Chapter 928 Persuading Saruman to be named Regent! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
He really wanted to say that he would send troops to Rohan to occupy the capital of King Edoras, and it would be over once and for all.

But Du Yu then laughed loudly: "My wise master. Think about it, Gandalf and Galadriel are worried that they can't find any conclusive evidence that you plotted against the Kingdom of Rohan! It's really hard to convince St. The White Council will deprive you of the post of speaker and jointly impose sanctions on you. But if you blatantly tear off your disguise, break through the bottom line, give up your past detached Maier identity, and completely annex the Rohan Kingdom, even your closest ally, the brown-robed mage Rui Dagast will not just sit idly by! After all, the purpose of the Holy White Council is to maintain peace on the mainland and fight against the forces of darkness together."

Saruman fell into deep thought.

The so-called chairmanship of the Holy White Parliament is very important to him.If he really sent troops to Rohan and annexed it openly, Gandalf and Galadriel, who had just fled, would find absolute ironclad evidence that he betrayed the will of God and sought his own self-interest, and expelled him from the Holy White Council.

Saruman could not ignore the reaction of the Holy White Council.

Du Yu strikes while the iron is hot: "Thinking about it, what threat does King Theoden pose to us now? He is just a bony old man who has lost his heir, but he is a fig leaf for us and the Holy White Council! Even if the people in the Holy White Council understand Xiyou King Dun was taken away by you, and there was no reason on the surface, accusing you of exceeding your authority. There is a step, so everyone can meet."

Saruman frowned.

Du Yu chased after the victory and said: "Don't let Theoden die early, let him be a false cover. I will firmly hold the power of Rohan for you. One day, when you send troops to attack Gondor, I will lead the troops. On the pretext of fulfilling the oath of Io (the oath of Rohan and the suzerain Gondor, as long as Gondor is in trouble, the country of Rohan must send troops to reinforce it) as an excuse, send troops to Gondor, and launch a surprise attack when the enemy can't imagine it. Orcs! Gondor must be ours, no, yours!"

Saruman didn't expect that Du Yu had even figured out how to use King Theoden's back move.

He had a pensive look on his face, but the appreciation in the corners of his eyes was fully revealed.

This Saruman is worthy of being the first-class careerist in the mainland, he is good at taking one step and seeing three steps, grasping the essence of Du Yu's conspiracy at once.

If he can pass through Du Yu, keep a calm face, control the Rohan country, and then use the oath of Io as a guise to cooperate with the inside and outside to launch a decisive battle against Gondor, there is indeed a great chance of success!
When the name of Gondor was mentioned, Du Yu's eyes flickered coldly.

His offer just now was certainly an excuse to deal with Saruman's eagerness to seize power, but the so-called killing two birds with one stone, if he can launch Saruman's battle against Gondor, he will use his plan!

Sima Yi!
You wait for me and Saruman's army.

Saruman's eagle eyes stared at Du Yu for a long time, and finally raised his wand.

Du Yu and Catherine secretly guarded.

Saruman thumped his wand, laughed loudly and said, "Good! My servant made a good suggestion. I am very happy to accept it."

He slapped Du Yu hard and said: "I will hand over the kingdom of Rohan to you to rule. Just as you said, empty Theoden and make him a phony, and we will control this country. And when I need it, you will use the kingdom of Rohan In name, do what I want to do!"

The more Saruman thought about it, the happier he became, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

With a mature cooperation plan, the conversation between Du Yu and Saruman immediately became easier.

One of the two deliberately wooed each other, while the other flattered them hard. It was really a happy time between master and servant, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

There was a groan from the guards around, and they were about to wake up.

Seeing that it was late, Saruman waved his hand, and a portal flashed out behind him.

As soon as he waved, Catherine reluctantly left Du Yu and walked to him.

"I'm going back to Essingard." Saruman said meaningfully to Du Yu: "Rule the kingdom of Rohan for me. I will also teach your women well!"

His figure disappeared into the portal.

Catherine took a deep look at Du Yu with beautiful eyes, and then walked into the portal.

Du Yu watched Saruman and Catherine disappear with a heavy heart.

Although he responded well and was full of wit, he finally got Saruman to entrust the kingdom of Rohan to himself and agreed to accept Catherine as his disciple.

But Du Yu knew very well that cooperating with a conspirator like Saruman was actually dancing with wolves.

Maybe when he sees through his plan, or if he has a better agent, he will attack Catherine.

Catherine is tantamount to being a hostage for Saruman to control Du Yu.

This sense of restriction made Du Yu very unhappy.

But at this moment, is there a better way?

Take control of Rohan Kingdom!
He turned his head and walked towards the throne with a determined face.

Eowyn wakes up leisurely, but in the blink of an eye, she sees that nasty courtier Ge Lima!

She screamed in terror.

Du Yu hugged Iowyn domineeringly.

"Let go of me, Viper!"

"Shut up! Woman!"

