Chapter 923: Emperor Qing's side!Gandalf the Grey! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"What bad news did you bring this time?" King Theoden said coldly.From the tone of his voice, it seemed that Theoden in his youth had been in close association with Gandalf.But since King Theoden fell under the spell of Saruman and became more autistic and sensitive, he was unwilling to discuss the situation in the mainland with Gandalf, and the two sides gradually drifted apart.

The crow turned its head to stare at Du Yu, its sharp eyes seemed to see Du Yu's soul through the skin, and suddenly it screamed and flew down.

When it was about to fly to the ground, a burst of black air suddenly flashed and lingered over it.

The crow's wings gradually turned into a pair of withered and firm old hands, the crow's black feathers gradually turned into a slightly tattered gray magician's robe, and the crow's eyes turned into a pair of hands that can read the world. Eyes that are , sophisticated, firm-willed, and sparkle with wisdom!

In an instant, the falling crow became the well-known Aislita (magician), Maya (angel), and wandering warlock in the mainland!
Gandalf the Grey!
Du Yu clearly knew his background, but still took a step back, and asked sharply: "Where is the monster? How dare you suddenly appear in front of the great King Hilton? The intention is wrong!"

Gandalf was personable, lightly dusting the dust off the magician's robe, looking straight at King Hilton with a pair of sharp eagle eyes.

King Hilton slowly stopped the eager guards in a teasing and mocking tone, and said slowly: "Oh, let me introduce this distinguished guest. He has many nicknames and legends. Da, White Robe Knight, Horn of the Wind, Incanos, and Tarkon are all other names for him in the countries of Middle-earth. But I am used to calling him the crow that brings bad news, because I have never heard from him Get good news even once."

King Hilton sat on the throne, and said in a rare majestic voice: "Tell me, doom crow, what bad news did you bring this time?"

Du Yu was looking at Gandalf carefully.

When Yang Guo sent the news, saying that their Guardians of the Ring team had already set out on their way, and they should be crossing the Misty Mountains, trying to climb Mount Caradhras in the long winter, and according to the development of the plot, at this time Gandalf, he should still be climbing the mountain with the Fellowship of the Ring, fighting against all kinds of dangers, how could he have the time to deal with this sycophantic servant?

When Gandalf heard Hilton's words, he didn't defend himself. He smiled slightly, held a staff and a weapon against the fencing sword-Granri, and walked towards King Hilton: "I have to say, you know me as an old friend. The things I brought this time , in any case, it is not good news."

King Hilton sat weakly on the throne, and murmured: "Anyway, I can't stop you from bringing bad news one after another, so let's just talk about it. Let's talk about it once and for all."

Gandalf's sharp eagle eyes suddenly burst into bursts of light!

"Great King Hilton, I have to regret to inform you that your only son, Prince Hilde, was ambushed by half-orcs and strong orcs less than a hundred miles away from the capital, and died tragically on the battlefield. Those who fought with him Prince Eomer was captured by the orcs, and his life and death are unknown!"

This bad news, like a bolt from the blue, quickly shocked King Theoden.

His body, which was already crippled in the wind, immediately hunched up. His original height of 1.8 meters, like a dwarf, would curl up on the golden throne

"What are you talking about?" King Hilton was panting, his lungs were like a bellows with holes in it, and every breath brought out bursts of overwhelmed grunts, and he might not be able to hold his breath at any time.

With regret on his face, Gandalf stepped forward and said, "I said, your only son is dead."


King Hilton roared loudly, and instantly changed from a dwarf to an imposing giant, jumping up from the throne.

"How could he die? How could he die?" King Hilton was hysterical, his eyes were full of despair, and his cloudy old eyes stared at Gandalf fiercely, wishing to tear him apart.

"Whether what I said is true, you can ask the three-inch-tongued person next to you, and Ge Lima will know the truth."

Gandalf's sharp gaze coldly swept across Du Yu's face!

For a moment, Du Yu felt that his conspiracy with Saruman to get rid of Prince Hilde had been seen through by Gandalf.

Saruman's obstruction didn't work at all.

King Hilton set his sights on Du Yu.

He is just a poor old man at this time, an old man who hopes to hear that his only son is safe.

