Chapter 932 Water Mirror Prophecy!The queen is ashamed and angry! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
There is a vision of her future in it, but that kind of vision makes her, who has always been quiet in the ancient well, blush and very annoyed.

Galadriel was furious.

And beside her was a younger elf beauty.

At the end of this future scene that made Galadriel's water mirror, the young elf beauty who fascinated all sentient beings smiled charmingly back at the man.

Galadriel was even more furious!
Arwen was born of Celebrian, the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn, and King Elrond, the lord of Rivendell, and she is the out-and-out granddaughter of Galadriel.

At the end of the water mirror scene, Galadriel actually saw the scene that she had deliberately forgotten for 3000 years!
It was in the distant era of the Double Trees. After the devil and the dark god Morgoth killed Galadriel's grandfather Fenwe and stole the Silmarillion, Feanor, the patriarch of the Noldor Elf tribe, vowed to take back the gemstone at any cost. .He rebelled against the Lord God, and pursued Morgoth all the way to Middle-earth, and many Noldor elves followed him, including Galadriel among the rebels.

When the Noldor came to Alqualonde, the port of the Overseas Wonderland, they hoped for the ships of the Teleri.The Teleri were the family of Galadriel's maternal grandfather.When the Teleri elves rejected Feanor's request, Feanor and his followers seized the ships in the port by force and killed many Teleri elves.Galadriel did not take part in the kin-killing of the elves, but she did not prevent the tragedy either.

After this kinship, the furious Lord Mandos (Mandos) appeared and told Feanor and his followers that if they persisted in their obsession, they would be expelled from the overseas wonderland.He predicted that death and pain would come, and those elves who survived to stay in Middle-earth would become exhausted and doom would hang over their heads!
Galadriel can never forget the trembling and powerlessness that came from the bottom of her heart when she was an elf girl when she saw the Lord God Mandos for the first time.

Galadriel despaired when Mandos announced that all the elves who went to Middle-earth would be enveloped in death and pain, but she did not believe it.

She and her brothers moved on, and they thus fell to the doom predicted by Mandos.

Her four older brothers all fell in the War of the Jewels (The War of the Jewels), which lasted the entire First Age to regain the Silmarillion!

Galadriel was the only survivor.

So far, she has been standing at the pinnacle of power in the mainland, and has never felt the threat of the doom prophecy of Mandos back then.

Even at Sauron's strongest moment, she can face Sauron's threat without changing her face.

But in the water mirror, Galadriel felt the prophecy of the curse of the Lord Mandos!

Could it be that the prophecy of doom will eventually be fulfilled on her body?
Galadriel was in a panic.

She and Arwen, the stunning pair favored by the Creator, are they going to be brought into the harem at the same time by humble and filthy men, mother-in-law and grandson, and become benefactors on the bed and bitches?

The supreme and beautiful Golden Forest Elf Queen and the incomparably noble and celestial Rivendell Elf Princess, their future is such a tragic ending?

Galadriel was determined to find out!

Once she finds the man in her dream, she will not hesitate to use the supreme authority and powerful power she has at her disposal to smash him to pieces!

As for the man's face, Shui Jing didn't give a clear hint, it was just shrouded in the fog of fate.

She stared down at Nanya, the ring of water in her hand, and murmured: "I am Galadriel! I will be remembered as the most beautiful elf queen and the most powerful female lord! Anyone who covets the swan All the toads will be smashed into powder by the power of my water ring Nanya!"

She gently held up the letter in her hand.

The gentle night wind blows it up, and the fireflies with beautiful and faint lights hold up the paper and slowly fall into the grass.

A melon tree seed was dropped from Galadriel's hand and landed on the letter paper. It immediately peeled off its cocoons, took root and germinated???
The letter was quickly sucked dry by the power of plants and nature, and became the energy of the Mellon tree, which was broken into bits and pieces of fluorescence, while the Mellon tree was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye???
"Let me see, which man dares to make plans for me and Arwen?" Galadriel's eyes were clear.

At this time, Minas Tiris is in the sacred tree garden at the highest point, in the majestic royal palace.

The Regent, De Naisser II, sat on a high place, and Sima Zhongda sat opposite him.

