Chapter 902 Immortal Relic, Purple Qi Comes to Furnace! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Therefore, the Pope's practice of secretly controlling the Dark Council and constantly eradicating dissidents will definitely arouse the uneasiness and resentment of the Holy Maiden of Light.Concubine Sisi seems to have a special affection for you. As long as you find her in secret, and use it as a knife to kill people with the help of the Pope's control of the Dark Council cult, Concubine Sisi should help you. "


Catherine's admiration for Du Yu was almost overwhelming. In such a situation that seemed to have no flaws, he broke the point with a single word, and the water was dripping from her beautiful eyes, and the frequency was much faster.

"The strength of the Saintess faction is not as good as the Pope's faction." Du Yu was pleased, and continued to analyze: "But the appeal of the Saintess has penetrated into every corner of the Holy See. This is why the Pope dare not act rashly to deal with her." The main reason. Let her be brought to our camp first."

Catherine had made a decision, put on the tight-fitting whalebone skirt and phoenix robe, smiled charmingly at Du Yu, and left.

Du Yu knew that with Catherine's method, there were naturally many ways to get Sisi, the concubine, into his camp.At least in this matter, concubine Sisi will not sit idly by and allow the Pope to play tricks, get rid of the Queen, and expand his influence.

The power of the pope is the decline of the saint.

Du Yu himself was also a big deal, so he couldn't wait for long, so he hurriedly flooed.

His most urgent task is to improve his own strength.

Heaven and Earth Heart Three Pendants, Dragon Horn, Immortal Jade Letter.

This is Du Yu's secret hole card.

At the same time, Du Yu's beauty strength needs to be strengthened urgently.

In this battle against Diablo, Du Yu added an extra Leah who could summon Diablo at a critical moment, and his strength was greatly enhanced.

But next, he might face the cult masters and elite Hou family sent by the Pope to assassinate Catherine, and maybe even the conspirators from the Sultanate would infiltrate, so he dared not be careless.

And he will follow Catherine into the world of Lord of the Rings in the inner city.This is Du Yu's first contact with the difficulty of the inner city, it is really not optimistic.

Everything is based on strength.

Putting the jade pendant, dragon horn and fairy treasure box in front of him, Du Yu thought about it, and decided to open the fairy treasure box with the dragon horn first.

When this real space S-class monster dragon horn was placed on the fairy treasure box, a burst of fairy music sounded: "Ah, the real dragon horn, this makes me who was killed by the dragon clan feel unnecessary joy. Although it is the Western Shenlong, do you want to open the treasure chest now and accept my inheritance?"

Du Yu nodded.

The fairy treasure box finally opened slowly.

Powerful prohibition, automatically blocked.

Du Yu and the beauties behind him, including Shi Feixuan, Houhou, Xiaolongnu, etc., all opened their eyes wide.

In the treasure box, there is an alchemy furnace placed upright!

"What? It's actually a pill furnace?" Du Yu was really disappointed.

Although he himself has been concentrating from the very beginning, taking all kinds of routes with no lower limit medicine, but his strength has developed to this day, how did he get another pill furnace?
What's the use of this thing?

However, Li Mochou and Yilin, who were on Du Yu's body, looked at the alchemy furnace, and their beautiful eyes were shining again and again.

"Could this be the immortal family's alchemy furnace? We're completely out of luck!" Li Mochou exclaimed.

Du Yu picked up the alchemy furnace listlessly. Could it be that this fairy treasure from Yunmengze, looted by many big shots, is such a thing?

But when he saw the explanation, Du Yu was stunned.

There are ancient inscriptions engraved on the alchemy furnace, but the adventurers have their own language proficiency and can read them directly.

"[Ziqi Donglai Furnace] S-level treasure, the only one in space, is the self-made fairy treasure of the ancient fairy Yuchengzi. He fought with the dragons of the East China Sea and fell to Yunmengze. Yuchengzi is good at alchemy, and the pills he refines are always His ability overwhelms other immortals. In fact, the reason lies in his unique purple gas furnace. This thing is all the fragments of the alchemy furnace that Yu Chengzi picked out from the Flame Mountain, the ancient great immortal Taishang Laojun who was kicked down to the heaven by Monkey King. It is re-refined. It can directly increase the grade of the elixir by one level."

Du Yu didn't have any idea about the first rank of elixirs, but Li Mochou was already crazy.

"First rank! This is first rank!" Li Mochou hugged Du Yu, and kissed fiercely: "Dear husband, good master, give me this fairy treasure."

"What's so special about the first-order elixir?" Du Yu asked puzzled.

"Brother Du doesn't know something. The three of us are capable of refining CC-level pills at this time." Yilin smiled and said, "It is the top-level pills in the outer city. Some of the poisons can break through B-level. But With this fairy's S-level immortal treasure, we can refine BB-level elixir out of thin air, and even directly break through A-level elixir!"

Li Mochou said excitedly: "Imagine, in the battle in the outer city, suddenly appearing an A-level pill with a priority of 80, what a number that makes the enemy desperate! This means that the enemy has almost no antidote to break our poison." ! Haha, even if we don’t develop new poisons, with this priority suppression, we can sweep everything!”

Du Yu smiled, pointed to the alchemy stove and said, "Let's read the instructions first."

