Chapter 938 Diamond!An irresistible trap! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Unexpectedly, he is really still alive!" Sima Yi's heart was full of waves.

Seeing Catherine standing behind Du Yu again, he showed a more sinister smile, as if a wolf saw the lost prey.

"You guys are in the Luohan Kingdom, and you have found a way to get the position of regent, and you want to fight against me?" Sima Yi was cunning and cunning, and he figured out Du Yu and Catherine's plan in a second, with a smirk: "The plan is good, but it's a pity that it was exposed too early. After being discovered by me, your foundation will be ruthlessly exterminated!"

With a stern face, he gave orders one after another, through ventriloquist, to the members of the envoy—the adventurers hiding in the dark!

In front of so many legendary powerhouses, of course they can't do anything, but Du Yu and Catherine can't guard against thieves for a thousand days. As long as there is an opportunity, the power hidden in the darkness will activate again, biting their lives, and kill the pair. The most dangerous enemy of the Hou family, completely wiped out!

Sima Yi had a hideous face.

Du Yu was keenly aware of the danger.

"Murderous?" His dragon-wolf look was the most sensitive to this murderous look, and he exchanged glances with Catherine.

"It seems that the envoys in Gondor have secrets that we don't know about." Du Yu cast his cold eyes on the envoys.

Catherine's beautiful eyes were also fixed on the envoys.

As their mortal enemy Gondor, they had to guard against them.

Sima Yi is as cunning as a fox, so he must be more vigilant.

"The forces from all sides are almost here." Catherine whispered: "Let's go back and hold the ceremony. Save the night and dreams."

Du Yu nodded and asked Aragorn to go first.

Aragorn felt admiration for Du Yu's unequivocal choice to stand aside, rejected the canonization of De Naisser II, and insisted on standing with him who had no power, no power, no soldiers and no money. He patted Du Yu's shoulder, Laughing and walking towards the palace.

Du Yu laughed so harmlessly.

In the choice between Aragon and De Naith II, the result is almost beyond doubt.

In the large palace, several elf kings were there, and even Galadriel, who was about to leave, was persuaded by King Elrond and reluctantly stayed to watch the ceremony.

Catherine whispered something in her ear as she passed, which disturbed Galadriel's mind.

"My mentor Saruman, in order to express his apology for offending Madam, specially asked me to bring a gift."

"Tell him to die, I won't accept any gifts from him."

"But the instructor said, if it's an ordinary gift, Madam has high vision, so naturally she doesn't like it, but this gift, Madam will definitely not be able to refuse."

"What?" Galadriel's shoulders trembled.

In the world, she has only one gift, which she cannot refuse.

That is the Silmarillion.

This is something that everyone in the mainland knows.

"Is there really a Silmaril in Saruman's hand?"

Her body trembled slightly.

Catherine saw the mixed eyes of the people around her, and said politely: "If Madam is really interested, please summon Catherine alone after the ceremony. I will give you a clear answer."

Galadriel got the news, and had no intention of watching the whole ceremony.Anyway, it was Du Yu who pretended to receive the gift there, and Aragorn put the crown on him in person in the end.

Du Yu's mind was not on the etiquette, but he had been watching the movements of the Gondor people coldly.

Faramir was a real person, and there was no movement, but he brought so many servants that he couldn't all enter the hall.

Du Yu is not afraid either.This Edoras is his territory, so is he afraid that Sima Yi will do something wrong?

He had already sent someone to follow him.

King Elrond and King Thranduy didn't talk to each other for a long time, and they didn't pay attention to etiquette.From their point of view, Ge Lima said that this was simply a farce.It is estimated that it will be overthrown in a few years.

This is great, this solemn and solemn inauguration ceremony of the Prince Regent was abruptly thrown into a grand party by this group of absent-minded guys.Everyone was whispering, not serious at all.

Finally, the tedious inauguration ceremony was finally over, and the grand ball and reception dinner began immediately.

Catherine walked out calmly and calmly, and Galadriel followed her step by step.

Walking to the osmanthus garden of the palace, the goddess of moonlight has sprinkled the bright and clean on the earth.

Galadriel was bathed in moonlight and silver makeup, as if a mythical goddess had come to the world, holy and ethereal.

"Give me the Silmarillion!" Her tone was unquestionable.

