Chapter 921 Capturing Iomer, the conspiracy of the sycophants! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The knight died tragically in lightning and flames.

The several knights who jumped up behind also suffered from this kind of bad luck.

No one survived the barrier of this magic.

Du Yu and Johnson brought the orcs and the wolf and half-orcs, and they came in frantic pursuit.

Before the magic disappears, Éomer and the others will be overtaken by Du Yu and the orcs.

He gritted his teeth.

If I don't die today, I will definitely take revenge!
He rode his war horse, Wild Lion, advancing instead of retreating, speeding up towards the lightning flames.

Catherine's beautiful eyes were cold, and her red lips poured out: "Stupid!"

She was extremely satisfied with the five dark magic skills presented by Du Yu.These skills cooperate with her dark attributes and weather, almost complement each other, and their power is doubled.

Although she suffered a tragic assassination, she is a black phoenix!

In the fire Nirvana, the phoenix reborn from the ashes will become even stronger!
Eomer and Wild Lion jumped up amidst the flames and lightning!

Who can believe that a knight can jump so high?

The lightning passed under the horse's belly, and the flames were trampled by the horse's hooves. EMer jumped over this deadly natural danger.

Although his loyal subordinates could not avoid the fate of being slaughtered by the orcs who were chasing after him, at least Eomer could escape the enemy's plot and pass the news to King Hilton.As long as Hilton King wakes up, everything will be reversed.

But he underestimated Catherine's resilience.

Catherine shook her hand, and the flames and lightning were thrown towards Eomer like a black whip from hell!
With a roar, Éomer jumped up from the Wild Lion's warhorse and jumped forward.

At the last moment, he resolutely abandoned the war horse that accompanied him all his life and chose to escape alone.

The wild lion screamed, and was quickly scorched by lightning and flames.

Catherine's A-level skill [Lightning Flame] is so powerful and domineering to the extreme!

Eomer fell to the ground in embarrassment, and before he had time to look back at the tragic situation of the wild lion, he continued to run wildly.

His hair was disheveled, he staggered and stumbled, but he still ran forward.

Only tears, the tears of a man, swirled in his eyes.

He lost his close brother and crown prince, his loyal subordinates, and the war horse that accompanied him all his life, and fled in embarrassment alone.

He had no other thoughts, his only thought was to rush back and inform King Hilton!

Beware of Grema, the swindler!

The power he possesses cannot be underestimated.

EMer regretted deeply.

I clearly know that Ge Lima is not a fun thing, why didn't I have an audience with King Hilton before leaving Edoras, and made a bitter confession?

I still underestimated this poisonous snake!
The king he was loyal to and his beloved sister were about to fall into his hands. Thinking of this, Éomer couldn't help but tear up his eyes.

After he abandoned his heavy armor, he ran faster than a galloping horse, striding forward.

As a member of Luohan, he is very familiar with every plant and tree here. As long as he runs to the hilly and low forest area in front of him, he is confident to get rid of these treacherous ministers and orcs with the advantage of terrain!

He spared no effort to expend the precious divine power on the Vala Talisman, shining on the pursued enemies, and running wildly all the way.

The enemy gradually drifted away, and was finally thrown away by him gradually.

He didn't dare to stop, and plunged into the hills with complex terrain and ravines, and continued to run wildly.

He felt that he had never run so fast. Even though those orcs had wargs with a better sense of smell than humans, under his skillful anti-detection technique, using the river to shield his own smell and body odor was enough to escape hunting.

After half an hour, he fell headlong into the bushes and couldn't get up again.

"Should we get away?" Eomer gasped.

Only now did he notice that the talisman sent by Éowyn had exhausted his divine power at some point and became dim.

"Iowyn, I will definitely not let you fall into the hands of that treacherous minister." Éomer stood firm and continued to move forward.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think is wrong with my fiancee?" A familiar voice sounded from behind.

"How did you catch up?" Eomer couldn't believe it.

He had obviously used the most brilliant anti-tracking technique, how could Du Yu be so fast?

Du Yu grinned: "Because your talisman is invalid, you have already fallen into my illusion. You ran around the spot for half an hour and didn't go out at all."

Only then did Éomer see clearly.

After half an hour, I was so tired that I was half dead. In fact, it was a ghost hitting the wall. I didn't run a few steps, and circled in circles.

Wan Hou stood aside with a smile, and looked at him playfully: "Your physical strength is really good. You ran wildly for half an hour without stopping. You also came up with various anti-reconnaissance skills, are you tired?"

The wild laughter of the orcs erupted all around.

EMer was full of teased rage.

The death of comrades-in-arms is glorious.

But he was played like a fool by the orcs for half an hour.

EMer reluctantly put his sword on the ground, stood up and looked around.

The battlefield has fallen silent.

The corpses of Knight Rohan were thrown together by the orcs and piled up like a mountain.

Their helmets and swords were collected by the orcs, and they were going to bring them back to Essingard and ask their master Saruman for a reward.

