Chapter 925 Catherine vs. Gandalf! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The focus of the entire palace suddenly focused on him alone.


It was clearly the initial stage of a spell for a warlock, but under the double power of Gandalf and the enemy sword Grim, it turned out to be an unbreakable group attack skill.All the guards were blinded and howled miserably.

In the plot, this move is also extremely powerful against the Nazgul knights who are chasing and killing Gondor knights and swooping down.

"Gradia Dilu!" Gandalf made a lightning move, and once again completed the chanting of a trick of magic.

Accompanied by a high-pitched phoenix cry, a bright white phoenix suddenly flew out from the tip of the enemy's fencing sword Grimm.

Mai Ya, who crossed the continent, finally made a move on Du Yu, and it was a fatal move from the very beginning!
This white phoenix, full of arrogance and majesty, rushed towards Du Yu unstoppably.

It is not difficult to imagine how cruelly Du Yu would be hurt if he was hit by this phoenix.

But at this moment, a black lightning flashed, and a black phoenix, almost as imposing as the white phoenix, flew in the air from the gate of the palace!

Black Phoenix VS White Phoenix.

"Catherine" Du Yu had a smile on his lips.

In terms of aura, she can't lose to Gandalf the Grey, who is famous in the mainland. Catherine's dark magic cultivation is so high, which can be seen.

Gandalf's eyes turned sharply, and in the shadow of the palace, at some point, a stunning woman in a tight black dress appeared with an arrogant and charming demeanor.

Just by looking at it, this woman has amazing magical talent and the inviolable aura of a superior.

Even with Gandalf's high vision, he went to and from the courts of various countries in 2000 and witnessed countless queens and ladies, but he had to admit that the beauty and temperament of this woman were unprecedented in his life.Even compared with the elf queens and princesses in the three major elf forests, they are not inferior at all.In terms of beauty, only Arwen, the daughter of King Rivendell Elrond, can match her in temperament, and only the queen of Roselorien of the Golden Forest.


Witnessing such a heavenly genius and stunning beauty, even Gandalf couldn't help but appreciate it in his heart.

He was even more amazed at the opponent's magical talent.

In his cognition, apart from Galadriel, he really didn't have a second thought about being able to counteract his [White Phoenix Call] with one move.

But who is Galadriel?
Queen of Roselorien of the Golden Forest!

The most powerful elf in Middle-earth in the third era!
One of the leaders of the Noldor who once rebelled against the Lord God and left Aman!

Such a hidden level hero can be so valued by Gandalf.As soon as Catherine made a move, relying on the power of weather, Black Phoenix's full blow, won Gandalf's attention.

"It's a pity, it's a pity" Gandalf shook his head and sighed after losing his mind for a while.

"It is a pity for such a talent to be willing to fall into the company of such a treacherous sycophant," Gandalf said slowly.

Catherine flicks her black curly hair charmingly. She has the majesty of the royal family and is full of noble lady style. She and Du Yu faintly form a war, and join hands to fight against Gandalf.

As a result, the momentum of Du Yu's side was immediately equal to that of Gandalf.

Gandalf regained his composure, and said in a loud voice, "You two little fellows, are you planning to conspire to take over the kingdom of Rohan? I can only say that you are too simple. Even if you can deceive Saruman for a while, you don't want to occupy this place under the gaze of many legendary beings." The vast country! Listen to me, stop now. Stop the conspiracy, and I can guarantee that King Rohan Theoden, who is awake, will forgive your crimes."

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Like Saruman, Gandalf was also a learned and eloquent speaker.His Loud Voice and Charm can unconsciously affect the target of the spell and be controlled by his will.This is a skill he honed during his 2000 tour of the mainland.

Gandalf said in a deep voice: "I can see that you are definitely not willing to crawl under Saruman's feet. I will give you one last chance to give up the conspiracy and leave here, otherwise I will use the name of the gray robe to drive you into the world." hell."

Du Yu roared angrily and launched an attack suddenly.

Because he found that Catherine's phoenix body was trembling slightly.

Although Du Yu has [Heshi Jade Seal], mighty and unyielding, and will not be affected by Loud Voice and Charm, but what kind of person is Gandalf?

The protagonist of the plot!

How could he waste his tongue and do useless work?

In the seemingly babbling words of the old man, he has successfully charmed Catherine, and Catherine's fighting spirit was weakened and shaken.

He must not be allowed to continue.

Du Yu's figure bombarded Gandalf like a cannonball.

Gandalf smiled coldly, and the enemy fencing sword was swiped!
A bolt of lightning struck Du Yu's body.

Du Yu's body split into two, but it was an illusion caused by extremely fast speed.

His body suddenly appeared in front of Gandalf, and with a single move, he led Gandalf's enemy sword into the air.

The introverted light of the enemy's fencing sword struck the thick pillar of the palace. This thick iron and wood pillar was chopped into sawdust!

Such a powerful sword light power is contained in the sword light so ordinary.

