Chapter 943 Sima seizes power!The queen is powerless! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
He snarled at the man sitting in front of him, the calm-faced Sima Yi: "You promised that you would give me the head of Aragorn, and you promised that this operation would not set us Gondor on fire. But look outside the city What! There are countless tents, and there are more than 30000 powerful elves inside. The anger of the three great elf kings wants to burn Minas Tiris to ashes! And my sworn enemy Aragorn is taking advantage of this situation , fueled the flames, and led the knights of the Rohan Kingdom, swarming here. My son is already in prison, and you have tricked me to death!"

Sima Yi remained calm.

Denesse II grabbed Sima Yi by the collar and roared, "Where are the Galadriel and Ge Lima Qiaoyan you captured? Hand them over to me! At least give me Galadriel! Don't want to be rushed in by raging elves."

Sima Yi coldly knocked off De Naiser II's hand, and said calmly, "They were caught in the turbulence of time and space. In the end, even I didn't know where they were going."

There was a trace of regret in Sima Yi's eyes.

Yes, he really doesn't know.

Ordinarily, under normal circumstances, after using the [Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation], a seal should be formed and controlled by oneself.Just return to a suitable place, release Galadriel and Du Yu, and rest assured that they will besiege and kill them boldly.

However, due to the attack of Du Yu's space ability + Doomsday Blade, the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation collapsed ahead of schedule.Although Sima Yi managed to control the formation with waste, and moved Du Yu and Galadriel away, he didn't expect them to be lost in the turbulent flow of space without a trace.

So far, he still can't figure out where Du Yu is.

Sima Yi has a tough personality, but he is patient and persevering, and continues to search for clues.But it's a pity that the elf kings and Catherine couldn't wait any longer, and asked the teacher to ask the crime.

De Naiser II sat down on the ground in a daze, and murmured, "It's gone?"

He laughed wildly: "You bastard, I was killed by you!"

De Naissor II drew out his sword furiously, and was about to turn against Sima Yi.

Beside Sima Yi, the Vulcan Cult, the dead soldiers of the Hou family, and the adventurers of the Black Dragon Society drew their weapons at the same time, glaring at the surrounding Gondor warriors.

Yes, Du Yu and Catherine were right to worry.The enemies who entered this world were not only the power of the first siege, but also the Japanese Black Dragon Society that had secret contacts with the Hou family.

The Japanese dream of establishing an independent country all the time.The chaos of Western Shenluo and the possible involvement of Datang can provide them with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

That night, on the outskirts of Rohan's palace, it was the adventurers of the Black Dragon Society who were lurking and assassinating.

With the addition of this new force, the number of adventurers in the inner city under his control has risen to more than 40.

Sima Yi's black feather fan waved lightly.

De Naisser II was immediately trapped by a burst of black air.

Just when the regent's face changed drastically and he was about to fight to the death, Sima Yi said slowly, "Your Majesty is worried about these mobs in the city?"


De Naisser II laughed back angrily: "This is the most powerful coalition army on the mainland. I'm afraid even Sauron might not dare to send people directly to fight them head-on! You actually said that this is a mob."

"Yes." Sima Yi walked slowly to the edge of the Sacred Tree Garden and leaned on the railing. Looking at the tents and military camps that spread thousands of meters down the plain and covered the sky, he sneered with a trace of disdain: "King Elrond, Serendul King Yi and King Celeborn, together with Aragorn, are all king-level existences in Middle-earth. I never underestimate the archery and magic of elf warriors and the fierceness of Rohan knights. But!"

There was a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth: "In my Sima Yi's eyes, they are just a bunch of rabble!"

"Are you sure you can defeat them?" De Naisser II seemed to grasp the straw.

Sima Yi snorted coldly: "Yes, as long as you hand over the military and political power of Minas Tiris to me, I am sure to wipe out these enemies within three months!"

De Naiser II looked at Sima Yi suspiciously.

Sima Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much. Let me analyze them one by one. Although these elves are strong, they are better than archery and magic. First, I, Minas Tiris, can block the large-scale siege spell. More than half of the hidden magic ability of the elves has been abolished. Secondly, the shooting skills of the elves are not very effective in the siege battle. 30000 elves, it sounds like a lot, but the elves have low fertility, and their lives are even more precious. Once attacked When the city rises, the seven-story city wall and trebuchets of Minas Tiris are enough for the elves to pave the way with flesh and blood, causing heavy casualties. In the end, the strength of Sauron in the east has been growing wildly, and the cloud of war has shrouded the continent. Could it be Are countries really able to disregard their own safety and attack Minas Tiris at any cost when this great enemy is in front of them? How many people can make up their minds?"

This analysis is reasonable, and De Naisser II also recovered from the panic of being approached by the army. After calming down and thinking about it, this is really the case!
"The enemies of Sauron are ahead, I don't believe they will really die with me!" He stared at the dark enemy barracks below the city, gnashing his teeth.

