Chapter 956 Reinforcements Arrive, Beauties Are Gracious! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
These beauties and strong men originally searched for their husband Du Yu in the Doomsday Volcano to no avail, and finally had to break into Minas Morgul, and they were already full of anger.At this moment, being besieged by the demon army, he has nowhere to vent his anger. If he wants to take these bastards under his knife, he will be turned upside down!

In the face of the demon army misled by the illusion, they were even more merciless, slashing blood, attacking the vital points, killing the demon army's corpses all over the ground, and blood flowing into rivers.

After getting the opportunity to greatly improve the Three Pendants of Heaven, Earth and Human, the beauties have greatly improved their cultivation bases, and their terrifying cultivation power is even more reflected here, extremely fierce.

Xiaolongnv's beautiful eyes are clear, gentlemen and ladies have two swords in both hands, wherever they pass, the thick armor of the orc, along with the internal organs of the arms inside, are chopped open, blood splatters, blood gushes like a fountain!
The cultivation base at the peak of the golden core period made Xiao Longnv the limelight for a while!

Hou Hou and Shi Feixuan spread out with both wings, rushing forward to attack.The demon brought Bai Yunpiao and the Sekong sword, and the saint and witch fought against the demon army for the sake of her husband Du Yu.

Ning Zhong held the Quanzhen sword and ran rampant all the way, forcibly beheading the leader of the demon army, killing the opponent's head rolling!
"Sister Ning, if we make such a fuss in Minas Morgul, will it lead to Du Yu's news?" Li Xiuning panted softly, dripping with sweat.As a weak person, she had just seized the opportunity created by Ning Zhongze and beheaded three strong orcs, but it cost a lot.

The orc fighters in the inner city had 3-5 times the strength and attributes of the plot soldiers in the outer city, and the difficulty of killing them was ten times that of the outer city.

If it weren't for Du Yu's confiscation of the house, he continued to practice and practice with the beauties and sisters, and his martial arts skills had improved a lot. Li Xiuning's princess martial arts might not be able to kill three powerful enemies.

"We've been searching for more than 10 days, but we haven't made any progress yet." Ning Zhong yelled angrily, and with a sword [Huashan Sunrise], he chopped off the back of the head of an orc swordsman who was trying to attack Song Yuzhi, and the latter wailed. With a sound, blood flowed down the street.

Ning Zhong gasped for breath, and said with a smile, "We can only take a risk and see if we can play Sauron's trump card."

Concubine Xuan's Sekong sword slashed like lightning, and her golden core stage cultivation made her more powerful. The Sekong sword could be out of her hand for a short time, and it was like a magic weapon in the air, and the flying sword cut off the enemy's head.Relying on this move, she had killed 15 orc elites.Concubine Shi smiled and said, "Wuhou and I once sneaked into Minas Morgul to inquire about Du Yu's news. We can be sure that he and the Elf Queen have not fallen into the hands of Sauron, otherwise the nine ring spirits would not be on fire every day. Take off to search. But the Doomsday Volcano is uninhabited, and there is no other good way to find Du Yu under the shield of Sauron."

"But I have a hunch..." Wang Yuyan was supported by A Zhu, she insisted on coming to find her cousin: "Cousin is around."

The girls nodded.

At this moment, a shrill neigh was heard from the sky, and a ring spirit descended from the sky.It was the Angle Witch and Horse King.

It coldly glanced at the half-orc legion with corpses strewn all over the place, coldly walked down the flying dragon, and walked slowly towards the female warriors.

"It turned out to be the Ange Wuma King." Shi Feixuan stood in front of the wind, ecstatic: "It is said that it cannot be defeated. But in the plot, the princess Iowyn killed it. Let me do it this time." .”

These beauties dare to take any risks in order to prevent Yu.Even in the Doomsday Volcano, under the giant gates of Minas Morgul, they dare to raise their eyebrows and challenge the Ringwraiths!

Du Yu watched Zhongmei fight for himself and the magic army, and was deeply moved.

These beauties are the softest places he left in the space, and also the softest places where Du Yu poured out his affection.

Du Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Galadriel was shocked to find that the usually wretched man next to her had such a cold and resolute look in his eyes!
He was like a peerless famous sword out of its sheath, and the moment he witnessed the desperate fight between his beauty and the orc, he really woke up.

From that cynical and wretched state, he suddenly sublimated into a strong man with steel and iron bones!

"I'm going to go up and do a lot." Du Yu said word by word, "I hope you can help me."

In front of Du Yu, Galadriel was unable to utter a word of protest, and nodded meekly.

She was a little astonished at her weakness, but quickly covered up her obedience to Du Yu by dealing with the enemy of the magic army.

With Du Yu's cold eyes, he looked at the magic army that kept pouring out of the gate to besiege the beauties.

He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to compress the air between heaven and earth into his lungs, then, lowering his head, he rushed out like a bull!

Boulder debris flew under his feet, and dust rose behind him, but Du Yu rushed towards the magic army besieging his beloved women without hesitation.

The commotion at the city gate of Minas Morgul quickly alarmed the Ringwraiths, who were rushing towards them screaming.

But in the next second, Du Yu rushed out.

Houhou's eyes were sharp, and seeing Du Yu's figure, his eyes turned red, and his usual teasing jokes no longer existed.