The cold mountain wind blew out from the tightly closed stone gate, making the oil lamp dark and obscure. The faces of the two were immersed in the shadows, and their expressions could not be seen clearly.

"This change in Rohan is really beyond our expectations." De Naisser II finally spoke, and said with difficulty: "My special envoy in Rohan has been expelled from the country. The regent of the Rohan Kingdom this time seems to treat us very Not friendly."

Sima Zhongda described him as thin and gloomy, more like a very hungry wolf.

In the past period of time, he sent various spies to spy on the Middle-earth Continent like crazy.

Unfortunately, Middle-earth is too big.Intelligence cannot be collected in a short while.Even though he had a close relationship with De Naiser II and could exchange information from time to time, he still couldn't find any traces of Du Yu and Catherine.

But Sima Zhongda was not in a hurry.

He is convinced of his own abilities and the plot advantages that the Pope and others have deeply cultivated!

Can directly influence the regent of Gondor and control Gondor, the most powerful country in mankind!

How big of an advantage is this?
Even if Du Yu and Catherine can survive, relying on the strength of Gondor, it is only a matter of time before they are found.In particular, Catherine still has the main quest to help Minas Tiris. If she wants not to be obliterated, she must return to Minas Tiris!

This is a deadly move that Sima Zhongda has calculated long ago.

He is like a hunter, even if the prey can escape to the horizon, as long as he holds the bait that the prey must swallow, he will be able to catch these cunning prey.

Denesse II said full of gloom: "Rohan is my Gondor's barrier and vassal state. If it is separated from Germany, once Mordor Sauron invades from the east, we will have to deal with it alone."

"It's really unwise to deal with Mo Duo alone." Sima Zhongda pondered, playing with the invitation letter he sent.

"Grema. Wise talk?"

He instinctively smelled a familiar smell from this incident.

This courtier, in the plot, should have been unknown, but Gandalf finally revealed his identity, was expelled from the country by King Theoden, and fled back to his master Saruman with his tail between his legs.

But the current plot trend violates the main plot!
If things go wrong, you will be a demon!
Gelima Qiaoyan was able to achieve a counterattack in one fell swoop and become the regent of King Theoden, how could it not be a little tricky?

Sima Yi's face darkened.

"Could this Ge Lima Qiaoyan be an adventurer?" He silently calculated in his mind, and those two familiar names resurfaced in his mind.

"We must send more spies to find out who this Ge Lima is?" Sima Yi resolutely suggested.

De Naisser II shook his head: "In a few days, it will be the inauguration ceremony of the Prince Regent. We don't have much time to think about it. The question now is what attitude should we use to deal with this Ge Lima's flattery?"

He himself is the regent king, occupying the magpie's nest and occupying the kingdom of Gondor, but he looks down on Ge Lima who controls Rohan in the same capacity.

In his opinion, this Ge Lima is a political upstart, not enough to be compared with the long history and prominent family of the De Naiser family.

Sima Yi said decisively: "We will send people to participate in the congratulations. I will go in person, hide my identity, and investigate the enemy's situation."

De Naisser II pondered for a while, and summoned his servants: "Order the second prince Faramir to go to the capital of Rohan to attend the inauguration ceremony."

Sima Yi fell into deep thought, his wolf eyes looked extraordinarily sinister and bright under the dim light.

"If the regent is really you, Du Yu" he said with a sneer in his heart, "I can only say that you are too naive. If you hide in a remote place and hide your name, it will be difficult for me to find you for a while. But so The obvious position is equal to the self-exposed position. I will tear out the intestines of you and Catherine."

There are reactions from all sides.

But Du Yu was leisurely and leisurely. In the palace of Edoras, he enjoyed the style of the princess Iowyn to the fullest, and seemed not worried about the inauguration ceremony in a few days.

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "Seeing that the elf kings from the Golden Forest, the Black Forest, Rivendell and the envoys of the Gondor people are coming to Edoras, why are you so calm? Are you not afraid of Sima Yi and other villains? Discover your identity and send killers to chase you relentlessly?"

Du Yu held Eowyn in his arms and sneered: "Sima Yi? I wish he would come sooner! One moment and another moment. If he can still be as unscrupulous as he was in Minas Tiris, why should I go to such pains to get it? This is the position of the Regent of the Rohan Kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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