Chapter 946 The Queen's Will to Die!Du Yu exploded the Ring Spirits! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
There is a desire lurking in every elf's body, the desire for the sea, the desire to return to Aman continent.This is like the southward flight of migratory birds, the upward movement of salmon, and the migration of wildebeests, all of which are inherited instincts imprinted into life!

Galadriel sang, and the crystal tears rolled down in big and big ones.

This legendary elf woman has already understood that her destiny will come to an end today.

She had no intention of living.

Her brother Finrod died in Sauron's dungeons in 465.

She did not intend to fall into Sauron's hands.

Today, nothing but death!

With a firm face, Galadriel faced Sauron's scan and the approaching Nazgul.

Sauron's scan and the eyes of the ring spirits immediately locked on the Elf Queen!

Then Sauron's Demon Eye of Doomsday Volcano burst into flames!
He found his old enemy - Galadriel, and finally appeared in front of him like a mouse that couldn't escape!
A shrill scream of infinite joy came from the mouth of the Witch-Horse King Ange. His master's emotions would be transmitted to the Ringwraiths, and they were also extremely excited.

Grab Galadriel and torture her!kill her!

This idea became the only driving force in the nihilistic bodies in the black robes of the ring spirits.

The nine ring spirits approached Galadriel with low groans.

Galadriel's clear face and firm will to die made this frail elf woman exude the light of a goddess, as if she were real.

"Come on!" Galadriel turned her head to look at Du Yu, and said with a smile, "I only want one thing. I will activate the elf's self-destruction ability later and turn it into a melon tree seed again. Please give this seed to To my husband Celeborn. He will take my seed and return to Aman. Maybe thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands of years later, I will be reborn."

She proudly added: "When I blew myself up, I would instantly break through the curse Saruman imposed on me. Sauron and the nine ring spirits would all be intimidated. You can get a little escape time. It's very short, but after all, it's a Chance."

She didn't give Du Yu time to react, so she turned to Sauron.

In Galadriel's mind, his own sacrifice was in exchange for this man's chance to escape, even if he was embarrassed on his lips, he was still happy in his heart.

Ange Wuma King, coldly got off the dragon, under the pitch-black tattered black robe, with magic flames shooting out of his eyes, he came up step by step.

He raised the sword of Mogul high, and was about to stab the elf queen who had no power to resist and was so graceful!

The flames of Sauron's magic eyes were so strong that they almost shot out dazzling flames!
Agitated by his emotions, the Doomsday Volcano erupted suddenly, and black smoke spewed out from behind the Angle Wuma King.

What Galadriel was facing was the unpredictable and powerful enemy killing this day!
She slowly raised her beautiful face, ready to launch the fatal self-destruction.

"Celeborn, Arwen, goodbye," Galadriel sang softly.

Suddenly she remembered the prophecy of Manwë, the Lord God.

All the elves who betrayed the Lord God will encounter disasters in Middle-earth.

"That's true." Galadriel lamented, "I, the last descendant of the royal family of the Noldor, will also perish."

Anger Wuma King held up the sword of Mogul, and cut it down with one sword!

Just when Galadriel closed her beautiful eyes and was about to explode, firefly-like rays of light emanated from her exquisite body, suddenly a figure rushed from behind, hugged her by the waist, and hid Overwhelmed by the Ange Wuma King!

Du Yu!

He rushed out suddenly, picked up the elf queen who was about to explode, rushed out frantically, and continued to run away.

"Stop dying." The elf queen sighed, "Our destiny can only end here. Give up on me and run away alone, you still have a chance."

Du Yu's face was calm, and he said heartlessly: "It can only stop here? Why can't I see it?"

Galadriel was so angry that she laughed, her beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu's face formally for the first time: "I really don't understand, you are a mere mortal, why are you full of confidence at any time? I don't know how to sigh for your ignorance. Those who are fearless, still admire the unyielding spirit of you humans."

Du Yu laughed: "Compared to your precious elves, we humans are indeed like cockroaches, with strong reproductive ability, strong vitality, dirty thoughts, and dirty behavior, but we also have advantages!"

He laughed and dodged the attack of a ring spirit, dodged to charge in the other direction, approached Galadriel's delicate face like a goddess, and said with an evil smile: "We are more energetic than you! What you elves have is history , but we humans have an infinite future!"

Galadriel stared blankly at Du Yu.

Of course she wouldn't fall in love with this man because of it.But Du Yu's words did give her a great impact.

The Lord God once prophesied that the era of elves in Middle-earth is coming to an end, and the era of human beings is coming.

Facing the same desperation, he chose the elves' epic style of death, while Du Yu chose the human escape.