Suddenly, Denesse II suddenly turned around: "Listen! I will now designate you as the General of the White Tower, replacing Faramir who was captured, and taking charge of the defense of the White City of Minas Tiris."

This is tantamount to authorization, handing over the real power of Gondor to Sima Yi.

In Sima Yi's eyes, there flashed a sly gleam that I could sell my plan.

His layout has always been interlocking. How could there be such a big loophole to take away Galadriel and Du Yu and cause the siege of everyone in the mainland?

Absolutely not!
The only explanation is that he did it on purpose!

Under normal circumstances, Denethor II would never hand over Minas Tiris to him, but there was only one exception.

That was when he was under tremendous pressure and he didn't have a right-hand man by his side!

Sima Yi is familiar with the plot and has a deep understanding of De Naisser II's character.The regent seems to be arbitrary, domineering, and ambitious, but he is also a poor creature who is easily defeated by external setbacks and lacks resilience!

In the plot, after hearing the news of the death of his two sons, he was so desperate that he wanted to set himself on fire. After witnessing the terrifying legions of the Ringwraiths and the Gondor Demon Army, he shouted "Flee for your life" in front of the entire city's soldiers and civilians. No one can save you, and his final fate is to set himself on fire in despair, falling thousands of meters from the sacred tree garden, leaving no bones left.

Sima Yi had already calculated everything.Therefore, for him to seize power, he must create two necessary conditions.

One is to ensure that De Naisser II faces a desperate situation that can make him depressed and lose his balance!

This will create a situation by looting Galadriel and Du Yu, arousing the coalition forces of various countries, and conquering Minas Tiris.

The second is to ensure that there are no confidant generals available by De Naisser II's side!
This is the reason why Faramir was sent to be imprisoned in the Rohan Kingdom.And De Naisser's eldest son, Boromir, was far away in the Misty Mountains, joining the Guardian of the Ring squad. Both sons were absent, and De Naisser, who was in a mess, had no choice but to trust Sima Yi.

Taking this opportunity, Sima Yi remained calm and took the power of Gondor, the most powerful country in mankind, into his own hands!
Compared with Du Yu's seizure of power in Luohan, Sima Yi's experience of seizing power was smoother.

His scheming and strategy are indeed worthy of the name of ghost conspiracy.Coupled with the various hole cards in his hand and the super Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, it is even more powerful, enough to cause huge damage to Du Yu.

After Sima Yi gained military and political power, he swept away his secrets indifferently.

De Naisser II left tremblingly, and his subordinates knelt down in front of Sima Yi.

Sima Yi held on to the railing, full of ambition, staring at the enemy below the city, his gaze penetrated the mist of the morning sun, and looked at the Doomsday Mountains in the east.

He clearly remembered that the direction where Du Yu and Galadriel disappeared was the Doom Mountain Range.

"It should be Sauron, with the help of long-range magic power, interfered with my prisoner dragon formation, and got Du Yu and Galadriel into his territory." Sima Yi showed a sinister smile: "That's not bad. If Galadriel falls Entering Gondor, Denethor II, that bastard, will definitely be sent back to the kingdom of elves. This is not in line with my established strategy of messing up the continent and fishing in troubled waters. It’s just Sauron, you’d better give Du Yu some strength. Let’s go to the west. As for these elf kings, I’ll let you see the tricks of the Three Kingdoms and increase your knowledge!”

There was a cold look in his eyes, and he laughed wildly.

The more than 40 inner city adventurers behind him also laughed.

From their point of view, at this time they occupy the power of Gondor, the most powerful country in the human race, and the city of Minas Tiris, which is the strongest city in the world, and the victory of this world is firmly in their hands.

When the whole continent is crazy about the two people who lost their trace, the two protagonists in the topic are staring at a barren place, holding their breath and staring at each other.

It is surrounded by dark volcanic magma, cooled volcanic rocks, jagged rocks and strange shapes, which are daunting.

At this time, Du Yu's clothes were torn, revealing a whole body of strong tendons, tightly attached to a stone wall.

Galadriel's gorgeous dress had long been torn, leaving only a silk gauze on the graceful and plump body of the goddess.The elf queen was full of resentment and stared at Du Yu.

Although she and this man had fallen into the Doomsday Volcano for a few days from the turbulence of time and space, the Elf Queen still wanted to kill this stinky man with her eyes.

I am so unlucky, I blame him!

Du Yu coughed and walked forward first.

Galadriel hesitated for a moment, silently wrapped her silk veil tightly, and followed Du Yu.

Although she is hailed as the most powerful elf, and although the ring of water in her hand shakes Nanya, but at this moment, she is only the weakest female elf.

As the curse in the Silmarillion deepened, she could not release even the faintest spell.And around the Doomsday Volcano, the barren environment with no trace of life at all made it impossible for Galadriel's innate natural power to be used.

(End of this chapter)

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