Chapter 924 The fierce battle between the minister and the wizard! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Even against enemies, under normal circumstances, I would show mercy," said Gandalf, with gray beard fluttering under his mouth: "But in you, I see extremely dangerous self-confidence and ambition. You are a real Dangerous elements must be removed."

This conclusion is undoubtedly conclusive.

Gandalf decides to kill Three Inch Tongue Du Yu.

This fuse completely detonated the tense atmosphere in Edoras Palace.

No matter how the two sides were at war before, there was no blood, just some friction between old friends, but once Gandalf declared that he would kill the king's favorite and important minister of the kingdom, Grema, the nature of this immediately changed!

The enemy and the enemy fight.

Olivar's eyes were shining brightly, and he swung his sword at Gandalf desperately!

The strength, angle and speed of this attack are excellent, which is enough to see that Olifa, an elite knight after hundreds of battles, is steeped in the essence of swordsmanship!

But Du Yu could see that Gandalf didn't take this attack to heart at all.

Be on fire!

The enemy's fencing blocked Olivar's sword slash, and he wiped Olivar's neck with one stroke.

A cloud of blood arrows gushed out from Olifa's neck.

Oliver's eyes dimmed, and he fell under the throne.

Du Yu shouted angrily, "You dare to kill? Kill him!"

Witnessing the killing of the chief guard, the guards shared the same hatred with the enemy, and the sound of crossbows bounced around.

Dozens of arrows shot at Gandalf quickly.

Gandalf laughed loudly, his voice was like a bell, the gray robe moved automatically without wind, and the enemy's fencing sword in his hand burst into a breathtaking light instantly!

"Help the evildoer! Death is more than a crime! Your king will wake up, and naturally he will bury you well!"

Wherever his radiance came, the strong bows and crossbows fell into the air one after another, shooting into the empty space.

"Where's the person?" The guards looked at each other.

"Teleportation!" Du Yu realized the danger in a second!
He flipped over on the spot, and volleyed to avoid the fatal blow of the enemy's fencing!
It’s true that Gandalf is a wizard, but the problem is that he is better at swordsmanship, whether in movies or novels, and he is used to riding Shadowfax, the king of horses, to charge into battle, rather than hiding in a safe formation, casting spells for thousands of miles, strategizing .

Gandalf also adopted melee decapitation tactics for his three-inch tongue!

Just as Du Yu dodged, he heard a "Hey", and the gray shadow of Gandalf appeared in the void.

Apparently, the great prophet Maier was very surprised by the flexible melee combat ability of this sycophant.

Du Yu's eyes were cold.

Revenge is his grand plan, and anyone who stands in the way of this grand plan is his enemy!

Gandalf's biggest mistake was that he didn't expect that the courtier he despised had a three-inch tongue, but he was a solid melee fighter!

A monk in the Yuanying period, a master of Chinese martial arts!
Du Yu!

Gandalf's stunned expression still remained on his face, and he was already grasped tightly by an iron palm, like an iron hoop!
[Dragon Elephant Ban Ruogong]!
Du Yu rolled away and grabbed Gandalf.The Chinese martial arts that flowed from the Western Regions were activated immediately.

Gandalf smiled.

Although he looks like a weak and trembling wizard, it seems that even the wild children in the Shire country can bully him, but in fact he came here from Middle-earth in 1000 years and has roamed in Middle-earth for more than 2000 years. No one can make him suffer!
Even the king of human beings, Sauron's lackeys, and the nine ring spirits can't!
He used a [fixation technique], rooted his legs to the ground, and stood firm as a rock in this spacious, bright and magnificent Rohan Palace!

But in the next second, his calmness and self-confidence for thousands of years were ruthlessly smashed to pieces by the cruel facts!

Dragon Elephant Bo Ruogong, the mighty power of five dragons and five elephants immediately pulled him up like Lu Tisha pulled up a weeping willow!
"You..." Gandalf's startled words were still in his throat, and he was interrupted abruptly!
Du Yu lifted him up high, and threw him vigorously towards the guards.

Olivar's tragic death caused the enraged guards to rush forward, and all kinds of weapons greeted Gandalf in a storm.

"Mira is Itara!" (Elvish language, God shines forever!) Gandalf's enemy sword burst out with dazzling light, forcing the guards to step back.

Du Yu shouted sharply: "Gandalf is crazy, he wants to kill King Theoden! Take King Theoden away quickly!"

He winked at Elizabeth.

King Theoden witnessed the murder of his captain of the bodyguard, the loyal Olivar. In grief and indignation, he was about to show off his might and take the sword Herugrim to compete with Gandalf.He was moved by Du Yu's loud roar.

Where can I find such a loyal courtier who will fight to the death to protect the lord?
Elizabeth received Du Yu's signal, dragged King Theoden, and fled to the secret passage behind the throne.

She knew that many of Du Yu's skills could not be seen by King Theoden, which was very inconvenient. King Theoden could not be approached by Gandalf and could be easily awakened by casting spells, so it was better to take them away earlier.

