Chapter 952: Elrond dies, Sauron strikes! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
At the juncture of the life and death of the elves, King Elrond finally made a choice.

He would rather sacrifice himself than keep the 30000 elf army.This is the essence of the elves.If they all die tragically in this flood, the elves in Middle-Earth may suffer catastrophe.

He injected all the magic power in his body into Naya, the ring of qi.

When Naya was forged, it existed as a ring of protection and healing.In the original plot, when the Ring Spirits invaded Rivendell, King Elrond used the Ring of Qi to summon a torrent to wash away the Ring Spirits.

At this time, he is also repeating his old tricks, trying to mobilize the power of the Ring of Qi to fight against the long-planned man-made and natural disasters!
Although King Elrond once swore that he could not use the true power of the Ring of Qi until the Supreme Lord of the Rings was destroyed, but at this moment, the elves were about to be destroyed, so he ignored any oaths and directly activated his magic power!

Behind King Elrond, the Anduin River was rushing and roaring, and quickly rolled out a torrent as high as [-] meters under the mobilization of King Elrond's legendary existence level + the highest level of magic power of the Ring of Qi.

Aragorn and the others immediately looked happy.

Worthy of being the powerful elf lord and the elf king of Rivendell - Elrond!
The torrent even formed a frowning, white and fluttering human-shaped flood peak, and this human-shaped figure was indeed King Elrond.

As expected of an elf with an excess of artistic cells, even at the critical moment of fighting Hong Feng with Hong Feng, he still has the mind to make his momentum and shape a little more domineering.

With a flood peak as high as [-] meters, Zoran rushed towards the devastating flood of the Anduin River.

Seeing this change, Sima Yi's eyes flickered in Minas Tiris City.

But he returned to calm immediately, and murmured: "As expected of King Elon, in such a short period of time, he actually came up with the idea of ​​restraining Hong Feng with Hong Feng. It is worthy of respect."

But the corner of his thin mouth showed a sinister smile: "But it's a pity, even that is within my calculations! Even if your ability is against the sky, even if the ring of qi is good at protecting, in a hurry, relying on you one by one I want to fight against the flood peak of the Anduin River that I sent my confidant beasts, tens of thousands of migrant workers, and flood storage and excavation, no matter how you look at it, it looks like "

"A mantis' arm is a cart," Sima Yi said four words lightly.

Sure enough, in the collision of flood peaks that are completely incomparable in magnitude, the magic control reached the extreme, and even the humanoid King Elrond Flood, meeting the rough, turbid, billowing Huanglong, is like a fragile and delicate enamelware meeting a giant. Like an iron hammer, with a bang, it turned into water foam all over the sky, smashing into pieces!
Hong Feng was only delayed for a second by King Elrond's magic, and then continued to roll forward, crushing and destroying him!
King Elrond seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and even his gray hair had come out!

He stood still, staring at the monstrous Hongfeng, his deep eyes were full of despair, and he just murmured: "Arwen"

King Celeborn, who was running away, looked back, and saw a vortex rolled up by the monstrous flood peak, and King Elrond's tall and graceful figure disappeared into the flood peak.

"No!" Celeborn burst into tears.

King Elrond was his son-in-law after all.

Celeborn suddenly remembered the curse of the Lord God Manwe.

"The elves who abandon the gods and go to the Middle Earth will eventually encounter disaster"

Is this the Lord God's punishment?
His beloved wife was taken away, his son-in-law was killed, and his clan was facing extinction. Celeborn was in despair.

He is such a powerful elf king, he possesses countless destructive magic and combat skills.

But his enemy didn't show up at all!

His supernatural powers are all over the world, and there is nowhere to use them.

"Sima Yi!" Celeborn roared angrily, "Come out if you have the ability, and fight fair!"

Catherine led the Rohan cavalry, because they took a step ahead and were fast, they rushed up a small hill with an altitude of [-] meters before the flood came.

Although the altitude here is not very high, compared to the low-lying terrain of the Anduin River, it should be considered safe.

At this time, looking back at Catherine, the vast flood that changed the color of the day, like a flood flooding an ant's nest, swallowed up the fleeing elf army piece by piece!

"The elves are finished." Shen Luoyan felt lingering fear, and put his hands on his chest.

Although they already had a good estimate of Sima Yi's schemes, they still didn't expect that Sima Yi could be so unpredictable.

Such a flood has been prepared for at least a month!
"In order to paralyze us, Sima Yi even built a dam 40 kilometers away. He should have started planning this project from the beginning of the plot. This way we will get used to it when we step into the Anduin River, and we don't think it's strange that the water level is low. " A gleam of brilliance flashed in Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes.

After the flood peak passed, Rivendell's elf king Elrond died!
Rivendell, which is thousands of miles away, has a beautiful scenery like a fairyland. Beside a waterfall that flows straight down, a beautiful elf girl with black hair and melancholy eyes is gently holding a handful of clear elf spring water. , gazing at the rippling spring water.

