Chapter 953 Thranduil!Transformation rebirth! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Even if he was entangled to death by fishing nets, even if he was besieged by dozens of strong men from the inner city, King Thranduil's bow and arrows were still as sharp, cold, and cruel as the north wind on a frozen snowfield.

The throats of the two were pierced immediately.

They had tried their best to dodge, but King Thranduil's bow and arrow seemed to need no flight time at all. As soon as he let go of his fingers, the arrow flew backwards.

And these two people, without exception, all died.

In just a moment, King Thranduy wisely figured out the reality of the adventurer.No matter how powerful an arrow is, it seems that it can't kill these guys.He chose an adventurer who was on the verge of death just now and an adventurer who was in a complete state. The former made a fatal shot, and the latter shot two arrows in a row, first dying and then killing!

As expected of King Thranduil.

Within 3 seconds of his jumping up to attack, 3 adventurers in the inner city were already instantly killed by him!

What's more, this was a lore that was accomplished under the circumstances of being outnumbered, hanging a fishing net, and enduring dozens of people's wild attacks.

King Thranduil was wounded in several more wounds, and the adventurers were terrified to launch the deadliest attack.In some wounds, the bone can be seen deep, penetrating directly to the viscera.

But King Thranduy's eyes were still cold and ruthless.

He was like an eternally ruthless killing machine, and when he turned around, he hit three arrows with one arrow.

This skill was shot three times, and everyone's expressions changed!

Only then did the adventurers remember that the one in front of them was not a big fish, but the king of elves who ruled the dark forest, standing at the top of the continent's food chain!
King Thranduy!
Under normal circumstances, adventurers might not even be qualified to see his old man's face, not to mention besieging him like this!

Most of the time, when they saw King Thranduil, adventurers could only act like pugs and try their best to flatter him.

If it weren't for Sima Zhongda's serial tricks, how could they have the chance to wipe out the three great elf kings in one go?
King Thranduy's third attack was unsuccessful.

Because a black ray hit his chest, he staggered back and lost his aim.

Sima Zhongda appeared on the top floor of the warship.

The gleam of hatred flashed in King Thranduy's eyes. It was this person who pushed himself and the elf army into the abyss of destruction.

If you want to die, you have to kill this person!
Even if you die, you will not hesitate.

King Thranduy jumped up, but the sharp barbs from the fishing net cut his skin dripping with blood.

Sima Zhongda looked at the prey that was struggling more and more injured in the fishing net, and showed an inscrutable smile.

"To us, you are just a fat sheep full of good things." Sima Zhongda looked at King Thrandui, who was under attack from all directions, parrying in pain, and walked down the wooden steps step by step: "Don't blame me. I blame you for being too stupid and ignorant of changes."

A trace of despair flashed in King Thranduy's eyes.

He knew clearly that he had no way out.

As the injury continued to worsen, his life became weaker and weaker, until the last breath disappeared.

"Ahh!" King Thranduy finally raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

In his thin body, there seemed to be a terrifying bloody monster hidden. Under such a heavy injury, he could still let out such a shocking roar.

In the mines of Moria, Legolas, who was searching carefully. Greenleaf, with keen eagle eyes, searched in the dark cave, and suddenly trembled.

His friend, the dwarf Gimli, muttered and picked up a helmet from the ground, but found something unusual about his elf friend: "What's wrong with you?"

Legolas stood up blankly, looking in the direction of Gondor with melancholy eyes: "It seems that I heard my father calling me just now."

Jin Li's expression became serious.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you leave?" Gandalf asked strangely, coming up from behind.

"Something happened to my father." Legolas Greenleaf took out a green leaf from his hand.

That is the leaf of a sacred tree handed down from Aman Continent!

According to legend, the origin of the elves is the Twin Sacred Trees in the Continent of Gods.Being able to witness these two sacred trees is also the greatest honor of an elf's life.Galadriel's status is so high because she is the only elf in Middle-earth who has seen the Two Sacred Trees.Many elves will piously prostrate in the shade of the sacred tree, praying for the protection of the sacred tree.And the best gift that the holy tree gives to the elves is such a green leaf!

Later, the two sacred trees were destroyed by Morgoth, the branches withered, and the green leaves of the sacred tree disappeared.

The Legolas family, as native Middle-earth elves, are not qualified in blood anyway to have the leaves of this sacred tree, but when Legolas was born, Galadriel had visited the Gloomy Forest, and Generously presented two leaves of the sacred tree to King Thranduil as a gift.

The name Legolas Green Leaf came from these two green leaves of the sacred tree.These two leaves have incredible effects.But what attracted the elves' attention the most was one of its functions.


Yes, an ability that the elves desire most is even comparable to the pursuit of eternal life by humans!

For the elves who already have eternal life and infinite youth, the ability to transform into seeds is equivalent to having a second life!

