Chapter 908 The Golden Core Cracks, the Nascent Soul Comes Out, and Enters the Lord of the Rings! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Their strength has been greatly improved, and many states of mind or skills have directly broken through.

After another half day, the acquired masters who were close to the peak of Xiantian woke up late, including Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Fu Junzhuo and Ai Ning.

The harvest of these masters is also greater than that of the previous beauties.

Five of Du Yu's beauties, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze, Fu Junzhuo, took the lead in breaking through the innate realm!Enter the foundation building and Qi training period, officially step into the ranks of immortal cultivators!

The true qi in their bodies has also become innate true qi, and its power is incomparable.

As an adventurer of the wolf pupil team, Ai Ning also made a breakthrough and became the second adventurer to cultivate immortality after Du Yu.

Then, it took another full half a day for Guo Fu, Guo Xiang, Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan and other beauties who practiced Qi and Foundation Establishment to break through the Golden Core Stage in one fell swoop and wake up from the sudden enlightenment.

Several people break through the golden core stage together!

This is enough to trigger the vision of heaven and earth.

But the vision of heaven and earth has not yet formed in the future, and a bigger wave of vision of heaven and earth, with the breakthrough of Du Yu, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, and Xiaolongnv, has formed terrifyingly!
Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng broke through the golden elixir perfection and became the golden elixir Dacheng realm!
From the early stage of Golden Core, Xiaolongnv has entered the realm of Golden Core Perfection!
But the biggest surprise came from Du Yu!
Since the gate of the fairy world was opened, Du Yu has been hovering in the air without stopping.

one hour, two hours

Half a day, one day.

After three full days, Du Yu slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the vision that the world had accumulated for a long time completely exploded!

A series of lightning bolts fell from the sky and hit the outside of Wolf Castle. They were restrained by various defenses arranged by Du Yu and were successfully resisted.

Many old monsters who were in retreat were also drawn by the celestial phenomena and opened their eyes.

"Anyone else has broken through the Nascent Soul Stage?" Someone was curious.

But more people just smiled slightly and continued to immerse themselves in cultivation.

At their level, training time is the scarcest resource, and they wish they could have a treasure gourd that increases training time and divide one day into two.

Others breaking through the Nascent Soul stage, how could it have anything to do with me?
Ordinarily, this matter is of great importance, and it is absolutely impossible to hide it from the eyes and ears of those who are interested.The vision from the sky shocked the ruling and opposition parties even more.

But it didn't cause any shock.

Because the old monster in Zifu District is not interested in spying.

The court office that should have focused on this matter was the Qin Tianjian who was in charge of observing abnormal celestial phenomena.

It's a pity that Qin Tianjian's supervisor is precisely Mr. Du Yudu who caused this celestial phenomenon.

Will Du Yu ask for trouble and report to the emperor that Lao Tzu has made a breakthrough, causing a phenomenon of heaven and earth?

Unless he's insane.

Of course, the emperor has other information channels, but the problem is that at this time, the emperor is indulging in the leopard room all day, and Su Daji is in love with each other. Such a thing, can it still fall into the ears of his old man?

Du Yu woke up.

There was a trace of excitement in his eyes.

"Breakthrough! Nascent Soul Stage!" Du Yu's brilliance and introversion seemed to remain unchanged, but only he knew how much progress he had made!

The golden elixir in the body has been shattered, and a Nascent Soul in the shape of a full moon has come out of the elixir, with its eyes closed cutely, standing in the boundless sea of ​​qi, holding the magic seal with its hands, in the sky and the world, I am the only one!
Du Yu's innate zhenqi is more than ten times stronger than the previous Golden Core Stage!
This accumulated effect is due to the long-term painstaking practice and the guidance of the gate of the fairy world, breaking through the shackles of the golden core stage in one fell swoop!

Although he was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, Du Yu's strength was several times stronger than before.

This is where Eastern monks are stronger than Western magicians and paladins.

Terrible late game progression rate.

Starting from the Golden Core stage, every time the Eastern immortal cultivators advance to a stage, their strength will increase several times, even dozens of times, which is simply a complete change.

On the other hand, Western magicians, priests, and paladins, although in the later stage, breaking through a level can also cause a surge in strength, but they cannot achieve the earth-shaking and overwhelming effects of the Eastern fairy art system, and naturally they cannot resist it.

So far, in fact, from the perspective of the strength of middle and low-level adventurers, Shinra and Sultan are stronger than Datang.The reason why Datang is standing still is because it is in Zifu District!