Catherine stared deeply at Galadriel, and finally stretched out her hand, and handed the Silmaril to the noble lady.

Galadriel's delicate body trembled, and she took the beautiful gem.


It was soaked with the blood of her Noldor.Her grandfather, uncle, and four brothers all died tragically because of this Silmarillion.

Catherine looked at the exquisite and focused eyes of the beautiful woman, and couldn't help sighing in her heart, and said leisurely, "Why do you have to get this precious diamond?"

"The life of our elves is too long"

Galadriel sighed quietly.

Catherine froze for a moment.She didn't expect that Galadriel would say such emotional words to herself who was facing each other during the day.

"Many races, including you humans, envy the almost infinite life of the elves." Galadriel's beautiful eyes, staring at the Silmarillion under the moonlight, were fascinated by the bright fire, but there was more in them. Very wet: "But I don't think so. My relatives have left me for more than 2000 winters and summers. I can only stand in the moonlight in the long night, recalling, recalling, endlessly recalling. I am most afraid of Yes, it is oblivion, oblivion obliterated by time. This Silmarillion can remind me of what happened thousands of years ago. Therefore, I must get it."

Catherine shuddered.

It is said that lovesickness is good, and lovesickness makes people grow old. After a lot of thinking, lovesickness is better.

Life is so long that the memory is obliterated by the years, it is indeed no longer beautiful, but terrible.

There is no doubt that Galadriel is a heroine among the elves, but who knows that her relatives have died as early as the first era.The only daughter returned to Aman Island.Only her husband Celeborn and granddaughter Arwen stayed with her.

This is one of the reasons why she reacted so violently when she witnessed Arwen being taken in at the same time as her.

The wait of more than 2500 years is indeed too long.

In Catherine's eyes, Galadriel was no longer the aloof and decisive elf queen, but a lonely woman who had been waiting for more than 2000 years to see the relics of her relatives.

At this moment, she gazed longingly at the Silmarillion, as if in the fire, there was the love of her grandfather, the heroic figure of her uncle Feanor, and the affection of her four brothers for their younger sister.

But she, who was indulging in memories, probably would not have imagined that this Silmaril contained the vicious trap that Saruman painstakingly laid on it with the blasphemous spell of the Morgoth era!

Catherine couldn't bear it anymore, looked down at the brooch, and said quietly: "You have to thank God, this is a gift from my mentor Saruman."

This sentence had a profound meaning, and Catherine deliberately bit down on the three words of Saruman.

After all, although Catherine has a heart of steel, she is a woman after all.

Seeing Galadriel's bewitched gaze, Catherine couldn't help reminding the elf queen that there might be a deadly murderous intent hidden in the Silmaril.

Galadriel looked away from the Silmarillion, and suddenly smiled at Catherine.

Even as a woman, Catherine's heart couldn't help being stirred up violently.

Galadriel's charm is unstoppable.Neither can women.

The elf queen stared at Catherine with eyes full of wisdom, and said softly: "Go back and tell your mentor. I appreciate his kindness. In return, I will give up the accusation in the Holy White Council. I hope he can continue to stay in Baidao, Fight with me."

Catherine felt relieved for a moment.

Knowing her kindness, she finally reminded Galadriel.As for Galadriel, she was more aware of Catherine's position, and she definitely did not stand with Saruman.

Just as Catherine bowed and was about to return to the palace, suddenly from the dark night sky, there was a deadly sharp hiss!
Under the bright moonlight, shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, throwing death and fear onto Edoras, the capital of the Rohan Kingdom, which was brightly lit and full of songs and laughter!

"Sauron's Nine Ring Spirits!"

Galadriel's pretty face turned cold, and Nanya, the ring of water in her hand, held it up high.

Sauron's Nazgul, in Middle-earth, is synonymous with death and plague.All creatures harmed by them, without exception, will be cursed and die tragically.

Unexpectedly, the ceremony of the Regent of the Rohan Kingdom could alarm such a terrifying existence as Sauron.

Suddenly, Galadriel's face suddenly changed!
Nanya didn't respond, as if Galadriel's astonishing magical power had disappeared!

