Chapter 948 Revenge Alliance!Du Yu fled! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"Since you haven't come to a conclusion yet, then I will lead the army of Rose Lorraine to capture Minas Tiris first!"

Celeborn's logic is simple: "Since it can be confirmed that the attacker is a member of Denesse II! Then Galadriel and the others are most likely to be in the capital of Gondor! Even if they are not there, I will also fight for her." Revenge! Break down the city first and capture the culprit, so Galadriel's location can naturally be found out. At this time, it is unwise to go to Doomsday Volcano based on a guess!"

King Elrond and King Thranduil nodded simultaneously.

They were going to take advantage of this opportunity to teach the ever-growing human being an unforgettable lesson and secretly expand their country's influence.As for the search for Galadriel, even Celeborn, the serious sufferer, would not go, so why would they rush to Mount Doom?

Aragorn could no longer agree.He and De Naisser II have officially turned against each other, tearing their skins apart, fighting to the death, with the help of the coalition forces, it would be the best thing to kill the usurper, how could he let this opportunity go?

He tried his best to persuade the coalition forces to continue to storm Minas Tiris.

The three elf kings left one by one, ready to attack the city without mentioning it.

But Catherine frowned as she stared at the towering Minas Tiris in the distance.

"Sister Queen, Sima Yi has caused you so much misery, and he must be in this city, why doesn't he want to attack and take revenge?" Yilin whispered seeing Catherine so worried.

Catherine sighed: "Based on my usual style, I wish I could tear that oriental adventurer Sima Yi into pieces! But I'm more afraid of Du Yu's accident than hatred."

As soon as she said this, the beauties fell silent, their eyes filled with tenderness.

They used to worry about Du Yu's choice.Catherine is a queen with a deep desire for power. She is proud and arrogant. She is afraid that this woman will not be like the sisters. She loves Du Yu wholeheartedly and plans for Du Yu.

But in the face of big right and wrong, Catherine can put aside her personal hatred and put Du Yu's safety as the first consideration in everything she does. The beauties are deeply moved and feel that Du Yu's choice is right.

Zhou Zhiruo walked to Catherine's side, held Catherine's hand, her delicate face was tender, but she didn't speak.

Shen Luoyan sighed: "For our current plan, we should divide our forces into two groups! One side stays here and continues to avenge Du Yu, and the other way goes to Doomsday Volcano to search for possible Du Yu."

Ning Zhong has always been a big sister, and nodded when he heard the words: "What the military commander said is safe. Du Yu is not here, we should cheer up, who will be sent to the Doomsday Volcano? Who will stay and lead the cavalry of the Luohan Kingdom?"

After a few days of contact, Catherine already knew that Du Yu's harem was not only full of beauties, but also full of talents, almost every beauty had their own specialty.Shen Luoyan is resourceful, while Ningzhong is decisive, Xiaolongnv is infatuated with fairies, Wanwan is a charming witch, her concubine Xuan has a clear sword heart, Li Mochou is hot and ruthless, Shang Xiuxun is good at feeding, and Shan Wanjing is a famous craftsman. , Yilin is good at medical medicine, Elizabeth is extremely charming, and Serena is a cold beauty. These beauties have their own specialties, but they also have one thing in common.

That is, they all love Du Yu deeply.

They are all willing to risk their lives for Du Yu.

As Du Yu's only adventurer woman, Catherine discussed with Shen Luoyan, Ning Zhongze, and Shi Feixuan after deep thinking, and finally made a decision.

Catherine herself stayed here, representing Saruman's representative and Du Yu's woman, guarding here.Those who stayed to assist her were Shen Luoyan, a pretty military strategist with supernatural powers, Shang Xiuxun, who was good at raising horses and riding in battle, Shan Wanjing, who made weapons, and Elizabeth, who was good at diplomacy.There are also the three sisters Fu Junzhuo, Dugufeng, Serena, and Li Qinglu who drives the metal warhead, who are left behind to protect Catherine and guard against possible assassination by Sima Yi.

And the team going to the Doomsday Mountains are mainly beauties who are good at searching and fighting.Led by the little dragon girl with the highest level of cultivation, Ning Zhongze, Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou, Li Mochou, Li Ya, Li Xiuning, Song Yuzhi, Yilin and other beauties all attacked.

Catherine looked at the beauties who were galloping away, and a look of sadness appeared on her beautiful face: "I would really like to follow them to search for Du Yu, instead of staying in this fortified city and staring in a daze all day long."

As for the coalition forces, although their strength and combat power had an absolute advantage, they did not dare to rush to attack the city due to the danger of Minas Tiris, but just surrounded and besieged the city.

Shen Luoyan's deep and beautiful eyes stared at the majestic city shrouded in mist, and said deeply: "No, Your Royal Highness, what I am most worried about right now is this place."

"Here?" Catherine asked in surprise, "Are you worried that our coalition forces will be defeated by Sima Yi?"

Shen Luoyan smiled coquettishly: "You must have heard a lot about Sima Yi's story these days?"

Catherine nodded: "Since that unforgettable assassination, I have indeed studied a lot of Sima Yi's achievements. An impressive general."

"No! You don't know him yet." Shen Luoyan shook his head and said: "He is best at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, confusing the enemy. As long as you underestimate him, you will step into the trap with one foot!"

