Chapter 911 The desperate Catherine! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The house is very simple, and Ge Lima is not a person who is very tasteful or picky about life.

But on the table, a crystal ball was covered with a square scarf.

Du Yu took off the scarf and stroked the crystal ball with his hand.

After a while, the crystal ball began to glow and heat up.

After a while, an old man with a clear face but piercing eagle eyes appeared in the crystal ball.This old man has snow-white hair and beard, is very tall, has a long and narrow face, eyes as deep as darkness, and there is an undeniable and unquestionable aura of a strong man in his eyes!
This is Saruman, the leader of the Holy White Council and the ruler of Isengard!

A powerful white-robed mage.

"My loyal servant Ge Lima Qiaoyan, didn't I say that there is nothing to do, don't disturb my experiment." Saruman Eagle stared at Du Yu: "First, the crystal ball I gave you is not the crystal ball of true knowledge. The ball is a counterfeit with a limited number of uses. Number two, you're wasting my precious time ninety-nine percent of the time."

Du Yu coughed: "I have two reports for you. First, I have gained the further trust of King Theoden. He authorized me to mobilize the army and become the leader of the Rohan Kingdom after him, Siyod, and Eomer. Fourth Commander-in-Chief."

"Ah! Great progress! The Fourth Commander" Saruman stared at his nails playfully, as if he was studying whether the length of the nails was suitable for the fastest casting, and it was difficult to judge whether his words were praise or sarcasm.Obviously, the impact this news brought him could not satisfy him.

Du Yu said coldly: "Secondly, thanks to your group of stupid half-orcs, the Rohan people have already aroused their vigilance. They will divide their troops and send out fierce Rohan knights to patrol the banks of the Essin River."


Obviously, this news had a much greater impact on Saruman.He slapped the table angrily, and the crystal ball vibrated accordingly.

Du Yu coldly raised the two broken shields: "This is a gift left by them. I have tried my best to cover it up, but thanks to these venerable orcs, unless King Theoden is blind, he will not be able to see this. Relations with Essingard."

Saruman said with a gloomy expression, "That's because they violated my order, driven by instinct, they rashly rushed across the Essin River to kill, injure and loot. I will severely punish the orcs responsible. But how did you do it?"

Du Yu showed a slight smile: "I can only do what I can. On the one hand, I will clear the suspicion of you, the master. On the other hand, I suggest that King Theoden divide his troops to patrol the other side of the Essin River. Now, the two of them, Xiyoud and Eomer King Theoden's left and right warriors have already divided into two groups. This is a good opportunity to defeat each of them."

Saruman pondered: "I need to use the brown-robed mage Redagast (he and Saruman, as the special envoy of the God of Vala, Maia, entered the Middle-earth Continent together, obeyed Saruman's words, and was accepted by Saruman. With the help of his ability to control animals, he has obtained a lot of news) animal spies are investigating the whereabouts of the two of them. It will take some time."

"No need." Du Yu coldly picked up a piece of crumbs of riding boots: "I have crumbs of Iomer's riding boots. Let the worgs you cultivated sniff them, and they can hunt him down accurately. I hope he dies as soon as possible. to occupy his sister Eowyn."

Saruman was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Glimmer, I have to say that you are sometimes very clever when driven by evil purposes. Yes, I will send a crow to fetch the eomer Fragments of the breath, and then send the warg orc cavalry to siege and kill the scattered Eomer. You have done a good job, but I am still useful to Eowyn."

Du Yu naturally knew what Saruman was thinking, and said coldly: "My honorable master, you promised me that the kingdom of Rohan is yours, but Éowyn is mine."

Saruman said impatiently: "I know, she must be yours, continue to keep an eye on King Theoden. I will continue to cast spells to poison his body and brain, and accelerate aging. The white-robed mage Saruman will officially enter the kingdom of knights!"

He laughed triumphantly and disappeared into the crystal ball.

Du Yu also closed the counterfeit here.

"It's up to you?" Du Yu pouted coldly.

There is no doubt that Saruman was extremely powerful.He's not actually human, not even an elf as humans suspect.Saruman is actually Maiya who wears human flesh, and is a subordinate of Aoli, the god of the earth and the Lord of the Valar.Because of this, his life is immortal, and his power is extremely powerful, although his power is limited by the human body, but his most obvious power is knowledge and his voice.

