Chapter 931 Fantastic beauty, Galadriel! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Hearing Yang Guo's warning, everyone was taken aback.

Beside him was an extremely handsome elf man with blond hair and a shawl, holding an exquisite elf longbow and wearing tight leather armor. He was Legolas, Prince of the Black Forest.

The elven prince wears a light blue silk shirt with exquisite embroidery, soft gray-green woolen leggings, high suede boots shaped like overlapping leaves with plant patterns on them, and a double-layered suede suit. Leather short-sleeved top.The color of the inner layer is khaki green, and the slightly thicker outer layer is brown. Both inner and outer layers are cut into the shape of petals, so it looks like a flower bud.The robe was waist-length, with sleeves reaching only to the elbows, and the hem was slit on both sides so that it would not hinder his movement.He also wore a cloak which he had received at Rivendell, fastened at the neck with a silver-leaf brooch.

The entire elven prince, like the legendary elven god, is handsome, neat, and neat, full of elegant and almost luxurious beauty.

Hearing this warning, Legolas frowned: "We have dealt with dwarves a lot in Mirkwood, and they were suddenly destroyed. How is it possible?"

Everyone's heart is heavy.

In winter, the misty mountains are covered with heavy snow, and not only the extreme temperature is extremely extreme, but also the trails on the cliffs are covered with ice and snow, making it extremely dangerous.If one is not careful, he will fall into the abyss, which is really impossible to pass.Waiting for spring to bloom, and spending too much time, can only take risks and look for cave passages that can cross the Misty Mountains in winter.

The Moria Mine is a plan Gandalf found in an ancient book, but he is not sure whether this road is completely safe.Before he had time to decide whether to take this path, because of Luo Han's accident, he turned into a crow and flew to Luo Han, but there has been no news of it so far.

The dwarves reacted even more strongly. Gimli dropped the ax on the ground in disbelief, and said in disbelief, "This is impossible! The branch of our hill dwarves in the Moria Mountains is the most powerful branch! It is even called the hill The dwarves’ integrity cannot be overstated! Hundreds of strong dwarves are not only outstanding miners, but also fearless fighters. Even ordinary dragons are no match for them, so how could they be destroyed?”

His complexion was purple and he was agitated, almost pounced on Yang Guo.

Aragorn shouted: "Gimli is calm. This matter has not been implemented yet, we will figure it out."

He turned to Yang Guo: "However, I will make a decision after I go to Rohan Country to find out what's going on in Rohan Country and Gandalf's safety."

Frodo moved over and whispered: "However, the Misty Mountains are not far away from Rohan's Edoras Plain, and it will take at least a few months to get there. Aragorn, you are the captain, and the Ring Guards team Leader, what should we do if you are gone?"

Yang Guo took out two exquisite scrolls from the letterbox made of jade flying pigeons.It's a teleport return scroll from the goblin shop in Diablo III, and it's for single use only.It was very valuable, and it was specially provided by Du Yu for Yang Guo and Aragorn to watch the ceremony in King Edoras.

Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir looked at the city scroll with astonishment on their faces.Apparently to Ge Lima, a mere sycophant was able to provide such a treasure with such a generous amount for their use, and he was shocked.

After a long time, Aragorn smiled and said: "It seems that I, a king without a country, is still highly valued by the Regent of Rohan. If I don't go, I will be respectful. I will go back when I go."

He took the teleportation scroll and tore it up.

Aragorn quickly disappeared in place.

Yang Guo also disappeared.

At this time, Gandalf was in the golden forest city of Lothlorien.

His arms and head were wrapped with wicker from the tree of life, and spirit grass was smeared inside. These herbs and branches helped him recover quickly from his injuries.

He stood on the exquisite tree house, looking far away, gazing at the city of trees, Caras Galadhon (Caras Galadhon).

This is a city made entirely of trees.Numerous dwellings are built on many lookout platforms, which are erected in the branches of tall mallorn-trees.It is said that Galadriel was the first to plant the seeds of Melon trees in Roselorien. These golden-leaved trees thrived under her care, and Roselorien was called the Golden Wood (Golden Wood) .

