Chapter 903 Alliance Shenluo, Contribute to Datang! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Next, I'm going to open the Three Jade Pendants of Heaven, Earth and Man"

Du Yu announced.

"Wait a minute" Shen Luoyan said shrewdly, "Little Dragon Girl has just broken through the golden core stage and needs to be strengthened, and you still have a month of vacation, so let's practice for a month, and then come back to absorb the three pendants of the world and people. .”

Du Yu nodded, Shen Luoyan was as careful as a voice, and what he said made sense.

"This month, everyone should work hard to study and cultivate. Li Mochou and Yilin should figure out how to use the Ziqi Donglai Furnace as soon as possible," Du Yu assigned.

All the girls agreed in unison.

Du Yu then discussed with Mai Shela and others about making weapons in Shan Wanjing's blacksmith team.

There is no problem with Shan Wanjing's technology, and the rare materials are also piled up like a mountain, but if the wolf pupil team expands as a whole, it will be more than 100 people, even if the contribution is used as currency to sell internally, it will not be enough, and she must find more. Multiple sources of raw materials.

Michelle has revised the team rules. Team members who can turn in Warcraft crystal cores, gems, and space minerals will be given internal contribution rewards, and the right to build weapons and equipment will be given priority, encouraging team members to contribute materials internally.

As soon as the regulations came out, everyone in the wolf pupil team shouted enthusiastically, preparing to find Shan Wanjing to build equipment.Since the end of the world competition, everyone in the wolf pupil team knows that Du Yu has a highly skilled blacksmith, Shan Wanjing, who can make a lot of good equipment.

After having this blacksmith shop, all the team members are angrily brushing up the contribution points in the team, and all kinds of tasks and various harvests are collected and handed over.

As for Shan Wanjing's problem of forging minerals, it cannot be solved by a mere team of adventurers.

There are actually a lot of space minerals, but few of them can be mined. The biggest bottleneck is the labor force.

Just kidding, space adventurers would rather go to the wilderness blood field to hunt monsters and put their heads in their belts than be hard-working miners.

The only ones who can be sent to work in the mines are the magic pets, monsters, and adventurer slaves who have failed in the war or are heavily in debt brought out from the story world unintentionally by the adventurers.

Yes, adventurers may also serve as slaves.In the space, there are quite a few usury vampires who specialize in lending money to desperate people who have nowhere to go.For example, in the next world, if you face a difficult world, you can go to usury if you are not sure about your own payment, and you have no money to buy medicine or equipment.But the interest rate is so high that it is often 50% or even 100% in a world.

What should I do if the person came back alive, but the benefits he received were not enough to repay the principal and interest?
Sell ​​gear.

If it's not enough, you can only sell yourself.

Hard-pressed adventurers, earning little survival points, what can they do?
All kinds of dirty work, guarding, mining, pioneering, border guards, and even brothels. Anyway, your master will send you wherever you think you can earn more money, and you will be released only after you earn enough capital.

But there is only one person who can afford to open a mine in the wild bloodland full of monsters.


Without an army, without financial resources, it is impossible to obtain minerals.Even many powerful teams are unable to mine alone.

Only the four great empires have different amounts of minerals on the wild bloodlands, which can supply the country's needs.

Du Yu found Catherine directly.

Anyone who wants to talk to Catherine about the transfer of minerals will be killed directly.Buying and selling weapons raw materials, want to rebel if you don't want to live?

But Du Yu is naturally different.

He has Datang's military map in his hand, high-level monsters can't be messed with, and low-level monsters have no shortage of raw materials.

Shinra's elegant queen and the dragon-spirited and fierce-looking captain of the wolf team, based on the principle of equal negotiation and exchange of equal value, signed a friendly covenant in the love battle between men and women on the bed.

Du Yu obtained a 5% share of all the mineral production of the Shinra Royal, in exchange for Du Yu providing Shinra with magic pet mounts and high-quality finished weapons.

In fact, when Catherine first saw the wolf pupil team's full mount lineup on the video screen, she was already angry at Du Yu's broom, which she cherished and kept hidden.

Such an elite team of all mounts would be impossible without a large Warcraft ranch.

But the domestication skills of Warcraft are not something that can be solved simply with money.

Otherwise, the four great empires would have achieved full mount armies long ago.At this time, in the Imperial Legion, only officers above a centurion can hope to obtain mounts.

And a brilliant blacksmith is a treasure of the country.Any blacksmith is monitored by the state apparatus.

