Chapter 919 Inner City Difficulty!Fierce battle with Eomer - ask for a monthly pass for the fourth watch!
The orc leader at the front was extraordinarily strong, 2 meters tall, holding a huge compound bow, with a deep and permanent scar on his distorted eye sockets, exuding a cruel killing intent.

This is the strongest orc leader around Saruman - Johnson!
"Roar!" Johnson roared angrily.

Accompanied by this order, the wolf knights behind Johnson roared wildly and charged down, heading straight for the panicked knights of Rohan Kingdom under the rain of arrows.

The battle between the old enemies Rohan Knight and Orc Cavalry broke out in an instant.

Du Yu stood awe-inspiringly on the hill, watching the fierce battle between humans and beasts with cold eyes.

A single combat power, Orc + Warg Knight, can stabilize the Rohan Knight's beauty, but under the command of Hilde and Eomer, the Rohan Knight quickly retreated, adjusted their formation, and put on a defensive posture.

The charged wolf knight, with the help of sharp fangs and a bloody mouth, was able to directly throw the Rohan knight, man and horse, to the ground, and then the wolf's bite and the orc's machete came together. Swipe up and go up, bringing out a cloud of blood and dying screams.

And the half-orc archer on the hill, still ignoring accidental injuries, shot wave after wave at the Rohan knight who was lying on his back.

Dust flying, weapons colliding, blood splattering, machetes colliding with shields, fangs gnawing on human bones, the screams of dying knights, and the roars of human warriors are mixed together on the long front to outline a scene in the Middle-earth Continent spectacularly. Common and bloody and brutal fighting.

Du Yu was not in a hurry to make a move, but kept observing.

Hilde and Eomer are indeed experienced generals. Although they were caught off guard by a wave of ambushes, they remained calm in the face of danger. After paying a small price, they commanded the human knights to retreat slowly to create a gap. , and then launched an assault.

Although this distance is only a few tens of meters, which is not enough for a knight to charge under normal circumstances, the well-trained Rohan knight, led by the two heroes, drove the horse to take small steps and run quickly, insisting on making full use of every foot The distance of tens of meters turned into a wave of powerful shock!

Once Rohan Knight charges, it will form a torrent of steel, unstoppable!

Johnson kept slashing the bloody machete, driving the surrounding orcs to rush forward to resist the charge of the Rohan knight.

Du Yu sneered.

"What a simple-minded fellow."

He could see that Rohan's knight's charge was sharp enough to tear through the defenses of the chaotic orcs.

The orcs are indeed powerful, and they wield rough steel spears. If they form a formation in time, they can indeed threaten the Rohan knights and stop their charge. However, on the chaotic battlefield, the simple-minded orcs and the timid Half-orcs have loose military discipline, and it is difficult to form a formation easily.And this became a watershed between the victory and defeat of the human knights and the half-orcs.

On the battlefield, whoever is not muscular and bloody is bound to win.

The Rohan knights were born and grew up in this grassland, and no one is sharper than them in horse warfare.

Éomer roared loudly, using the heads of these orcs belonging to Saruman as the big greasy head of Grema who was trying to get his sister's hands. The knight's sword gleamed coldly. Wherever it passed, the heads of orcs, Remnants and broken spears fly around!
The golden fighting spirit soared to the sky from the commander-in-chief of Rohan, Eomer, greatly enhancing his attack and defense power, causing the surrounding orcs to fall on his horseshoes and sharp sword like wheat in a hurricane. forward.

"Battle Qi!" Du Yu's eyes were sharply fixed on Eomer.

The battle qi system is a powerful force mastered by western warriors. With this battle qi system, western knights and warriors can fight against adventurers who master the eastern internal force system.

As the third commander of the Luohan Kingdom in the inner city difficulty, and an important plot figure, Eomer's fighting spirit has reached a bright golden yellow.Even in the battle qi system, this cultivation base has reached a considerable attainment.

Of course, battle qi is the same as internal strength, it is a skill that is cultivated hard all the time and bursts out in an instant on the battlefield.Since it is explosive, the time is short and the consumption is huge.This Eomer cannot maintain such a peak state for a long time.

Therefore, he must rely on his super personal combat power in a short period of time to fight a bloody path for the Rohan knights.

Iomer unleashed his superb combat skills, and a knight's greatsword was lengthened by his grudge to reach a range of 4 meters. He swung it, and the orcs with muscles as strong as steel fell to the ground one after another. , On the neck of the severed head, blood spurted to a height of more than three meters, like a fountain of blood erupting collectively.

Du Yu finally understood why the idiot Johnson, with absolutely accurate information and superior strength, still allowed Eomer to break out of the siege last time.

This Eomer is more difficult to deal with than imagined.

But Eomer is not the confidant that Du Yu cares about. He is thinking that Eomer is just a soy sauce character in the plot.

