Chapter 939 Sima Yi!Unexpected assassination! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
The green feathers on the nocks are almost certainly from roosters, or other hunted birds that live around the forest, and the stringing grooves are hand-carved.These arrows were housed in wooden quiveres, which were dyed and varnished with resin to give it a deep luster, and then further clad with thick metal around the mouth for reinforcement.

Don't forget, King Thranduy is the father of Legolas Greenleaf!
And Legolas's bow and arrow skills are all taught by him!
King Thranduil's face was stern, his bright eyes stared at the screaming Ringwraiths, he slowly mounted the long arrow and drew the bowstring

His movements are slow but full of rhythm, as if what he holds is not a bow and arrow, but a piano.

His movements are full of affection, like a widower who lost his beloved wife, plucking the strings sadly under the moon, singing melancholy about ten years of life and death, never thinking about it, never forgetting.

But when the bow and arrow left the string in an instant, a Ringwraith knight who had already jumped in front of Galadriel was sent flying out in an instant!

In an instant!

It's like being whipped by a golf club at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour.

It was as if King Thrandui's [-]-inch long arrow completely disregarded space and distance when flying, and could arrive instantly!

And the heavy armor that the Ring Spirit Knight was proud of was completely pierced by the long arrow of the Mirk Forest in an instant!
The ring spirit knight wailed and was nailed to a big tree.

His evil dragon rolled on the ground, and the evil dragon's eyes were full of fear.

King Thranduil, without speaking, drew his bow and arrow, ready to shoot again.

The three great elf kings are not just decorations.

Their combat power is sufficient to deal with these ring spirit knights.

Galadriel settled down with a troubled heart, and smiled gratefully at King Thranduil and King Elrond.

But tonight is destined to be eventful.

In the grass on the side, dozens of shadows suddenly appeared, rushing towards Catherine!
At the moment when the nine ring spirits appeared, Catherine did not hesitate to join the battle, using dark magic to resist the ring spirits around Galadriel, helping the elf queen and gaining time to escape.

But at this moment, the pursuer appeared.

"Queen Catherine, haha!" The familiar Sima Yi's voice appeared behind Catherine.

Catherine's hairs all exploded.

Although Du Yu sent his men to keep an eye on these special envoys from Gondor, he never expected that they would take the opportunity to launch an attack after only an hour or two!

Sima Yi was also proud of himself.

This murderous attempt was not the best opportunity he had expected.But as experienced as he is, he has already judged in an instant that the sudden attack of the ring spirit has brought him a god-sent opportunity!

Do it.

He made a quick decision.

Unlike Zhuge Kongming, Sima Yi is a stable and changing character.When he fought in the northwest and blocked Zhuge Liang, he seemed like a slow-moving old tortoise, but in fact, when the opportunity came suddenly, he would also talk like an old man and go crazy!
To capture and kill Meng Da, he led his troops to drive eight hundred miles in eight days, and the soldiers approached the city of Shangyong!

To suppress the rebellion in Liaodong, he led his troops straight for thousands of miles, deep into the barren, and returned with a big victory!

The attack on Taiwei Wang Ling in Shouchun was even more expensive, and the army suddenly arrived, beating Wang Taiwei by surprise!

These brilliant achievements show the characteristics of Sima Yi's eclectic use of troops, unconstrained style, and high speed in soldiers.

While Du Yu and Catherine had raised their attention and were closely investigating and monitoring the special envoys, Sima Yi was still bold enough to use the opportunity of the ring spirits to launch an assault!
Catherine was quickly surrounded by assassins sent by Sima Yi.

For the second time in this world, she is facing a desperate situation.
Galadriel was around Catherine.

Catherine had reminded her of the Silmarillion's curse, and she had lent her a helping hand when the Ringwraiths raided. Galadriel could not just sit back and watch her be killed.

As a result, a dead warrior adventurer who was the first to kill Catherine was entangled by vines.

Although Galadriel's divine power was sealed by the [God's Curse] magic of the Morgoth era, her innate ability still gave her a combat power that adventurers could not underestimate.

Catherine took the opportunity to retreat.

She knew that the key to dealing with Sima Yi's assassination was time.

As long as he can hold on for just a few seconds, Du Yu can bring someone to help.

In the city of Edoras, in order to guard against the malicious surprise attack during the ceremony, there are a total of 3000 Rohan soldiers standing by.

But the question is, can she escape again under Sima Yi's lore arrangement!

Sima Yi will never give her another chance.

Seeing Galadriel, who had lost her divine power, extending a helping hand to Catherine, and seeing King Thranduil and King Elrond struggling to cope under the siege of the nine Ringwraith knights, Sima Yi showed a sinister smile .

"A tiger with its teeth pulled out, a phoenix with shedding hair, how dare you reach out? Kill her!" He pouted coldly.

In front of the domineering Sima Yi, Galadriel and the Three Great Elf Kings are all people who can be killed!

