Chapter 955 Water charge!Push Zhongda back! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Even if the dividends from other adventurers are deducted, Sima Yi can take 1.5 million survival points all by himself!

This is the reason why he planned the state affairs of Gondor with all his heart at the very beginning of the plot!
Therefore, although King Celeborn led the remaining elf warriors to resist desperately, Sima Yi ignored the casualties of Minas Tiris soldiers and ordered them to attack by force.

He has the identity of the general of Baicheng, and he is in charge of the military. These loyal and brave human soldiers dare not disobey orders, regardless of casualties, and strive to attack the stubborn elves.

Battleships landed in the shallows, and human soldiers jumped off the ships, waded through the water, and rushed towards the elf warriors.

Waves of white arrows shot out from the formation of the elves, knocking down human warriors one after another. Blood stained the great river of Anduin red, and floating corpses floated.

"If we continue to fight like this, our losses will be huge," the flame priest cautiously suggested.

"Loss? You mean these human soldiers?" Sima Yi sneered and said, "They are just cannon fodder. No matter how many people die, what effect will it have on us? If all the soldiers are dead, just recruit them again! With my ability to train soldiers, they are just mud legs. A farmer with a lot of money can also be trained into an elite soldier within a few months!"

The flame priest suddenly realized: "It turns out that they are just cannon fodder. What we can get is the bloody key of the Elf King that is real gold and silver!"

As they chatted, the war came to a head.

On the beach, floating corpses drifted, the morale of the human warriors collapsed, and they were killed by the elf warriors led by King Celeborn.

Facts have proved that well-trained elf warriors can win crushing victories against humans in a decisive battle.

With the same expression on his face, Sima Yi waved his hand.

Another wave of human warriors jumped off the warship and rushed to the beach.What awaited them was still waves of arrow rain and ruthless elf swords.

The elves destroyed successive waves of human attacks, at the cost of running out of bows and arrows and exhausting physical strength.

King Celeborn also gasped slightly.

His magic power was exhausted in front of Sima Yi's continuous cannon fodder regardless of consumption!

Sima Yi sneered coldly: "You are brave but not resourceful! Let's see how this old man captures you!"

He led the main force and finally launched an attack.

This time more than 40 adventurers tried their best to rush to the beach together.

Catherine, Shen Luoyan, and Aragorn were on the other side, stopping to watch.

It's not that they don't understand the truth of the dead lips and teeth, and it's not that they don't want to rescue them, but Sima Yi really took all the factors into account!
At this time, although the flood peak passed, the water was still rolling and the turbid waves were raging. Although the Rohan Knights had a complete system, in this muddy water, they really couldn't perform [-]% to [-]% of their cost, and might even be submerged in the water!
And the only army that can pass smoothly in such a muddy battlefield is Sima Yi's navy.And the mobility and impact of the Rohan cavalry were restrained to the extreme!

"To launch a fierce attack" Shen Luoyan gritted his teeth.

"The number of people has been counted," Fu Junzhuo reported: "We have rescued more than 1300 elf warriors, including all three elf tribes. They are excited and want to go up to join the battle and kill Sima Yi."

"Add 3000 Rohan knights, this is our trump card." Catherine glanced at Shen Luoyan: "Mr. Qiao, how you fight this battle depends on your ability."

Shen Luoyan nodded heavily.

She also knew that the situation had reached a critical moment.

Sima Yi flooded the seven armies and captured and killed two elf kings in one go. His strategy and strength were unmatched!

He is destined to become famous all over the world.

And Shen Luoyan, under such unfavorable conditions, will use the few cards in his hand to fight against the imposing Sima Yi, the adventurers in the inner city and the army of Gondor!

"Among the 1300 elves, are there enough water or ice mages?" Shen Luoyan asked suddenly.

Catherine revealed it at one point, and immediately sent the order to go down.

The most abundant elves are archers and magicians.The Creator is particularly fond of elves, and they have magical talents that are more advantageous than other races.

Among the 1300 elves, at least 60 water mages were found.

They were assembled quickly, and after listening to Shen Luoyan's request, they all patted their chests and said there was no problem.

Celeborn gasped.

He is like an Optimus Prime, supporting the overall situation on his own.

The rage gradually faded, the passion gradually cooled, and all that was left was exhaustion.

Endless feeling of exhaustion.

The magic power began to dry up, and his mad blast magic regardless of the cost finally began to run out.

And the price Sima Yi paid cannot be said to be small.

2600 human warriors died tragically under the magic and sharp arrows of Celeborn and more than a thousand elf warriors. There were almost mountains of dead bodies on the beach.

But at this time, relying on the consumption of these cannon fodder, Sima Yi successfully attacked the beach and faced King Celeborn head-on.

"Why do you have to resist at the corner?" Sima Yi smiled brightly, taking every step of the way.

Behind him, there are more than 40 adventurers in the inner city who are completely red-eyed because of the rich treasures of the Elven King, and more than 8000 Gondor soldiers with high morale!
Celeborn couldn't help but let out a sigh.