He was sent by God Vera to the Middle-earth Continent to fight against Sauron who was sent before but quickly turned into a source of evil. The five envoys who accompanied him all obeyed his orders.In addition to the white-robed mage Saruman, the five great envoys also include the gray-robed mage Gandalf, the brown-robed mage Redagast, and the two blue-robed mages Isherion and Rune.

But the so-called sky is high and the emperor is far away. Saruman's original mission was to secretly help the middle-earth forces against Sauron, but his pride and arrogance turned him into a villain.

Like Sauron, he betrayed the will of the Lord Valar and began to seek his supreme power to rule the world of Middle-earth.

On the one hand, Saruman used his charm and eloquence, as well as his position as the chairman of the Holy White Council, to guide and control the Holy White Council and strengthen his own power.His voice and speech are extremely persuasive and his rhetoric is powerful.Those of weak minds who hear his words can shake their minds, causing fear and spreading a string of lies to serve Saruman's purpose.According to the nature of the listener, the spell can affect them forever as long as it continues to be spoken.

On the other hand, with the acquiescence of the Prime Minister of Gondor, he ruled Essingard by using the magic tower of Ozark he had acquired.Use mechanical knowledge to manufacture weapons on a large scale, use biological knowledge to breed half-orcs, and mix Uruk-hai, a strong orc who is not afraid of sunlight.
With this two-pronged approach, Saruman's power grew stronger and stronger, and with the expansion of his power, his ambition and appetite became stronger and stronger.

He finally set his sights on the human kingdom of Rohan, and sent his servant, Ge Lima Qiaoyan, to try to influence King Theoden's judgment and eventually occupy this powerful human kingdom.

Under such circumstances, Du Yu became the sad traitor Ge Lima.

It's a pity that Saruman, who betrayed the true god and became a white-eyed wolf, probably didn't know it. Maybe he betrayed the main god of Vera and offended the true god.The heavens sent another man of the wolf, Du Yu, to lurk by his side and act as a double agent.

This is a contest between wolf gu and wolf gu.

"It seems that the space likes to send me under the hands of the wolf guards as an undercover agent." Du Yu joked, staring at the Luohan Plain under the bright sunlight outside the narrow stone window.

"It's been so long, it's time for Jade Flying Pigeon to find out about Catherine?" Du Yu frowned.

His purpose of coming to the difficult world in the inner city this time is to ensure the safety of Catherine, mother and child.

Throughout the holiday, Catherine turned into a stunning and crazy queen, extremely seductive, seductive and charming, lingering with him every day, playing songs every night, draining Du Yu every time, and finally her hard work paid off. On the eve of the adventure, Catherine shyly fell On Du Yu's chest, she told Du Yu that she was pregnant.

Thinking that he could make the Empress Dowager Shinra pregnant with his own child at the same time, Du Yu was overwhelmed with emotion and smiled.

"No matter whoever tries to harm my woman or child, he must bear my wrath." Du Yu secretly made up his mind.

At this time, he received a 5G call from Yang Guo.

"How is your place?" Du Yu asked eagerly.

"I was in Rivendell just now, following Aragorn, and I am a human ranger. I finally found a chance to write to you." Yang Guo said with a wry smile, "Now Aragorn has arrived at the Prancing Horse Inn, waiting for news from Gandalf. Along the way, I asked if there was any news about other adventurers in this world, but I never got any results. Instead, after the Prancing Horse Inn, some travelers from Shire mentioned that on the border of Shire, there appeared a terrible skeleton horse rider .It is estimated that the nine ring spirit knights are searching for the protagonist."

"The plot has officially started?" Du Yu judged.

"Yes! It should be. My three tasks are to help Aragorn. One is to protect Frodo, the Lord of the Rings, to Mount Doom, and accumulate at least [-] kill contributions. The second is to kill at least one Nazgul Knights. The third is to recover Minas Tirith and help Aragorn, the lord of the West, successfully restore the country.”

Du Yu gasped.

This task, which illustrates the timeline of the plot space requirements, spans the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy!

Compared with his own task, Yang Guo's task is more difficult.Of course, he followed the main plot line of the protagonist Aragorn. Although it seems extremely difficult, as long as he follows the main plot line, it is not difficult to complete.

