Chapter 917 Saruman's Ambition!The conspiracy of the courtiers! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Since the assassination of Catherine and the sudden arrival of Sima Yi as the commander-in-chief of powerful enemies, Luo Han Country is no longer as simple as Du Yu completing the main mission, but the cornerstone of Du Yu's rise to fight against powerful enemies.

The Luohan country must be held in one's own hands.

"The crystal ball is on," Elizabeth reminded.

Du Yu walked towards the crystal ball, wondering what happened to Saruman's attack on Eomer?
"My honorable master, is Eomer dead?" Du Yu asked.

The crystal of true knowledge showed Saruman's slightly angry face: "I have to regret to inform you that I sent a mixed force of Orcs and Warg Knights under Commander Johnson, and succeeded in relying on the breath of riding boots on the south of Essien. At the crossing of the shore, Iomer's knight army caught up."

"Then" Du Yu smiled wryly in his heart.

"Then, they killed most of Rohan's knights, but Eomer successfully broke through." Saruman looked helpless, extremely dissatisfied with Johnson's performance.

"That is to say, honorable master." Du Yu spread his hands: "You failed to turn the information I desperately sent into a successful assassination. Eomer is not a fool. Hiyod gathers and summons more Rohan knights, it will be very difficult to kill him."

Saruman nodded.

Du Yu couldn't help but said: "Since we are bound to annex the Luohan Kingdom, master, why don't you use your boundless magic power to kill Eomer and Xiyoud in the Essin River quietly, is it better than relying on those stupid orcs? "

"Ningchen! If you dare to say one more word, I swear that I will skin you alive!" A roar came from opposite the crystal.

Immediately, Johnson's ferocious animal face and bloody mouth occupied the entire frequency screen of the crystal of true knowledge.

Du Yu knew that Qiang Sen was talking to Ge Lima, but he was Saruman's second general, Heng Ha.Ge Lima didn't like this beast with a brain full of muscles.

"To say that you are like a pig is really insulting such a cute animal as a pig." Du Yu said sarcastically and viciously: "The information I obtained by risking my life was completely screwed up by your pig teammate! You almost ruined it!" Master's business!"

Johnson wanted to roar, but Saruman used a repelling technique, and flew to the wall behind him in an instant. His head was bleeding, but he didn't dare to resist, and only stared at Du Yu with his red eyes of hatred.

Saruman said indifferently: "At this time, I am the chairman of the Holy White Council, the leader of the White Dao, and it is really inconvenient to do many things. There are many people around Eomer. If I take action, in case something slips through the net, It's hard for me to explain clearly. Therefore, I still need you, Ge Lima said bluntly, get rid of Eomer and Xiyod, and I will occupy the Rohan country as soon as possible."

His summons disappeared.

Du Yu fell into deep thought.

It seems that with the help of Saruman's strength, it is not enough to get rid of the few heirs of the Rohan Kingdom.

Then I had to do it myself.

He came before King Theoden.

Eowyn was serving the old king carefully. Under the sunlight, her youthful and graceful curves of back, buttocks and legs, outlined by a tight skirt, looked like a western romantic painting.

Du Yu saluted in front of King Hilton with a look of fear and trepidation: "My noble king, I have to disturb you in fear. I have brought bad news. Encountered a half-orc, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides."

King Theoden frowned in pain. After Saruman's long-term spell curse, he was most afraid of hearing troubles at this time, but it was a matter of state affairs, so he had to listen: "What's the matter? Eomer was always conceited Courageous."

Du Yu lamented: "It's a pity, perhaps Prince Eomer's self-esteem is too high, and his troops were massacred by orcs."


Hearing this, Eowyn accidentally dropped the silver plate on the ground, and said in a broken voice, "Where is my brother? How is he?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "My spies only saw Rohan knights being massacred by the enemy under the command of Prince Eomer, but did not see the prince. The battlefield is in chaos."

Eowyn fainted instantly.

Eomer is her own brother and her biggest backer.If he died in battle, how would he survive?
King Theoden's white hair trembled slightly in pain.

The news that his nephew may have died in action made him saddened.

Du Yu sighed and said, "As the threat of the half-orcs continues to deepen, they are becoming more and more courageous. They dare to go deep into the other side of the Essin River and cause trouble in our territory. King Theoden, I beg you, in the name of the king. , summon the Rohan knights in the territory, strengthen their guard, and prepare for the big battle."

King Theoden waved his hand impatiently: "I'm going to remember and pray for my nephew. You are the fourth commander in chief of the country. No, you are the third commander in chief now. You can handle these trivial matters."

Du Yu saluted respectfully.

He summoned the Rohan knights to speed up the collection of the Rohan country's army.

The first commander, King Theoden, was so sad that he couldn't take things seriously. The second and third commanders were patrolling the Essien River. Didn't the knights they summoned obey his command?
In order to fight against Sima Yi's assassin, Du Yu is speeding up to seize the kingdom's military power and prepare for a big battle.