"The Silmarillion!" Galadriel looked at the Silmarillion with frightened eyes.She just indulged in it for a while, and after Catherine's reminder, she wrapped the diamond with magic power, and was going to go back and study it carefully to eliminate Saruman's tricks.In terms of magic immersion, although Saruman is indeed the number one wizard, Galadriel's magic attainments are not inferior in the slightest.

But the truth is relentless.

Just staring at it for a short while, she has already been plotted by Saruman!

The ring spirits hovered in the air, screaming and swooping down, casting fear to every corner of King Rohan's capital.

They finally settled on the palace. In the empty garden, the positions of Galadriel and Catherine were very clear.

"Hiss!" The leader, Ange Wuma King, suddenly waved his hand, and the dragon he was sitting on immediately swooped down.

The magical Angor Witch and Horse King was keenly aware that Galadriel, the invincible female lord in Lorraine, seemed to have lost her power and became vulnerable.Although I don't know why, if I don't attack at this time, when will I attack?
Although they fell into darkness, as the nine greatest monarchs in the history of mankind, the Ringwraith Knights all have strong tactical awareness and accomplishments, otherwise they would not have become Sauron's most important subordinates.

"Hiss!" Ange Witch and Horse King rushed towards Galadriel with the Ringwraith knight.

In the crystal of true knowledge, Saruman, who had witnessed everything, was laughing wildly triumphantly.

Galadriel, whom he had long admired, finally lost all power.

But this annihilation should be gradual.It should be difficult for Galadriel to notice this change. It was only when she was hunted down by the wolf cavalry sent by Saruman on the way back to the Golden Forest in a golden carriage, that she was surprised to find that she had no magic power. How wonderful it was moment.

But the appearance of the Nazgul Knight disrupted Saruman's deployment.

He watched the Nazgul knight with a gloomy face, and rushed towards Galadriel.

Saruman intended to possess Galadriel, but he did not expect that the Ringwraiths would appear in Edoras at this time by such a coincidence.

He wished he could fly to Rohan now and kill these ring spirits.

Rohan's palace was attacked by the Ringwraith knights, and there was a sudden chaos.

Countless people fled in panic.

Galadriel's stern face remained calm.

Although her divine power has all disappeared, her rich experience allows her to make the most correct response.

The elf queen flipped over on the spot, dodging the pounce of a ring spirit.The ring spirit yelled and swooped down at low altitude, but it didn't guard against a vine that suddenly stretched out from a drooping tree, tripping it upside down, including the man and the dragon, and fell to the ground!
The elf queen smiled coldly.

Although most of her divine power is sealed, her response to nature is based on the blood instinct of the Noldor elves.As long as she is in the natural environment, nature will automatically protect her and deal damage to her enemies.

But more Ringwraith knights rushed towards her.

The Witch and Horse King Ange swung his great sword and charged towards Galadriel with a grinning grin.

They came here looking for an opportunity to kill Du Yu, but they didn't expect to get a big one, and they bumped into Galadriel who had lost his magic power.

King Elrond and King Thranduy appeared on the top of the palace with stern faces!

I don't care about the historical grievances of the three major elf kingdoms, but when facing the Ringwraiths and Sauron, they will undoubtedly unite!
King Elrond coldly raised Via, the Ring of Qi in his hand, and with the flash of blue light on the sapphire ring, a ring spirit that was flying down in the air was suddenly swept by a gust of wind!
The ring spirit howled sharply and tried to break free from the strong wind. The huge and ferocious dragon body was scratching crazily, but Naya, the ring of qi, was so powerful that it far exceeded its ability, and it was finally hit by a blow. It was swept away and flew out.

And in the hand of King Thranduil, there was an extra bow of the Elven King in an instant!

What King Thranduil carried with him was a black yew bow.It was carved from a single block of wood, in the manner of the bow of Númenor, but carved with golden, graceful patterns of ivy coiled along the arms.The bowstring on the plate stands about 250 inches high, but it is so powerful that it can easily shoot an arrow [-] meters away with deadly force.The arrows of Mirkwood are thirty inches long, and the body of the arrow is quite tough, so it can withstand the pulling force created by such a strong bow. The bow body is dyed brown, and it has a narrow, long and sharp hunting arrow, which looks like a cone. It is to shoot through the armor and the body with one arrow.

The mighty Bow of the Elf King!

(End of this chapter)

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