Chapter 907 Observatory, the celestial phenomenon changes, and the treasure appears! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Yimei chuckled and glared at Du Yu. She was full of flair and made Du Yu's heart skip a beat: "I know you are greedy for life and afraid of death! I don't want you to be bigger than me. I'll go and discuss with Tang Guogong how to deal with this Su Daji, Zheng Guogong, you three worlds, first go to the Qin Tianjian to sign your palm, and do your work before talking about it."

Du Yu shook his head and said, "What are the benefits of these four-rank officials?"

Yimei said casually: "As a fourth-rank official of the Tang Dynasty, I am protected by the fortune of the Tang Dynasty. The rules of the trial are naturally different from those of ordinary adventurers. Your adventure benefits are more than ordinary adventurers. In addition, every day Every world can get a lot of money to survive, and the royal family also provides a set of official uniforms to increase your strength. Of course, the biggest change is that your power in the bloody city will be expanded! You can freely enter and exit the imperial city In any area, when you encounter an attack, the Tang army and adventurers are obliged to provide you with priority support. Anyone who refuses to save an official is guilty of conspiracy! Any adventurer under your official position cannot attack you at will Or disrespectful, but you can discipline them! How about it? It's nice to be bossy, isn't it?"

Du Yu was already in a trance.

No wonder in this bloody city, adventurers are vying to be officials.

Officials crushed people to death.

I can only provoke you, you can't resist me, otherwise it will be treason.I can call the government or the adventurers around to besiege you together!
Hahaha, don't you want to walk sideways in the outer city and flirt with women at will?

Du Yu is all kinds of dudes and bureaucrats.

Yimei kicked Du Yu's ass, and said angrily, "Hey! If you let me know that you are abusing your power and committing crimes, I will be the first to use the power of supervisory censor and send you to prison."

Sure enough, we should strike while the iron is hot and take this woman down.Du Yu's face is full of cattle.

Yimei went straight to Tang Guogong's mansion to discuss countermeasures with Tang Guogong.

Du Yu returned to the wolf pupil team headquarters.

The world is really busy on vacation.

It was the harem of Shenluo, the court of the Tang Dynasty, the Dark Council, the Marquis God General, and Su Daji. Du Yu's heart was filled with conspiracies and schemes.

It seems that this space is really a paradise for conspirators.

Du Yu is actually more optimistic about Su Daji and Yimei, who are friends.

Without him, the vixen has never been defeated in history. It is estimated that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is not much better than King Zhou of Shang?

But Du Yu still chose to stand on Yimei's side.

Because he has a retreat.

If it really doesn't work, I will relocate the wolf pupil team as a whole and get it to Shinra, okay?
The queen mother and empress are both Lao Tzu's women, competing to flatter Lao Tzu and have children.

Su Daji?
Scared of a bird?
But the more important reason why Du Yu did not choose to cooperate with Su Daji was that Du Yu instinctively felt that Su Daji seemed to be very interested in him.

Naturally, she is not coveting masculinity.

Her soul-stirring peach-blossom fox eyes seemed to be very interested in her body, not in her appearance!
In front of her aura, his usual fearless aura of a dragon and a wolf actually restrained himself with his tail between his legs!

Could it be that Su Daji's strength is far from being difficult in the inner city on the surface?

Could it be that she is a strong person in Huangcheng District, or even Zifu District?
Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, came to the palace, intending for something?
Du Yu can be sure that Su Daji is uneasy and kind to him!
Therefore, he must not stand by Su Daji's side and deal with Yimei, but can only do the opposite.

Needless to say, it is difficult to fight against this clever, cunning and wise fox.

With my official position of the fourth rank, I am afraid that I can only do three worlds, and I will lose my black hat.

The top priority is to make good use of the General Administration of Programmers to maximize the activation of programmers for their own use.

Thinking of this, Du Yu hurriedly changed direction and walked towards the General Administration of Programmers.

After sweating profusely, 20 programmers were activated again, and the number of programmers in the General Administration has increased to more than 100.

It is estimated that by the end of this vacation, I can activate all the programmers!
At that time, even if I was deprived of the position of programmer director, it didn't matter.Programmers only follow their own instructions and act according to themselves.Back in the General Administration, he will automatically pretend to be crazy and stupid, and continue to pretend to be ape-man.It won't attract the attention of anyone who cares.

Qin Tianjian should also go and see.

Du Yu walked to the Qin Tianjian, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

This Qin Tianjian is really magnificent.