Catherine knew the threat to herself from Datang and Sudan, and knew the importance of a strong army, so she did not hesitate to sell Shinra's national interests in exchange for Du Yu's mount and weapon support.

Perhaps Shang Xiuxun's monster farm can only domesticate CC-level monsters, and maybe Shan Wanjing's blacksmith's output is not too high at this time, but these powers can be completely controlled by Du Yu and Catherine. , will never be disturbed by the monitoring and interference of Tracy and any forces!

With Catherine's great talent and intelligence, she can see the strategic value of this place at a glance, and has given a generous strategic investment!
With a big wave of her hand, she dispatched 20 B-level creature griffins, 20 B-level thunderbirds, 20 B-level magical beasts, and 40 other flying horses from the imperial army to which her absolute confidant belonged. All the monsters were handed over to Du Yu.As the breeding experimental monsters in Shang Xiuxun's ranch, these are the absolute core secrets of the Shenluo Empire's military, and they are the core force of the army.Although Shenluo also has a small number of A-level monsters, it is well known that the higher the level of the monster, the higher the intelligence, and the less likely it is to be domesticated into a mount. The existence of S-level monsters like dragons is basically impossible.Therefore, the level of B-level monsters is neither too high nor too low. These three kinds of flying monsters are fast and suitable for military use.

But even if Catherine is the queen and holds half of the military power of the empire, there is not much to call on.These 60 B-level monsters are already the limit.But falling into the hands of beast taming expert Shang Xiuxun, these monsters will multiply rapidly. In the future, if something happens to Catherine, she will quickly form a flying force that the enemy cannot trace, and play a surprise role.

As for ores, 5% of Shinra's total output can ensure that Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop will not stop working at all, and can consistently produce high-quality weapons.Due to the lack of blueprints and precious magic cores, these weapons can reach BB-level difficulty at most, but Catherine has already been pleasantly surprised.

The difficulty of the inner city is the backbone of the empire.Being able to produce a large number of unrestricted weapons and horses will allow Catherine to have an absolutely amazing army to deal with the conspiracies of various forces, and the benefits to her are indescribable.

After obtaining these resources, Du Yu is also a big winner.He can quickly expand the wolf pupil team and resist the possible attacks of the Tang Empire and political enemies.

In short, this is an alliance transaction in which both parties have gained huge benefits, not to mention that the two parties are already extremely close lovers. In this way, the interests and alliance are more stable.

In addition, Du Yu handed over to Catherine Tang Lu's clues on the map markers of the Vulcan God Cult.Catherine's beautiful eyes are cold and clear. With her supreme authority at this time, in the bloody city, she has a lot of means to find out the power of the Vulcan Sect, follow the clues, and give a pre-emptive strike.

As Du Yu mentioned, the strategic alliance of concubine Sisi.Catherine breathed out: "I've been looking for the Holy Maiden of Light, and my concubine Sisi has a good impression of me, and she promises to think about it seriously. If the Pope really infiltrated the dark forces secretly and used such dirty and despicable means to deal with me, she will firmly stand I am here, but the investigation takes time, and I will reply in 3 or 5 days."

Du Yu said with a smirk on his face, "Did you use beauty tricks?"

Catherine blushed and said, "They're all women, what kind of beauty trick are you using?"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Don't worry, my husband doesn't mind you. I'm trying to win over this bright saint with a beauty trick. Two stunning girls having lesbian sex together sounds very exciting."

Catherine put her arms around Du Yu's neck lazily and coquettishly, and said in a charming voice: "Tell me the truth, do you want to use me as bait to catch the fragrant beauty of the Holy Maiden of Light? Let's really kill two birds with one stone? "

Du Yu sighed: "For the sake of the Empress Empress' great cause of winning over the Holy Maiden of Light, if there is a need, even if you sacrifice your masculinity, how dare you refuse?"

The two laughed and made a fuss.

But what they didn't know was that Sisi, the concubine at this moment, was lost in thought about the news Catherine brought.

In the Saintess Palace, the concubine Sisi sat in front of the Saintess Throne, and did not move for a long time.

Her perfectly curvy face is like ten thousand years of ice, without any flaws in the lines, it is suffocatingly beautiful.

"Pope, you are already an envoy standing at the top of the light, and you have countless powers. Why do you want to infiltrate such a filthy existence like the Dark Council? What kind of person will you become if you control both light and darkness at the same time?" Concubine Si In Si's heart, there has been a turbulent sea.

She has heard about the Pope's actions for a long time, and she has also learned about the Pope's unscrupulous style of doing things, but she did not expect that this time the Pope has already done it this time. degree.

