Chapter 945 Galadriel's Aria! - Ask for a monthly pass!

For a moment, Galadriel didn't know how to refute this disciple.

Are you saying that I'm not beautiful or sexy at all?
I should still say that you are right, I am so beautiful and sexy, it is hard for you to be close-fitting.

The elf queen remained silent, and only she knew what was in her mind.

Du Yu had done something bad, so he was naturally guilty. He pointed to the distance and said, "Since we have temporarily deceived the Ring Spirit, why not go in the opposite direction? He may return to his carbine at any time."

Galadriel bowed her head and nodded silently.

She was not willing to follow Du Yu, but at this time in the Doomsday Volcano, she lost her divine power, and there were many murderous intentions around her. If she was not careful, she would lose her reputation and fall into the hands of Sauron.That would be worse than death.

What bothered Galadriel was that the man beside her also seemed to be extremely dangerous.

But does she have a choice?
The power of two evils can only be followed by Du Yu.

Du Yu led Galadriel forward all the way.

But the good times didn't last long.

The ring spirit seemed to be in the Doomsday Mountains, and the six senses became extremely sensitive, and they quickly went back and forth, chasing the two of them.

The two knew the situation was at stake.

Du Yu didn't have the angel wings at this time, but if he wanted to escape alone, it wouldn't be difficult.His agility attribute is high, and he is at the Nascent Soul stage, and he can fly with wings. Even if Sauron pays all his attention to this place, he is still five points sure that he can escape.

But Galadriel was totally different. She didn't have any ability to save her life. As long as she was targeted by the ring spirits, she would die.

Clever as Galadriel also understood this, so when the ring spirits kept screaming and calling, and the surrounding ring spirits continued to appear, forming a siege again, she took the initiative to stop.

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Galadriel's eyes were clear, and her expression resembled that of Fairy Zixia in Journey to the West.

"Ahem" Du Yu smiled wryly, "You are a weak woman, how could I leave you in this ghostly place waiting to die?"

Galadriel couldn't laugh or cry.

When did her majestic elf queen turn into a weak woman who needs to be taken care of by mortal men?
But what Du Yu said was true, and she couldn't refute it. Looking at the Ring Spirits in the distant sky who were constantly circling and swooping like a god of death, screaming and investigating, she sighed and said with a firm face: "I am Galadriel. I can do it myself." Cope with it. You go, I don't want to be favored by you??? What are you doing?"

What is Du Yu best at?
It is to turn the goddess into a female neuropathy.

In the novice plot, his scumbag strength dared to provoke a fairy concubine and heroine like Ning Zhongze, and he was the kind of person he was talking about boldly.

Galadriel was looking upright, and wanted to say something in the name of Galadriel. She would rather die than submit to Du Yu's favor, but Du Yu pushed her down on the ground. When she raised her head again, the delicate face of the goddess was covered with The doomsday volcanic ash is really dusty, but it is still hard to hide its beauty.

"What are you doing?" she screamed.

Du Yu covered her sandal mouth with his hands, and attached to her pointed elf ears, whispered: "Be careful, Sauron's magic eye is scanning our heads!"

Galadriel was taken aback, but then sneered.

Although she lost her supernatural powers and could not feel the breath of Sauron's magic eye, she was still a well-informed legendary existence. How could Du Yu, a mortal, a courtier, and a satyr, have the strength to feel Sauron's scan?
This is clearly his trick to belittle himself.

Galadriel coldly pushed Du Yu's hand away, and stood up proudly: "I don't believe it??"

She was tall and tall, rising above the black volcanic rock.

But at the same time, she suddenly shivered!

An extremely evil and extremely cold feeling flashed across her body like electricity!
Although she lost her magical powers, when Sauron's magic eye actually scanned her body, she still felt Sauron's magic eye due to the elf's extraordinary talent and instinct!

"Ah!" Galadriel exclaimed.

Du Yu sighed, picked up Galadriel, and reprimanded him seriously: "I said, Queen of Elf, even if you can't help, don't take the initiative to expose your position. I said that I am not afraid of god-like opponents, but like pigs." Do your teammates know?"

Galadriel blushed with embarrassment.

Du Yu activated the highest speed, relying on the weather of the dragon and wolf, and was naturally sensitive to danger, jumped to the ground, and galloped rapidly in the complex terrain of Doomsday Volcano.

Because of the dragon-wolf weather, he could keenly feel the gazes of fiery demonic eyes that seemed to be real, constantly scanning the top of his head and his surroundings.

"Sauron's magic eye!" Du Yu was serious in his heart.

As long as the position is locked by Sauron, the nine ring spirits will follow like a shadow, chasing after him, and he and Galadriel will inevitably die.

Everything depends on yourself!

Must escape the pursuit of the magic eye.

