Chapter 949 Flying and Riding a Dragon!Copycat Lord of the Rings! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The Witch King let out an inhuman scream of pain!

The golden sword characters left by Huang Yaoshi, stroke by stroke, outlined deep golden grooves on the dark armor of the Witch King!

Sparks burst out from the black armor, as if a cutting machine was cutting its armor.

Ange Wuma King, under the attack of a series of golden sword characters, finally couldn't sit still, and wailed, shaking in the air!

Du Yu jumped up!

His lightness kung fu was outstanding, all the way up the ladder, he jumped tens of meters abruptly, and even hugged Galadriel, and jumped onto the dragon's back!

The evil dragon was frightened to find that the owner on its back had changed, and was about to spin wildly.The Witch and Horse King Ange also pulled out the Gurmo sword, ready to launch a fatal attack.

But Du Yu's performance was even more domineering!
He grabbed Ange Wuma King and punched his helmet hard!

Anger Wuma King's helmet was instantly damaged and deformed. It was dented by more than ten centimeters, and a burst of wailing came from his mouth.

Galadriel in Du Yu's arms let out a burst of surprise.

Who can fight the Ring Spirit on the back of the evil dragon of the Ring Spirit?

She never thought it would be like this.

But Du Yu couldn't help but did it, and he did it very well.

He punched again, hitting the Witch King even more miserable, and the armor on his chest was dented.

Bursts of black air came out.

Seeing that the pursuers were approaching, Du Yu kicked the Witch King off the dragon.

The Witch King howled in the air shamelessly, and finally fell face down and fell heavily on the ground

Another Witch King finished.

Although it will be resurrected by Sauron, the resurrection of two ring spirits in a row will also burden Sauron, right?
Du Yu smiled coldly and sat on the dragon's neck.

The evil dragon still wanted to resist, but Du Yu used the most ruthless and effective method to make it obedient.


One punch made the dragon spit out a mouthful of dirty blood.

Another punch almost killed the dragon.

Anyway, this mount was snatched, Du Yu didn't feel bad, as long as he didn't obey, he would beat him to death.

Lao Tzu's mount was killed by you, I will grab the mount!
Galadriel was dumbfounded by Du Yu's forcibly capturing the Witch and Horse King of Ange and snatching the dragon.

Next, Du Yu forcibly drove the dragon, and carried her to the edge of Doomsday Volcano at high speed.

Flying is of course much faster than walking.Under Du Yu's beating, the evil dragon even flew faster than usual.

Sauron let out a furious growl.

Unexpectedly, it was so difficult to hunt down a human and Galadriel on their own territory.

But just as the dawn of hope gradually emerged in front of his eyes, Galadriel's eyes suddenly went dark.

The Silmaril on her body emitted a stronger black cursed light.

And in the beautiful eyes of the elf queen, illusions began to appear.

That is the prophecy full of divinity and coercion of the Lord God Manwe who left Aman Continent and came here!

"All the Noldor elves who betrayed the Lord God will suffer bad luck in Middle-earth!"

For a moment, in the beautiful eyes of the Elven Queen, the curse of the Lord Manwe and the black light of the Silmarillion overlapped together.

She lost consciousness instantly and passed out in Du Yu's arms.

Du Yu felt the softness and warmth in his arms, and found that the elf queen had passed out.

At this time, his flight to drive the dragon also encountered problems.

Sauron's magic eye shot out a ray of light that hit the soul directly, and hit the evil dragon flying madly in the air.

The dragon, which was created by Sauron himself and inherited the blood of ancient dinosaurs and demons, howled wildly, and then fell to the ground.

Sauron did not hesitate to destroy an evil dragon with his own hands, but also to prevent Galadriel and Du Yu from escaping.

He could see clearly that Galadriel had lost all her divine power, and her racial talents could not be used in the environment of Mount Doomsday. This was the best chance to capture her.

To conquer Middle-earth, Galadriel is the one who must be eliminated, and the other is Gandalf.

at all costs.

Du Yu shrugged helplessly, and at the moment when the dragon was about to fall, he pushed Galadriel.

"Hey, it's time to run for your life, why did you faint again?"

Someone sighed helplessly, the elf queen seemed to be too weak.

He had to pick up Galadriel and rush towards Mount Doom.

Ange Wuma King's low growl sounded behind Du Yu: "You are doomed to escape the eyes of your master, and the fate of death is waiting for you in front of you."

Du Yu smiled coldly.

He looked at Galadriel, who had passed out, and turned his hand, and a treasure had appeared in his palm.

【Supreme Lord of the Rings】!
Of course, this is a copycat version sent by Saruman through Catherine.Saruman was very obsessed with Sauron's power, and was especially interested in the Lord of the Rings. In addition, he himself had studied forging from the god Auli, who was in charge of casting and crafting, and was confident in imitating the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

But the truth is relentless.Sauron, the most powerful demon god after the fall of Morgoth, is much stronger than Saruman's magic power.The difference between the two is like Apple and Chinese copycats.Although the shape and style are exactly the same, no matter how imitated Saruman is, he can't make the Supreme Lord of the Rings that rules everything.