Du Yu smiled bitterly, bowed and said, "I just received the news that Prince Hilde was unfortunately ambushed by strong beastmen a hundred miles away from the capital, and was unfortunately martyred. Prince Eomer's life and death are unknown."

King Hilton remained silent for a long time.

He seemed ten years older in an instant.The curse of old age originally cast by Saruman had turned him from a 50-year-old king into a gray-haired old man. At this time, he was hit by the news of the death of his only son and the disappearance of his nephew, which made him even more distraught. , The white hair is desolate, as if it will pass away at any time.

"Why?" Du Yu was very cooperative and entered the play, shaking his head and lamenting: "Why? We Luohan have to suffer so many disasters? King Hilton, who has done his best for the country, will suffer the pain of bereavement in his old age? He has already I'm so tired, why do you want to cruelly tell him all these nightmares? Why?"

Du Yu pointed his words and sword at Gandalf.

In grief, King Hilton was even more angry at Gandalf who brought the bad news. His lips trembled, and he pointed his finger at Gandalf: "It's a proverb! You, you bad luck crow! Get out of here!"

Gandalf looked as usual, looked at King Hilton coldly, and said sharply: "Don't you want to know who killed your son? Don't you want to avenge Hilde?"

King Hilton covered his face with his hands, and muddy tears flowed from his fingers: "I am just a dying old man, my son and nephew are dead, what else can I do?"

Du Yu ordered sharply: "Guard! Why are you still standing there? Go up and expel this doomed wizard!"

He must not allow Gandalf to wake up King Hilton, who has fallen into the curse of decline and grief, otherwise the plan will undergo huge changes.

This is also the biggest crisis of being Ge Lima's smooth talker.

Once Gandalf reveals the identity of Saruman's spy, not to mention escaping back to Saruman's Ozark Tower alone like in the plot, even getting out of the king's capital alive becomes a luxury.

If he killed the heir of the kingdom, Du Yu would definitely be executed.

The head of the guard, Olifa, received the order and shouted sharply: "Give it to me!"

He rushed forward first, and slashed at Gandalf with his sword.

This sword was very imposing, but Olivar knew Gandalf's special identity, so he didn't intend to kill him, but just wanted to drive him out.

Beside him, hundreds of strong Rohan knights poured out, holding sharp swords, meteor hammers and crossbows, pressing towards Gandalf.

Although Hiyod's disastrous defeat had completely wiped out the kingdom's mobile force, the army in King Rohan's capital was fully organized and had at least 3000 troops.

At this time, Gandalf was besieged by Olivar with hundreds of elite knights.

Of course Du Yu pre-empted the attack, and the villain complained first, and Gandalf could not be allowed to wake up King Theoden.

Who knows, he still underestimated Gandalf's ability!
Seeing these hundreds of knights rushing forward, Gandalf just smiled coldly and glanced at Du Yu.

At this glance, God Du Yu fell into the ice cave!

Although he holds the military power in the royal capital, Du Yu believes that Gandalf's ability will never take this little military power seriously!

Sure enough, Gandalf just slammed the staff and fencing Granary on the ground!At the same time roar!
"Shuzi dare!"

Following his pause and roar, a ring-shaped shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye erupted from Granary!

With Gandalf's position as the core, the solid large striped stone floor of Rohan Palace quickly cracked and spread to the surroundings, forming a spider web-like crack with a radius of tens of meters!

The solid royal palace of the Kingdom of Knights, with the dust falling from the dome, was shocked by this blow, making the whole palace tremble!

And he used the roar of the loud voice technique, which shocked Olivar and other first-class knights of the Rohan Kingdom to fly backwards!

So powerful!

As expected of God Envoy Maya!
As expected of Gandalf the Grey!

As gusts of wind swept back, Olivar and other knights dropped their helmets and armor, and fell backwards. The sound of clanging swords and shields and groans could be heard all over the ground.

Gandalf stood coldly in the crack, staring at Du Yu coldly.

This glance made Du Yu feel that even though he was in the palace and had countless home court advantages, he was still as lonely as if he was alone.

Another spell of Gandalf!
Let the enemy's mind be infected, scared, afraid to confront the caster.

If the Ge Lima in the plot is slanderous, he has already been affected by this fear technique, trembling all over, and dare not resist.

But at this time, Ge Lima cunningly said that Du Yu had been replaced.

