Chapter 937 Queen vs. Queen!The king vs the minister! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
The elf kings were visibly relieved.

But Galadriel still frowned.

Gandalf once told her that Saruman was obsessed with the Lord of the Rings, and was studying how to forge his own Lord of the Rings day and night.In her opinion, this means that Saruman has become obsessed with the power of darkness, has become obsessed, and fallen into the devil's way.

Now, what does it mean that he took out the imitation version of the Lord of the Rings as a gift?
King Elrond walked up to Catherine, picked up the Almighty Lord of the Rings with great interest, examined it carefully, and handed it to Du Yu.

Galadriel cast a questioning look, and King Elrond shook his head slowly, expressing that he did not see any trace of controlling magic.

Galadriel's beautiful eyes turned to Catherine: "I have filed a complaint with the Holy White Council, accusing your mentor Saruman of betraying the White Way and attacking Gandalf. Do you have anything to explain?"

Here comes the drama meat!
Galadriel vs Catherine.

Once Catherine answered incorrectly, Saruman would be accused of betrayal.Although it is necessary to take the position of chairman of the Holy White Council seriously, hold a meeting, and listen to Saruman's own defense, but the attitudes of the two key figures, King Elrond and King Thranduil, will be preconceived and subject to Influence.

At this time, a magical light shone on Catherine's brooch.

Far away on the Ozark Tower, Saruman stared at the crystal of true knowledge, his white hair trembled.

He taught Catherine carefully, and he has full confidence in this most proud apprentice, but whether she can properly respond to Galadriel's question is really crucial.

Catherine suddenly chuckled.

Galadriel said displeased: "Why are you laughing? I am questioning Saruman on behalf of the Holy White Council. Pay attention to your attitude."

This noble lady Galadriel has been really angry.

Catherine smiled indifferently: "Mrs. Galadriel, even a child knows that to accuse a person of a crime, the accuser needs to produce evidence, not the defender to testify against himself!"

Galadriel was at a loss for words.

Catherine calmly said, "Gandalf did have some unpleasantness with my mentor Saruman in Rohan's palace, and both wizards were slightly injured. But the whole story is that my mentor As the speaker of the Holy White Council, in view of the fact that Gandalf left the duty of the Ring Squad and came to intervene in Rohan's affairs privately, which deviated from the spirit and arrangement of the Holy White Council of Rivendell last time, he was summoned to give admonitions and reminders. No Thinking of Gandalf being stubborn, not doing his job properly, and abandoning the duty of the Fellowship of the Ring, but insisting that King Theoden was bewitched by others and wanted to beat him! When King Rohan's favorite minister, Mr. Grema, came forward, He drew his fencing sword to kill Ge Lima!"

Hearing the last two words, the faces of King Elrond and King Thranduil became gloomy.

One of the tenets of the Holy White Council is that these legends should not attack humans and elves for no reason, let alone kill people.

No matter how stupid King Theoden was, in the eyes of the elves, it was the affairs of human beings and the internal affairs of Rohan.Even if you want to intervene, it's a matter for the Holy White Council, and it's not your turn to intervene, Gandalf.

It was agreed to escort the Lord of the Rings and go to the west to learn scriptures, no, is it to go to the East Doomsday Volcano?
You put the Lord of the Rings on and didn't escort you, why did you come all the way to Rohan country to find trouble?
Galadriel's expression darkened.

But she couldn't stop Catherine's eloquent tongue: "Gandalf used the enemy's fencing sword and slaughtered Mr. Olivar, the captain of the bodyguard of King Theoden on the spot! This is something that Rohan's hundreds of bodyguards can testify! Gandalf It violated the oath not to attack human beings! Saruman Master just heard the news and stopped Gandalf from doing more stupid things. Seeing that he was emotional, he used magic to stop him."

Du Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It was clearly Saruman who conspired to kill people, but Catherine mistook black and white, and turned into Saruman who acted bravely and prevented Gandalf from killing people.

Compared to Catherine, who is used to playing tricks, he is a pure little white flower.

Galadriel was too angry to speak.

Catherine sighed: "Two powerful wizards had a fight in Rohan's palace. For some reason, Lady Galadriel sent Guanhe, the Wind King, to pick up Gandalf."

She hit and beat, and pushed the blame on Galadriel and Gandalf.It seems that these two people conspired to interfere in the government of Rohan, which caused Saruman to intervene and fight.

In this way, Saruman was not only innocent, but Gandalf, who murdered and chased King Theoden in public, became a villain that everyone denounced.

King Elrond and King Thranduil looked at Galadriel suspiciously.

They knew that Galadriel and Gandalf were inseparable and had a close relationship.

Elves are always suspicious.

There is no doubt that Galadriel is powerful, but it is precisely because she is too strong, too strong, that the other two elf kings do not want to see her become stronger.

