Chapter 927 Reward from the courtier, Catherine apprentices! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Seeing Du Yu's confused face, Saruman explained:

"The mirror of Galadriel is a silver basin on a base, which she fills with the streams that flow through the valley. Galadriel can command the mirror to show certain scenes, and the mirror can automatically reveal the past. , present and possible future.”

After sorting out his thoughts, the fear in Saruman's eyes became more serious.

Du Yu knew that at the moment when Saruman knew part of his own power, only by making Saruman's enemies stronger and unpredictable would he have a chance to gain more trust and time from Saruman.After all, the cunning rabbit is not dead, so there is no need for a good dog.

He yelled: "So, isn't Galadriel an invincible existence? It can predict and drive the Wind King. It is also the powerful elven kingdom and the wife of the lord of the golden forest city Roselorian. It is said that She also possesses the power of Nanya, the ring of water. To be an enemy of such a terrifying woman, our burden is even heavier."

Hearing Du Yu's detailed account of Galadriel's power and influence, Saruman felt lost and remained silent for a long time.

Just when Du Yu was secretly delighted, Saruman opened his mouth and said slowly with his unique magnetic voice: "I have known this remarkable elf woman since early in the Continent of Gods. Her girlhood has surpassed her father's." Finarfin, who soon became the mightiest of the Noldor, both in strength and in wisdom, followed her uncle Finarfin after Morgoth the Devil had stolen the Silmaril of her grandfather Finwë. Nuo, rebelled against the main god Mandos, left the overseas fairyland, and came to Middle-earth. Alas, such an excellent beauty elf, with amazing beauty and courage against the gods, I once fell in love at first sight."

Du didn't expect that Saruman actually confessed his feelings for Galadriel in front of him.It seems that this ambitious old thing really has some extravagant hopes for the Elf Queen.

Du Yu coughed.

Saruman woke up from the dream, his old face blushed, and his face became gloomy: "Of course she rejected me because of the faction. Since then we have become enemies, and of course we are still in the same camp. Until I chose to become the Middle-earth Continent The real master is actually similar to her choice-she is also an ambitious woman. Her mother named her Nerwen (Nerwen) A name), which means masculine girl, probably foresees her ambition and greatness."

Du Yu saw that Saruman was going off topic again, he was fascinated by the mention of Galadriel, so he simply didn't remind him.

Saruman coughed: "Since this raid failed, let's look for another chance. As for the Holy White Council, don't worry. I am in the Holy White Council, and I also have allies such as the brown-robed mage Redagast. Rivendell The current King Elrond is also wary of Galadriel's ambitions. Galadriel and Gandalf alone are not enough to overthrow me as the speaker of the Holy White Council!"

"It's just that" Saruman looked at Du Yu and said with a half-smile: "Gandalf didn't say anything, but I really didn't realize that I have such a capable servant. How could I go head-to-head with Gandalf for so long without falling behind. "

Du Yu is in a bad mood!

Although he tried his best to conceal his ability, under the pressure of Gandalf, he had to do his best, and Saruman discovered his amazing combat power.

"My lord," Du Yu's thoughts changed, thinking of words.

Saruman waved his hand: "You don't have to worry! I'm not a narrow-minded person. If they're all as stupid as a pig like Johnson, I, Saruman, don't need to mention my plan."

When it comes to Johnson, the leader of the strong orcs, he is still angry.

Du Yu didn't let it go, but he knew that he had passed the test temporarily.

What Saruman feared was the alliance between Gandalf and Galadriel.Together, these two legends are enough to threaten his status and expose his plot.He needs a strong helper to control the Rohan country, otherwise the situation will be even more difficult.

This helper is only myself.

This is not to say that Saruman is not afraid of himself, he just chooses the lesser of two evils.

Once he found better cannon fodder, he would be the first to eradicate himself without mercy.

Du Yu coughed and said respectfully, "Thank you, master, for your wisdom and broad-mindedness."

Saruman nodded, and said kindly, "You have made great achievements twice in a row, killing Siyod, capturing Eomer, and helping me almost kill Gandalf. What should I reward you for?"

Du Yu knew that Saruman always liked simplicity and clarity, and hated red tape the most, so he rolled his eyes.

What can Saruman reward?
What do you need most?
His eyes rested on Catherine.

Saruman's strongest must be his magic.

If Catherine's magic skills can get his guidance, they will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Ever since she jumped off the cliff, Catherine was determined to herself, and she was obedient. She was no longer the ambitious queen in the past, but a lady who went out, a wife at home, a lady in front of others, and a slut on the bed.Du Yu can be confident and bold to enhance her strength.