Catherine finally showed deep thought.

The coalition army approached the city, and the siege was heavy. The elf kings were determined to win. Catherine also felt that Sima Yi's power was over, and his threat was very low in her opinion.

But now it seems that this is also a strategy of Sima Yi.

"According to the report from the spies I sent to Gondor," Shen Luoyan said surprisingly: "The military and political power of Minas Tiris has been handed over to Sima Yi by De Naith II. Our opponent this time is precisely this A well-known soldier in China! He has no fewer than ten thousand soldiers, and there are even an unknown number of masters in the inner city. If we despise him, we will definitely hate this place!"

Catherine and Zhongmei finally changed their colors.

The beauties are running across the continent for Du Yu, and the man they miss is struggling to survive under the multiple pincers of the Ringwraiths and Sauron.

"This group of guys" Du Yu cursed angrily.

Yuan Tong has been seriously injured, bloodstained.

The attack methods mastered by the ring spirits are not limited to melee combat.

They were the Witch Kings, and some dark magic kept gushing out. Du Yu only felt that there was a chill behind him, and magic flew by constantly.

Suddenly, Yuantong wailed and was hit by an evil black mist, which quickly invaded Yuantong's body.

This steed's steed quickly dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a mummy whose flesh and blood had been sucked away!
Du Yu was shocked and angry.

This far pupil has been with him for a long time, ever since he acquired the Condor World, Du Yu never expected that the black demon of the Witch King under Sauron would be so domineering.

Yuantong let out a mournful cry, the horse stumbled and fell to the ground.

Du Yu picked up Galadriel, and then tried to retract the far pupil back into space.

But Yuan Tong's life is leaving its body quickly.And Du Yu received a reminder that the pet cannot be recovered in the combat state.

The vicious magic spell of Angor Wuma King quickly took the life of the mount, which was only difficult in the outer city.

Du Yu was filled with grief, and stared deeply at Yuan Tong.The divine steed with deep gaze finally stared at Du Yu with nostalgia, and let out a mournful cry. Anger Wuma King, who was being chased up, cut his throat with a sword.

Yuan Tong died.

Du Yu roared angrily, tears welling up in his eyes.

Ruthless is not necessarily a hero.

Du Yu was usually very cold in front of people, but he was not a heartless person.His feelings are only paid to the people and things around him.

Yuantong had served him loyally for so long, and after a few good days in Shang Xiuxun's ranch, he died, making a heroic sacrifice for the savior, why didn't Du Yu feel frightened and angry?
"Sauron! Sima Yi!" Du Yu galloped even faster.

Without the former, Yuan Tong would not have died, without the latter, Du Yu would not have been thrown into this damn barren land and besieged.

This dark doomsday volcano is like an endless sponge, constantly absorbing Du Yu's energy and combat power.

But even so, Du Yu still hugged Galadriel and fled crazily.

His martial arts were pushed to the extreme, breaking 300 agility + Lingbo Weibu + Tiyunzong, making him as fast as the wind, leaving behind phantoms constantly.Although the speed of the far pupil was lost, the speed was faster, and the ring spirits could not close the distance after chasing for half a day.

Galadriel was gradually amazed by Du Yu's endurance and perseverance.

Is this still human?Hold yourself and race against the flying ring spirits?It seems to be able to maintain the upper hand?

Du Yu's method was very stupid and he ran away, but Sauron and the Ring Spirits had nothing to do with him.

The ring spirits swooped down one after another, but they had no choice but to eat dirt behind Du Yu.

"But if this continues, you will only die from exhaustion."

Galadriel sighed.

Even if Du Yu is countless times more powerful than ordinary heroes, but the Doomsday Volcano stretches for thousands of miles, how could he escape Sauron's evil eyes with a pair of legs?
Du Yu's face was resolute, with stern lines, as if carved by a knife.

When the Ange Wuma King swooped down, Du Yu's eyes flashed, he turned over suddenly, and pulled out a magic weapon!
He has a lot of cards in his hole, and this time it is another magic weapon with terrifying power.

Huang Yaoshi's [28 Constellation Sword Formation]!
28 golden sword characters flew out from Du Yu's sleeve.

This oriental magic weapon has one advantage.Its power is constantly increasing with the cultivator's mana cultivation.This magic weapon left by Huang Yaoshi needs to be cultivated at the Nascent Soul stage to exert its highest power. Du Yu's original Golden Core stage cultivation can only barely activate it.At this time, he has successfully advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage!
Du Yu is determined to take this opportunity to send Angle Wuma King back to hell!

28 The golden sword character flew out quickly, cutting towards the head of the ring spirit abruptly.

The Wuma King of Ange deserves to be the leader of the ring spirits. The sword of Mogul protects the vitals with one sword, and the dragon under his crotch is clamped between his legs.With a high-pitched cry, the dragon turned over in the air, trying to avoid Du Yu's fatal blow.

But what Du Yu practiced was the oriental fairy art!
How could he be easily dodged by the ring spirit?

Those old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage, the immortal techniques they cultivated are too childish!
Du Yu's 28 sword array went straight to Ange Wuma King, only to be chopped off by the Wuma King with two or three characters, and then swished into the Wuwang's black robe!
(End of this chapter)

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