Gandalf can be described as a low-key luxury. No wonder he can single-handedly fight the terrible creature of the Morgoth era-the Balrog.

Du Yu's star shift can guide the enemy's attack to another direction, and immediately hit Gandalf's face with a punch.

This punch compressed the air to the extreme, producing the effect of a sonic boom. It was so fast that one can imagine it.

But Gandalf was short, his seemingly old body had the speed of a tiger and a leopard, and he escaped Du Yu's iron fist.

Like Saruman, he seems to have a human body, but in fact, Maier, as an envoy of God, has a completely immortal body, immortal.Even if killed, the soul can return to the main god Vala and the god Manwe who sent them.Therefore, judging people by their appearance, the young man who thought that the old wizard was not good at melee combat, and was about to punch the old master to death, would be shocked to find that he had kicked the iron plate.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, once again the two dragons came out of the water, roaring and pushing out.

Gandalf had exhausted all his strength, and no matter how good he was at fighting, he couldn't be better than Du Yu, the master of martial arts in the Nascent Soul Stage!
If Gandalf couldn't be hit in hand-to-hand combat, Du Yu might as well wipe his neck.

His palm hit Gandalf's ribs hard.

Gandalf groaned in pain, bent down like a prawn in pain, his body trembling slightly inside the gray robe.

He was hit by Du Yu.

Du Yu leaped into the abyss decisively with one move, and went straight to Gandalf's throat with one move, with momentum like a rainbow.

Gandalf was hit twice by Du Yu, and he was in great pain. Du Yu's astonishing destructive power made the god envoy Maier, the legendary protagonist-level powerhouse, feel terrified.

With a flash, he used the teleportation technique and left Du Yu's side.

This is the first wave of battles, and Du Yu abruptly forced them back!

Gandalf's face sank like water.

Since he came to Middle-Earth in the year 1000 of the continental calendar, except for the giant dragon, Balrog, Saruman and a few other legendary enemies, he has never been forced back by a human in close combat!

This guy already consciously overestimated the fighting power of this courtier, but he didn't expect Du Yu to give him one surprise after another.

After Du Yu broke through the Nascent Soul stage, his fighting power skyrocketed, and he became an existence that could evenly compete with Gandalf in a face-to-face confrontation.

Although Gandalf has not yet used all the divine powers bestowed by God, nor has he been promoted to become a white-cloaked bean-popping effect, so it cannot be said to be 100% combat power, but even so, Du Yu's performance is enough to make him fearful.

In other words, if he had a one-on-one duel with Du Yu at the peak of the Misty Mountains, he was confident that he could kill Du Yu in the end, but the possibility of being killed by Du Yu could not be ruled out!
Such a threat is enough to make him pay attention.

With a groan, Catherine woke up from the charm effect of Gandalf's loud voice spell, and began to chant with one stroke of the precious royal staff and Diablo's [Lightning Flame].

The black aura swirled in her jade-like onion fingers, and fierce electric sparks began to condense in the air. The majestic power was enough to make people feel frightened.

Calmly, she was successfully charmed by Gandalf, and Catherine became a little annoyed, ready to give the old man a look.

Gandalf grew more and more gloomy.

This time, he temporarily abandoned the Guardians of the Ring and traveled thousands of miles to Edoras, the capital of Rohan King. It was just at night to watch the sky, and found that the national destiny of Rohan Kingdom was facing a great crisis.The information from various channels has also verified this point.The death of Hiyod and the disappearance of Eomer made it more and more obvious that the kingdom of Rohan fell into Saruman's control.

Saruman's power cannot be allowed to expand too much. If Isengard conquers the kingdom of Rohan, Saruman will have an army of orcs and knights of Rohan, and will have enough capital to cooperate with Sauron and bring disaster to Middle-earth. .

Although Denethor II of Gondor was also old and faint, he made Gondor into a miasma, and he also listened to the slander of a group of adventurers from the east, and acted in the opposite direction.But under Gandalf's balance, the disaster of Gondor is far away in the sky, but the disaster of Rohan is just around the corner.Once Saruman, an ambitious man, rules Essingard and Rohan, the Fellowship of the Ring will not even be able to get through the Plains of Rohan, let alone Mount Doom.

As the chairman of the Holy White Council, Saruman summoned him once, but the more righteous he was, telling himself that he was not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Rohan Kingdom, the more Gandalf felt Saruman's respect for the rich and fertile, and the people's aggressiveness. The Luohan Kingdom, the coveted heart of Sima Zhao!
He turned into a crow, traveled thousands of miles, and flew here, but he didn't expect that Saruman hadn't shown his face yet, but in the palace, he encountered strong resistance from the treacherous minister Ge Lima!

When will a courtier be able to confront Mai Ya?
Gandalf's eyes sharpened.

For the safety of the mainland and for the order of God, he must not sit back and watch Saruman and Ge Lima rule the Rohan Kingdom.

No matter what the cost.

(End of this chapter)

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