Covering an area of ​​hundreds of hectares, there are magnificent government offices everywhere, and staff in uniforms come in and out.

The most striking thing about this Qin Tianjian is that it is the second tallest building in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty, second only to the Zhaixing Pavilion, even higher than the Wangxing Tower in the Imperial Palace!
Because it is used to observe the sky and watch the wind for the emperor.

When Du Yu walked into the official office, a beautiful girl in uniform immediately came up and asked, "Master Du Yu? Congratulations, you have been appointed as the Qin Tianjian!"

Du Yu nodded: "Who are you?"

"I'm Tang Ying, a first-level clerk, your secretary." The girl in uniform is graceful and beautiful.

Du Yu nodded: "I want to inspect Qin Tianjian."

Tang Ying led the way, introducing as she walked.

After walking to the highest astronomical observatory and looking around the entire Tang Empire from a bird's-eye view, Du Yu felt the throbbing and trembling of his soul.

This is the taste of power.

Although he is only a mere fourth-rank official, he holds the two positions of Qin Tianjian and Program Yuan General Administration, and holds a certain amount of power.

Can he use this opportunity to change his destiny?

"Little Tang," Du Yu said with a harmless smile, "We Qin Tianjian, besides looking at the stars and drinking the northwest wind every day, what other duties do we have?"

Du Yu really couldn't see what kind of power this Qin Tianjian, that is, the Meteorological Bureau, had.

Tang Ying chuckled and said, "You are really funny. The duty of Qin Tianjian is the most important position besides the Six Departments of the Tang Dynasty."

Du Yu was surprised.

Tang Ying nodded and said: "Yes, our Qin Tianjian also acts as a bridge between the emperor and the gods in heaven! Every time the emperor of the court prays, offers gifts, sacrifices, enshrines, and divinations to heaven, the gods given by heaven The edicts, grants, etc., are all stored in our Qin Tianjian!"

Du Yu smiled wryly. He really had no love for oracle bone inscriptions and tortoise shells.

But wait!

Do they all exist in the Qin Tianjian?

Du Yu became excited.

He was originally a hozen type of troublemaker, and he packed up and left after three worlds anyway. How could he pay attention to any rules?
The sacrifices of the royal family to the heavens, and the oracles bestowed by the heavens, shouldn't be bad, right?
Du Yu was drooling and ordered Tang Ying to take him there.

Tang Ying frowned and said: "I only know that these are stored on the observatory on the highest floor. But only the Qintian Supervisor is qualified to go up to the observatory, and I can only send it to the entrance of the passage."

Du Yu nodded.

The platform they were on was only one floor away from the observatory.

Du Yu used the official seal of Qin Tianjian to open the passage door and came to the observatory at the highest point.

The observatory is actually not that big, it looks like the top floor of Sarumana's mage's tower in "The Lord of the Rings", and there are dozens of large boxes around it.

There are seals on the big boxes, except for the emperor himself and Qin Tianjian, no one else can open them, as long as they touch it, the alarm will be set off.The flying Warcraft patrol team of the Datang Air Force rushed here for the first time.

Du Yu opened the first box.

Inside is a pile of oracle bone inscriptions.

Kick the box up and close it.

second box

After searching all the way until the last box, Du Yu felt a strong feeling, as if there was something calling him in this box.

When he opened the box, Du Yu suddenly found a meteorite-shaped crushed stone inside, pitch black and inconspicuous at all.Judging from the standard on the box, this is an oracle bestowed by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty after a sacrifice of all the national power, space, or in other words, heaven.

Being able to be discarded here by the emperor shows that the divine grace of the oracle is of no use to him.

But Du Yu laughed out loud.

Because he suddenly got a space prompt!
"Your spatial treasure, He's Bi, has discovered a fusionable piece of He's Bi."

"This meteorite bestowed by God to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty contains a powerful substance that can be fused with the Heshibi Jade Seal, which can complete the national treasure of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Heshibi."

"After conversion, this avatar can increase the integrity of He's Bibi by 19%. Do you want to merge it with the He's Bibi in your hand? After the merger, the original He's Bibi will restore 100% of its functions and enhance its original strength."

Of course Du Yu agreed.

There was a flash of light.The Heshibi in Du Yu's hand flew high, and a supreme light shone on the box.

In the box, black and miserable meteorite blocks flew straight up, and the same light came out from the inside of the stone block, echoing the radiance of He's Bi.

The two pieces of He's Bi finally merged together.