God knows how worried she was about Du Yu.

And this news quickly spread among the beauties.

The beauties all looked at Du Yu with red eyes, the man who charged like a bull to save them.

"This bastard, he just showed up at this time." Ning Zhongze's beautiful eyes were moist, but his mouth was still unforgiving.

"Let's move closer to Du Yu immediately!" Shi Feixuan made a decisive decision.

After Du's prediction, Galadriel began to chant large-scale magic.

The water ring Nanya in her hand emitted beautiful, dazzling and deadly blue ripples.

Ring of Water, ready to activate!

The powerful protective force enveloped Du Yu who was charging and every besieged beauty in an instant.

The orc's frenzied stabbing with knives and spears suddenly lost its effect.And those despicable and shameless crossbows hiding in the crowd of beasts couldn't pierce Nanya's aqua blue armor.

Nanya was originally the Lord of the Rings who was good at protecting, and Galadriel raised the protection level to the extreme for Du Yu's safety.

In an instant, the morale of the beauties was boosted.

"Activate the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation!" Ning Zhong roared.

Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is a compulsory course for every beauty after being confiscated by Du and entering the heart of the castle.It is the most effective team battle formation of the wolf pupil team, which can increase and share the internal strength of each member as a whole.

The beauties immediately formed a battle formation, forming two Tiangang Big Dipper formations, one positive and one negative, one yin and one yang, and the positive and the positive complement each other, and they start to work.

The orcs immediately suffered a big loss.

It was obviously the weapon used to attack Xiao Longnu, but somehow it was swung away by Li Mochou's killing whisk, and in the next second, Ning Zhongze's Quanzhen sword had already chopped off his head.

The dead orcs will not die with peace.

And the opening of the two Tiangang Big Dipper Arrays is like the cantilevered wings of a meat grinder. Turning at full speed, the orc's turbulent meat tide offensive is immediately stirred into balls of rotten meat and shredded corpses!
Du Yu went down the mountain like a tiger, and rushed over under Galadriel's magic blessing.

The orcs were not fools. Seeing the appearance of their long-sought target, they immediately mobilized the elite archers in Minas Morgul.

This is Sauron's lair, and there are tens of thousands of orcs stationed in the devil's lair!

As the battle broke out on a large scale, they were quickly alarmed, and teams drove out of the city one after another.Every minute, thousands of people join the fight.

Du Yu had to rescue the beauties before the tide of orcs engulfed them.

He used Diablo's [War Stomp], turned on the overlord mode, and rushed towards the orc under the water ripple armor buff of the Ring of Water.

Hundreds of strong bows and crossbows, set fire to Du Yu!
Countless arrows bounced and beat Du Yu's water-based armor, causing ripples of water!

But even so, it's not broken!
It can be seen that Galadriel's magic is powerful.

When the Elf Queen saw the magic army set fire to Du Yu, her beautiful eyes were clear, and she forcibly drew the magic power of the water system from the air. The power of Nanya, the ring of water, was used to the extreme by her.Even the surrounding Black Creek was sucked clean like a thirsty dragon fetching water!

"The Queen of the Spirit scolded softly, and swung out a spell.

A huge black water dragon formed behind Du Yu, and suddenly rushed towards the orc army.If you describe it, it has the momentum of Sima Yi flooding the Seventh Army, but the scale is much smaller.

Many years later, Galadriel once imagined that if he was in the coalition camp at the time of the water battle in Baicheng, if his magic power had not been sealed, and with the power of the water ring Nanya, could Sima Yi complete the flooding of the Seven Armies in one fell swoop? The feat of killing the three elven kings?
Unfortunately, there is nothing if!
Du Yu's war trampled and rushed into the middle of the orcs.

The orcs had no single enemy, and he broke through in an instant.

The Ringling Ange Wuma King screamed and rushed forward.

The existence of Du Yu has become a heart disease in the Devil's Nest.Since he couldn't succeed for a long time, he seized the opportunity to arrest him last time and killed two or three ring spirits in one go!Sauron was so angry that he had a heart attack, and he didn't even want to give the ring spirit a chance to be resurrected!

This opportunity should not be missed anyway.

Du Yu didn't want to miss this opportunity either.

After Galadriel recovered most of her supernatural powers, she was really a godlike teammate. She connected with Du Yu's mind, and immediately a sharp bolt of lightning struck Angle Wumawang.

The Witch King parried casually, but Du Yu approached him straight away.

His mind tightened.

Shi Feixuan's Sekong sword slashed angrily.

Ning Zhongze's Quanzhen sword blocked the flanks.

Xiao Longnv's Gentleman and Lady sword whipped up gusts of wind.

Du Yu's move of two dragons came out of the water, hitting the breastplate of the Witch King, and he hit it hard!

The Witch King's Morgu sword split Galadriel's Nanya armor, and chopped on Du Yu's [Monkey King's Trick] armor.

Although Catherine has great talents in governing the country, she is not an omnipotent god.She was able to successfully retreat from the front line of Baicheng with this newly defeated army of mixed humans and elves, which is already a wonderful performance.

In fact, although Sima Yi suffered a lot of casualties on the battlefield because of the Elf King's desperate resistance, he also arranged a wave of ambushes and interceptions.But Catherine and Shen Luoyan saw through, and they used their tricks to break the vicious ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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