Galadriel has a secluded garden in the valley outside Calas Galadon's residence, where flowers are blooming, trees are lush, rare grasses, birds and animals are infested.Everywhere is exquisite, elf-inspired, exquisite architecture that blends in with nature.Galadriel and her husband Celeborn lived in Wonderland.
Gandalf glanced gloomyly at Calas Galadon, remembering the fierce battle with Saruman and that Grema in the palace of Edoras a few days ago.

"Mislanda, what are you thinking?" An ethereal and soft voice came from behind.

Gandalf turned his head away.

In front of him was Galadriel, the hostess of Calas Galadon, the city of trees!
As in the legend, Galadriel possesses amazing beauty, which is almost as famous as her unfathomable strength.

Her hair was a deep gold flecked with silver, like the radiance of the Two Trees of Valinor.Her hair is as beautiful as a goddess. —It is said that Feanor, the most powerful elf, once asked Galadriel for a lock of her hair, but Galadriel refused.And the reward requested by the dwarf Gimli of the Fellowship of the Ring was also a piece of her hair.This request was generously granted by her.

She has a straight nose, and her beautiful eyes are as bright and psychedelic as the Silmarils—some say that her uncle Feanor was inspired by the beautiful eyes of Galadriel to create the three Silmarils and The light that illuminates the Two Trees of Valinor, the land of the gods, is stored in gems.And that moonlight-like bright and snow-white delicate face exudes a dreamy luster all the time.

Because she was in Calas Galadon, the city of trees, Galadriel leisurely tied her beautiful dark golden hair into a loose bun, and an oak hairpin was inserted obliquely into her famously alluring hair.And the slender elf figure is wearing a dreamy purple tulle, matched with her unparalleled temperament and face, under the moonlight, there is a dreamlike feeling of "the moon shines on the reed pond and the clear smoke, and the hazy mist lingers together". .

Gandalf sighed in his heart.

This Galadriel, in the existence of the legendary level, is also the undoubted goddess in the hearts of everyone.When Gandalf saw her for the first time, he was astonished.It's a pity that at that time, Galadriel was already famous, and even if Gandalf had affection, it could only be the king's intention, and the goddess was ruthless.

Galadriel grinned.

She naturally knew what Gandalf was thinking.She also has a high opinion of Gandalf, otherwise she would not waste precious favors, and sent Guan He, the wind king, to rescue Gandalf.

"How is your recovery?" Galadriel asked with concern.

Gandalf smiled and said, "Your herbal medicine is very effective. I have recovered from my injuries and will be able to recover in two days."

He glanced at the bandaged arm, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Unexpectedly, Saruman really betrayed the will of God and the resolution of the Holy White Council, and snatched the control of Rohan Kingdom! Immediately slammed, and restored the control of the Holy White Council over the Rohan Kingdom, but Saruman made a backhand plan and was almost left behind by him!"

Galadriel said softly: "I should have insisted on my opinion and elected you as the chairman of the Holy White Council. Saruman, a jackal in Mai Ya's skin, would not have had a chance! I never trusted him!"

Gandalf sighed softly: "He also fell to this point step by step. When he first came to Middle-earth, he was the first to respond to God's call. In the beginning, he was the leader of the wizards. Unfortunately, he has become too powerful recently. I suspect that he found some ancient black treasure in Ozark Tower, which changed his mind."

Galadriel's voice was still hazy and dreamy: "The next step, what should we do? Should we convene the Holy White Council immediately, announce the disqualification of Saruman as speaker, and join hands to attack this traitor?"

Gandalf thought for a long time, and finally shook his head: "Although I was injured, I can't produce enough evidence to prove that Saruman betrayed the council. Based on your own words, the elves represented by King Elrond and Redaga Wizards such as Sturt will not be convinced. Further evidence is needed."

