Chapter 912 Baishan cliff, desperate! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Help Catherine.

In an instant, Du Yu's figure disappeared in Luohan King's Capital!

Disappeared in front of the trembling face, beautiful eyes and fearful princess Eowyn and many people!

Think ten thousand miles!
Éowyn, trembling, looked at the sky in awe.

There, there was a small black shadow, and in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared.

"This must be the witchcraft performed by that damn wizard Saruman," a trembling white-haired old woman said in a trembling voice.

"That's right," the crowd said one after another.

Only Éowyn's blue eyes were as beautiful as washing, flashing with a light of contemplation.

It was the first time she saw Ge Lima slyly, so manly.

Raise the peerless sharpness, take the enemy's head straight with a single thought!

How heroic is this?

Eowyn didn't know where Du Yu was going, but from Du Yu's stern face, she knew that Du Yu must be very concerned about something.

"This kind of bad guy who is so bad to the bone, what kind of revenge can he have?" Eowyn laughed at herself and continued to work with everyone.Although she is a princess, she never puts on any airs.

In an instant, Du Yu had already appeared above Minas Tiris!

From the sky, Minas Tiris is breathtakingly beautiful.

It was built on the majestic Holy White Mountains, and was built halfway up the mountain.There are a total of seven layers of city walls, with twists and turns, winding up, reaching the top of the cliff!
Looking down from the sky, it seems that a large piece of snow-white Hetian jade has been carved into two halves with great craftsmanship.Half of it maintains the uncanny workmanship of nature, and the other half shows the ingenious and brilliant construction technology of the Gondor people!
In front of Minas Tiris is a meandering river stretching for thousands of miles, which has become a natural moat that cannot be cut off. The fertile plain washed by the river and the majestic giant city of Minas Tiris form a mutual bond. Outside and inside, the castle guards the plain, and the plain provides abundant crops and supplies to supply the castle.

This is the strongest city of human beings, the steel fortress against the demons - Minas Tiris, the city that never falls!
This place has always been the capital of western humans. Whether it is national strength, culture, military power, or mainland influence, this is an unparalleled central city.

The king of Gondor has always used this place as the center of his rule until his extinction, and the prime minister temporarily acts as the regent to rule here.

Du Yu didn't expect that he would be here when the plot started.

Come and save Catherine!
He intends to move forward, but when he is within 10 kilometers of Minas Tiris, he can no longer move forward, as if blocked by a transparent shield. He can only give up flying and choose to walk.

He floated in the air and fell slowly.

Angel Wings can only move back and forth once.

He has only one chance to save Catherine in an instant.

The appearance of Du Yu naturally aroused the vigilance of the defenders.

The name of Minas Tiris, the city that never falls, is by no means false. Its seven-storey city wall is densely covered with catapults, bed ballistas and bunkers.Seeing an unknown person flying over the city, countless bed crossbows have quickly turned around and aimed at the uninvited guest.

Du Yu quickly landed.

The defenders were in chaos, and horns sounded everywhere.

Countless warriors wearing elite armor and holding shining swords came out from various barracks, and under the command and dispatch of horns, they launched a thorough search.

But no one noticed that at a street corner, a soldier dressed as the Minas Tiris garrison rode a war horse with a stern expression, holding a compass, and walked through the streets and alleys.

Du Yu!

He has Arjuna, who can change his appearance at any time. After knocking out a knight, he can snatch the armor of the horse to facilitate operations in the city.

At this time, the chaotic search and arrest in the city was beneficial to Du Yu's actions.He rode a war horse and ordered the soldiers to search everywhere, but he galloped crazily along the not-so-wide mountain road in the city.

Catherine's weather on the weather compass is constantly moving crazily, showing that her condition is very critical.

time is limited.

Du Yu rode a war horse and frantically pursued Catherine's weather.

"Don't worry about it." Du Yu's forehead was dripping with sweat.

Why was Catherine forced into such a mess?

Didn't she have 20 carefully selected royal guards around her?
How could the 20 top fighters in the inner city be killed within 2 hours of the start of the plot?

Catherine's weather is constantly beating.

It shows that she has started to use the magician's life-saving stunt-teleportation.

Du Yu beat the horse desperately and galloped wildly.

"Who is it?" There was a pass ahead, and the leader was a general with a snow-white mountain city embroidered on his chest, and asked sharply.

Those who can rust the snow-white mountain city mark on the breastplate are all senior generals of Minas Tiris.

His level was much higher than the knight Du Yu knocked unconscious, and Du Yu's abnormality could be seen at a glance.

Du Yuwang couldn't hide it, so with a roar, Ti Yunzong jumped up!

He is at the Nascent Soul stage at this time!

Jumping up from the horse, he flew a full tens of meters, and jumped onto the towering city wall.

The general was taken aback, while the surrounding soldiers were dumbfounded.