There will be no missions in which adventurers must die in the space, but the missions for adventurers in the inner city are more complicated and challenging.

"Is there no news about any suspicious adventurers or Catherine?" Du Yu frowned.

He and Yang Guo were able to exchange news and intensify their search efforts, but there was still no news of Catherine.

Catherine didn't take the initiative to contact him either.

Du Yu smelled an unusual and dangerous breath.

Although it is very likely that Catherine has just entered the space, she has too many affairs and has no time to contact. Although Du Yu's weather compass has only one chance to use, after finishing contact with Yang Guo, Du Yu still used the weather compass without hesitation. !

Catherine's safety must be given top priority.

After entering Catherine's Black Phoenix Weather, Du Yu was surprised to find that the weather compass pointed to the east of Luohan Kingdom!

There are only two possibilities there.

The first prime minister who was in a state of madness at this time, Minas Tiris, the capital of Gondor, the most powerful country under the rule of the regent king!
The second one is even worse, it is the magic capital in the east, Minas Morgul in the center of Mount Doom!

But Catherine did not follow Du Yu's agreement for a long time, and flew to the carrier pigeon to get in touch, explaining that her situation and situation were different than expected!
Du Yu's heart ached in an instant.

In essence, Catherine and him have long been a loving couple who are in harmony with each other.

Du Yu must not lose Catherine.

At this moment, Du Yu knew that the greatest challenge in his own world had already gone beyond the border of Rohan, but to save Catherine in crisis.

Forced to remain calm, he pulled out his map and studied the weather compass.

In the end, Du Yu judged that Catherine's location should be in Minas Tiris.

Regardless of everything, he immediately resolutely walked out of the castle.

Unlike the suzerain Gondor who admired beautiful and exquisite cities, the nomadic country of Rohan, who lived by water and grass, did not pay much attention to urban construction.Even in the capital, there are only simple wooden walls and rough castles.The momentum is full, but there is not much danger to defend.

At the gate of the castle, Princess Eowyn, who was working hard with the elderly and children in the bright sunshine, saw Ge Lima's clever words and walked out with a gloomy face. She couldn't help but proudly walked up.

She saw how her elder brother Eomer taught this courtier, and in her opinion, this courtier was just a coward.

"Where are the loyal ministers of our Majesty going?" She deliberately bit the word "loyal ministers" very hard, full of irony, and challenged fearlessly: "Are you going to go to your master Saruman and cry about the injustice here?" What happened to people?"

Du Yu coldly bumped away from Iowyn, without even glancing at the alluring princess, there was only endless anger in his eyes!

pope!Lord Hou!

You and I are inseparable!
His weather compass can track the weather of an adventurer, but it has a time limit. If it exceeds this limit, Catherine's trace will linger. Where can I go to track it?

Hurry up, there is no time to pay attention to this Eowyn.

Éowyn screamed, and the people around who loved the princess rushed up angrily.

From their point of view, this Ge Lima pretended to be a bastard who should be stoned to death, a bedbug, dared to covet his beloved Eowyn, and dared to knock her down in the face?

But the anger in Du Yu's eyes stunned Eowyn and all the young and old who had intended to be provocative.

They had never seen this wretched clown with such a resolute and ruthless look!

Eowyn's delicate body trembled on the ground.

She has a pure heart and a superhuman keen intuition!

If you provoke this Ge Lima again, you will definitely be killed!

Is this person still that wretched courtier who likes to spy on him?

On Du Yu, she only felt anger!

Intense vengeance!

Princess Eowyn was originally a windy female knight who was not afraid of anything, otherwise she would not be able to create a heroic legend of beheading the Ange Witch and Horse King on the battlefield!

But at this time, this fearless female knight and princess of the kingdom was completely overwhelmed by Du Yu's anger, and dared not speak.

Du Yu coldly took out the angel wings from behind!

Powerful air entry props.

Can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

Originally, the weather compass and angel wings were powerful, but they were powerful props that could only be used once in a world. Du Yu would cherish them and use them as life-saving props.

But when it came to Catherine, he was already desperate!
It's only 2 hours before the start of the plot, and Du Yu is already desperate!

(End of this chapter)

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