If the Rohan Kingdom is jointly controlled by her and Gandalf, the golden forest elf, who is already the strongest elf, will completely dominate the elves.

Although King Elrond and King Thranduy did not speak, their silence already showed their attitude.

Galadriel was so angry that his lips trembled: "What a sharp mouth that turns black and white. Gandalf did accidentally kill Olivar when he woke up King Theoden. He also regretted it. But it was this man— Grima's cunning trick!"

She pointed at Du Yu with her jade hand, and scolded with her halberd: "This man is Saruman's servant, a lackey!"

Du Yu said expressionlessly: "Honorable Mrs. Galadriel, I am very grateful that you can come to my inauguration ceremony from a long distance. But you can't slander at will in front of my subjects. You have What evidence proves that I am Saruman's lackey?"

King Elrond and King Thranduil even looked at Galadriel with sympathetic eyes.

In their view, if Galadriel insisted on making insinuations and attacking Saruman, it would be justified. After all, everyone is not a fool, and they are well aware of Saruman's behavior.But to pester this insignificant Gelima with coquettish words again and again is a bit out of control.

She couldn't produce any evidence at all to prove that Glimmer was Saruman's man.

Galadriel was not an ordinary person, so she calmed down quickly, and knew that she was affected by Du Yu's obscene illusion, and lost her sense of normalcy.

She gave Du Yu a hard look.The momentary amorous look with a touch of white eyes made a certain pervert almost forget to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Catherine would not let Galadriel go.Maybe it's because the elf queen was so beautiful that Catherine felt a sense of crisis. She was happy to take advantage of Galadriel's rare loss and beat the dog in the water.

Galadriel snorted proudly, got into the golden carriage, and walked to the resting place in the city, not even bothering to participate in Du Yu's upcoming ceremony.

This also proved Du Yu's conjecture.These three elf kings didn't come to give him face at all, they came to meet in a meeting and slap their faces.

The next moment, the city gate herald sent another message.

"The special envoy of the Regent of the Kingdom of Gondor, Faramir, the second son of Denethor II, came to congratulate the regent of Rohan, Grema, on behalf of Gondor."

Du Yu twitched sensitively, and the color of hatred appeared on his face.

He never forgot, that moment of Minas Tiris that was unforgettable to him!
3000 meters of white clouds, Catherine's heartbreaking leap!
And he desperately saved, trying to save Catherine!
Catherine's beautiful eyes flowed, connecting with Du Yu's mind.

There is unquestionable hatred in the eyes of the two of them!

Sima Yi!
Both of these have to be paid for.

And on the side of Aragorn's face, there was also embarrassment and sullenness.

As the lord of Gondor, he has just announced the legal status of Rohan's regent Ge Lima.

But what is Gondor that Faramir represents?
Who can represent Gondor?

Faramir is Boromir's younger brother. He is 1 meters tall, strong, capable, intelligent but with a hint of melancholy.This has something to do with his long-term lack of the trust and love that his father Denethor II had for his elder brother Boromir, and it is also related to his love of music and knowledge and his closeness to Gandalf.

He looked up at Du Yu, and his eyes fell on Aragorn who was beside him.

As the son of the regent, he certainly knew of Aragorn's existence.

Faramir's eyes became complicated, and he walked towards Du Yu and said, "According to the order of King Regent De Naith II, I authorize you to do so."

"You can't authorize it." Aragorn said coldly, "Because the king of Gondor is here."

Faramir's chestnut eyes, full of the blood of Númenor, stared at Aragorn.

It took him a long time before he lowered his head: "The purpose of my visit this time is to carry out the diplomatic mission of Denesse II and attend the inauguration ceremony of the regent of Grema. Regarding the position of Gondor, who should do it. That will be in the future matter of discussion."

Du Yu's eyes lingered on the entourage behind Faramir.

As the envoy of Gondor, the largest human country, Faramir also brought as many as 200 entourage guards—the mainland is not quiet, and there are often orcs and monsters haunting it. It is necessary to have a guard of this size.

He found no suspicious weather.

But in Du Yu's heart, the hatred for De Naiser II, Sima Yi, and Hou Shenjiang did not weaken at all.

I will definitely eradicate and uproot you one by one!
In front of everyone, Du Yu smiled calmly: "It turns out that the general of Baicheng (Falamir was canonized as the general of Baicheng) is here. My country of Luohan is full of glory, please come in quickly."

Faramir sighed. This Ge Lima did not accept the canonization of Denesse II, so he should have fallen to Aragon's side.

But he didn't walk away either.

After all, in addition to the mission, the father asked him to bring the mission to stay in Edoras Palace as long as possible, so that the mysterious mission members could complete the investigation mission.

In the dark place of the huge mission, a pair of wolf-like eyes were staring at Du Yu!

(End of this chapter)

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