Chapter 944 Queen?goddess?Female neuropathy! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
What is even more desperate is that Sauron's magic eye seems to be able to stare at this place at any time.He seemed to be very aware that Du Yu and Galadriel had fallen into this black volcano, and he sent nine ring spirits and a large number of orcs to search for Du Yu and them all over the mountains and plains.

If it weren't for Du Yu's keen intuition, which helped them escape the hunt of Sauron's minions time and time again, Galadriel would have fallen into the hands of the orcs long ago.

Based on her 3000 years of hatred with orcs and her beautiful appearance, it is not difficult to imagine what a desperate end it would be!

This was the only reason why she was willing to swallow her anger and follow Du Yu, who had accidentally bumped into her, all the way forward.

The lesser of two evils.

Galadriel has completely become a transparent person with zero combat power, but this does not mean that the proud elf queen will be willing to be a transparent person with zero influence.

"Hey!" Galadriel said coldly, "You've been in a daze for half an hour, when will you move on?"

Du Yu made a silent gesture.

Galadriel sneered and said, "You look like a coward! You coward! What kind of Ge Lima, who speaks eloquently, has a three-inch tongue, a courtier, and a rotten person!"

A lot of swearing words came out of Galadriel's noble mouth that never uttered dirty words.

Du Yu sneered and said, "You seem to have a deep resentment towards me? Did I provoke you?"

Galadriel was at a loss for words.

Most of her hostility towards Du Yu came from the dream in the water mirror.

But how could he say this to Du Yu?
She was ashamed for a while, and said angrily: "You??? You bastard! If you were not incompetent, how could you implicate me, a guest who came to congratulate me, and be plotted against by Sauron and Denesse II together?"

This is purely finding fault, and there is nothing to talk about, but Du Yu is also somewhat wrong.Is he the master after all, Galadriel was captured, did he really say he was right?
Du Yu smiled generously: "By the way, aren't you the most powerful elf queen? Why can't you even avoid a ring spirit? You were also sent here by the aftermath of Sima Yi's prisoner dragon array?"

Mentioning the loss of divine power, Galadriel felt even more sad and annoyed. She stomped her feet and said, "I'll ask you that! Your woman Catherine gave me a Silmaril. Lost power! What on earth is your intention?"

Du Yu is such a cunning person, after thinking for a while, he remembered Catherine once mentioned Saruman's ambition for Galadriel.

"Catherine is my friend, but she followed Saruman as a magic apprentice, and the gift she gave you was also from Saruman, so she has something to do with me?" Du Yu looked helpless.

Of course Galadriel knew that Du Yu had nothing to do with this matter, not to mention that Catherine had also reminded her of the possible trap of the diamond.With her intelligence, she naturally knew that it was the old fellow Saruman who did the trick.

But she wanted to put this account on Du Yu's head!
"Hmph! You Grema is Saruman's servant, and you are in cahoots with Saruman. If I don't settle accounts with you, who will I go to?" Galadriel was gearing up, looking like she wanted justice immediately, and beat Du Yu violently. appearance.

Du Yu shrugged: "You are a goddess!"

Galadriel was taken aback, and then became arrogant: "You want to please me? It's useless? I'm tired of hearing such flattery."

Du Yu chuckled: "I didn't finish. You are a crazy woman!"

For some reason, Galadriel was easily aroused by Du Yu, and immediately jumped up and said angrily, "Do you dare to say it again?"

Du Yu shrugged and said, "Just say it again. Are you a female psycho??"

As soon as he finished speaking, Galadriel's face sank, and he turned and walked forward.

"Hey!" Du Yu was shocked, and grabbed Galadriel's hand: "Can you go to die?"

Galadriel was dizzy from Du Yu's anger, and she was no longer afraid of Sauron, so she shook off Du Yu's hands and continued to move forward.

Du Yu rushed out suddenly and hugged Galadriel by the waist!
Galadriel felt ashamed and indignant, this rotten person is indeed a rotten person, is she trying to take advantage of others?
Although she is an elf queen who has read all the history of Middle-earth and has been married to Celeborn for countless years, the elves are usually abstinent, and most of their communication depends on their eyes, and they rarely even talk to each other. Naturally, that kind of thing is not enough.Otherwise, they would not have been married for more than 2000 years and only have one daughter.

Du Yu's hug reminded Galadriel of the beautiful scene immediately, she felt ashamed and angry, and struggled desperately.

Du Yu's face was scratched by Galadriel's onion fingers, dripping with blood, but he still captured the Elven Queen.

The elf queen was about to scream, but Du Yu covered her mouth.