But this counterfeit product also has great power, that is, it has all the functions except ruling other Lord of the Rings!
Among them, it naturally also includes the signature skill of the Lord of the Rings - invisibility!
Even better, copycats also have the benefits of copycats.Since the copycat Lord of the Rings was produced by Saruman, it has nothing to do with Sauron's magic power.Therefore, in the original play, even if Sauron can be better than the US military's satellite GPS positioning, strike more accurately than guided missiles, and can feel the position of the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his hand at any time, and perform beheading operations, there is no way to find the fake monster. Prevent under cover.

Du Yu smiled coldly, and put on the imitation Lord of the Rings!
Because of the dragon's flight, his figure got ahead of the Ringwraiths and Sauron, gaining a certain distance advantage, and when he put on the Lord of the Rings, he disappeared without a trace!
Sauron was stunned.

How could he have thought that his Lord of the Rings was copied by Saruman, and Saruman gave it to the regent King Du Yu as a gift?

Du Yu turned into a cat and got into the abandoned stone cave beside him.Volcanic rock produces a large number of air bubbles, and it is not uncommon for such Tibetan caves to appear.

He wasn't worried about the role of the copycat Lord of the Rings, and mobilized his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, adding another layer of shielding at the entrance of the cave.During the confrontation with the legendary existence in Middle-earth, Du Yu discovered that his oriental fairy art seems to have certain advantages over the western magic power system.If it is true for Minas Tiris to break through the spell and fly, and if it is true for fighting the ring spirits, then using fairy art to shield and scan during the hiding process should also have a very ideal effect.

After everything settled down, Du Yu carefully studied the Lord of the Rings in his hand.

With the tragic lesson of Galadriel's attack, Du Yu has every reason to suspect that anything Saruman sends is tricky.

He used Xianli Mind to scan the Lord of the Rings.

Sure enough, on the back of the Lord of the Rings, Du Yu felt a trace of black aura.

He smiled coldly.

Saruman was indeed old and cunning, and the weasel had no good intentions in wishing the chicken a new year.

Controlling magic is also hidden in this congratulatory ring given to Catherine!
It seems that Saruman is still worried about himself, and wants to use magic to control himself as a sycophant, so that he can do whatever he wants.

Catherine has already told Du Yu that Saruman almost succeeded in using the charm technique on her.

Du Yu speculated that this copycat Lord of the Rings should also have the function of transmitting its location to facilitate Saruman's search.But this is Sauron's territory. Under the magic power of the magic eye, Saruman can only get a little bit of information about the devil's lair through the crystal of true knowledge. This is what Sauron wants him to see. He should not be able to break through Sauron's power. Shield, find yourself.

Du Yu looked down at Galadriel.

From just now, Galadriel fell into a coma and twitched from time to time, probably falling into Saruman's black magic.

Although Du Yu covets the beauty of this elf queen who is highly qualified, he does not have much determination to "sacrifice his life to save the beauty" - he is no longer the young boy who sacrificed his life for Ning Zhongze in the novice plot .There are more than 20 beauties and confidantes waiting for him to go back in the space, and he will not risk his life easily.

As for the desperate rescue just now, Du Yu was not without selfishness.Anyway, the elf queen was light and light, so Du Yu was running away alone, and running with her was also running away.

Galadriel's self-explosion proposal was rejected by Du Yu, because Du Yu's pride did not allow him to use the sacrifice of a woman in exchange for his own safety, even though this woman was the most powerful existence in the mainland.

The situation of Galadriel was getting worse, and the black air was lingering between her brows.Morgoth's [God's Curse] imposed by Saruman, even the gods of the ancient times would be dismayed by it, let alone Galadriel, who is not even counted as a demigod?
"What should I do?" Du Yu didn't want to see such a beautiful queen die like this, and was a little anxious.

At any rate, I worked desperately and saved you twice from Sima Yi and Sauron.How could he just leave without a thank you, let alone a promise of his body?
The low roar of the ring spirit came from the cave entrance.

Du Yu held his breath.

The heavy footsteps of Angor Wuma King came from the entrance of the cave.

Du Yu was under the dual protection of the Lord of the Rings in Saruman's cottage and the shield of the immortal power in the Nascent Soul Stage, and he was at ease without fear.

If it was one-on-one, he could easily defeat the notorious Witch King in the mainland.

But with Sauron, the Witch King can be reborn infinitely, and with the addition of countless miscellaneous soldiers, he might provoke Sauron, the killer, in advance. Du Yu's best strategy is to hide.

The footsteps of Angor Wuma King stopped at the entrance of the cave, and then slowly entered the cave.

Du Yu gently turned the magic ring in his hand.

His and Galadriel's bodies instantly disappeared into the air.

Although he knew that if he did this, he might be tricked by Saruman, but Du Yu's strong strength gave him absolute confidence.

Anger Wuma King appeared in front of Du Yu with his heavy footsteps and huge body, and the Mogul sword, still shining in the darkness, shone coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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