Chapter 951 Sima Zhongda!Flood the Seventh Army! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
As if seeing a joke, Aragorn turned his head to look at the Anduin River, which was running quietly, turbulent, and wide as the sea in the dark night, and sneered: "Madam, I respect you as Saruman's apprentice, and I know you The relationship with the Regent of Ge Lima. But the battlefield belongs to men! Women should stay away. The Anduin River is more than 3000 meters wide, and in just ten days, who can complete the huge siege of blocking the water? Here There are three great elf kings and me, we are not as knowledgeable as you? Rescind the order immediately!"

Catherine stared into the distance, as if she didn't hear anything.

It was dusk, the deepest darkness before dawn, covering the earth.A dim and dim lone star, the morning star, is shining lonely in the sky.

Suddenly, a bloody bat broke through the darkness before dawn and delivered a letter to Catherine.

Catherine and Shen Luoyan were taken aback.

This blood-colored bat is a clone technique that Serena can perform after her strength breaks through the Blood Marquis, and she can release dozens of bats each time.But the problem is, she herself is faster than lightning, so how could she only send bats?
There is only one explanation for this.

That is, Serena was ambushed by a powerful enemy, unable to escape, and the military situation was urgent, so she could only send bats back to report!

Out of dozens of bats, only one stood out from the encirclement, which shows how powerful the enemy's interception was.

Catherine unfolded the scroll, and on it was a sentence left by Serena with blood.

"Dawn enemy water attack, hurry up!"

Due to following Du Yu for a long time, Serena also learned Chinese.This sentence was written in blood, and it was soul-stirring.

Catherine ordered sharply: "Knight Rohan, King Theoden has orders, hurry and follow me to the heights!"

Her order was completely carried out by Rohan Knight. The 3000 Rohan knights had already packed up and followed Catherine in an orderly manner to gallop to the heights.

At the same time, Catherine released the loud voice technique, warning the three great elf kings: "The enemy's water attack is about to launch, retreat quickly!"

Aragorn shrugged helplessly.

"Woman, hum!"

He glanced at Catherine's back indifferently, shook his head and left.

In the ten days, Baicheng lost more than a thousand soldiers, and the cost was huge, both in terms of manpower and morale.

In Aragorn's view, with the true blood of Isild, the return of the king and his return to Minas Tiris is already imminent!

At this moment, how could he back down?
Aragorn is not an uninformed person. He has carefully inspected the Anduin River and firmly believes that in this world, it is impossible for anyone to complete the conditions for blocking the river and implementing a water attack in just ten days.Even with a magician like Saruman, it is impossible.

The Anduin River is really too big.

When Aragorn returned to the three elf kings and told them the reason why Knight Rohan had left, the three elf kings burst into laughter at the same time.

King Celeborn sneered and said, "These women think they are the only ones who have thought of this? I have already dispatched men to patrol the upper reaches of the Anduin River. If there is any situation, I will send a message back."

King Elrond raised Naya, the ring of qi in his hand, and said to himself: "My Naya can detect the turbulent flow of tiny magic factors. If the enemy mobilizes a magician, I can easily detect it."

King Thranduy was about to speak, but his eyes flashed, and suddenly he saw the bright sapphire glowing brightly on Naya, the Ring of Qi!
"This is?" His expression changed drastically.

King Elrond also felt a sudden change at the same time, and looked back to the east!
The Anduin flows from east to west to the western sea.

With the sensitive perception of the Elven King, King Elrond found that the ground seemed to be trembling slightly.

"Forty kilometers away, there was an explosion." King Celeborn's complexion finally changed.His keen sense of hearing allows him to hear movements up to 40 kilometers away.

In Naya, the Ring of Qi of King Elrond, a signal of magic fluctuations appeared faintly.

The three elf kings immediately reacted decisively!
"Quick! Follow the Rohan people and go up to the heights!" King Elrond said decisively.

King Thranduil and King Celeborn were both fine men, and they immediately understood what King Elrond meant.

Since the Rohans had already been prepared under the command of Catherine and others, it was the wisest choice for them to break through!
Under the command of the three elf kings, the elves quickly followed the horseshoe prints of Rohan's knights and moved to the high ground with an astonishing reaction speed.

But after all, they are still one move away.

Just after running for 5 kilometers, the Anduin River, which is 3000 meters wide, has already rolled up layers of torrential and turbid waves in the sky, like a roaring yellow dragon, sweeping from the sky!

The whole earth trembled in front of this terrifying yellow dragon flood.

Due to the large amount of water, the Huanglong flood peak even broke through the dam of the Anduin River whose water level had dropped, swept over Pinggang in one breath, and swept towards the coalition camp.

The vast flood that reached the sky swept across the sky and the earth with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!
"How is it possible?" King Thranduy was stunned.Living in the dark forest, he has never seen such a furious and roaring flood in his life.This is no longer a flood, this is a terrible natural disaster!