Galadriel once said in front of Du Yu that he wanted to turn into a seed, but now, the green leaves in Legolas' hands are gradually curling up!

As if being scorched by a cigarette butt, the leaf quickly lost its moisture, became dry and frizzy, and finally shrank into a ball.

When it dries up completely, it becomes a small ball wrapped in leaves.As if holding the most precious thing in the world, Legolas stared at the little ball intently.

Jinli muttered: "What are you looking at? Isn't it his father?"

He was severely intimidated by Gandalf's stern gaze, and he dared not speak any more.

Gandalf looked solemn, approached Legolas, patted the elf prince on the shoulder, and said in relief, "My condolences."

Gimli saw in astonishment that large teardrops flowed from Legolas' eyes!
Jin Li was stunned.

The members of the Fellowship of the Ring were all stunned.

In their memories, Legolas has always been the embodiment of optimism, sunshine, positivity, and a smile.No matter how big a disaster they encountered, Legolas rarely showed negative emotions.

But today he witnessed this green leaf turning into a ball, why did he shed tears?
Gandalf's eyes showed infinite sadness: "Alas, this leaf of the holy tree has turned into a seed of the holy tree, which means that King Thranduil, who owns another leaf of the holy tree, has fallen!"

"This..." Jinli was stunned, rubbing his nose, pointing to the seed that Legolas carefully cared for: "This seed, could it be?"

"Yes" Gandalf said with emotion: "The leaves of the holy tree are no different from the second life for the elves. Once they can't do anything, they will choose to die in battle, turn their bodies into the seeds of the holy tree, and entrust them to Close relatives or close friends. As long as you can find a suitable land and plant it, the elves will be resurrected hundreds or thousands of years later. I heard that only Galadriel has the leaves of this sacred tree. King Landui, it really came in handy."

With a sad face, Legolas carefully blew away the dry leaves of the holy tree.

A crystal clear elf seed lay quietly in the palm of his hand.A faint green light was sleeping in it.

"King Thranduy, has he really fallen?" Jin Li was deeply saddened.

"My ring of fire, Naya, was shining with an unusual light just now." Gandalf pondered, "I think something happened to either King Elrond who has the ring of air, or Galadriel who has the ring of water."

Fellowship of the Ring, everyone tensed up.

"The elf kings are falling one after another? What happened?" Frodo was astonished.

"I want to go to Gondor and find out what happened?" Legolas wiped away his tears, stood up and said resolutely: "Originally, when Aragorn left, I promised him to fulfill his duty of protecting Frodo. But now My father has fallen, and as a son of man, as the prince of the Dark Forest, I must go back and avenge my father! Preside over the Kingdom of the Dark Forest!"

Gandalf and Gimli looked at each other.

The two reasons of Legolas are extremely sufficient. He wants to rush to Gondor to avenge his father and inherit Mirkwood Kingdom as the sole heir. That is a matter of course!
Gandalf said with a sigh: "You can rest assured. With me and Gimli here, nothing will happen to Frodo. I will summon Guanhe, the wind king, and send you from the air to Gondor. In addition, Aragorn has been away for a long time. When going to Gondor , Remember to remind Aragorn and let him come back in time."

Aragorn was the captain of the Fellowship of the Ring, a duty he could not afford to leave for long.

Reluctantly, Legolas bid farewell to Gimli, Frodo, Sam, and Piping one by one, took out the longbow of the Mellon tree that Galadriel had given him in Rivendell, and put it on. Eight layers of pleated shoulder armor made of hard boiled leather, and a cloak with a silver leaf brooch pinned to the neckline, the whole person is heroic, with a resolute look towards the entrance of the cave.

On his handsome face, the rage of revenge was burning.

Whoever slew his father, King Thranduil, would have an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!
Witnessing King Thrandui, on the opponent's warship, was finally cut off by Sima Yi's move [Zhong Damou. Killing], fell on the spot, turned into a leaf, and passed away with the wind. Catherine, standing on the shore, sighed. One sound.

"The three great elf kings are all finished." Shen Luoyan pointed at King Celeborn who was struggling in the flood, and sighed, "I never imagined that Sima Yi would make such a big change in the situation of the mainland with such a big hand!"

The three elven kings, plus more than 30000 elven main forces, were wiped out here by Sima Yi, which had an extremely profound impact on the situation in Middle-earth.

The strength of the righteous side will be greatly weakened.Los Lolin, Rivendell, Mirkwood, these strong fortresses against Sauron, will be destroyed by Sauron one by one and become his territory.

As for the more impact, Catherine and Shen Luoyan didn't even have time to think about it. At this time, they were also under the siege of the monstrous flood.Although there will be no danger for a while, but the country is surrounded by floods, and being besieged here, with Sima Yi's exhaustive strategy, he may be alone and will not escape bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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