Chapter 920 Nascent Soul Stands Prestige!Kill Hilde! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
It is worthy of being the Eastern Immortal Cultivation Technique that crowns the Four Kingdoms!

With his cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage, even if Du Yu was not made of steel, he could still withstand the full blows of these well-known experts without too much damage.

This blow only caused 56 points of damage to Du Yu's health, which was even less than one-tenth of Du Yu's life.

Du Yu smiled brightly. The strength of this Nascent Soul cultivator has been verified again after Minas Tiris's thousand-meter flight.

In an instant, he had a powerful feeling of mastering the whole world.

Prince Hilde succeeded in one blow, but he only wanted to vomit blood depressedly.Why does this hateful courtier give him the feeling that he can't see through?

But in the next second, he knew that his feeling was completely wrong.

Du Yu activated Diablo's melee skill [Charge and Trample]!
Like a raging bull, he rammed into Hilde's arms.

Hilde tried to use his shield and hit the weak-looking sycophant hard, but then he realized that he was completely wrong, very wrong.

This is not a weak courtier at all, but a monster.

A humanoid beast infinitely stronger than the Orc.

The speed was astonishingly fast, and the force caused Hilde to fly horizontally. He groaned in pain, only to hear that several ribs were broken.

Such a brave charge!
And Hilde's nightmare has only just begun.

Du Yu immediately rushed to Hilde's body and activated the trample skill!
Hilde only felt an elephant dancing on his body, and the broken ribs kept piercing into the internal organs, causing more bleeding, causing pain all over his body, and almost losing consciousness.

He only felt that he was about to die, and the sense of crisis came wave after wave.

At the juncture of life and death, Hilde rolled on the spot, trying to escape this great crisis.

Du Yu walked coldly behind Hilde, and was about to launch a fatal blow, but felt a sense of crisis!


He rolled on the spot, narrowly dodging a flying spear!
Horseshoes clank.

Eomer rode a war horse, a mad lion, and rushed towards him frantically. The knight's great sword was full of grudges, showing its sharpness, and cut it down with one sword!
"Death to the poisonous snake!" Eomer slashed with his sword.

Du Yu's figure was cut into two by a sword.

But Eomer didn't feel any cutting of flesh.

The speed of the enemy is too fast.

Du Yu instantly appeared in front of Hilde, who was seriously injured and dying.

Iomo's eyes were about to burst.

He has tried his best to rescue, but it is still difficult to save the fate of the heir to the Rohan Kingdom.

Du Yu stomped hard on Hilde's neck, and hit the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon, which made Hilde vomit blood and flew into the air, and hit Eomer.

EMer cried out in pain.

Johnson came from behind him. In his anger, he blocked the crazy blow with one move, and the backhand knight's sword swung down, cutting across Johnson's face.

Johnson let out an angry roar, spurting out streams of black blood on his face, and Eomer's fighting spirit sliced ​​open his helmet, cut off his nose, and left a scar with deep bone visible.

Although Johnson was not considered a handsome man, even among the orcs and orcs who were as ugly as a cloud, he was the ugliest one, but the shame of disfigurement still made him even more furious.

"Roar!" Qiang Sen jumped up with big strides, rushed towards the storm, and attacked Du Yu's Eomer.

Hilde spat out two mouthfuls of blood in Eomer's arms, and finally swallowed his last breath.

The great Freilaf bloodline, the son of King Hilton, and the last bloodline of Rohan's second branch, Hilde, died in the fierce battle with Saruman orcs and died in battle.

Du Yu received a space prompt: "You killed Prince Hilde."

"You have been rewarded with 2000 villain points."

"Your hatred with the righteous side increases by 10 points, and your friendship with the evil side increases by 10 points."

"Your contribution in the camp of master Saruman has increased by 1000 points."

Du Yu smiled slightly.

This series of generous income is his reward for killing Hilde.

And the next target is Prince Eomer.

After exterminating all the descendants of King Hilton, the Rohan Kingdom has no successors.

As a minister of power, he will truly hold the power of this country.

The old and dizzy King Hilton is just a cover, as long as the time is right, he can be kicked away.

Iomer was attacked from the front and back, and roared like an angry lion. The already brilliant Valar amulet was even more radiant and dazzling.

Even Du Yu couldn't face EMer squarely.

The strong orc standing in front of EMer was irradiated by EMER's sun-like light that burned himself, causing his eyes to sting, blind and screaming, and then he was chopped off by EMER with the great sword of vindictive energy, causing his head to roll all over the ground. .

Eomer, run away completely.

In this plot, the famous general who helped Gandalf summon 6000 cavalrymen of Rohan and completely crushed Saruman's 10000-strong orc army in the battle of the dawn of Helm's Deep, was stimulated by the tragic death of the prince, and completely transformed into a furious saint. knight.

Wherever his great sword passed, even the strongest orc would be cut in half with one sword, clean and neat, and no one could be taken.