This is the elf princess Arwen from Ravendale.

Galadriel's granddaughter and King Elrond's beloved daughter.

"Aragorn" Arwen murmured softly.

She grew up with Aragon, her childhood sweetheart, who lived here since she was a child, and the girl's love is also secretly growing.

Ever since Aragorn became an adult and left Rivendell to venture out, her heart seemed to have gone along with her.

"I heard that he has followed the Guardian of the Ring team to the Misty Mountains. I wonder if the journey will be smooth?"

Girlish feelings are always poetry.

In this way, Arwen put her love in the mountains and rivers, dispelling her longing for her lover.

"I don't want you to be a king, I don't want you to be greeted with glory, as long as you return to my side, everything will be fine." Arwen said, her face flushed.

Suddenly, a haze flashed across Arwen's heart, and she let go of it in a daze.

Crystal bright water drops, crashing down, splashing into the water

"What's the matter with the feeling just now?" Arwen frowned in astonishment, staring into the distance.

Her father, King Elrond, went to Rohan to attend the inauguration of the regent, and then returned to Rivendell angrily, telling Arwen that Galadriel was taken away by humans.He wants to send troops to Gondor to teach those ignorant humans a lesson!
Later, his father, King Elrond, left Rivendell with 5000 elites.

There has been no news so far.

"Aragorn, Galadriel, father, why didn't you all go back?" Arwen's heart was full of haze, and a strong sense of foreboding made her shudder: "Prepare my horse, I want Go to Gondor! See what's going on?"

In the absence of King Elrond, Arwen is the highest elf in Rivendell.Her order was quickly carried out.

At this moment, Du Yu finally chose to rush out at the critical moment.

Although it would be a good way to sneak into Sauron's dungeon and save Galadriel, Du Yu couldn't take this risk.

What if Sauron, when he saw Galadriel, was as crooked as Saruman?

Du Yu didn't want the elf queen with whom he had a one-night relationship to die.

He kept his invisibility, and slowly approached the sweaty Galadriel, grabbed it, took another light step, and rushed out of the encirclement.

The high-pitched cries of the ring spirits sounded behind Du Yu.

Galadriel looked at Du Yu coldly: "It's useless. You might as well let me fight with them."

Du Yu said casually: "Fight? Even if you are blown to pieces, it will only consume some of Sauron's energy. Let's save it."

Galadriel scolded loudly: "My life and death, what have you to do with me? Why do you pester me so that I won't die?"

Du Yu was angry from the heart, and slapped Galadriel's noble buttocks with a slap, and said angrily: "There is no reason! I saved your life. If I say you are not allowed to die, you are not allowed to die!"

Galadriel seemed to be shocked by Du Yu's vulgar behavior, and unexpectedly fell silent for a while.

She quietly lay on Du Yu's shoulder, letting Du Yu lead her away.

Du Yu once again used his speed advantage and galloped wildly.

At this time, it has been less than 14 hours since the last invisibility of the Lord of the Rings.This skill has a cooldown of 24 hours.At this time, there is no hope.

But Du Yu also has his way.

Sauron's magic eye suddenly cast a deadly light on Du Yu.

Directly mobilizing the energy of the magic eye to launch an attack is a very inefficient way of using energy.Normally, Sauron would not do this.He was used to calling the shots, and letting the orcs, barbarians, pirates, and werewolves who obeyed him do it.

But until now, the existence of Du Yu has become a heart problem for Sauron.Like a cockroach, he lives in the Doomsday Volcano, not only alive, but also very nourishing.Not only did he live a nourishing life, but he also lived a nourishing life with Galadriel, which made Sauron very angry.

He finally couldn't hold back anymore and launched a direct attack.

Sauron is a god-level existence in Middle-earth!
Long before he came to Middle-earth, he was already beside the main god, the highest-status Maier, enjoying the treatment of the inferior god.

After entering Middle Earth, under his painstaking efforts, his strength and influence increased day by day, and he finally became the most terrifying God of Darkness.

Even Galadriel in its heyday, probably couldn't beat her directly.

Let alone a mere human being?
Galadriel did not expect that Sauron would attach so much importance to Grema's clever words that he would launch a fierce attack by himself.

This is tantamount to pronouncing the man's death sentence.

Although Galadriel hated this man extremely, he was pornographic, shameless, domineering, vulgar, with a lot of shortcomings, and even took away his innocence, making himself ashamed to face her husband Celeborn, but the irrefutable The fact is that he saved himself, more than once.

This time it was he who rushed out to save himself.

Although Galadriel kept saying that she didn't want to live anymore, but until the last moment, the ants were still greedy for life, let alone her legendary existence?

Galadriel sighed softly from the bottom of her heart: "Run away. With your speed, it is still possible to escape."

Du Yu glanced coldly at the ray of the magic eye that pierced through the sky and rushed towards him. He curled his lips in disdain and said, "Escape? Escape from what? Is it just the ray of the magic eye?"

(End of this chapter)

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