King Celeborn was completely stunned.

This is clearly the rhythm of the Anduin River's water level, which has been accumulated for several months, and explodes in one breath.

"We started the siege, but it's only ten days. How could such a huge flood be accumulated in ten days?" He couldn't believe it.

There are too many factors that these elf kings did not think of.

King Elrond said angrily: "The only explanation is that the other party is already intercepting the river water, accumulating dams, and preparing for today's water attack before we even decide to attack Minas Tiris!"


Aragorn, King Celeborn, and King Thranduy were completely stunned.

Before your allied forces decided to invade, the enemy was already digging holes to store flood water?
It's a conspiracy!
A serial conspiracy!
King Thranduil said hoarsely: "The other party has been preparing for today's battle long before the celebration of Rohan. They assassinated the regent and took away Galadriel. It was clearly a premeditated layout! Waiting for the armies of our powerful countries to step into the valley of Minas Tiris and the Anduin, waiting to deal us a fatal blow. Needless to say, the soldiers we sent to patrol have already been in danger. And their target , is to destroy our armies!"

King Elrond trembled and said, "However, such a large and vast flood rushed past. Aren't they afraid that the city wall of Minas Tiris will be washed away? The direction of the flood is clearly heading towards the city wall. "

The elf kings complained wildly, beat their horses with their lives, and led the elves to flee wildly.

But the other party has been plotting for a long time, can they still escape?
At the highest point of Minas Tiris, in the Sacred Tree Garden, a person stands on a railing, proudly staring at the city of Minas Tiris, under the impact of the torrential flood, the elves rushing like ants and fleeing in all directions army.

In his eagle eyes, there was a scorching light.

"Lord Zhongda is worthy of being a military god of a generation." The cult priest of the Western Flame God admired him deeply: "As you expected, the elf kings are doomed this time."

As he spoke, his emotions became agitated: "From the assassination in Baicheng, to the discovery of the enemy sect, to the assassination of Catherine, to trap Du Yu and Galadriel with the five-element prison dragon array, and to throw them into Doomsday Volcano, and then to the assassination of Catherine." Taking advantage of this anger, cleverly seized the military power in Baicheng, and finally flooded the seven armies and annihilated the coalition army, my lord, you are really tsk tsk, the chain is intertwined, and it is considered exhaustive. I really admire it."

Sima Yi stood by the railing, and said calmly: "Compared to Zhuge Kongming, these elf kings are just mediocre people, so don't praise them too much."

Even though he said that, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was in a good mood.

Sure enough, ingenuity is the strongest force.

I, Zhongda, have millions of armored soldiers in my chest, and my ambition is great.Although the plan to assassinate Catherine was ruined twice by Du Yu, I am a little regretful, but when I used the supreme strategy to conquer the countries and unify the continent, Du Yu and Catherine, the two grasshoppers after autumn, would jump no matter how , will fall into my hands!

From the very beginning, Sima Yi planned to murder Catherine and Galadriel at the Du Yu celebration. It seemed reckless, but it was actually a well-thought-out move!
Du Yu and Galadriel were taken away, which profoundly changed the situation in the mainland.

The furious coalition of elves stepped into the city of Minas Tiris.

De Naiser II, who was frightened, handed over power as expected and entrusted the state affairs to himself.

And I, who was already prepared, can also take this opportunity to wipe out the allied elves and the Rohans!
Gondor will become the most powerful human kingdom.

The Three Kingdoms of the Elf and the Kingdom of Rohan will be devastated and become vassals.

As for Sauron in the east, Sima Yi has a stern face. With his military skills like a god, he dominates the mainland, and he still worries about whether he can win?
He ordered in a cold voice: "Where's the water army? Quickly hunt down and kill the three great elf kings! Don't leave any of them behind, capture or kill them all! I want Aragorn's head too."

"Of course." He grinned grimly: "Catherine, I want it too. But this woman is very charming. I want to kill her after enjoying it."

More than 40 adventurers underground agreed abruptly, their morale was high, and they jumped off the city wall one after another to join the hunt.

The continuous flood is finally about to ruthlessly catch up with the panic-stricken and fleeing allied elf army!

Since Sima Yi had already made up his mind, the scale of this water attack was naturally shocking, and the momentum was extremely large.

The 30000 elf warriors who are invincible on the battlefield seem so insignificant in the face of the devastating natural disaster.

They were about to be swallowed up by Sima Yi's flood like ants.

King Ailong and other elf kings never dreamed that their every move was planned by the scheming Sima Yi, which eventually led to the collapse of the whole situation.

King Elrond resolutely stopped, and turned to face the monstrous flood.

"Fondia. Fafalou. Landias!" He held up the Qi ring Naya in his hand, and on the sapphire ring, rays of light were dazzling!
(End of this chapter)

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