Chapter 933 The Silmarillion, Saruman! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Shen Luoyan knew that Du Yu hated Sima Yi, the Hou family, and the Holy See deeply, and said in a deep voice, "But only the power of the Holy See and the Hou family surfaced in that assassination. The forces are not limited to these two, Japan's Black Dragon Society and Sudan's Saladin also have considerable motives to choose to attack. We must guard against it."

Du Yu nodded.

Although he looks relaxed and freehand on the surface, he has already issued a call-up order to recruit knights from the Rohan Kingdom to strengthen the palace's combat readiness to welcome the grand ceremony.

The grand ceremony a few days later will be a big collision of mainland powers!
Of course, Du Yu didn't know that because of Shui Jing's ability to predict the future, he had already been targeted by Galadriel, and he didn't even know that the big forces of all parties had already regarded his inauguration ceremony as a god-sent opportunity!

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit, and the world is bustling, all go for the benefit.

Aragorn, Gandalf, Galadriel, King Elrond, Denethor II, Saruman and even the one from Minas Morgul!
In the eternally burning Doomsday Volcano, the eternal magic eye emits a scorching light like the sun, evil, hot, majestic, and full of oppression!

This magic eye has turned its attention to the capital of Edoras!

Low-pitched roars seemed to emanate from the realm of Mordor's Doomsday Volcano.With this roar, Doomsday Volcano erupted instantly!

"Mighty men and elves, gather Edoras! Go! Bring me what I want! Kill him!"

The nine ring spirits, dressed in pitch-black cloaks, rode on the death dragon created by Sauron by combining dinosaurs and ancient evil creatures, howling mournfully, hovering around the towering magic eye, like a crow bringing plague, It was also like the god of death before hunting. After hearing this order, they neighed in unison, raised their giant hands with spiked steel gauntlets, swooped down to the pitch-black earth, and disappeared in the dense volcanic ash

Saruman was on top of the Ozark Tower, gazing at the starry night sky.Suddenly his sharp eagle eyes flashed, and his gaze was fixed on Edoras.

"I feel that Galadriel will come to Edoras! The power of fate is guiding this proud elf queen!" A smile appeared on the corner of his cold mouth: "This is exactly the opportunity I have been waiting for for a long time."

There was endless desire and greed in his eyes.Galadriel and Gandalf would shudder if they saw his face now.

Saruman tapped a button.

Catherine appeared behind him expressionlessly.

"In the past few days, your magical attainment has deepened a lot." Saruman glanced at Catherine with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I watched the sky at night and found Galadriel's star of fate, whose brilliance was dim. You are going to represent me in tomorrow's inauguration ceremony. But don't let your man find out about it, understand?"

Catherine nodded: "I will."

Saruman coldly handed Catherine a gem: "But your more important mission is to give this gem to Galadriel!"

"This is?" Catherine took the gem doubtfully.It was a smooth and brilliant diamond.The light of the gemstone, even in the dark night, is shining and dazzling, making this Ozark Tower a lighthouse in the dark night.

"Don't worry about Galadriel's refusal to accept this gift." Saruman smiled a little: "Because of her arrogance and wariness, she will refuse any gift, but she will never refuse this gift! She will even be grateful to you, Give you a lot of good things."

"Could it be?" Catherine obviously has a deep study of mainland history.

"Yes! This is the Silmarillion!" Saruman's voice became passionate: "For it, Galadriel's grandfather was killed by Morgoth, and for it, Uncle Feanor took the Noldor to betray Lord God Manwe, for whom Galadriel lost all her kin! But she has not been able to get back these Silmarils. I found this Silmaril in one of my adventures, in the ruins of the time of Morgoth! It was once the jewel in the crown of Morgoth, the God of Darkness! Galadriel's four brothers all died fighting for it."

"Such a precious gift, why didn't you give it to Galadriel yourself?" Catherine knew Saruman's ambition for Galadriel: "No matter how noble this elf queen is, she will always thank you for this generous gift, And change some attitudes."

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Saruman's mouth: "No, I must not give this Silmarillion to her. She will become suspicious and examine this Silmaril carefully."

Catherine lost her voice: "Is there a trap on this jewel?"

She immediately calmed down.

In front of Saruman, who was as cunning as a ghost, he must not show any emotional fluctuations.

Otherwise, the fact that she wasn't charmed by Saruman would have been ruined quickly.

Saruman had no doubts about him, he was so confident in his ability to charm and his eyesight that he didn't bother to check on Catherine from time to time.

Hearing Catherine's exclamation made him feel a little proud instead.