Normally they were powerful, so naturally they couldn't act rashly, but now that they had lost their divine power, and with the support of the Nine Ring Spirits, he didn't mind beating the hay and beating rabbits, killing Galadriel and Catherine with one stone.

As a legend, the treasures of the Elven Queen are absolutely coveted.Not to mention, the ring of water alone, Nanya, is priceless enough.

Sima Yi lightly raised the black fan, and a black ray [Zhong Da Kill. Extinct] pierced Galadriel's towering chest!

King Thranduil and King Elrond looked at Galadriel about to be severely injured, but they could do nothing.Their ability to persevere in the siege of the nine ring spirits is already a remarkable victory, and there is really nothing they can do to help them.

Aragorn strode forward and charged at high speed, the holy sword in his hand exuded a breathtaking light, but the incident happened suddenly, and he was too far away to participate in the rescue for a while.

Galadriel saw that the black ray was about to hit her, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but feel bitter for a moment.

"I never imagined that my life as a hero would actually be plotted against by these treacherous villains!"

After her divine power was sealed, Galadriel was not much stronger than an ordinary female elf. [Zhongda Kill. Extinction] Although it is not a big move, if it hits Galadriel at this time, it is enough to seriously injure or even kill her.

At this critical moment, Galadriel was suddenly pushed down!

Du Yu!
Seeing that hateful figure in the water mirror phantom, standing in front of him and bearing the terrifying [Zhongda kill. Extinction] for him, although Galadriel's face remained calm, there was a trace of emotion in his heart. ripple.

Could it be that my prediction was wrong?Not only is he not a treacherous and evil person, but he is my savior?

But this idea was quickly expelled from Galadriel's mind.

This is just a normal rescue by the enemy, he also wants to protect his woman!

Du Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and coldly took Sima Zhongda's move [Zhongda kill. 】Bounced back!

An assassin who had killed Catherine was about to pierce the queen's chest with a smirk, but was hit by the black ray in the air in the back, screamed, and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Catherine took the opportunity to leap away.

And in the next second, several black shadows pounced in front of her.

"The number and quality of the enemies are very strong, and their combat power is terrifying. Let's show the strongest combat power!" Catherine said to Du Yu in the team channel.

Du Yu smiled coldly and said, "Don't worry, since we're here, none of them can leave!"

He waved.

Around the garden of the palace, a large number of Rohan soldiers appeared, fully armed, holding spears, shields, swords, and crossbows, rushing towards the assassins in the fierce battle.

And the soldiers in the front row are the beauty wolf pupil team dressed as Rohan warriors!
Shi Feixuan, Wanhou, Ning Zhongze, Zhou Zhiruo, Serena, and Liya all attack!
Du Yu hated these inner city assassins to the core, and he wanted to do his best to drive them out.

Almost all of Rohan's soldiers were deployed around the palace by him, just in case.Unexpectedly, Du Yu really guessed it, and Sima Yi really launched a surprise attack.

However, the current situation is not optimistic.

On Sima Yi's side, there are more than 30 strong assassins in the inner city, and there are nine ring spirits flying in the sky.

Although Du Yu's side had an advantage in terms of strength and the right time, place and people, and returned Minas Tiris's lore to Sima Yi almost intact, but Sima Yi did not despair.

He stared at the charging Rohan Knights, and smiled coldly: "Think this can stop me, Sima Yi? Speaking of using troops, you are still far behind!"

His black feather fan swung upwards suddenly.

A flash of fireworks suddenly appeared in the night sky, illuminating the night sky.

The nine ring spirits launched an attack frantically.

They were ordered by Sauron to attack Edoras, preferably to kill the new regent or Galadriel.

Although the troops of the human race rushed out of the barracks, they were not afraid.

The Witch and Horse King Ange drove the Ringwraiths, rushed down frantically, and rushed towards Galadriel.

Du Yu let out a cold snort, and with a recruiting death talisman, he stabbed at the assassin who was chasing Catherine. His body jumped up like a cannonball, and with eighteen dragon palms, he blasted at Ange Wuma King!

This is the first time he has fought head-to-head with this famous and terrifying King of the Ring Spirits in the air!
Since Catherine learned magic from Saruman, the skills on the skill tree have been upgraded one after another, and her combat power has greatly increased.As soon as Du Yu's Life and Death Talisman hit the assassin's body, her dark magic also shot out immediately.

With the cooperation of Du Yu and Catherine, the hapless assassin was beaten to pieces and screamed again and again.If other assassins hadn't killed him, he would have been burned to ashes by the angry Catherine.

Injure one more person.

Catherine smiled at the corner of her mouth, the flicker disappeared, and appeared in the distance.

Without the forbidden spell of Minas Tiris, in her own territory of Edoras, she can show off her black devil talent wantonly, sway her magic power, and inflict maximum damage on these hateful assassins.

(End of this chapter)

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