Just throwing out any old monster like Guixian can cause bloody storms among the Shinra adventurers.

In several large-scale wars, the people of Shenluo suffered enough losses from the cultivators, and they never dared to start a war lightly. The two sides maintained a long-term balance of power.

After Du Yu broke through the Nascent Soul Stage, in addition to the tenfold increase in his innate true energy, all his skills were fully improved!

Like the flood that broke the embankment, Du Yu's 【Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon】【Dragon Elephant Banruo Gong】, 【Nine Yin Manual】, 【Dou Zhuan Xing Yi】, 【Great Shift of Universe】, 【Ti Yun Zong】, 【Longevity Jue】 ] and other skills have been improved by at least one level.

This terrifying entry is equivalent to giving Du Yu tens of thousands of survival points.These skills, which are already at full level or close to full level, consume a lot of villain points every time they are upgraded.

After this upgrade, Du Yu's martial arts skill level has reached level 10 or above.

His comprehensive combat power has jumped to a higher level.

"The difficulty of the inner city is no longer a problem." Du Yu opened his eyes, full of confidence.

With this top-secret hole card, Du Yu is fully confident that he can at least ensure the safety of Catherine, mother and child in the upcoming Lord of the Rings War!
Strength is the hard condition to crush everything.

As long as there is enough strength, any conspiracy is just a cloud.

Du Yu turned his head.

Behind him, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Xiao Longnu and other masters surrounded him with great smiles.

After all, they had grasped this great opportunity.

Thanks Du Yu.

All smiles.

Except for one person.

Guo Fu.

She was angry with Guo Xiang at the beginning, saying that she would not take advantage of this, so when the gate of the fairy world opened, she actually closed her eyes.

She didn't realize what a great gift this was until she found that everyone around her was paying full attention and had a sudden breakthrough!
Looking again in a hurry, most of the time has passed.

Even so, the gate of the fairy world still gave Guo Fu a lot of opportunities.

She slandered endlessly in her heart.

It's all about prevention.

If he hadn't always been angry with himself and made himself deeply unhappy, how could he have missed such a great fairy fate this time?
Guo Fu is just capricious, not stupid.She can clearly distinguish what is an opportunity and what is a trap.

It was for this reason that she beat her chest and stomped her feet.

Guo Xiang jumped up and down excitedly: "Sister, I have reached the state of great perfection in Qi training and foundation building. I am about to enter the golden core stage. Hehe. How did you gain?"

Guo Fu was listless, she failed to break through.

Du Yu announced: "We don't have much time left, everyone prepare to enter the new world."

Michelle worried: "You should act alone this time, right? I heard it's dangerous?"

Du Yu smiled: "Which world is not dangerous?"

Bringing enough supplies, Du Yan bid farewell to the team, and took his second brother Yang Guo to the teleportation point.

Although Catherine has repeatedly stated that the world of Lord of the Rings is not important, Du Yu still dare not take it lightly.In addition to himself, he also spent 100 million survival points to draw Yang Guo into the world of Lord of the Rings through the BADGUY phone booth.

One more person means more strength.

He had deliberated with Catherine on the direst case.

That is that he may be separated and act alone with Catherine.

He didn't tell Catherine the uniqueness of his meteorological power, but Catherine knew that this situation was not impossible.

Du Yu knew that this was certain.

Catherine and Yang Guo are likely to be assigned to the justice camp, but I, the definite villain, did not discuss it.

Du Yu and Yang came to the BADGUY phone booth in the inner city and filed in.

There was a flash of light in the phone booth.

"The next world you want to enter is The Lord of the Rings."

"Data initialization"

"Camp allocation"

"Space number 197621 (Du Yu), the assigned role is the villain of Saruman's side, Ge Lima. Qiaoyan!"

Du Yu felt a sudden chill.

"What? That incomparably wretched-looking courtier, Ge Lima, who claims to be the lost brother of Gollum?" Yang Guo cried out, speechless for a while.

He knew Du Yu's villain attributes.

Ge Lima bluntly said that this unlucky guy's deeds, Du Yu also roughly understood, after all, he was assigned to the villain camp every time.This time he judged his most likely role, one is the Ange Wuma King, the head of the Nine Ring Spirits, the other is the ambitious Regent of Gondor, and the worse one is Ge Lima. As for Sauron, Saru For a big villain like Man, Du Yu is still very self-aware of his own strength, and it is impossible to allocate space to a super character like himself.

"That's right, I wasn't assigned as Gollum." Du Yu laughed at himself, "If that's the case, I might as well commit suicide and start over."