After the fusion of the two He's Bi, a new He's Bi was formed and flew into Du Yu's hands automatically.

Du Yu's complexion suddenly had an indistinct luster, exuding a mature charm ten times and a hundred times more dazzling than that of the Tang emperor.

That's the breath of the right man!
After the synthesis of He's Bi, the various attributes have been greatly improved again, and the integrity has been upgraded to 100%, completely restoring the whole picture!
The Heshibi obtained by Du Yu from the Scarlet City Gate is only 60% complete, and the fragments obtained from the world of Tang Shuanglong are 21% complete, plus the God originally bestowed on the Emperor of Datang, 19% complete , exactly 100%!

The only strange thing that space can't give an assessment of—the treasure and the jade, in the hands of Du Yu, gather together!

Du Yu's body was filled with the aura of destiny bestowed by He Shibi, which felt warm and uncomfortable.

He smiled slightly.

On Heshibi, all the special effects that come with it have been improved:

1. [Supreme]: When using skills and props, the priority will be greatly increased under its bonus (the priority of S-level and below skills and props will be automatically increased by 40 points).

2. [All Evil Resisting Yi]: Increase the resistance of all abnormal states by 40 points.

3. [Upright and aboveboard]: After equipped, you cannot use any stealth and escape props. 4. [Awe-inspiring Righteousness]: After equipped, the damage to all dark creatures will be increased by 100%. This attribute can be superimposed with other gain effects.

5. [True Dragon Son of Heaven]: After equipped, you can obtain the coercive effect of the power of weather, and weaken the combat effectiveness of other powers of weather by 50%.

This powerful treasure is worthy of being the Heshibi who has mastered the fate of the Tang Dynasty!

When Du Yu caught He's Bi with trembling hands, suddenly there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder!

Visions billowed in the sky.

The red cloud rolled from the sky, annihilating the clear and clear sky in an instant.

It seems that the end of the world has come to the bloody city in an instant.

Du Yu remembered that when he obtained the fairy treasure before, he also had a vision.

But it was not as big as this movement.

Standing on the observatory in the city of Tang Dynasty, he was even more deeply moved by the unexpected power of the sky.

Blasts of lightning seemed to strike Du Yu's body.

But every time it was a hair's breadth away, it fell elsewhere.

The towering and imposing imperial palace around was frequently attacked by lightning, and the place where the attacks were most concentrated was actually the Leopard Room.

The place where Su Daji is.

Shouts came from the palace.

"It's flooding!" "Hurry up and put out the fire!" The imperial guards and eunuchs rushed out of the palaces and rushed to the Leopard Room to put out the fire.

There are hundreds of powerful monsters raised in the leopard room.

Lightning directly destroyed some animal cages, such as Fengyun Leopard, Lightning Mink and other magical beasts, quickly rushed out of the breach, madly retaliating against humans in the palace.

The appearance of A-level monsters, amidst the flames, added to the chaos of the last days.

In the palace, there was chaos.

But in Du Yu's place, the lightning looked completely different.

Without the aura of destruction, it seems that the heavens have handed over the fate of a country to Du Yu who stands at the highest place and holds the jade seal of Heshi!
The thickest golden lightning struck Du Yu's body.

But Du Yu only felt warm.

He heard a female voice that seemed familiar: "The space really recognized him! That's great!"

Damn, admit that I still hit me with lightning?
Du Yu's consciousness quickly melted away.

When he woke up again, the red clouds were billowing, the lightning was still there, and the palace was blazing with flames.

But the Heshi jade seal beside him has disappeared.

Du Yu was shocked.

Could it be that the He's Bi that he had just gathered together disappeared?
He got up in a panic and looked around.

But soon Du Yu noticed the change in himself.

He looked inside his body and found an astonishing change.

He's Jade Seal has already been absorbed by him.

The meteorological attributes of the dragon and wolf in his body automatically added all the attributes of the Heshi Jade Seal!
Moreover, a powerful full-suit attribute has been added [Spatial Blessing]: the owner will be like the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty, open up the world, and according to his own strength, use the absorbed Heshi Jade Seal as a medium to absorb the luck of the world and transform For space powers!
Space ability!

This is what Du Yu lacks the most.

But now, on the observatory where the dark clouds overwhelm the city, and the mountains and rains are about to come and the wind fills the building, by chance, Du Yu completely got it.

Qin Tianjian!
It really is a good place to communicate with God.

 Ask everyone for the month-end monthly pass!Give all the monthly tickets to Laozhu, don't waste them.

(End of this chapter)

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