Chapter 930 Fatal charm, a close call! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
A smile bloomed at the corner of Catherine's cold mouth: "Is there a better way? If you want to maximize the strategic value of Rohan, it is not Rohan who joins Essingard, but Rohan who lurks in the justice camp. At the critical moment Rohan who can stab your enemy!"

Saruman's eyes became depressed: "Galadriel and Gandalf won't believe it."

"It's fine as long as someone believes it." Catherine said with a light smile. "Many lies are very old-fashioned, but there are always fools who are fooled. This is why people insist on lying."

Saruman glanced at Catherine appreciatively.

"If you choose to be loyal to me." Saruman stretched out his withered hands and covered Catherine's head: "I can promise to pass on half of my magical knowledge to you. Even if you are a servant of God, you can Benefited a lot!"

"Servant of God?" Catherine's beautiful eyes were cold, and she took a step back.

"Yes!" The corner of Saruman's mouth faded into an inscrutable smile: "Aren't you and my servant Ge Lima the messengers of gods from other worlds? You are not from our world!"

A burst of fear occupied Catherine's body, and she couldn't help trembling.

She and Du Yu were seen through by Saruman from the very beginning?

Saruman looked at Catherine playfully and said: "You are too underestimating the ability and knowledge of a Maya who has lived for thousands of years. When I saw you for the first time, I knew that you are not from this world. In other words, my pathetic servant, Ge Lima Qiaoyan, has already been dropped by your man!"

"How did you know?"

"Fate." Saruman said with a desolate face: "I can't see the past and future fate in you. Believe me, people like Galadriel, Gandalf, and King Elrond all have this kind of fate. With power, you can easily see through the fate of others. Of course, they cannot see clearly. Since you have no past and no future, you naturally do not belong to our world."

"What do you want?" Catherine said coldly.

"I don't want to do anything." Saruman's eagle eyes stared at Catherine: "I don't care about your little skills. I need capable people to serve me in conquering Middle-earth. Obey my orders! Catherine! I will teach With your corresponding knowledge of magic, you will become my true apprentice and benefit endlessly!"

In the end, he had used his famous persuasion skills in mainland China.

Saruman's persuasion ability is the best in the continent, and his voice full of magic and magnetism has unquestionable credibility.Once the victim is persuaded by him, they will subconsciously and unconsciously obey Saruman's command.And this effect is permanent.

Even a legendary existence like the brown-robed wizard couldn't help but fall into Saruman's trap and become his loyal follower, let alone a mere adventurer?
Catherine's beautiful eyes blurred, and her phoenix body trembled subconsciously.

"That's right." A sneer appeared on the corner of Saruman's mouth.

After witnessing the decisive battle between Du Yu and Gandalf, he already knew clearly that Du Yu and Catherine were definitely not Grema, although his body and identity were undoubtedly Grema.But Saruman's vast knowledge and rich travel experience in other planes made it easy for him to understand that this is the messenger of the Lord God of another world.

It should be said that his guess is almost inseparable.

Saruman did not move Du Yu, but he had his own way to deal with the combination of Du Yu and Catherine.

The ability and talent of this woman really shocked Saruman.Even he couldn't help but love talents.

But Saruman is not a philanthropist, the magic knowledge he gives can only be given to those he fully trusts.

Whether Du Yu's behavior betrayed him still needs time to test.Saruman didn't mind the delay either - patience always comes in abundance for one with a near-infinite life.

But Catherine, he wants to completely control, using his invincible charm technique.

Catherine's gaze became obsessed, and finally became clear again.

"You are my faithful servant" Saruman said in a deep voice.

"I am your faithful servant," repeated Catherine.

Saruman nodded in satisfaction.

He believes in his magical abilities.As long as she is cast by herself, even the brown-robed wizard who is Maiya can't resist, let alone a mere woman?
He turned around and said coldly, "What is your man's real thoughts? Is he planning to rebel against me?"

The tone of Catherine's voice was the same as usual, but with a sense of mechanicalness: "He didn't rebel against your ideas, and offered advice and suggestions, and it was also out of your interests. Of course, at least for the moment."

Saruman nodded in satisfaction.

This answer, he believed to be true.

Because he already controlled Catherine.

Behind what he couldn't see, Catherine's mechanical eyes suddenly moved, and regained a bit of agility and clarity!

"You actually used the charm technique on me?" Catherine didn't move her eyes, but she secretly cried in her heart: "Thanks to Du Yu's precautions, before he came, he gave me the [Heshi Jade Seal] that can guard against all evil tricks. Otherwise Now I have been controlled by Saruman, and I have become his loyal servant."