Yang Guo laughed loudly and said, "Gurum? Is the taste too strong?"

"What about you?" Du Yu asked.

"It's one of the backup members of the Fellowship of the Rings—Emissary of the East." Yang Guo said with a smile: "Following the Fellowship of the Rings, you can be regarded as the main character."

"This character doesn't exist in the original book, so it was added for you alone?"

Du Yu asked.

"It should be" Yang Guo smiled.

"I don't know what role Catherine is assigned?" Du Yu stared into the distance.

"This time we will be separated. You will be a courtier in the Rohan Kingdom, and I will be in the Fellowship of the Ring in Rivendell." Yang Guo and Du Yu bid farewell.

"Don't you have a 5G walkie-talkie? Contact me anytime if you have any situation." Du Yu smiled and said, "Be careful. Guo Xiang is still waiting for you to come back."

Yang Guo blushed a little when Du Yu teased him.

It is well known that Guo Xiang pesters him and has feelings for him.

Du Yu's body turned into a meteor in the teleporter and disappeared

When he appeared again, he had come to a magnificent mountain city!

The capital of Rohan—

Du Yu received a space prompt: "Welcome to Middle-earth, adventurer."

"The timeline at this time is 3018 of the third era. There is still one year before the outbreak of the Holy War of the Lord of the Rings."

"The duration of your mission is one year."

"This is the first time you have come to the difficulty of the inner city, the rewards you get will be increased by an additional 20%."

"This world is a role-playing adventure world. Everyone who succeeds in their role can get the highest evaluation. You play the role of Ge Lima. Qiaoyan, there are three villain missions:

1. [Sycophants in power] Successfully poisoned and assassinated King Theoden of the Rohan Kingdom, and became the supreme ruler of the Rohan Kingdom.Reward the villain with 5000 points.Additional reward conditions [Extinction of the Royal Family] Kill the only son of King Theoden of the Rohan Kingdom Theyod and his nephew Eomer, and cut off the 260-year royal bloodline created by the Rohan Kingdom Fréaláf.Each person will be rewarded with 2000 villain points, and the task completion rate will be increased by 40%.The basic reward attribute point is 4 points, and the difficulty factor is 4.Failure penalty, double reward villain value will be deducted, if it is insufficient, it will be obliterated.

2. [Looting the Princess] You have coveted Princess Iowyn of Rohan Kingdom for a long time, use this opportunity to snatch the beautiful princess into your arms.At the same time, Gelima Qiaoyan is an out-and-out villain, and all kinds of beauties in Middle-earth, the elf queen and elf princess, are all your targets.According to the difficulty of plundering, King Rohan's daughter Eowyn has 5000 villain points, Elf Princess Arwen has 5000 villain points, and Elf Queen Galadriel has 10000 villain points.According to the beauty's strength, the rewards vary from basic attribute points.Failure penalty, deduction of 10000 villain points or 100 basic attributes, otherwise obliterated.

3. [Back to Saruman] Saruman, the leader of the White Daoist Society, the white-robed mage, and the ruler of Essingard, is the boss who sent you to infiltrate the Rohan Kingdom, but he must not know that you have long thought of replacing him.Take advantage of his contempt for you, assassinate him, and become master of Essingard.But Saruman was no easy opponent.Reward the villain with 10000 points.Reward 5 points of basic attribute points and 5 points of difficulty coefficient.As a penalty for failure, 10000 villain points will be deducted, which is not enough to kill.

"There are countless missions in Middle-earth waiting for you to explore. For example, intercept the Fellowship of the Ring team, snatch the Lord of the Rings, or help the righteous side against Sauron. All choices are in your hands, and you have to bear the corresponding consequences."

After reading these three missions, Du Yu felt emotional.

It is worthy of the inner city difficulty!

Whether it is the difficulty of completing the villain's mission or the reward value, they have all increased a lot.

Fortunately, the three missions are all too difficult, so they can be eliminated with villain points.Fortunately, Du Yu still has 2 villain points accumulated in Datang and Yitian world after crazy consumption and exchange.

Even if he can't complete these tasks, he won't be wiped out immediately.

After calming down, Du Yu began to try to contact Yang Guo and Catherine.

Yang Guo's 5G walkie-talkie was rustling, indicating that it was blocked by powerful magic and could not be connected.This result is not surprising given the powerful magic-shielding abilities of the elves of Rivendell.

As for Catherine, Du Yu released the jade flying pigeons to get in touch as soon as possible.

The upgraded jade flying pigeon can search for the person he is looking for within tens of thousands of kilometers, but it will take a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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