The instructions on [Ziqi Donglai Furnace] continued: "However, to refine the elixir, you need to use innate true energy/immortal power to control, and the medicinal materials used must be planted in the fairy family's medicine field before refining, otherwise it will definitely fail. .”

Although the power of this out-of-the-box first-level promotion is extremely powerful, even the eight monsters in the Zifu District of the Tang Dynasty who are as powerful as ghosts and immortals are very interested in it, but this request immediately made Li Mochou feel helpless.

"The fairy family medicine fields are easy to get. We have a medicine field opened up by immortals on Peach Blossom Island and Penglai Fairyland. The cultivation has resumed and can meet small batch production." Li Mochou calculated: "But the problem is first Innocent Yuan, only Du Yu, Shi Feixuan, and Wan Wan possess it, the others don't have it."

She looked at Du Yu maliciously: "From now on, you will be my alchemy boy. At most, my sister will love you a little more. Let's work hard!"

Du Yu smiled and took out the pill that fell from the flower demon, and said with a smile: "I have a pill here that can break through all shackles and directly jump to the golden core stage. This is the secret of the flower demon's strength. Who would you like?" ?”

This pill robbery is one of the spoils of killing the flower demon.

Concubine Shixuan and Wan Wan are already on the verge of breaking through this realm, and with their own abilities, they will not be far away, which is a bit of a disadvantage for them.

Or for those beauties who are far away, the most obvious improvement in the strength of the wolf pupil team.

The three beauties, Xiaolongnv, Ning Zhongze, and Li Mochou, are second only to the two saintesses, and they are suitable for taking this pill.

But Dan Jie must be guarded by someone, and only by breaking through the fire poison of Dan Jie with internal force, can he survive the disaster safely and reach the cultivation base of Golden Core Stage.Otherwise, how can it be called Dan Jie?
Xiao Longnv was as indifferent as a fairy, stood up and said, "Let me try."

Du Yu put his head against Xiaolongnv's real head, his smooth forehead and delicate skin made him fall in love with it as if he had met for the first time: "This pill robbery is dangerous."

Xiao Longnu said calmly: "In this way, I can keep up with your footsteps, and I won't become a drag."

The speed at which Du Yu's strength improved was really too fast.

And the adventure world he experienced is also becoming more and more difficult.

Shi Feixuan and Wanhou have already broken through their innateness and entered the Qi training period.

Beauties such as Xiaolongnv, Ning Zhongze, Li Mochou, etc. have not yet broken through, and other beauties are farther away.

Du Yu was moved.

This is clearly Xiaolongnv not hesitate to take risks, but also to help herself, she doesn't want to be a useless person.

How could he live up to the little beauty's wishes?
He nodded towards Shi Feixuan and Houhou.

The three protect the little dragon girl at the same time, and must ensure the safety of the little dragon girl.

The other beauties were full of respect, and spread out to guard the Langtong headquarters, preventing anyone from rushing in and disrupting the Danjie process.

Xiao Longnv didn't hesitate, and smiled at Du Yuzhan, "I took Dan Jie, can I catch up with the progress, and then I can have a chance to comprehend Ascension?"

Du Yu nodded.

The reason why he had to take out Pill Tribulation first, so that a beauty could be promoted to the Golden Core Stage, and then take out the Gate of Immortal World, in this way, can ensure two consecutive promotions.

There is only one chance for the gate of the fairy world, but the number of viewers is not limited, and how much you can comprehend depends on your own fairy fate.

After Du Yu got the object, he told all the beauties to practice hard and strive to improve their strength as soon as possible, so that when the gate of the fairy world opened, they could comprehend as many fairy secrets as possible.

In layman's terms, the Heaven, Earth and Human Sanpei is a collective gain BUFF, and the level has a chance to increase.For Du Yu as a whole, the best result is naturally that the higher the strength of himself and the beauties, the more people they understand, the more cost-effective.

Xiao Longnv took Danjie, sat down gracefully, hugged Yuanshouyi, concentrated and calmed down, and began to improve.

Du Yu, Shi Feixuan and Hou Hou guarded the surroundings, and with their innate true energy, they slowly helped the little dragon girl through the alchemy.

Pill Tribulation Pill Tribulation, first of all, you have to go through a catastrophe before you can hope for immortality.

And the most dangerous part of Dan Jie is the fire poison.

The fire poison comes from within, from the depths of the soul, if one cannot control the inner demon, the body will be burned by the pill fire, and the soul will be destroyed, and there is no medicine to save it.

Yan Fei succeeded in one fell swoop only by coincidence and the help of Yaodao with malicious intentions.

At this time, the little dragon girl began to be attacked by the pill fire poison, and blushes began to appear on her snow-white and peerless delicate face.

Fire poison started.

The only way is hard resistance.

Xiao Longnu's delicate body trembled slightly.

Du Yu was heartbroken.

Xiaolongnv followed her very early, and the relationship between the two was very deep.

Even though Du Yu has a lot of beauties at this moment, every night when he finishes his meditation and favors beauties, there must be Xiaolongnv's name on the list.

But this woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, with an indifferent personality and aloof from the world, was determined to take Dan Jie the first time Dan Jie was offered to resolutely improve her strength.

All for themselves.

Du Yu knew it in his heart, and was even more moved and deeply in love.

Such a good woman, it is too much to get one by myself, now there are so many beauties around, how can I not be satisfied?

(End of this chapter)

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