Du Yu shouted angrily, with a stern expression on his face, which made the arrogant princess dare not say another word.

She could only curl up in the poisonous snake's arms aggrieved, and let Du Yu take her away.

Du Yu walked step by step to the secret passage behind the throne.

King Theoden, with the support of Elizabeth, returned to his old and dying appearance, and walked tremblingly.

When he saw Gandalf, the once high-spirited appearance had disappeared.

This was also one of Du Yu's reasons for not letting him stay in the palace.Prevent King Theoden from seeing things hurt and find himself.

"Then??? Gandalf is gone?" King Theoden said weakly.

Du Yu nodded: "This subject fought desperately, but he ran away when he saw that the assassination of His Majesty was in vain."

King Theoden sighed, nodded his head in gratitude and said, "Thanks to you, the minister of the humerus, I was not killed by that old man."

He said angrily: "Send me an order, the whole country of Rohan wants Gandalf! Whoever kills him will be rewarded with Earl status, [-] gold coins, and [-] horses!"

This is a very heavy reward, and it can be seen that Theoden has great resentment towards Gandalf.

Du Yu smiled slightly, bowed and said yes.

King Theoden saw Iowyn, who was restless in Du Yu's arms, and said with a relieved smile, "Have you seen how heroic your man is in defending the king? He is no longer a three-inch tongue, but He is a fearless warrior not inferior to your brother Eomer. My decision to marry you is wise, right?"

Éowyn felt sad and began to cry.

Du Yu hugged Eowyn tightly, and said to King Theoden, "I hope you will allow us to get married right away."

King Theoden nodded: "Go, enjoy your bride. And listen to the king's grace!"

This is about to be rewarded, Du Yu, Eowyn, and Elizabeth saluted at the same time.

King Theoden trembled and said: "In view of Ge Lima Qiaoyan's contribution to the kingdom, I, King Theoden, canonize you as the Marquis of Edoras in the name of the king, and reward you with 20000 gold coins and [-] gold coins. A war horse. And you will replace the dead Prince Xiyoud as the second commander of the Rohan Kingdom!"

Eowyn was shocked!

Reckless, she went up and hugged King Theoden's leg, crying, "God, did God blind your wise eyes? You want to confer an outsider as the second commander of Rohan Kingdom? The knights will not agree! Besides Eomer is not dead yet!"

With a blank expression on his face, Du Yu went up to pick up Éowyn, let the beautiful princess kick him on the shoulder, smiled and saluted, "Thank you for your kindness."

King Theoden was exhausted and waved his hand numbly: "I haven't finished my words yet. From today onwards, you will become the regent of the Rohan Kingdom as the Marquis of Edoras! Unify and exercise the power of the king until I find A better heir."

When these words came out from the mouth of the old king, even Eowyn, who was raining with pear blossoms and kicked and beaten, stopped struggling and looked back at her uncle in despair.

"No!" Éowyn cried.

This marked that the poisonous snake who coveted her has completely become the master of Luohan Kingdom!
No one can save her anymore, but Eomer!
"Eomer??? is here??" Iowyn was about to shout, but was hit by Du Yu's Ya acupuncture point, and she couldn't make a sound immediately, and could only whimper.

Du Yu bowed and said solemnly: "My respected king, as the regent, I will fulfill all your ruling obligations. You are so tired, I hope you have a pleasant vacation. Elizabeth, why don't you help the king to rest?"

Elizabeth laughed and said Yan Yan, and took the tired King Theoden down to rest.

Du Yu put the beautiful princess Iowyn on the ground, pinched her fair face, and said with a wicked smile, "Did you hear that? Now I'm the regent!"

Iowyn stared at Du Yu stubbornly, and said coldly: "Viper! God will punish all your sins. You can't threaten me with death."

Du Yu played with her brilliant golden hair, and said casually, "Is that so? So what about Eomer? He's not dead yet."

Eowyn suddenly collapsed.

Her brother Eomer is her greatest weakness.

She and Eomer's mother Theodende died early, and the two were brought up by their uncle King Theoden, and they had a close brother and sister relationship.

Du Yu hugged Eowyn, stared at her swan-like elegant neck and snow-white slender shoulders and said, "What about your uncle, King Theoden? He is also living well under my protection."

Eowyn said weakly, "What exactly do you want?"

Du Yu chuckled and lifted her alluring chin: "It depends on what you do. You know."

Eowyn could only cry silently.

She is a weak woman, what else can she do?
That night, the new regent, Ge Lima, married the king's niece and princess Iowyn.

The newlyweds officially entered the palace of Edoras, while King Theoden announced that he would temporarily retire to recuperate.All state affairs are entrusted to the upstart Rohan, the Marquis of Edoras, and the regent Ge Lima.With King Theoden's body dying, Prince Theod's death in battle, and Prince Eomer's disappearance, the candidate for the next king seems to be on the horizon.

(End of this chapter)

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