Fortunately, Du Yu has the Heshi Jade Seal on him. This treasure is just the opposite of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. It can block Sauron's scan and protect its owner Du Yu.This is the reason why Du Yu was able to hold the elf queen and fly around Sauron's territory while attracting Sauron's attention and close surveillance.

At the highest point of Doomsday Volcano, on the towering and flaming pillar of Sauron's Demon Eye, a huge flaming evil eye is constantly turning, eagerly looking for the figure of the Elf Queen and Du Yu.

As Sima Yi expected, it was its masterpiece that Du Yu and Galadriel were thrown from the space turbulence to the Doomsday Volcano.At that time, the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation was about to collapse, and Sauron used his divine power to quickly complete this act of robbing people.

Sauron did not make such a move out of idleness.

He wanted to kill Galadriel, the elf king of Los Lorin. In the past year, the powerful Mordor sent three troops to try to invade the Golden Forest, but the ending was without exception—the one who possessed the ring of water, Nanya. Galadriel defeated Sauron's invasion with ease, leaving him disgraced.

And Narohan's regent Ge Lima said that Sauron also felt an instinctive threat.

Killing Galadriel and Du Yu would be of great benefit to him in ruling Middle-earth.

Although Du Yu racked his brains and fled all the way, the situation became more and more critical.

The ring spirits from all walks of life are constantly tightening the encirclement net. Sauron's magic eye swept over Du Yu's head several times, but Du Yu found it in time and crawled on the ground, barely avoiding it.

Every time Du Yu fell to the ground, he would press heavily on Galadriel.

But this really wronged Du Yu.No matter how obsessed he was, he would never want to tease the Elf Queen at a critical moment.It is really Sauron's magic eye, the scanning range is too large, and it is targeted.If it weren't for Du Yu's vigilance and He Shibi's resistance to the mental scan, he would have been caught long ago.

Du Yu rolled over and hid behind a big rock, panting heavily.

Galadriel lay in his arms, also panting delicately.

From all directions around, there came the low roar of the ring spirits, like the moaning of Jiuyuan demon, and like the call of death.

Above the head, King Anger Wuma had already ridden the Nazgul again, flying in the sky, constantly patrolling the sky above the two of them.

The magic eye's scan locked on to this small area, and the mere volcanic rocks couldn't stop the magic eye for a long time.

The exposure time of Du Yu and Galadriel can only be calculated in seconds.

Galadriel said coldly, "You can go."

She proudly stood up and said: "You have done a lot for me. During the escape, I knew that you were by no means a simple courtier, but your ability has been used to the limit. Escape by yourself. I will use Galadriel In the name of Sauron and the Nine Ring Spirits, fight to the death!"

The scorching sun of Doomsday Volcano happened to be in the middle of the day, shining down from the top of his head. Du Yu looked intently. At this time, although Galadriel was covered with dust, her delicate face was dark, and her dress was torn, she had a breath-taking charm of her own. of pride.

The bright golden hair on her head, which is comparable to the brilliance of the Two Sacred Trees, flutters in the wind. Her slender figure is more and more curvaceous under the broken elf tight skirt and purple veil, but the most attractive thing is still the beauty that is as beautiful as the sea. Such vast and bright elves' beautiful eyes!

Galadriel sang in a low voice: "

I sing of the leaves, the golden leaves, the golden leaves that grow everywhere:

I sing about the breeze, the breeze that blows through the branches, and hear it caress the leaves.

In the moonlight, beyond the sun, the water splashes on the sea,

By the rivers of Ilmarin grew the branches of the golden tree,
Shining in the evening star of Adama,

Beside Adamar, the elf Tirion gleamed,

The leaves of gold grow on the splendid stretch of time,

But in the divided sea, the tears of the elves always come.

oh!Lorien!Winter has come, the withered and leafless years;

Leaves fall into the water, and rivers flow into eternal night.

oh!Lorien!I have lived in the delta too long,
Twisting golden Elano flowers in faded crowns,

If I sing the song of ships, some ship will come to me,

What ship can take me to the other side? "

Du Yu knew that this was "The Aria of Galadriel", which expressed that although Galadriel turned her back on the main god and came to Middle-earth, as she lived in Middle-earth for a long time, she also began to miss the people on the other side of the sea. Aman continent, the continent of gods, when can I go back?
Accompanied by Galadriel's beautiful female voice, this "Aria of Galadriel" echoes in the scorched and barren volcano of Doom.There are thousands of miles of scorched earth, no trace of life, and nothing to do with the sea or overseas fairyland. However, under the singing of Galadriel's beautiful voice, Du Yu seemed to see the spring blossoming and facing the sea. On the shore of Gray Harbor, the blue sea gently swells and beats the coast, as if a mother is calling a wanderer from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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