After much difficulty, King Theoden was persuaded by Elizabeth to give up the idea of ​​aiding Grema and fighting to the death with the old man Gandalf, and fled to the secret passage behind the throne.

Gandalf was thrown out by Du Yu, and immediately stood up, and was about to launch a counterattack against Du Yu, but saw an unbelievably fast shadow head-on, and jumped into his arms!
Du Yu.

The cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage and the accumulation of darkness made Du Yu's combat power even more terrifying!
He didn't want to expose his full strength in front of King Hilton. It would be too shocking and cause King Hilton's suspicion.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, when the persuasion was ineffective, he motioned to Elizabeth to take King Hilton away as soon as possible.

Since King Hilton was taken away by Elizabeth, Du Yu was relieved, how could he let Gandalf wreak havoc?

Show your strengths and give this Maya protagonist a head-on blow!
Even if Maya can't really die, if he can be killed, it will take a lot of work and time to revive him, right?
In the original plot, in the mines of Moria in the Misty Mountains, Gandalf encountered the surviving Balrog from the era of Morgoth.He fought fiercely with the Balrog all the way, until Gandalf defeated the Balrog on the peak of Siraxsigil, but he wasted too much and died.Gandalf's soul did not return to Manwe in Aman, but was sent directly to Luvita, the father of all living beings, outside the sub-universe. He was given greater power by Iluvita and returned to the original The dead body is reborn.Gandalf replaced the betrayed Saruman and was promoted to White Robe, the head of the Five Witches.

But even so, Gandalf had to take Guan He, the king of the giant eagle, to go to Lothlorian to find Queen Galadriel. After Galadriel's meticulous treatment, he fully recovered.This is also the reason for his absence from a series of important events such as the Misty Mountains and the separation of the Fellowship of the Ring.

Du Yu doesn't expect to kill Gandalf, but he knows that if Gandalf, who has unpredictable power and rich experience, is allowed to live, his plan to occupy the country of Rohan will turn the bamboo basket into water and turn it into a mirror image!
Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms slammed at Gandalf!

Gandalf instinctively felt that a deadly threat that made his heart palpitate came from this unattractive courtier!

At this moment, in his eyes, Du Yu was no longer a three-inch tongue who only knew how to play tricks and conspiracies, but an equivalent existence like Sauron and Saruman that could threaten him!

The enemy's fencing sword came out of its sheath in lightning, and blocked Du Yu's palm wind with one move.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon and the Fencing of the Enemy, these two martial arts from different worlds, were supposed to never intersect like parallel lines, but by chance, they collided suddenly in the Rohan Palace in Middle-Earth!

Chinese Martial Arts VS Western Swordsmanship.

Nascent Infant Stage monks confront the God Envoy Maya.

A collision, the two sides immediately separated.

There was a bloodstain between Du Yu's eyebrows.

That was the scar that Gandalf left him in the flash.

And Gandalf's ribs were also hit hard by Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The corner of Gandalf's mouth couldn't help, and a stream of bright red blood flowed out. This blow seriously injured the well-known and well-known Maia Mithranda in the mainland!

The surrounding Luohan guards were all stunned.

Although they fought against Mithranda, it was the king's order, and the instinct to sacrifice their lives to protect the monarch drove them to fight.

No one is arrogant enough to believe they can beat Mithranda.

But this sycophant is fine with a three-inch tongue.

Eowyn, who was watching the battle from a high place, was as happy as a deer after Gandalf came, and she was about to break free from the barrier, rush out of the shackles of the poisonous snake, regain her freedom, and rescue Eomer.It's a pity that as soon as the dawn appeared, it was completely shattered by the astonishing performance of the three-inch tongue.

Misranda, was he repelled by one move?

What is rhythm?
impossible!Absolutely impossible!
Éowyn nearly passed out.

Her tender hands tightly grasped the dress, her heart was about to jump out nervously.

Mithranda, you must kill that man.

Gandalf wiped the blood from his mouth silently, and suddenly laughed.

"It seems that Saruman's vision is still as bad as ever."

Du Yu said coldly, "How do you say that?"

Gandalf ignored King Theoden, King Rohan, who had fled without a trace, stared at his own reflection on the enemy's fencing sword and said, "He actually sent you, a servant with great ambitions, who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, to Theoden. By Wang's side, no matter what secrets he has, I think he will make a wedding dress for you and become your stepping stone!"

Du Yu had to admit that Gandalf's vision was vicious, and he deserved to be a wise man who has traversed the continent for 2000 years.

"It's useless to talk too much. If you want to attack King Theoden, you have to pass my test. Come on." Du Yu's wind was light and calm, showing the air of a master.

At this time, his cultivation base has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and every move has its own pattern.

Gandalf's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he held up the enemy's fencing sword: "This is the sword I accidentally discovered when I followed Thorin, the dwarf king of the Iron Hills, to the east to explore and adventure. For the next, how long can you last!"

As soon as he took out his sword, the originally amiable old man, like a wandering wizard who wanders the countryside and sells fireworks, suddenly showed his sharpness and radiance!

(End of this chapter)

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