Adventurers in the inner city are undoubtedly a powerful existence, but they appear so vulnerable in front of a national army in the plot.

In the plot, during the Battle of Helm's Deep, the Rohan Kingdom summoned 6000 cavalry to launch a deadly assault on Saruman's orc army, instantly defeating an enemy of more than [-] people.

Can Sima Yi stop the 6000 Rohan knights who come and go like the wind?
At this time, Du Yu urgently needs strength.

Seeing the fainted Eowyn, Du Yu had an idea: "Let me take care of Eowyn."

King Theoden hesitated for a while.

He knew that Eowyn had some opinions on this shrewd and capable minister Ge Lima, and he was unwilling to contact him.

But if Éomer is really killed in battle, the best choice for Éowyn, in King Theoden's view, is to marry Glimmer.

Ge Lima, King Theoden intends to reuse it, and will leave it to his successor son, Theod.

In his opinion, even though such a talented person is average in appearance, if Eowyn can marry him, it will not be regarded as humiliating the princess.

So, he nodded: "You go. Don't wait for Eowyn."

Du Yu nodded.

He is not a hungry ghost who wants to fuck when he sees a beautiful woman.But Éowyn, he would not let it go.

Because of Eowyn's special status.

Eowyn's identity is extremely different, she is the only woman in the King Rohan's family.

For Du Yu, who is bound to usurp the throne of Rohan, after getting rid of King Theoden, Prince Theod, and Eomer, he will cut off the blood of the Holy Helm family, and then marry Eowyn, and he will become the king of Rohan. Gain the legitimate right to rule.So he must not let this princess go.

But it was not all smooth sailing to get Éowyn.

At this time, Du Yu already disdained to use Jiuxiaoyunwai Pills and other nasty drugs to solve the problem of recovering Iowyn. At this time, his methods were more sophisticated and upright.

It is a threat.

As a villain, it's impossible to use such a shameful means.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, he ordered Houhou to perform the illusion.

Eowyn fell into a dream, and under the control of Houhou's illusion, dreamed of a terrible scene.

Her elder brother Eomer, riding a tall horse and holding a sharp lance, was commanding the troops to charge a group of orcs.

The half-orcs panicked, wolves rushed, scattered like birds and beasts, and rushed into the forest beside the Essien River.

Eomer refused to give up, commanded the troops, and pursued him relentlessly.

But just as they, the heroic Rohan knights, rushed into the forest, there was a bang, and the sinister and vicious half-orc archers hidden in the dark shot out their powerful crossbows together.

The horse neighed and screamed again and again.

The knight armor of the Rohan knights was completely unable to withstand the brutal force of these half-orc shooters. They were forcibly pierced through the chest and abdomen, and they all fell off their horses screaming.

The half-orc immediately turned around and fought back.

Her elder brother Eomer was skilled in martial arts. He used his lance and shield to block left and right, and he was unharmed in the arrow rain. But then he was thrown down by an insidious half-orc and pushed him off the horse.

Eomer could only roll back and get off his horse to fight.

He fiercely split the head of the sneak attacking orc, together with the helmet, split in two, but then a flashing hard arrow sank into his chest.

The half-orc elite archer who shot from a long distance showed his bright red fangs, greedily dropped his bow and arrow, raised his machete and howled.

Éomer cut down the foe with a single blow, but was surrounded by more orcs.

Amidst the roar of swords, swords and half-orcs, his battle roar gradually fell silent

"No! No!" Eowyn woke up from the nightmare, sweating profusely.

Only when the moonlight shone into the room did she realize that she was having a nightmare.

Is it really a nightmare?

In the morning, she heard that Eomer was ambushed by the Essin River, and her life and death were uncertain. She was always worried about this kind of nightmare.

Aggrieved, Eowyn buried her blond hair between her knees and cried bitterly.

"What are you afraid of?" A cold voice sounded.

Éowyn stood up in horror, swiftly took out a close-fitting dagger from under the pillow, and shouted sharply: "Viper! Don't try to take advantage of others, get out!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Du Yu came out slowly from the darkness, "I'm so heartbroken. I care so much about the safety of the princess, but I am treated like a donkey with good intentions, and I am treated like a hooligan by the princess. How can I be that kind of nasty person? ?”

"If you're not nasty, even Sauron would dare to call himself an angel." Eowyn used the fighting skills taught by her brother to move step by step, and the dagger slid twice smoothly on her chest, shining brightly on her sword.

"Her Royal Highness is very skilled," Du Yu said with great interest.

"It's enough to deal with some villains with malicious intentions." Eowyn's eyes were full of determination.

"But you don't want your brother to come back alive?" Du Yu wrote lightly.

"You!" Éowyn was startled and angry: "You, it really was you who planned this murder."

(End of this chapter)

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