It's a pity that after many inquiries, I still don't know where my grandfather's fairy trail is."

She gently took Yang Guo's hand, her beautiful eyes were full of expectation and she said: "Brother Yang, my sister and I don't have a team to join, can you take us on an adventure together?"

Guo Fu stomped her feet and said, "Xiang'er! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I don't care if I ignore you? Since my grandfather left a secret book and let you and me become immortals here, he is probably protecting us in secret. How can you talk to that brat Yang Guo?" ?”

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

That's right, Huang Yaoshi's kung fu is also at the top level in the inner city. Maybe he had some adventures and broke through again, so he didn't meet his two granddaughters.

His eyeballs rolled around.

If the two sisters Guo Xiang and Guo Fu are brought into the team, will they be able to attract Huang Yaoshi, who has nowhere to go?
In his hand, he now has the three pendants of the Heaven and Earth Heart and the openable Immortal Treasure Box, and it is time to further improve his skills.

Guo Xiang yelled: "Sister, you are always so simple-minded. Our sisters came to this bloody city without any relatives. Grandpa didn't know where he went. Just now you pawned the mid-grade spirit stone left by grandpa for money. , and caused such a great disaster. If Brother Du and Brother Yang hadn't saved us, our sisters would have escaped the murder of that young master today. Why don't you thank the two brothers quickly?"

Guo Fu was at a loss for words.

She is also a newcomer to the city, and she is delighted to see Liexin. There are so many dazzling good things, how can she resist buying them?So he pawned a spirit stone left by Huang Laoxie.Huang Laoxie left a whole bag of this thing, but Guo Fu didn't pay attention to it.

Who would have thought that everyone would be innocent and conceive a crime.

This bloody city is indeed more chaotic than Jianghu.

Guo Fu also hesitated.

She is just unruly and willful, not without brains, it can be seen that this bloody city is definitely not something that her and Guo Xiang's two martial arts can crush all the way and run rampant in the world.

Facing the obsessive Guo Xiang, Yang Guo didn't want to get into trouble.As long as he can stay with his aunt Xiaolongnv and elder brother Du Yu, he is satisfied, but seeing Guo Xiang's expectant eyes and his elder brother's encouraging eyes, he finally nodded: "We have known each other for so long. There is also support."

Guo Xiang cheered, threw herself into Yang Guo's arms, and said with a croaking smile, "I know Brother Yang is the best for him. You gave me a 16-year-old birthday present, and I still cherish that Arhat boxing."

Guo Fu stomped on her little boots and said angrily, "You little bastard. If you want to go, just go. Forgive me for not being with you."

She turned and walked away.

Michelle still wanted to stay.

Guo Xiang smiled and said, "Let her go. But she will come back in a quarter of an hour. This unaccompanied person, the world is so dangerous, who else can she turn to if she doesn't look for me?"

The four walked out, and within a quarter of an hour, Guo Fu caught up.

"Hey!" She grabbed Guo Xiang's crystal pink ears: "You just abandoned my sister so casually?"

Guo Xiang rolled her ghostly beautiful eyes three times and said with a smile: "Sister, if you are worried, come take an adventure with me."

Guo Fu glanced at Du Yu and Yang Guo, and said disgustedly: "Even if we want to find a team to join, but this guy's team is basically a grassroots team. We have such noble backgrounds, and we have such a strong backing from our grandfather. How can we join us?" They? Aren't the pearls cast in secret?"

Guo Xiang didn't wait for her to finish speaking, she curled her lips and said, "Sister, if you want to go to that strong team, go there. Anyway, I'm going with Big Brother Yang."

Guo Fu stomped her feet, and finally said discouragedly like a rooster: "I lost to you. If you are cheated, my grandfather will definitely not forgive me. I'd better stay with you and keep an eye on you."

She put her hips on her hips and said viciously: "Du Yu, Yang Guo, if you bully my sisters, you will die! Do you hear me?"

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Everyone welcomes Miss Guo's joining. I didn't expect to buy one and get one free, and Miss Guo would also come with me. This is not fun.

But it's not easy to push Guo Fu out.In this way, the wolf pupil team got two more adventurers from the outer city, Guo Fu and Guo Xiang, within a day.

Du Yu had no idea about these two sisters.Guo Xiang belonged to Yang Guo, or Zhang Sanfeng, he couldn't compete with his brothers, and although Mrs. Guo was beautiful, let's forget about her personality.

(End of this chapter)

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