Eomer understands that the situation is over.

The more than 1000 elite cavalry commanded by him and Xi Youde are the most elite troops in the Rohan Kingdom.After the entire army was wiped out, in order for the Rohan Kingdom to regroup, King Hilton had to issue a call-up order to recruit an army from among the men of the appropriate age in the Rohan Kingdom.

And Saruman's power is so great that he must flee back to warn the king.

But under the siege of Du Yu's team, can they still escape?
Eomer has done his best, and his Valar Amulet is a rare treasure.

But Du Yu's ruthless punch finally captured his consciousness.

Éomer knelt down helplessly full of resentment.

He passed out.

Before he fell into a coma, Eomer could only hear the cold voice of the courtier: "Come here, drag him back."

With the last strength in her heart, Éomer roared, "Eowyn, run away."

Concubine Shixuan was beside Du Yu, staring at the comatose Iomer with beautiful eyes, looking at the Rohan knights who died in battle, and sighed: "You have to take revenge?"

Du Yu showed a wry smile, but when he saw Catherine, who was almost killed, approaching slowly, he recovered his hard heart.

For the woman and child he loves, he can fall into hell, become a revenge demon, and do the most terrifying and cruel things!
This murder once again showed Du Yu the cruel side of space.

You don't eat people, others eat you!
Catherine walked lightly and gently, her tight black dress outlined her charming phoenix body.She walked up to Du Yu's side, and leaned on Du Yu's shoulder like a little bird, rubbing tenderly into the arms of the man she loved, without saying a word.

The silence speaks.

The tenderness of the two made Shi Feixuan's heart slightly sour, and she turned her head away.

But she also knows.

The relationship between Du Yu and Catherine was forged through joint adventures. Only the two of them know how much they lived and died together.

Such feelings are most suitable for adventurers.

Maybe, if I work harder and love Du Yu more, I can occupy more shares in Du Yu's heart.

Du Yu and Catherine looked at each other tenderly, and neither of them wanted to speak to break the beautiful atmosphere.

"You did these things for me." Catherine closed her beautiful eyes, intoxicated by Du Yu's breath.Since Du Yu jumped for her, she dedicated herself to Du Yu without reservation.

Catherine knew that although Du Yu was very capable, he stayed on the front line in doing things and never really did evil.There is only one reason for joining Saruman's camp today, massacring the Rohan people, and forcing Eowyn into marriage.

Take control of Rohan's regime as quickly as possible, rise up strongly, and avenge her!

These changes are all for Catherine.

Catherine didn't say thanks, but just rubbed against Du Yu with her hair like a cat.

The relationship between the two has already surpassed the level of gratitude. The elephant is invisible, and the big voice is invisible. When the love is strong, everything is flat.

Du Yu stroked Catherine's beautiful hair, and said dotingly, "Why don't you lie down obediently on the bed and raise the baby? If something goes wrong, what should I do?"

Catherine raised her eyebrows and said: "Don't let a postmodernist woman be your reproductive machine. I am a woman with my own ambitions and pursuits. Since the enemy dares to provoke, I swear to use their blood to wash away my shame and pay homage to you. Loyal and dying subordinates."

Although she spoke grandiosely, she was still worried about Du Yu.

Du Yu fiercely hugged Catherine's phoenix body, greedily inhaled the fragrance of the queen's phoenix body, and said with an evil smile: "Then let the little one serve Her Majesty the Queen tonight, and see what is the difference between the postmodernist women on the bed. ?”

Catherine burst out laughing, winking like silk and said, "As long as you're not afraid of spoiling the child in my stomach, you can just come."

Du Yu was immediately discouraged and retreated in defeat.

How dare he touch Catherine at this moment?

"What are you going to do? Eomer?" Catherine pouted.

"Use it to threaten Eowyn to marry me, and then kill him." Du Yu said indifferently.

Catherine smiled like a vixen, and raised Du Yu's chin: "Little Xianrou, I appreciate your methods very much. You are vicious enough and have a future!"

Du Yu smiled helplessly: "I was forced out by Sima Yi. If there is a way to get the best of both worlds, I don't want to make things difficult for others."

Catherine pondered for a while: "Are you really determined to subdue Eowyn and be your woman?"

Du Yu coughed.No matter how generous Catherine is, Du Yu can't always announce his desire for another beautiful woman in front of the queen.

Catherine smiled lightly: "If you are willing to jump in order to save me, I won't be jealous. It doesn't matter how big your harem is."

She winked like silk, leaned close to Du Yu's ear and breathed like blue: "Even if you fall in love with my mother-in-law Tracy, who is always in spring, I don't mind serving you with her. Of course, Apart from her bad personality, my mother-in-law is indeed the number one beauty, not much worse than others. It's a pity, you need to do it yourself."

Du Yu broke out in a cold sweat, and said to himself, how do you know that I have already fucked your mother-in-law?

(End of this chapter)

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