He grinned: "It's best that Saruman can't wait to annex Rohan. This is enough to arouse the wariness of King Elrond and Redagast. We will unify the opinions of the Holy White Council instead of falling into endless quarrels and debates." .”

Galadriel sighed softly, and handed over a piece of paper with the seal of Rohan's royal family: "Perhaps we won't have to wait too long, we will be able to figure out Saruman's intention soon."

"What is this?" Gandalf took it over, and after a closer look, his expression changed.

"His servant, that Grema, whispered that he would become Rohan's regent?" Gandalf was furious, and a rare flash of anger flashed across his old face: "No, I must stop this!"

Galadriel was silent for a while: "I feel that this matter is not that simple. If Saruman instructs his servants to annex the kingdom of Rohan as soon as possible, there is no need to go through a lot of trouble and hold an inauguration ceremony. Just control Theoden and dedicate Rohan to He is. Why bother to find all of us and add so many variables? As far as you can see, who is that Grema who will control Luohan?"

"He's just Saruman's servant, what can I say?" Gandalf sneered, but Du Yu left a deep impression on him, enough to make the experienced wizard ponder for a while before saying : "However, I also agree with you. Maybe there is something tricky in it. I intuitively think that this Ge Lima is not just a courtier."

"A sycophant who is not just a sycophant?" Galadriel pursed her lips and smiled, full of all kinds of flattery.

"Why are you interested in him?" Gandalf sensitively noticed the abnormality of the Elven Queen.

Galadriel shook her head, and changed the topic: "Recently, in my water mirror, the image of my future is very chaotic, which confuses me. I found that there seem to be some unidentified people on the mainland. Surroundings, the situation is subtly changing. I heard what you said, so this time I decided to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Ge Lima's eloquent words, to see what kind of person he is? Find out what relationship he has with Saruman. ? Is it a puppet servant, or does it have ulterior motives?"

Gandalf was discouraged for a while: "I will follow you too"

Galadriel waved his hand to stop him: "Mithranda, your mission has been completed. Facts have proved that the Rohan Kingdom is no longer what you can save from King Theoden, and my water mirror tells me that the guardian The ring team seems to have encountered danger in the Misty Mountains in winter, and they chose to enter the mine pit of Moria. There is fatal danger there, and Frodo and others are waiting ahead."

When Gandalf heard about the mines of Moria, he was astonished and said, "Why would Aragorn choose to go that way there? I heard Redagast say that the place has been occupied by deep darkness, and countless ghosts and monsters are waiting in the mines." stranger!"

Galadriel said softly: "So, Mithranda, you must go back and help them! The Fellowship of the Ring is our top priority. Frodo is our hope to destroy Sauron!"

Gandalf pondered for a while, and finally nodded heavily: "It seems that I have no choice but to return to the Fellowship of the Ring and cover Frodo and the others through the Misty Mountains. It is up to you to find out about Grema's trickery. Hmph! A mere sycophant's regent Wang Li, to actually startle the Elf Queen of the Golden Forest, is enough to make him proud for ten lifetimes."

Galadriel pursed her lips and said with a smile, "You've become more and more glib lately!"

Gandalf was dumbfounded again.Frodo, who had revered him like a god, would have dropped his jaw in astonishment when the hobbits saw it.

Gandalf actually sometimes sees women drooling.

The two discussed in detail for a while, and then Gandalf flew like a gust of wind to the snow-ravaged Misty Mountains in Guanhe, the King of the Wind, looking for the Guardians of the Ring who urgently needed guidance.

Galadriel stared at Gandalf who flew into the moonlight and disappeared, her beautiful eyes, which had read all the world and the world, turned to the direction of Rohan, revealing a trace of coldness.

Her mana is almost psychic.With the magic power of Nanya, the ring of water, even though Sauron's huge army attacked the Golden Forest from the direction of Minas Morgul several times, they were always killed by her and her husband Celeborn, leading the army to lose their helmets and armor. Flee in defeat.

But recently, in the water mirror, there was a faint message, which puzzled her.

(End of this chapter)

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