He respectfully said: "This is a wandering witch I found in the town of Edoras Plain, and I hit it off right away. As you can see, she has amazing magical talents and can compete with Gandalf for a while. I myself have little knowledge and little ability, so it is not easy to control the country of Rohan, which is fierce in folk customs and has many knights. If Master, you can pass on your sea-wide knowledge of magic to this witch friend, I will be able to serve you better."

Saruman's eagle eyes swept over Catherine coldly.

As the Queen of Shinra, Catherine was used to seeing the big world, and looked at Saruman, a hero in troubled times, without fear and grace.

Saruman stared at Catherine for a while, and finally showed an appreciative smile.

"Not bad! Not bad!" Saruman seemed to see a talented and beautiful mentor, and nodded his head in satisfaction.With his arrogant eyes, being able to say that someone is good is simply unprecedented.Du Yu had only heard him comment on Galadriel and Gandalf in this way.

This shows how amazing Catherine's magical talent is.It is estimated that Saruman was most satisfied with the fact that Catherine and him both belonged to the superficially holy family in essence, but in fact they both belonged to the dark magic family.

Such an astonishing coincidence is called fate in modern times.In Middle-earth, Saruman also had a great sense of confidant.

In particular, Catherine's noble and introverted temperament, which is neither humble nor overbearing, just contains endless ambitions, making Saruman seem to see another self, although this is a beautiful and beautiful magician.

He finally nodded, and said to Du Yu: "I agree to accept her as an apprentice. But she has to go to Ozark Tower with me, and study for a period of time as a magic apprentice."

Du Yu knew it in his heart.

Rather than saying that this Saruman admired Catherine so much that he couldn't extricate himself, together with his love for talent, he immediately wanted to generously accept disciples, it's better to say that he kills two birds with one stone!
On the one hand, he really wants to reward himself as a hero. On the one hand, he really likes Catherine's talent and character, but more importantly, he wants to keep Catherine as a hostage in the Ozark Magic Tower in Essingard In, as a means of controlling yourself!
With Saruman's sophistication and indifference, why can't he see the deep affection between Catherine and himself?

I will take your woman away, as an apprentice, you must not rebel!
This is a conspiracy.Du Yu just couldn't resist.

Catherine's eyes also had endless ardor, but she didn't say anything, and quietly listened to Du Yu.

Can worship Saruman as a mentor and learn dark magic!
This is an adventure that drives every magician crazy.

Catherine is extremely eager for this kind of opportunity, and she is even more grateful for the opportunity Du Yu has painstakingly created for herself at any cost.

But she was also well aware of Saruman's calculations.

As long as Du Yu shook her head, she would resolutely give up.After all, the child in her womb belonged to Du Yu, and her life belonged to Du Yu too.

Du Yu didn't hesitate, and saluted generously: "My honorable master, I'm really grateful that you accept my woman as a magic apprentice. I hope you will spare no effort to teach her so that she can get the best magic education."

Catherine is neither humble nor overbearing, and she is polite.

Saruman laughed loudly, his white beard trembled, and he said proudly: "I dare say, you can't find a better magic teacher than me in the whole continent! If I can't teach her, no one can! In the future, I have to concentrate on answering the questions from the Holy White Council. Here in Rohan Kingdom, I will leave it to you."

He leaned close to Du Yu's ear and whispered: "Get rid of King Theoden as soon as possible, and after the last step, I will quickly seize the power of the Rohan Kingdom!"

Du Yu felt bad.

The so-called cunning rabbit dies, a good dog cooks, and a flying bird makes a good bow.

My value to Saruman lies in replacing him, controlling and monitoring King Theoden.

If King Theoden died, what use would he be to him?

Once his army of strong orcs reached the city of Edoras, what should he do?

Or surrender?

Either way, it's a dead end.

Saruman controlled Essingard and the Rohan Kingdom, and his power became stronger, so what else could he do?
Du Yu's eyes rolled quickly.

Catherine was also very anxious.

Saruman stared into Du Yu's eyes, revealing an unknown sneer.

No matter what conspiracy you have, as long as I control the Luohan Kingdom, you can only be my obedient servant!

But Du Yu's wisdom is infinite.

This seemingly irreconcilable contradiction, in his desperation, actually found a solution!
Just before Saruman's face completely darkened, Du Yu smiled slightly and said slowly, "King Theoden, you must not die!"

"What did you say?" Saruman's face darkened.

Du Yu waved his hand: "Honorable Master, listen to me. Let me ask you, if King Theoden dies, how do you plan to control the Luohan Kingdom?"

Saruman pondered after saying these words.

(End of this chapter)

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