Dealing with guys like Johnson whose brains are full of muscles all day is really boring torture for Saruman who is knowledgeable and capable.Those strong orcs have no way of knowing how amazing his abilities are and how clever his methods are.

Only in front of experts who are also proficient in magic and scheming, can his abilities be most accurately evaluated, and that is the best compliment.

Saruman, longs for praise.

Catherine looked at the Silmarillion carefully, and tried all the methods, but couldn't detect any clues.

"I don't see a problem with that," Catherine announced.

Saruman smiled smugly, the compliment he expected.A guy like Johnson, who only knows how to cook the crane and burn the piano, said in a rough voice: "Master is amazing!"

He's tired of hearing it.

He knew Catherine's ability, even though he knew that the diamond was tricky, he still couldn't find the problem, which fully demonstrated the exquisite and ingenious mechanism of him.

"This is a kind of magic I just invented." Saruman took the Silmarillion with a sinking face, "You know, I have studied a lot, and I have a lot of knowledge in agriculture, metallurgy, chemistry and biology. But What people don't know is that my specialty is the dark arts."

He took out a thick, worn-out spellbook in the style of Morgoth's time, and placed it lightly on the table.

"This is another harvest of my expedition." Saruman said softly: "The expedition to the ruins of Morgoth almost cost me my life. But the result is also satisfactory. Besides the Silmarillion, I also obtained Here comes the magic book."

"There is actually only one magic recorded on it." Saruman regretted, but soon burst into a smile: "But it can be called a god-level magic. You know what magic Morgoth used to deceive his brother, the Light Lord Manwë, and stole the Silmaril?"

"This is?" Catherine's heart was pounding.

"This is the dark magic called [God's Curse], its magic power is even enough to make lesser gods fall!" Saruman's eyes were cold: "This is genuine god-level magic. A skill that only the God of Darkness can master, you can Plot against the gods!"

Catherine was terrified.

The era of Morgoth was the era of gods and myths. In the overseas fairyland, gods roamed everywhere, just like ordinary people, there were grievances and hatred, birth, old age, sickness and death.

Morgoth created many terrible creatures, such as Orcs, Balrogs and Trolls.His magic power is far superior to many gods in later generations. Even Sauron was just a junior in front of him back then.

How powerful is the dark magic created by Morgoth?

Saruman can be called a genius in heaven, who can master such magic and apply it in practice.This Elf Silmarillion looks like his masterpiece!
Catherine understood Saruman's plot in an instant.

What he had to deal with was Galadriel.

Knowing that Galadriel was about to come to Edoras to attend the inauguration ceremony of Du Yu's regent, he made up his plan to curse Galadriel with the Silmaril!
The Silmaril had an irresistible allure to Galadriel, and as long as she saw the Silmaril, she could hardly refuse the gift.

Then, logically, Morgoth's [God's Curse] magic will be applied to Galadriel, the most powerful elf queen in Middle-earth!
Galadriel is indeed known as an elf close to a god, but no matter how strong she is, she is still an elf, not a god.This curse technique, which claims to make the gods fall, will definitely work if it is applied to her.

Then Saruman could plunder Galadriel without any trouble.

And the scapegoat will be borne by the ostensible master—the new regent Du Yu!
Well calculated!
Although she already knew that Saruman was full of tricks, it was the first time Catherine heard of such a terrible scheme.

Sophisticated, ruthless, ruthless and absolutely effective.

This is the characteristic of Saruman's layout.

And the most brilliant thing is that the person he sent to poison was Du Yu's wife Catherine.

The relationship between the two is a secret to others, but to these legendary beings in the mainland, it seems transparent and easy to figure out.

Galadriel was not alone.She is the Elven Queen of the Golden Forest!Her husband, Celeborn, is also a legendary existence.

Once Galadriel was cursed and secretly robbed by Saruman, how could Celeborn let it go?He will bring the powerful elf army of the Golden Forest to ask Master Du Yuxing for his crimes.

Catherine looked grim.

It was a close call.

If it wasn't for a coincidence that she came to Saruman's side as a hostage, and was enchanted by Saruman, so she had more trust, how could she know such a core and secret conspiracy?

But now that she knew it, a confident smile appeared on the corner of Catherine's mouth.

Just wait to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot!

Coincidentally, there must be enough strength!

For example, in a casino, a certain gambler named Du Yu is lucky, and he kills all directions, but if he has no identity and gambling capital, and is not even qualified to sit in this position, what kind of luck is there?
Catherine looked at the triumphant Saruman with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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