Galadriel was repeatedly taught by Du Yu, unconvinced, and sneered: "Since you insist on running away, then run away. Don't say that I dragged you down and didn't give you a chance to live alone. I want to see you the ability."

She let Du Yu hold her, and kept flying among the volcanic rocks.

The nine ring spirits frantically chased him from all directions.

Mount Doom billows in flames, revealing the wrath of Sauron.

A mere human being dares to resist the will of the Demon God.

Catch them and kill them.

The volcano erupted completely, and a large amount of pitch-black volcanic ash continued to fall, and the visibility dropped sharply, even less than ten meters.

With the help of Sauron's magic eye, the ring spirits knew Du Yu's position well, and continued to move wildly.Du Yu, who was affected, could only fly around in the black mist like a headless chicken.

Don't look at Du Yu's calm appearance, but he is also nervously planning in his heart.

The enemy this time is Sauron after all!

A demon-like existence, the lieutenant of Morgoth, and the public enemy of Middle-earth.

To protect Galadriel and live together, they must mobilize their full potential and fight desperately, only with a glimmer of hope that they may succeed.

Du Yu's biggest regret is that his strongest power system - summoning beauties, was sent out by him in the Battle of Edoras. As a result, when he was swept away by the five-element prisoner dragon formation, the beauties had no time to return to the castle heart!
At this time, although Du Yu could summon the heart of the castle, there were as many as 20 beauties, but none of them were by his side.Du Yu could feel that they were following Catherine to the plains of Gondor.

Perhaps it was because Sauron's magic eye was covering the Doomsday Volcano, which blocked Du Yu's information, making the spiritual connection between Du Yu and the beauties unable to function.

When the beauties couldn't feel their own status, they could only follow Catherine to conquer King De Naiser II and find Sima Yi's bad luck.

At this moment, Du Yu could not count on strong support from the beauties.

He can only continue to escape with Galadriel until he escapes the range of the Doomsday Volcano, and then he can regain spiritual contact with the beauties, or use the 5G walkie-talkie to notify Catherine.

The question is, how to deal with Sauron and the Nazgul at this time, the maggot-like pursuit of the Tarsus?

In front of Du Yu, a ring spirit riding an evil dragon stood in front of him.

With a grinning grin, he rushed towards Du Yu.

With a cold expression on Du Yu's face, he slapped the Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms at the Ring Spirit.

Under Du Yu's Nascent Soul Stage cultivation, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms turned into golden dragons, which flew towards the ring spirit with dragon chant.

The demonic sword of the ring spirit slashed towards the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing.

But how does Ringling's western swordsmanship compare with Du Yu's oriental swordsmanship?

Without exception, Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms bypassed the magic sword's defense.He slammed heavily on the body of the ring spirit.

The ring spirit screamed, and was beaten back step by step by Du Yu's continuous bombardment.Black air continuously oozes from the body and the black robe.

His soul was permanently imprisoned in this decayed body by Sauron. He had no body, but Du Yu's attack, with his astonishing cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, directly hit the soul with his moves, making the ring spirits howl incessantly, almost knocked out of their wits!
Galadriel looked at Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with all his strength, her beautiful eyes showed surprise for the first time.

In the past few days, Du Yu took her to hide and hide, and never had a chance to show his unstoppable true strength.But at the critical moment, as soon as the expert made a move, Galadriel, a great expert, immediately realized that although he had repeatedly overestimated Grema's clever words, he still underestimated him!

After Du Yu's set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was finished, the ring spirit was about to fall, and fell to the ground, surrounded by black air. He saw that there was only air coming in, and no air coming out.

A set of combos, directly blow up!

Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, domineering powerless!

"A mortal, how could he beat the Ringwraith to collapse with the palm of his flesh?" Galadriel's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Du Yu chuckled: "Do you think I'm handsome? Don't hold back, just praise me if you want, I won't be proud."

"You stink. How long has it been since you showered?"

Du Yu: ""

The ring spirit behind him frantically chased after him.

The ring spirit that was blown up by Du Yu was also under the watchful eyes of the magic eyes, with traces of black energy gradually returning to the void body, roaring angrily and standing up again.

As long as Sauronken expends mana to revive them, the ring spirits can have almost endless resurrection opportunities.Only when Eowyn slays them as a woman will she be completely defeated.

Du Yu held Galadriel in his arms and continued to run away.

A large army of orcs poured out ahead.

Sauron's subordinates are of various races, including orcs, humans, giant wolves, and vampires.However, most of them are orcs, becoming the most important force.

Scores of orcs swarmed over.

There was a hint of despair in Galadriel's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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