Catherine shuddered at the thought of the dreadful consequences.

First, she will reveal Du Yu's plan under Saruman's questioning.

This means that Du Yu will become Saruman's hunting target.

Second, she will be Saruman's pawn.Since the effect of this charm technique is permanent, even if she returns to the bloody city, she cannot escape being controlled by Saruman.

Thinking of this, Catherine, who is arrogant and independent, can hardly bear to get angry.

That would be worse than death.

Even the well-informed Queen Shinra is the first time she has encountered such a vicious and vicious Maiya wizard as Saruman.

In the following apprenticeship as a hostage, she had to be very careful and deal with Saruman's various tricks.

Fortunately, due to Du Yu's [Heshi Jade Seal], the treasure of space, Saruman didn't notice it at all, and was successfully deceived by Catherine.

This means that Catherine has become Du Yu's opponent to break into Saruman's side!
Half the battle.

The power of rebellion is so great, just look at Huang Gai's performance in the Battle of Chibi.

To be able to hide the suspicious Cao A and defraud an army of 83 people has nothing to lose, which is really amazing.

Catherine's beautiful eyes were cold, and she stared deeply at Saruman.

Saruman took a deep breath: "I will give you the supreme authority of the Ozark Fortress. You can represent me, issue orders, and let Johnson and others do things. At the same time, you can use my magic library and spell-casting materials as you like. "

He turned around, patted Catherine's fragrant shoulder, and gave a rare relieved smile: "There is no doubt about your talent. I will teach you the most comprehensive knowledge of magic and make you the best magician in the whole of Middle-earth besides the five great wizards." man of!"

Catherine's face was calm and calm, and she nodded slowly.

Saruman looked up to the sky and laughed triumphantly. The white-robed wizard on the Ozark Tower laughed loudly, spreading far and far

At the same time, among the arduous journey of the Guardians of the Ring team in the high mountains of the Misty Mountains, a tall man with a handsome face, curly chestnut hair, deep eyes, and a tall stature, holding a gleaming sharp sword, led the way here. In front of the Guardian of the Ring squad of more than ten people.

This man is nicknamed the Silmarillion, the leader of the Dundan people, the big step, the traveler, and the western ranger. The sword in his hand is called the star of the west-the sword of the holy sword Elendil.And his identity is Aragorn, the king of mankind and the true blood of the Elendil family of Gondor!

At this moment, Aragorn was frowning, looking coldly at a piece of paper in his hand.

This paper letter is engraved with the unique seal of Rohan's royal family, indicating its extraordinary origin.

"Brother Yang Guo, do you really know this three-inch tongue Ge Lima Qiaoyan?" Aragorn looked at a man beside him in bewilderment.

This man's sleeves are fluttering, he has an elegant air, and he has the style of a master. He is Du Yu's second brother, Yang Guo, a strong man in the inner city.

An extremely handsome elf man with blond hair and a shawl, holding an exquisite elven longbow, and wearing a tight leather armor, was Legolas, Prince of the Black Forest. He is a well-known courtier in Luohan Kingdom. Is this person reliable?"

Yang Guo raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Aragorn, I can assure you with my personality, this Gelima Qiaoyan is definitely not a treacherous person. Since he is interested in helping you restore the country, you may as well go there Rohan Edoras, listen to his plan. I believe it will help your great cause."

Aragorn pondered for a moment, and looked at Frodo who was following behind him.The ring around Frodo's neck gleamed dimly in the dim light of the Misty Mountains.

"I can rush to the country of Rohan, but what about Frodo?" Aragorn nuzzled: "A few days ago, Gandalf said that there was a big change in the country of Rohan, and he wanted to rush to stop it, but he never came back. He didn't send a letter back either."

Legolas's brow flashed with heroic spirit: "Aragorn, just go at ease. Here are me, Gimli, and Boromir, who can protect Frodo. It will be fine if you are absent for a short time. But the people in front of us The road is blocked, only the mines of Moria."

A red-bearded dwarf carrying a big ax said in a rough voice: "Mine of Moria, haha! That's my cousin's territory. We will get the best hospitality when we go there. Tsk tsk, that pure Ale, still steeped in sunshine and barley. My mouth is watering"

Yang Guo knew the plot, so he hurriedly said, "I heard that the Moria mines have been destroyed by a Balrog who woke up from the ground, a remnant of the Morgoth era. Everyone must be prepared when they go."

Everyone was taken aback.

The Balrog is an evil creature created by Morgoth, the God of Darkness. It is a polluted god. How could it still remain in the mines of Moria?
(End of this chapter)

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