He knows that he is self-righteous, and the end of today's defeat is inevitable.

Although before he died, he was still confident that he could take thousands of human soldiers away as backup, but he also knew that the enemy who plundered his beloved wife did not care about the lives of his soldiers at all.

The enemy made it clear that it was a war of attrition, but he still had to accept the move!
If you don't accept the move, you will die immediately.

"Field, Dallas!" (Elvish, warriors, prepare for battle) Celeborn roared: "Keep Nomosy (leaving no one alive)!"

Brush brush.

The blood-stained elven warriors pulled out their elven long swords in unison. Under the ingenious craftsmanship of the elves, the quenched long swords glowed with a cold light, illuminating the faces of the human warriors.

The swordsmanship of the elves is deadly, graceful, and light, like a dance, but absolutely terrifying.

Sima Yi snorted coldly, waved his hand, and signaled the large troops to rush forward.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

As a master tactician, Sima Yi has an extraordinary perception of the situation on the battlefield.

For a moment, the wolf looked back.

Suddenly, he discovered that at some point, a road paved with ice and snow suddenly appeared behind him.


The knights of Rohan Kingdom lined up in a standard battle formation, stepped on the ever-extending ice and snow passage, with their horseshoes wrapped in cloth, galloping and charging on the ice and snow!
Sima Yi was also taken aback by this scene.

According to his calculation, the flood and mud will become the fatal wounds of Rohan Knight.Knights who cannot move quickly will fall into the mud after the flood and become living targets.

But Shen Luoyan used the frozen magic relay of the elf mages to complete an unbelievable surprise on the water despite the impossibility!

The Rohan knights were extremely excited, and it was the first time for them to cooperate with the elves' magic to come to this kind of floating charge!

This once-in-a-thousand-year surface charge successfully deterred both sides.

Before the Gondor warriors could react, they were attacked by 3000 Rohan knights!

Sima Yi made a decisive decision: "Let's go!"

He is a man who knows soldiers, and he knows how powerful the cavalry is once they charge up.
It's better to accept it when you see it.

King Celebeng just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw Sima Yi smiling charmingly.

An infinite sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

The experienced elf king immediately threw himself to the side, trying to avoid it.

But Sima Yi made up his mind and acted, how could he let him live?

Only one DUANG can be heard!

King Celeborn was hit in the chest by a mysterious black ray.

He had already suffered great injuries during his escape, and in the siege battle just now, he was hit several times by the rain of Gondor arrows. Stiff, cut off the vitality!
King Celeborn looked at the sky in a daze, and Galadriel's face seemed to be watching him from the sky.

"My eternal partner, I can no longer be with you"

King Celeborn lost his mind, and his eagle eyes gradually lost consciousness, but he sang "Song of Galadriel" in a low voice:
In Lorien, in the Golden Grove,
In the forest where mortals rarely come,
Few mortals ever saw the light,

Eternal and unchanging, dazzling and flickering light.

Your well is famous for its cleanliness;

Stars shine in the hands of pure white jade,
The immaculate forest is noble.

In Lorien, in the Golden Grove

In the beautiful woods that mortals cannot understand

Accompanied by the singing, he fell down slowly and finally closed his eyes.In the depths of the eyes, the beautiful figure of Lady Galadriel was still reflected.

The lord of Luo Siluolin, the generation of elf king Celeborn, died in battle.

A huge bloody key emerged from his body.

Sima Yi waved his hand coldly, and the bloody key suddenly flew up and went straight to his hand.

He accomplished the feat of killing the three Elf Kings in one fell swoop!

Unprecedented feat.

When the space reminder came, Sima Yi's face was filled with joy.

"Sure enough, as I expected, this kind of epic achievement will be recorded in the space and unlock extremely generous rewards." Sima Yi laughed loudly, and his sinister eyes flashed away: "It's a pity that Galadriel couldn't kill it. Otherwise, the reward will be even richer."

His wolf eyes turned to Catherine, who was leading the knight and charged on the water: "It seems that I have no ability to go further this time and kill Catherine. But after this big victory, my situation has been achieved, and within a few months, I will Come to Edoras, and kill Catherine before long."

Although this time Sima Yi showed great power, flooded the seven armies, and killed King Ailong,

The three elf kings, King Thrandui and King Celeborn, were by no means without losses.His Gondorian troops lost more than 4000 men.Inner city adventurers also lost five lives.Although the remaining power still has an advantage over Catherine, it is definitely not something that can be easily swallowed!

Therefore, Sima Yi, who has always planned to act late and not to fight unprepared battles, assessed the situation and decided to return with a big victory. When the time is right, he will deal with Catherine.

Anyway, the three major elf kingdoms have suffered heavy losses and are on the brink of destruction. Only Sauron and Rohan can pose a threat to Gondor.

With a smile on the corner of Sima Yi's mouth, he led the navy, looked down at Catherine, and floated away!

(End of this chapter)

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