Chapter 947: The courtier knows martial arts!The Ringwraiths can't stop it! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
In her heyday, she might be able to use magic to deal with so many orcs, but now that she lost her divine power, she could only watch Du Yu rushing into the middle of the sea of ​​orcs.

She closed her eyes, trying not to look at Du Yu and her own death.

But death did not come as expected, and Galadriel heard the sound of fists piercing flesh instead.

She opened her beautiful sea-blue eyes, and found that the orcs who were charging ahead had already flown up one after another.

Du Yu's punches are like the wind, the strong wind protects the body, and the 9 clone phantoms brought out by [Lingbo Weibu] are indistinct. Wherever they pass, the fists are everywhere. Fly up.

Galadriel was stunned.

In her long life, she has seen countless human heroes.

From Elendil to Isildur, from young Ino to Aragorn, she has witnessed countless human heroes on the battlefield.

With the haughty eyes of the elf queen, she just smiled in return.

The strength of the human hero is good, and he is full of blood, but that's all. He is still far from the elven warrior who has experienced countless years of polishing.

But in Du Yu's attacking moves, Galadriel felt an extremely familiar state that was pursued all his life.


The elves have been striving for the ultimate harmony of nature all their lives.

They are the darlings of nature, born in nature, grown in nature, and will eventually return to nature and become the seeds of Mellon trees.

From Du Yu's moves, Galadriel couldn't feel any disobedience.His every move is in line with the way of heaven.

How did she know that a monk like Du Yu who had broken through the Nascent Soul stage had already experienced the mysteries of the Dao of Heaven in his day and night practice.Even among the vast number of oriental monks with a cultivation base in the Nascent Soul Stage, he can be regarded as an existence at the upper middle of the food chain!
Holding Galadriel in his arms, Du Yu crushed and charged all the way, beating up groups of orcs, crying for their father and mother, and flying everywhere.

Like a 50-ton main battle tank, he blasted to the limit of his horsepower and rushed into the middle of the orcs. Wherever he passed, there was no grass, and there were stumps, broken armor, weapons and screams everywhere.

Like a legendary hero, Du Yu cut through the waves and killed all his way in the sea of ​​orcs!
The ring spirits were expecting to hear Du Yu's dying screams, but what they saw was the diametrically opposite cruel fact!

This human man who appeared in the image of a sycophant actually ran into the half-orcs with a dozen thousand!
Even Galadriel was stunned.

Who is this Gelima Qiaoyan?

She realized that she had underestimated Du Yu again!
The beauty elf queen was in her arms, her beautiful eyes were burning, and Du Yu was very relieved, and even punched to the flesh, making the orcs fly all over the place.

These half-orc warriors in the inner city, even if their combat power is quite different from that of the Ringwraiths, they are not cowards!

Their combat power, even compared to human fighters, is not much better!
Sima Yi took an adventurer from the inner city with him in the palace of Edoras. An adventurer from the inner city can deal with 5-10 Rohan knights at the same time, which is already the limit.

That is to say, if the cooperation factor is not considered, a top adventurer in the inner city can deal with 20 half-orc warriors in terms of combat power, which has reached the limit.Serious injuries are certain, and there is a great chance of being killed.

You know, the half-orc attackers brought by Johnson once shot dead the well-known strong man of human beings, Boromir, the prince of Gondor, when dealing with the Fellowship of the Ring squad!
This is also the reason why the well-informed Galadriel closed her eyes in pain when she saw the hundreds or thousands of half-orcs, thinking that she and Du Yu were finished here—no matter how strong a person is, no hero is invincible , It is also difficult to beat four hands with two fists.Death from exhaustion is inevitable.

However, Galadriel was dumbfounded by the combat performance of this incomparably wretched courtier.

What's the matter with this man?
His punches and kicks could kill or injure a half-orc.

After breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage, Du Yu's every move was in line with the way of heaven.His distribution of strength and innate true energy has reached the pinnacle of perfection!
That is to say, Du Yu's every punch, every kick, every step, and every dodge, is neither too much nor too little, neither increasing nor decreasing, just right.Anything less is not enough, and more is wasted.Just like that, the majestic innate primordial energy in his body was transformed into terrifying energy, which hit the enemy every time, causing terrifying injuries.

And the suit [Monkey King's Tricks] on Du Yu began to exert its terrifying power.Every hit of Du Yu has a 10% chance to trigger the suit attribute, and the clone of Monkey King will appear. After a huge explosion, it will not only cause the explosion splash damage of 10 times Du Yu's attack power, but also in the next 3 seconds, let the Du Yu has 5 times the attack power.

In this way, with Du Yu's attack speed, Monkey King's avatars appeared almost non-stop, always by Du Yu's side.The sound of explosions continued to erupt one after another, each time taking away the lives of a large number of orcs, leaving no bones left.And the monkey king's tricks endowed Du Yu with 5 times the attack power, which made Du Yu even more powerful, and he could smash the head of a strong orc with just one punch!

