Chapter 950 Beauty trick?I will count! - Ask for a monthly pass!

All the beauties pondered on their own.

"When I was feeding the monsters this morning," Shang Xiuxun said, "I found that the Dongming salamander we were riding was a little excited, while the water panda seemed irritable."

"What does that mean?" Catherine asked.

"Eastern salamanders are water monsters. I often let them enter the Anduin River that surrounds Baicheng to play in the water." Shang Xiuxun pondered: "I recently discovered the Anduin River, and it seems that the water level has dropped."

Shen Luoyan and Catherine looked at each other and exclaimed, "Water attack!"

Shen Luoyan shook his head in disbelief: "The Anduin River is not an ordinary river. It is the widest river in Middle-earth, and its status is the same as that of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers in China! How can such a big river be blocked by dams and released? Water attack?"

Catherine's eyes were clear: "Whether it's true or not, we must find out. Sister Selina is the best at investigating here. You should sneak into the upper reaches of the Anduin River immediately and check the situation."

As a vampire beauty, Serena is of course good at spying on intelligence at night.She nodded slightly and disappeared into the darkness.

Shang Xiuxun was worried, and sent the strongest Dongming salamander up the river to join in the spying.

Catherine suddenly had an extremely bad premonition and was restless.

"Sima Yi is indeed a peerless famous general." She sighed, looking at the elf kings who had returned with full rewards, frowned and said, "Compared with China, which is a huge country and has a profound heritage, the tactics of the Middle Earth are like child's play. What a waste of these elf kings We have lived for thousands of years, and we don't know if we can escape this catastrophe."

Shen Luoyan took it seriously and said: "I suggest, regardless of whether this matter is true or not, set up camp immediately, retreat 10 kilometers to the high place, and avoid the depression of the Anduin River first."

Catherine hesitated and said: "Our cavaliers, the supreme commander in name is Aragorn. If he disagrees, it will be difficult for us to order the withdrawal."

Shen Luoyan said resolutely: "I will not accept the orders of the generals. Aragorn is Rohan's nominal monarch, but he is not your husband and mine. After the lord returns, Rohan's cavalry is the foundation of his revenge, and there is no room for loss."

Catherine looked resolute, and nodded immediately: "I understand. Elizabeth, immediately pass on the order of King Theoden, stand up and retreat 10 kilometers!"

Limestone caves in the gloomy Volcano Doom.

Du Yu and Galadriel, Queen of the Elf, have been entangled with each other.

"You want to pick me up to achieve your goal? It's ridiculous!" Du Yu said with a sneer in his heart, looking at the seductive Queen Charming like a beautiful snake under her.

Since the Charming Queen has malicious intentions, he will do whatever he can!
You are unkind and I am unjust.

Eat the sweet bait and throw back the golden hook!
Du Yu slowly picked up Galadriel's body trembling with desire.

Galadriel let out a scream.Her beautiful eyes quickly turned sea blue.

"You bastard!" Galadriel woke up from a deep sleep, and the first thing she saw was that the nightmare in the water mirror was actually staged!

This dirty, filthy human Ge Lima tricked her, and really fucked her!
"Let go of me, bastard! I'm going to kill you" Galadriel's beautiful blue eyes were filled with tears of regret and shame.

Du Yu's head got dizzy from this crazy woman's fickle switching.

Didn't you invite me here? Why did you change again?

At this time, Galadriel made him very angry, and he had no choice but to fire. Besides, it was too late to regret it.

"Her Royal Highness, please listen to my detailed explanation"

Facts speak louder than words.

You are already like this, but you still want to say that, what do you want?

Du Yu simply did not explain.

Real man, don't explain.

I'm on it, what's the matter!

If you dare to do it, you dare to admit it.

Amidst the sobs of the elf queen, Du Yu, the mortal man and the elf queen, were getting better and better, and their souls were incomparable.

Galadriel had messy hair on her temples, swaying bright golden hair as bright as the two holy trees, and wrapped her arms around Du Yu's neck in despair, letting the tide of desire submerge her bit by bit.

After a long time, in the dark cave, there was a soft hum.

Du Yu wrapped his arms around Galadriel, maintaining a domineering position of possession.

With a clear face, Galadriel slowly broke free from Du Yu's hands, stood up and went to the ground.

"Where are you going?" Du Yu asked cautiously.

After doing such a thing, a man must always be careful.Du Yu is not the kind of guy who lifts up his trousers and refuses to recognize anyone.

Galadriel's face was calm, without any trace of sadness or shame, but she just glanced at Du Yu with clear eyes.

"Can I go?"

There was a trace of disdain on the queen's delicate moonlight face, and she said, "Or, do you still want to vent your animal lust again?"

Du Yu blushed.Although it was indeed the Queen of Charm who seduced him at the beginning, after Galadriel regained control of her body, he was still like that, which is indeed a bit unnatural.