How can a cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage be affected by a mere fear technique?Even if it was from Gandalf, the protagonist of the Lord of the Rings in the inner city difficulty?
Du Yu said coldly: "You came here uninvited, spread horrible news in my Rohan palace, and violated my king's order to drive away, and attacked the knights of my kingdom. Are you planning to assassinate the king?"

These words are righteous and strict, and every sentence makes sense.

Even the knights of Rohan, who had been beaten by Gandalf, regrouped after hearing Du Yu's anger, raised their swords and shields, protected King Hilton, and faced Gandalf with the enemy.

When they heard of Gandalf's fame, they were indeed afraid, but when it came to the safety of the king, let alone Gandalf, even if Saruman from the Holy White Council came, they could only choose to fight to the death.

This is the obligation of the knights of the Rohan Kingdom to the king.

With a single word from Du Yu, he turned Gandalf's shocking blow and HOLD the amazing performance of the audience into an assassin's plot crisis, and made the knights regroup and hate Gandalf even more.

Gandalf also knew how powerful he was. He stared sharply at Du Yu and said, "What a sycophant, he really has a three-inch tongue! Bewitching people!"

Du Yu didn't show any weakness: "I'm overwhelmed, I'm just loyal, and I don't dare to put the king in front of dangerous people. Although I am soft-spoken and weaker than Mislanda, who is famous in the mainland, I am more vulnerable. Don’t dare to run for your life.”

The resounding words were very pleasant to King Hilton's ears, and he looked at Du Yu approvingly.

Gandalf looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hilton, you idiot! The traitor and minister subverts the country, yet he favors and relies heavily on it! The murderer and enemy are by his side, but he is ignorant! The villain like a poisonous snake peeps at your throne, but forces your niece to marry! You really alive"

King Hilton roared, "Shut up!"

His blond hair was scattered on his head like a lion. With such a roar, it immediately showed that he was carrying the invincible Rohan knight when he was young, and his majesty to fight in all directions is still there!
Gandalf's gaze and King Hilton's eyes met, and they met together.

"Very good!" Gandalf's voice was low, full of spirit, pressing every step of the way: "Since you are obsessed with obsession, Hilton, I will give you a blow in the head and wake you up from the fog!"

Holding the enemy fencing sword in his hand, he stepped forward step by step towards King Hilton.

Du Yu knew that the struggle had reached a critical moment.

In the plot, King Hilton was hit by Gandalf, breaking Saruman's aging spell, waking up from the controlled state, and throwing Ge Lima out of the palace mountain.

Can't let Gandalf near Hilton!
Du Yu roared angrily: "Olivar's bodyguard, what are you still hesitating about? This Gandalf has evil intentions and is going to assassinate the king!"

With no way out, Olivar roared, activated his combat skills, and rushed towards Gandalf.

The knights behind him also rushed forward with tiger roars.

But Gandalf didn't take it seriously, and waved the enemy's fencing sword in the state of the staff lightly, one cane at a time, and the knights who were as strong as bulls staggered to and fro.

Du Yu threw himself in front of Hilton, who was furious like a wild lion, blocking the king, and said righteously, "Your Majesty, hurry up. I'm in charge of breaking the queen here!"

King Hilton was moved to tears.

What is a loyal minister?

The wind knows the strength of the grass country and shows its loyal ministers!

This country is troubled, and Gandalf, the crow of bad luck, is about to attack him again. At the critical moment, Grema, the courtier, is the most loyal, stepping forward to replace him with his own body!
He shook his head slowly: "No need. I want to see, Misranda, this bastard, what is he planning to do?"

He slowly drew out the sword Herugrim, and under the light of the uncertain light and dark, the famous sword Herugrim shone on the face of the old king.

Old Ji Fuzheng, ambition is a thousand miles away!
Du Yu couldn't persuade King Theoden, so he had to face Gandalf who was pressing every step of the way.

Only block Gandalf!
In Du Yu's heart, he scolded Saruman thousands of times.This guy, who has done more than succeed and failed, caught himself off guard and dealt with Gandalf.

Gandalf flew the last knight away, and looked at Du Yu coldly.

"I'm very surprised." Gandalf said in a loud voice, "You are so powerful, you are willing to kneel at Saruman's feet, become his servant, and do such despicable spy work."

He drew out the enemy fencing sword Graham from the cane, and pointed at Du Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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