If he is so powerful, then to what extent will the personal combat power of powerful heroes of various races such as Aragorn, Legolas, and Jinli be abnormal?
How powerful will the existences stronger than them be, Gandalf the Gray, Saruman the White, Galadriel the Elf Queen, Elrond the King of Rivendell, and even the Demon God Sauron?

Du Yu's eyes returned to the battlefield.

Johnson is not a completely brainless commander. After the last defeat, he was also wary of Eomer's powerful combat power. He roared and waved his hand.

Ten exceptionally strong orcs, armed with strong bows and crossbows, appeared 10 meters away from Eomer!

These bows and crossbows were stretched to the limit by the orc's terrifying power, the iron wires were stretched tightly, and the arrows shone with the magical light of armor-piercing enchantment!
You have invincible heroes, and I have armor-piercing crossbows.

The enchantment on it was added by Saruman himself to the arrow, which is enough to tear off the battle qi armor of a powerful god-level hero!
In an instant, Eomer also forcibly clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the war horse Wild Lion, who was connected with him, raised his front hooves, stood up, and neighed lazily.

The warhorse mad lion used his body to protect most of EMer's body, and EMER's fine steel shield also tightly protected the remaining vital points!And the fighting spirit of the knight's great sword is always ready to push the arrows that come from it!
This is his life-saving instinct honed through battles.

Dou Qi + war horse + shield + big sword became his life-saving stunt in the midst of thousands of troops.

Johnson let out a rage, and shot out the steel demon-breaking arrow in his hand with a bang.

More strong crossbowmen shot the magic-breaking arrows one after another!
Eomer roared, and the knight's sword slashed wildly, only to hear four arrows flying away.

His steel shield bounced three arrows away.

But there are still 4 deadly arrows, shooting at Eomer and the Wild Lion.

The wild lion let out a mournful cry, and the horse's throat was pierced by two arrows, and blood gushed out, but there were still two arrows, flashing with a demon-breaking ray, piercing Eomer's fighting spirit armor, and went straight to Eomer's body. The belly of the breastplate is critical!
Eomer roared, trying to adjust his posture so that his body could survive the angry shots of these two deadly arrows with the least cost.

Just when Eomer was about to be severely injured, a white bow and arrow flew towards him like lightning, striking an arrow miraculously, and deflecting away the blow that the Orc was determined to win!
Bow and arrow shoot bow and arrow.

This is simply incredible.

But Prince Theoden did.

He launched a fierce attack on the other side, but his keen intuition made him aware of the fatal crisis of his cousin not far away, and he took a timely rescue.

The last arrow from the strong bow pierced Eomer's abdomen, causing a terrible tear and puncture wound, but that was all.

This wave of deadly salvo was jointly cracked by Eomer and Xiyoud.

Like a wounded lion, Eomer became more courageous as he fought. He led his subordinates and launched a fierce attack.

Xiyoude slowly put down his long bow, roared, and drew out his big sword, and charged forward together.

Hiyod and Iomer combined their swords, full of vindictiveness, and there was no enemy in their hands wherever they passed. The cavalry behind them, with the gleaming spears of the strong orcs, followed the path opened by the commanders. Rampage.

Johnson roared furiously, and roared battles, encouraging the strong orcs to continue killing.

"Oh, I lost again." Du Yu sighed with emotion.

Although the strong orcs still had high fighting spirit, Du Yu knew that they were at the end of their strength, and they were strong on the outside but on the inside.

Once Rohan Knight charges, no one can stop him.Even if Saruman improved the cowardly half-orc gene, it would not be able to change this.

He couldn't help it.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand.

A huge shadow swept over the battlefield, casting the shadow of death on the Rohan knight who was charging like a rainbow.

The dragon Jasmine!
The fire-breathing breath of the giant dragon descended from the sky, and the flames swept across it all the way.

The queen of dragons, the majestic dragon's power made the knights change their expressions.

In the panic, the strong orcs quickly found their backbone and calmed down quickly. Although Johnson was not angry with Ge Lima for stealing the show, but at this moment the army was about to collapse, and he couldn't care about his face. He roared and slashed at a A Rohan knight, cut him in half with man and horse!

The strong beasts launched a counterattack one after another.

"Giant dragon? Ringwraith knight?" The Rohan knights were panicking, but Eomer smiled coldly.

"It's just an ordinary flying dragon." He could tell at a glance that the combat power of this giant dragon was actually far inferior to the Ringwraith knights in this world. He put down the knight's great sword, held a compound bow, and shot away with an arrow!

In the world of Lord of the Rings, the power of a hero can destroy the world.

This Eomer could not be regarded as a top-notch righteous expert, but this arrow also broke through Jasmine's solid crystal dragon scale, and severely injured Jasmine with one arrow.

A large stream of dragon's blood spurted out, and Jasmine landed in a panic, glaring at Eomer angrily.

This human actually seriously injured herself with an arrow, and she felt that her majesty was greatly insulted.

(End of this chapter)

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