But there was no way, the arrow was on the string, and Du Yu couldn't bear it anymore.

The queen's dual personality is really overwhelming.

Du Yu touched his nose: "It will be dangerous to go out."

Before he finished speaking, Galadriel glanced over with icy eyes, and a terrifying vine had already protruded from the dry and cracked cave floor, entangled Du Yu's legs!

"You have recovered some magic power?" Du Yu was shocked.

Galadriel's ice-blue beautiful eyes revealed a bone-chilling hatred: "That's right. My seal has loosened a bit, and I can use 10% of my power!"

Du Yu was entangled by the vines and strangled tightly, he was shocked.

With 10% of Galadriel's real power, she can be such a big threat, so once she regains her full strength, what kind of terrifying existence will she become?
Du Yu believed that if he faced the elf queen in his heyday, he would be bombarded and killed without any suspense.

In Galadriel's beautiful eyes, there were anger, sadness, and shame, which were extremely complicated.

Du Yu seemed to be stared at by the vertical pupils of a female dragon, and his fine hairs were blown up.

But he smiled generously: "It's done. If Her Royal Highness wants to kill me, I will never resist."

Galadriel looked complicated, and stared at Du Yu for a while, then withdrew her hand, and the vine disappeared immediately.

"With the partial recovery of my supernatural powers, I have already figured out what happened." Galadriel said indifferently: "I know, just now my personality split, and the other personality I took the initiative to seduce you. Please use the Eastern Immortal It is a deal, a dirty deal. But what makes me most angry is that it is my own invitation."

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

If Galadriel went on like this, he would be driven mad.

Now that the Elf Queen knows what's going on, it's easy.

Galadriel said blankly: "So we are all responsible for this matter. My request to you is that you forget everything that happened just now! I will put all this on Saruman's account. From now on , you and I will never see each other again, and we will never see each other again!"

She resolutely walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Du Yu lost his mind for a while.

This female snake mentally ill queen is finally leaving, why is he so reluctant?
Is the flesh of the elf queen too dreamy?

of course.

In the spring breeze, the beauty of the elf queen placed Du Yu in a mythical world.He could hardly believe that the Creator could have such a masterpiece.

Although the beauties owned by Du Yu are equally outstanding, Galadriel is top-notch in terms of figure and appearance.

But the deepest impression in Du Yu's mind was Galadriel's bleak expression.

Galadriel, after all, was a woman after all.

First she was cursed by Saruman, then assassinated by the Ring Spirits, caught in the turbulence of time and space, and thrown into the territory of the extremely dangerous enemy Sauron, and then encountered a split personality, and finally lost her body to herself. Humanity

A series of blows made this originally proud elf queen shattered and extremely gloomy.

Will she be all right?

Du Yu jumped up and chased after Galadriel.

If the elf queen ended up in an accident because of losing her virginity with him, Du Yu would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

He didn't want to accept so many beauties, but there was no way, who made him always make mistakes and owe debts to beauties?

He didn't want to hurt any beauties, and he didn't want them to be heartbroken. The only way was to keep them by his side, to be cared for, nourished, and watered by him, so he could rest assured.

This is a person who really loves and protects flowers—Du Yu!
But the moment Du Yu just jumped out of the cave, he saw a scene.

Galadriel, who had just walked out of the cave, was suddenly ambushed a hundred meters away!
The Nine Ring Spirits, including the Wuma King Ange, appeared in front of her with grim smiles.

With quick hands and quick eyes, Du Yu turned Saruman's Lord of the Rings and entered the stealth mode.

Seeing these ring spirits, Galadriel shot out endless hatred in her beautiful eyes, and immediately launched an attack.

But unfortunately, although with Du Yu's spring breeze, the effects of Dongfang Xianshu and Xuanyuan's healing method have unsealed a small amount of seals and restored a little combat power, but the joint attack of the nine ring spirits is by no means Galadriel. able to resist.

So, she was in danger.

However, Du Yu smelled a conspiracy in this series of attacks.

The nine ring spirits surrounded Galadriel like a cat playing with a mouse, but they were not in a hurry to kill her.

With Du Yu's keen meteorological power, he felt that Sauron's magic eye was staring at this land all the time in the sky.

It turned out to be trapping.

Seeing that he has not yet appeared, he is ready to kill two birds with one stone and catch himself too.

Du Yu's brain began to spin rapidly.

How to save this Galadriel?

Catherine was about to mount her royal mount—the war unicorn Baifeng, when she saw Aragorn trotting all the way and rushed over.

"Are you going to withdraw your troops?" Aragorn's face was gloomy.

Catherine shook her head and said, "No, it's just moving the garrison. The terrain here is too low, so beware of the opponent's water attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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