Under the dull gazes of Sauron and Galadriel, Du Yu alone, like a humanoid monster, fought seven times in and seven out of the half-beast crowd, forcibly killing a bloody path!
"Is this still human?" Galadriel was dumbfounded.

But no matter how strong Du Yu is alone, his strength is limited.

When he broke out of the siege, the orcs were still in large numbers, and they followed closely behind, chasing and killing them.

Du Yu forced his way through the defensive lines with a heaven-defying posture, summoned the war horse Yuan Tong, galloped quickly, rode Jue Chen, and galloped away frantically.

Although this can only delay the time of being caught, as long as it can be delayed for a moment, it is also good.

The ring spirits rode on the evil dragon one after another, screaming and flying towards the sky.

Sauron's demonic eye, the demonic flames flourished, anger and hatred made it soaring into the sky, constantly triggering larger volcanic eruptions, the entire Doomsday Volcano was immersed in volcanic ash, and the visibility was extremely low.

Du Yu led Galadriel on horseback and kept galloping.

Galadriel sighed: "You have tried your best. I admit that I underestimated your strength, but the situation will become more difficult in the future. You should leave me and run away quickly."

Although she recognized Du Yu's strength, she still didn't want to accept Du Yu's favor with her elf arrogance.

Du Yu got angry when he heard this, and suddenly slapped him down.

Galadriel, who was sitting in front of Du Yu, opened her almond eyes and said, "How dare you spank my ass?"

Du Yu stared and shouted: "You always say that you are dead, dead, bad luck or not? If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that I will pick you with a single shot."

Galadriel, the queen of elves who said this obscenity, opened her eyes wide open. She couldn't believe that someone dared to talk to him like that. But considering Du Yu's brilliant achievements and domineering methods, she really didn't dare to pierce her. Du Yu really didn't care, and shot her.

Afterwards, even if she regained her divine power and cut Du Yu's body into thousands of pieces, it would be difficult to explain today's humiliation.

Threatened by Du Yu, Galadriel had no choice but to swallow her anger, let Du Yu hold her, and fled all the way.

Yuantong was in the Pegasus Ranch, and was carefully trained by Shang Xiuxun, and various potentials were gradually cultivated.Among them, in the rugged mountains, the [Mountain Man] attribute, which can walk like flying, makes it feel like a fish in water, leading Du Yu and the two to gallop all the way.

Even though the ring spirits kept swooping down and attacking from the air, Yuan Tong didn't panic and ran steadily all the way.

Du Yu calculated the various hole cards that were left, and calculated which hole cards would be needed to fight all the way out of Doomsday Volcano.

Although the future is bleak, Du Yu has a tenacious character and never wants to be caught without a fight. Even the Elf Queen in his arms, he hugs tightly and domineeringly.

Life, beauty, all belong to me!
"Can't you feel Du Yu's aura?" Catherine frowned and asked the little dragon girl with the highest cultivation.

Xiaolongnv has practiced the Jade Heart Sutra with Du Yu for many years, and she is honest and connected with each other. She also has the highest cultivation level of the golden core period, and she is the beauty with the largest scanning range.

She woke up from meditation tiredly, shaking her head: "In the dark, it seems that there is a kind of power that is blocking his spiritual connection with us. I can clearly feel his existence, but I can't see clearly through the thick fog .”

"Can you roughly feel his position?" Catherine asked anxiously.

Being trapped by Sima Yi's Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation is no joke.Sima Yi will arrange to kill Du Yu and Galadriel at any time.With so many adventurers in his hands, he can do this at any time.

"Is this shielding the curse of Minas Tiris?" Catherine thought of Sima Yi's geographical advantage.

"No." King Elrond, who was concerned, shook his head and said, "Minas Tiris' divine gift is limited to siege magic, and will not block mental power scanning."

"Which place in the mainland has such a powerful magic shield?" Catherine asked with a worried face.

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes were clear, and her eyes wandered around the map.

"I have an idea. Sauron's Nazgul was the first to participate in the raid. In terms of magic power, even Saruman can't compare to this one from Minas Morgul!"

Her jade finger pointed to the east on the map.

In the center of Doomsday Volcano, Minas Morgul.

Sauron's Lair!

All the beauties and the Elf King flashed their eyes at the same time.

"You mean, maybe Grema Sweet Talk and Galadriel are not here in Minas Tiris? They were captured by Sauron instead?" A gloomy look flashed across Celeborn's face.

"I'm just saying there's such a possibility." Catherine said helplessly, "Aside from the place of the devil king, is there any place we can't feel?"

There are different opinions among all the beauties, and the female porridge porridge.

Li Mochou said that he should go to Doomsday Volcano immediately to look for Du Yu. Shi Feixuan shook her head and said that Doomsday Volcano stretched thousands of miles, and it was not easy to find Du Yu. Wan Hou said that it would be good if the weather compass had never been used, and that the owner could be found directly.Ning Zhong suggested that half of the troops could be divided and go to the Devil's Cave to find Du Yu.

The three Elf Kings looked gloomy.Especially Celeborn.

His beloved wife was taken away, and it was a bolt from the blue for him.

Celeborn, who vowed revenge, finally made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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