Chapter 916 Life and death, determined revenge! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Sima Yi grinned and said, "Don't panic. Although they are a little ahead and are about to run out of the range of the holy city's forbidden spell, don't forget that Du Yu was seriously injured and Catherine was seriously injured. We packed lightly and were faster than them. The distance is 5000 meters, and it can be reached in a short time. Even if there is any teleportation spell, it still takes time to chant. I don’t believe Sun Houzi can turn out the palm of the Tathagata Buddha!”

The high priest settled down.

Sima Yi's estimation was correct.

These nimble assassins, their speed is indeed much faster than Du Yu and others.Although Du Yu had a few beauties on his side, but Du Yu had a spinal injury, they did not dare to let go of running, fearing that the injury would add to the injury.

As a result, the distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

Seeing that the effective limit of the holy city's forbidden spell is getting closer, the pursuers are also getting closer.

"Don't think you can escape!" Sima Yi gritted his teeth and said, "We have more than 30 inner-city powerhouses here, and there is no power in Middle-earth to protect you. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, we can chase them to the ends of the earth!"

This is typical psychological warfare.

But Sima Yi did not exaggerate.

With his lineup of more than 30 inner-city powerhouses under his command, he really dared to say the heroic words of "no force can keep you".

Even if Du Yu and the others could escape into Rivendell, an elf city full of strong opponents, Sima Yi would probably dare to rush in and kill them with a last shot.

Seeing that Du Yu and others were about to be caught up by Sima Yi, Du Yu smiled coldly, stared at Sima Yi, and said word by word: "I will remember what you said! I also tell you, you people, look at the whole bloody city, No force can keep it! One of you counts as one, and you will pay the price of your life for today's assassination!"

These words are categorical.

Even though the people who came here were all professional killers and top experts, their hearts skipped a beat when they heard Du Yu's words.

Originally, the threat of an adventurer from an outer city would never be taken into their hearts.

But Du Yu had just solved their inevitable situation, so the weight of his words naturally increased greatly.No one dared not to take Du Yu seriously.

Sima Yi laughed loudly: "It's too late to regret it! How dare you brag about it. Watch my moves."

He dodged and disappeared on the spot, whimpering with black air. Sima Yi had already appeared in front of Du Yu and the others.

Behind him, there appeared several dead warrior adventurers whom he had never seen before.

Surrounded front and back.

"You can't escape!" The high priest of the fire god howled frantically and rushed forward.

Du Yu smiled coldly and waved his hand, and the beauties quickly disappeared.

He picked up Catherine and pulled out angel wings in his hands!
"I'm running out of time this time, so please spare your life first. Wait for me to come back." Du Yu said coldly, driving the angel wings.

Sima Yi's black rays, the flame priest's flame pillar, various assassins' deadly weapons, and terrifying spells all fell on Du Yu and Catherine.

They made a mistake once and let the target escape here, but they will not make a second time.

Must kill!

Du Yu shattered in an instant.

But the flame priest quickly roared.

"This is an afterimage! He escaped!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the broken afterimages of Du Yu and Catherine gradually disappeared.

The real bodies of Du Yu and Catherine have been traced and disappeared.

Because the speed is too fast, it even leaves an afterimage.

"Bastard, this kid still has such a high-level treasure." A gloomy glint flashed in Sima Yi's eagle eyes.

He failed this time because Du Yu had too many secret cards.

The first is the flying props that can break free from the curse of Minas Tiris.Sima Yi still hasn't figured out how Du Yu hugged Catherine, and how did he avoid the fate of falling into flesh?
Could it be that Du Yu has a skill priority that can surpass the blessing of the God of the Earth?


How on earth did he do it.

Secondly, Du Yu and the fleeting flying props were immediately activated the moment they left the range of the forbidden spell.

Du Yu's many unbelievable hole cards made Sima Yi's careful planning completely in vain.

Sima Yi's gloomy gaze swept over the assassins: "Don't you go to collect information quickly? Find Du Yu and Catherine? If you let these two go back alive, you should know what a miserable end will be!"

Thinking of the terrible consequences, everyone trembled and scattered like birds and beasts.

After all was gone, Sima Yi finally became hysterical and waved his lupine.

In the sky, a vigorous eagle was instantly killed by the deadly black light, and fell down with a wailing sound, the ground was bloody and bloody.

"Du Yu? Interesting!" Sima Yi calmed down, his wolf pupils revealed an infinite coldness: "No matter where you escape, no matter how many cards you have, don't even try to escape from my Sima Zhongda's grasp!"

He trampled the dead eagle into meat paste.

Du Yu and Catherine appeared in the sky above the capital of Rohan Kingdom in an instant.

Du Yu fainted immediately.

Catherine hugged Du Yu and landed slowly.

She picked up Du Yu and went straight to Du Yu's bedroom, ignoring the strange gazes of the people around her.

"I'm just a little tired." Du Yu said with a pale face.