This is magic?Fighting?
Du Yu ignored him, kicked the general off the city wall, and continued to jump up.

If viewed from the sky, the seven-story city wall of Minas Tiris is like a seven-story staircase, which became an excellent springboard for Du Yu to continuously display the ladder cloud, allowing Du Yu to jump up crazily.

Du Yu's speed is like the wind, his agility attribute exceeds 300 points, and his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage makes him almost invisible, leaving only phantoms.

On the city wall, it is not without elite soldiers and strong generals, they reacted extremely quickly, and roared and launched salvos again and again.

But the stormy rain of arrows could only fall powerlessly in the phantom, crackling and falling on the ground.

Du Yu had already jumped over.

In his eyes, only the weather of Catherine's Black Phoenix kept beating on the weather compass.

"It's nothing to do, nothing to do!" Du Yu frantically chased after him.

Catherine was also on the verge of exhaustion at this time.

She gasped for breath, and a feeling of exhaustion and exhaustion came to her mind.

She has tried her best, even at the expense of using secret teleportation skills and scrolls to continuously teleport.

But behind them, the members of the Vulcan Cult wearing fiery red burqas embroidered with the Vulcan logo and the even more mysterious and powerful Eastern killer are still getting closer.

The opponent took advantage of the terrain of Minas Tiris to the extreme.

There are also a large number of Minas Tiris master plot guards, cooperating with them.

The most frightening thing is a mysterious oriental old man.

His most loyal bodyguard chief died in three rounds in his hands.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Catherine instinctively felt that this old man was the most dangerous and insidious pursuer!
At this moment, Catherine was standing on the highest city wall, sweating slightly, panting lightly, staring at the pursuers who were chasing after her.

"Damn, if there were no traitors in my guard, if I hadn't been pregnant"

Catherine stroked her smooth belly unwillingly.

Although she has not yet conceived, after her first pregnancy, she often felt tired and lacked energy. The beginning of this mission was a life-and-death chase, which made her feel even more powerless.

The old man waved his hand, and the pursuer stopped.

"Haha, is it Queen Catherine?"

The old man laughed and said: "The empress is so beautiful that the old man can't do anything."

Catherine said coldly: "Who are you? Do you know the serious consequences of assassinating me?"

The old man looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "If you don't have three points, how dare you go to Liangshan? Since you dare to face Her Highness the Queen, we are naturally not afraid of your revenge. Besides, you know well, Queen, that you will die today."

Catherine's face turned cold.

Of course she knew.

Among the 20 masters who accompanied him, there were as many as 6 of them as soon as they landed, betrayal!

Chi Guoguo's betrayal!

They suddenly attacked the unsuspecting comrades-in-arms. The desperate and unwilling look of the dying comrades still lingers in Catherine's mind.

Catherine is not a brainless person, and those who can be entrusted with important tasks by her are all confidantes and well-tested people.In terms of ability and loyalty, there should be absolutely no problem.

She even asked herself how well she treated them.

But something went wrong all the time, and when it happened, it was a big basket that was earth-shattering!
The subsequent battle situation was even worse.

Although under the command of Catherine, the civil strife of the six traitors was quickly suppressed, and the traitors were all killed without exception.

Regardless of her pregnancy, Catherine used Diablo's [Lightning Flame] gifted by Du Yu to kill three traitors she hated so much in one go!

In the astonished, desperate, and terrified eyes of the traitor, she made such a ruthless strike once, which made her feel extremely happy!


The hell-level Diablo's dark magic skills that Du Yu gave really fit his dark phoenix aura!

The power made her very satisfied, and she missed Du Yu endlessly.

But the old man, with the appearance of the Flame God Cult and the Eastern Undead Assassin, caused the situation that had just stabilized to take a turn for the worse again.

The seriously injured head guard was bombarded and killed by this powerful old man in three rounds.

She can only escape.

The loyal bodyguard who survived the civil strife actually has a hidden traitor!

During her escape, her location was constantly exposed.

Catherine was as careful as a hair, and soon realized that she used her tricks to kill him calmly.

But this traitor also made her lose the chance to escape.

In the end, she couldn't get away, and she was about to be forced to the top garden of Minas Tiris!

Catherine stared at the cliff above her head, and looked coldly at the old man who was approaching him step by step.

The old man licked his lips and stretched his neck.

Catherine's eyes were burning like a torch: "This person is so powerful, but I've never heard of it. Is he a subordinate of General Hou?"

She said indifferently: "Senior, what is the reward for you to assassinate me? How about I give you double or triple?"

The old man laughed bitterly: "Queen Catherine, you don't need to say too much. I won't be tempted either. I'll give you two choices. Or, be caught by us. Believe me, even though I'm not a womanizer, this old man won't hurt you." The cultists of the Flame God Cult who hate you so much will not waste your superb black phoenix appearance. They will use you as a human sacrifice!"

(End of this chapter)

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