"For the country of Rohan! Revenge for Hilde!" He uttered an earth-shattering war roar.

Under the call of the third commander, the knights of Rohan, who were originally in the illusion and the siege, burst out with high fighting spirit, roared in unison, and rushed towards Du Yu together.

In an instant, Du Yu became the target of public criticism.

Dozens of sharp spears stabbed at Du Yu with astonishing horse speed and surging fighting spirit.

Even if Du Yu is a Nascent Soul cultivator, he can't beat him directly!

Because these knights are not ordinary characters.As the core of the kingdom's army, they have been battle-tested for a long time, and their fighting spirit has been promoted to a very high level, most of them are black fighting spirit.There are even a few who have reached the golden-yellow grudge.

The Western fighting spirit system, as opposed to the Eastern internal force system, is light green fighting spirit, dark green fighting spirit (slum strength), black fighting spirit (outer city strength), golden yellow fighting spirit (inner city strength), purple fighting spirit (imperial city strength), Holy white vindictiveness (Heaven/Zifu district strength).Of course, since fighting qi is divided into different factions such as ice, fire, holy, dark, thunder, and wind, the specific color has subtle differences.

For example, Eomer's golden fighting spirit represented his strength, which belonged to the top level among adventurers and plot characters in the inner city.

Prince Hilde, on the other hand, is obviously inferior in personal force, only black grudge.

Fighting qi, like the internal power of Tang Dynasty, can only be mastered by a few people, not everyone can master it.

Du Yu jumped up, and Eomer and the knights rushed to the air.

But they also earned a slot.

Escape the void of the day.

The Rohan knights broke out frantically.

Edoras, the capital of King Rohan in the distance, is already vivid in his mind, and he only needs half a day's journey to return to the capital.

How can you die here?

The strong beasts swarmed up.

Du Yu's face was as sinking as water, and he took Xiaolongnv and other beauties, soaring into the sky.

After Xiaolongnv's cultivation reached the peak of the golden core period, her every move and every gesture has the demeanor of a master. At this time, her skill has already surpassed blue and surpassed blue, far surpassing her ancestor Lin Chaoying.

Jade Bee Golden Needle, with one lasing shot, harvested the lives of as many as 8 or 9 cavalrymen.

Rohan knight, fell like wheat.

But Eomer was determined to rush out, no matter how much it cost.

The treacherous courtier Ge Lima killed Prince Xi Youde, and he must tell the murder to King Hilton and expose Ge Lima's crime.

I believe that the tragic death of the only son will definitely wake up King Theoden.

"Surround him!" Du Yu ordered sharply.

Johnson also knew that the most critical moment had come, and he roared and ordered the orcs to close the gap again.

But it was all too late.

Eommo was determined to break through the siege, and the Rohan knights around him rushed forward, recklessly launching an assault, knocking the orcs and half-orcs into the air, killing blood, and rushing out.

Although Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze and the others could cooperate with Du Yu in a big kill, but hundreds of Rohan knights were rolling with iron, and it was difficult to stop them.

Seeing that the murder plan fell short because of Eomer's strong personal ability, suddenly a series of burning meteorites fell from the sky, rolling and rushing towards Rohan Knight.

Rolling to the front of Rohan's knights, these lava meteorites burst one after another.

The Rohan knights all looked terrified, and their horses couldn't bear the fright, and they stood up one after another, lingering before the fire and explosion.

A smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth: "Didn't I tell you to stay in bed?"

A soaring female magician stood facing the wind on the top of the hill, staring down at the Rohan knights who broke through the encirclement in a panic.

It was Catherine.

Catherine wore a black phoenix long dress, which perfectly set off her slender figure and noble and elegant royal temperament. Her jade fingers continued to draw black aura in the air, and her black phoenix hair danced high-pitched behind her, mobilizing The surrounding magic molecules are casting Azmodan's [Hell Lava Burst Ball] magic.

When it comes to adventurers with the most powerful output, no one can compare to Catherine!
In the battle against Sima Yi, she single-handedly killed 9 powerful adventurers in the inner city!
And in this large-scale battle, her appearance completely cut off all possibility of Eomer's breakthrough!
Catherine's beautiful eyes were clear, she kept singing, and Diablo's signature skill [Lightning Flame] was released again.

EMer was galloping on horseback. When he looked up, the entire area in front of him, which was tens of meters wide, was completely blocked by the witch's purple lightning and flames!

He gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Rush over!"

But soon he understood how wrong this decision was!

Because the person who cast the spell in person was Shinra's Queen, the Dark Saintess, and the powerful woman who possessed the aura of a space black phoenix—Catherine!

The lightning flame possessed extremely high magical judgment and terrible damage. When the first Rohan knight stepped forward and tried to pass through the blockade of the lightning flame, he immediately let out a painful scream.

When he jumped over, the man and the horse had been scorched into a black mass!

(End of this chapter)

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