This time he was able to bribe the cult and assassinate the queen, the political enemy. Will he assassinate himself, who is also his thorn in the side, next time?
The answer seemed imminent.

Although Catherine's identity is not without doubts, but judging from the policy of Catherine's coming to power, she has not favored the Dark Council, and at this time she was listed as an assassination target by the Dark Council.And even if Catherine has problems, she should never use such despicable means to eliminate dissidents.

Thinking of this, she stood up, and the snow-white long dress was bathed in the holy light, as beautiful as Venus descending to earth.

"Pass him in for me," the concubine Sisi said in a majestic and cold voice.

Immediately someone agreed to go down.

In the Holy See, Concubine Sisi's power on the surface is far inferior to that of the Pope, but her charisma and divine power can still secretly get the support and assistance of a large number of righteous people who are dissatisfied with the Pope's actions.Many of them are even extremely high-level knights and priests.Of course, their allegiance to concubine Sisi is an extremely secret matter, otherwise they would have been cut off by the Pope long ago.

"Investigate this matter thoroughly for me!" Concubine Sisi made up her mind: "If it is true, the Pope cannot be allowed to succeed! Catherine must be kept."

The people below nodded deeply.

Du Yu just returned to Datang headquarters, and quickly walked to the General Administration of Programmers, ready to expand the team of Programmers.In the dark, he promised Caesar that he would continue to expand. Of course, after a few times in the world, he also tasted the sweetness of the program ape, but when he saw Yimei approaching, he felt bad luck in his heart.

Yimei Dai frowned, seeing Du Yu stealthily preparing to escape, she said angrily, "Am I the plague god? What are you running for?"

Du Yu squeezed out a smile: "The supervisory censor came to look for the next official. I don't know what the purpose is. Maybe he will arrest me and put me in jail, which makes me feel uneasy."

Yimei was amused by him, and punched him on the back: "Since you are afraid that the emperor will punish you, why don't you take the initiative to plead guilty?"

Du Yu said eloquently, "How embarrassing is that to make an apology?"

Yimei sighed and said: "Oh, you grandson monkey, you don't bother to plead guilty and make the emperor angry, but another difficult hob meat master took the initiative to adopt the policy of three crimes and three punishments, shocking the government and the public, and even more so. It makes the emperor worry and uneasy. So you are lucky, the emperor has no intention to deal with you."

Du Yu secretly scolded the emperor to punish me?Give him two guts!

Of course, he dared not say that in front of the supervisory censor, and curiously said: "I have heard about the policy of three crimes and three punishments. Since Hou Shen admits that he is cowardly and bows to the emperor, that is a good thing. Why doesn't the emperor just let it go?" Why don't you get off the donkey, just push the boat along the way, let this traitorous official and traitor go to hell, and then send a loyal official like me to the East China Sea to lead the army to guard it?"

As he said that, Du Yu really narcissistically picked up the two handsome long whips of the Great Sage, and winked at Yimei.

Yimei was amused by his narcissism and arrogance, so that the flowers trembled wildly, and she punched him on the chest again, her almond eyes widened and she scolded: "If you are a lawless guy, sitting in the East China Sea, maybe some decree of the emperor will offend you. If I miss you, it will be reversed immediately! There is no way to be a courtier than Hou Shenjiang, did I misunderstand you?"

Du Yu felt guilty for a while. With his personality, after taking power, he might not really submit to the emperor of the Long family.

Yimei sighed and said: "What's more, this strategy of three crimes and three punishments is a treacherous scheme of General Hou. The thunder is loud and the rain is little, and the ground is not even wet. In my opinion, not only will it not hurt his muscles, but it will be more serious. It may cause even greater worries for Datang."

From Catherine, Du Yu learned of General Hou's tricks, and said, "The three punishments he proposed all have room for manipulation. The transfer of the defense to the East China Sea, and the imperial court sending another army to garrison it will even reduce the imperial court's strength." Policy, absolutely impossible."

Only now did Yi Mei raise her head and stare at Du Yu: "I can't tell, you are actually a talent."

Du Yu said distressedly: "I have always been such a talented, intelligent and resourceful person. The supervisory censor has never discovered my rough jade. I have neglected my duty."

Yimei couldn't help laughing loudly: "Then according to you, what should the court do?"

Du Yu came to the spirit, rectifying the Hou family was his lifelong wish, so he was naturally blunt at this time: "The Hou family's trick is called retreating to advance, and it is called self-deprecation and seeking punishment. It is actually an ulterior motive. I have a plan to cure he."

(End of this chapter)

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