It took a lot of mental energy for Du Yu to be able to play Sima Yi between applause, and with the fierce battle before, he finally relaxed at this moment, felt extremely sleepy, and fell into a deep sleep.

Du Yu had a nightmare.

In the nightmare, Catherine was pushed off the cliff by Sima Yi, screaming and falling.

He desperately stretched out his hand, trying to catch Catherine, but missed by a hair, and could only watch the beloved woman fall down.

Du Yu was sweating profusely and woke up from his sleep.

Catherine was as gentle as water, waiting beside Du Yu, and was wiping Du Yu's sweat.

Only then did Du Yu feel relieved and grabbed Catherine's hand.

The sunlight of the third era penetrated through the cramped stone window and hit the two of them.The atmosphere at this moment is quiet and warm.

"How many days have I been in a coma?" Du Yu noticed that Catherine and his own clothes had changed.

"29 hours" Catherine supported Du Yu distressedly: "Sister Yilin said that most of your spinal injuries have recovered, but you still need to rest for a day to recover."

Du Yu struggled: "No. Sima Yi and his group must be frantically searching for us. We must be fully prepared for it."

Catherine also frowned.

Although they escaped from the tiger's mouth, the general situation of being outnumbered and outnumbered has not changed. Sima Yi and others will inevitably look for themselves and others in the Middle-earth Continent like crazy bloodthirsty hunting dogs.

She smiled bitterly: "And the trouble is that I was assigned to the Gondor side by the plot. The three main tasks are closely related to Gondor. The most difficult thing is to ensure the safety of Minas Tiris so that it does not fall into Mordor. The hand of the magic army. Since my team has many members, and I only complete the mission every six months, the difficulty factor of the mission given by the space is very high. If Minas Tiris falls, my punishment is to be obliterated."

"The Tang court has a gold medal for avoiding death, so doesn't Shenluo have one?" Du Yu said bitterly.

In the Scarlet City Gate, it was mentioned that the imperial court may give gold medals for avoiding death to those who perform well.Although it was not fulfilled in the end, Du Yu knew of the existence of this thing.

Catherine shook her head: "For those of us special adventurers who only perform missions once in half a year, the space does not allow the use of escape props. Otherwise, we will really not die. Where will there be a driving force to continue to increase our strength?"

Du Yu nodded.

Survival of the fittest is the law of space.

"That is to say" Shen Luoyan said in the heart of the castle: "Sima Yi's side chose Minas Tiris as the place to assassinate Queen Catherine. The intention is actually very deep. It kills two birds with one stone. Forming a close alliance can also ensure that Catherine cannot complete the main task, relying on plot obliteration to get rid of her."

Du Yu nodded helplessly.

In this assassination, the assassin's side was really well-planned, interlocking, and killing moves repeatedly, which caused a great crisis for him and Catherine.

Catherine showed a smile and said, "I can escape the assassination with you and live an extra year. I'm already in a mess of happiness. As for whether I can complete the main task, I don't think so much."

She is like a pregnant little wife, nestling happily in Du Yu's arms.

Du Yu kissed and said: "You are pregnant now, mentally exhausted, take a good rest. Don't worry! Your husband can save you once or twice, and he can keep you safe for the rest of your life!"

He pulled himself together, got up, hugged Catherine on the bed and ordered her to rest.Yilin was waiting on the sidelines.

Seeing the happiness on Catherine's face and the kindness stroking her belly, Du Yu's heart was full of ambition at this moment.

No matter if it is the Pope, or Marquis God General, no matter how many people Sima Yi comes to, if they want the lives of my women and children, they will trade their lives for it!

You will never succeed.

Shen Luoyan calmly said in the space: "The power balance of adventurers is very unfavorable to us. Even if there is one more Yang Guo, it is difficult to resist the opponent's more than 30 strong opponents. If we want to win and complete the main task of Queen Catherine, the only way is"

"Yes!" Du Yu said in a deep voice: "You think of me. The only way is to let me, a sycophant, rise up as soon as possible, occupy the kingdom of Rohan, kill Saruman, and rule Essingard. Let me build a huge The forces of Gondor are on par with the assassins with Gondor forces, and even crushed!"

"Judging from De Naiser II's attitude, the other party's cultivation in this world may be more than one world," Shen Luoyan reminded.

Du Yu nodded: "I understand. But what the other party doesn't understand is that using the plot to quickly build power is my strongest point!"

Shen Luoyan laughed and said to Yan Yan: "Exactly! My dear husband!"

Du Yu strode out of the room, just in time for Elizabeth to meet him.

"How is King Hilton feeling recently?" Du Yu deliberately left Elizabeth, who is good at eloquence and diplomacy, as his spokesperson, in order to monitor King Hilton.

"The mood has always been as we hoped." Elizabeth said with a smile: "I have gained his trust."

Du Yu nodded.

Elizabeth's charm and lying skills are the most suitable for the position of the courtier of the Rohan Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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