"Hush!" Du Yu warned, "There are enemies coming!"

Galadriel sneered, and was about to bite down, but she really heard the sound of low footsteps in the distance.

It seemed to be the footsteps of Death, soft, cold and rustling.

Galadriel's pretty face immediately flushed like a prawn.

How could she not hear it, it was the footsteps of the ring spirits!

It turned out that Du Yu's intuition was really keen, and he actually sensed danger from such a long distance.

Although the nine ring spirits did not make any achievements in the raid, Galadriel certainly knew how powerful they were!
The 9 Ring Spirits are enough to rival the Three Great Elf Kings!

even stronger.

Because they cannot be truly destroyed.Even if he falls, as long as Sauronken pays the price of magic power, he can be resurrected in the Doomsday Volcano soon.

In the past few days, Du Yu and Galadriel have been playing hide and seek with the nine ring spirits.

Galadriel stopped struggling, and her fragrant body lay quietly in Du Yu's arms, avoiding the search of the Ring Spirits.

Du Yu smiled wryly.

Although he was amazed by the beauty of the Elf Queen, but with the conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't think about what to do to Galadriel.

But at this time, as the Ringlings got closer, Galadriel slid into Du Yu's arms tightly. Her bright golden hair, which was as beautiful as the Two Sacred Trees, fluttered on Du Yu's face. The rubbing of silk, revealing the fragrance of the queen, makes someone's heart flutter.

After all, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit.cough cough.Everyone knows that they are all men.

Although the Ring Spirits were approaching step by step, Du Yu and Galadriel were thinking wildly, and they didn't move.

"Hey, the Ringwraiths are coming, what can you do?" Galadriel glared at Du Yu.

Du Yu let out a cry, then woke up from the crimson color, and drew out the Doomsday Blade.

Galadriel was about to die of anger from Du Yu: "You can defeat one, but can you beat all nine ring spirits? Why don't you hurry up and try to escape?"

Doomsday Volcano is the lair of the Ring Spirits.Just like in Heroes of Invincible, familiar units will get bonuses in the terrain they are good at. During the battle at Doomsday Volcano, Mordor's army will have the right time, place and people, and their strength will have a certain bonus. In the barren environment, the combat power suffered a certain loss.In the same way, no one is a match for the elves when fighting in the forest.Fighting in the mines and hills, the dwarves enjoy a geographical advantage.etc.

Du Yu was reprimanded by Galadriel, but he didn't defend himself. He suddenly smiled, "I know you have a cloak, right? It's called an elf cloak? It's the kind given to Frodo. It can automatically simulate the surrounding environment and confuse the enemy. Take it out and use it."

Galadriel stared at Du Yu for a while, and said coldly, "This is the secret thing I gave to Frodo, how do you know?"

Du Yu said impatiently: "The ring spirit is coming soon, so is it a waste of time?"

A ring spirit, wearing heavy armor, with a murderous look, slowly poked its head from behind the black rock, its fiery red pupils swept towards a corner expressionlessly.

When he was patrolling from the air, he found the bodies of two orcs, and he tracked them all the way, and notified the other ring spirits.

He was originally a great king of mankind, but was lured to fall by Sauron with the Lord of the Rings, and fell into endless darkness, leaving only the desire for flesh and soul.

He was going to kill the man and the elf king.The female elf king is usually very powerful, but at this time she lost her power, which is the best opportunity.

But this most suspicious hiding place was empty.

The ring spirit was taken aback.

He growled low, as if very angry at the enemy's cunning.

But the enemy can escape for a while, but the result is doomed.

In the doomsday volcano that spreads for thousands of miles, no one can escape from the gaze of the magic eye and the search of the ring spirits.

As long as they are still in this Doomsday Volcano, sooner or later they will be found out by the ring spirits!
Ring Spirit turned around coldly and walked forward.

About 5 minutes after he walked over, a black rock squirmed.

It turned out to be Galadriel and Du Yu wearing elf cloaks.

Galadriel was so angry that she couldn't maintain the calmness of the goddess any longer. She jumped up and scolded with her halberd finger: "You?? You??? Now, take the opportunity to take advantage of me!"

Du Yu said with an innocent face: "I really don't have a conscience."

Galadriel's pink cheeks were even more beautiful when she heard the apprentice praise herself for being attractive.

It's not like she hasn't heard this kind of praise before, but the elves are too literary and artistic, too reserved, and too convoluted. Most of them are "Queen, your beauty is like a moonlight silver plate???" Such a savage, express his 32 praises for the beauty of the Elf Queen with practical actions?
(End of this chapter)

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