Chapter 958 Meeting of all parties to discuss revenge! - Ask for a monthly pass!

All the beauties gathered around Du Yu, listened to Du Yu's soft voice of comfort, stepped forward one by one, embraced Du Yu passionately, and spoke softly.Although there are so many sisters and too many people talking, it is not easy to talk to your lover in detail and express your worries after his disappearance, but those beautiful eyes full of affection and worry made Du Yu feel My heart is warm.

He knew that he was no longer alone in the space.

Behind him, there are more than 20 good women and true lovers who share life and death with him!
For them, I must not lose!

Especially not to lose to a wolf like Sima Yi who eats people and doesn't spit out bones!
Du Yu knew that if he lost, he would die at most, but what about the beauties?
Naturally, Catherine was decapitated, and was rewarded by Sima Yi as a head bounty, asking for credit from the big men behind him.With the hatred of the dark forces towards her, it is a blessing to be able to end up with a whole body.

The other beauties also ended up miserable.The more than 40 adventurers in the inner city in Sima Yi's hands are definitely not alone, and they can deal with it!

Du Yu remembered that he had been fighting with Sima Yi for half a plot, more than a month, but was defeated by this powerful and cunning enemy repeatedly, making him almost cornered, and he couldn't help feeling angry from his heart!
Following Du Yu's adventurous encounters, his cultivation improved, and with the strong support of Yimei and Lu, he was able to get along like a duck to water no matter in the outer city, the imperial court or the space ability.He has not suffered such a big setback for a long time.

And this time, he finally met Sima Yi, an absolutely powerful and cunning enemy!

This is the difficulty of the inner city, the real rival.

Not only does it have stronger forces and more manpower than Du Yu, but it also has rich experience, military skills, and conspiracy skills that Du Yu does not have!
Invincible, let alone outsmarted!

Such an opponent made Du Yu extremely anxious. So far, he has been defeated all the way.

Catherine was almost killed at least twice, and Du Yu himself almost fell in the Doom Mountains.

Without avoiding suspicion, the beauties came up one by one tenderly and considerately, and kissed Du Yu.

Du Yu's heart was about to melt, he was enjoying the tenderness of the beauties, and he was reviewing his mistakes.

His eyes turned to Galadriel.

One day ago, he and this elf queen were once so close, with a strong love, holding hands and going to the clouds and rains together, but now, when he is in the gentle town of beauties, when he is intimately talking to the women he loves, Kai Lan Cui Er could only hold the cold corpse of Celeborn, his expression was numb, as dull as a clay sculpture.

Du Yu sighed inwardly.

He knew that Galadriel was in a state of great self-blame and grief.

Celeborn's death, on the surface, seemed beneficial to Du Yu's possession of Galadriel, but Du Yu knew that Galadriel had a stubborn personality, and it was entirely possible for her to decide to make a clean break with him because of her guilt.

"Prepare a separate room for Mrs. Galadriel so that she can say goodbye to her late husband alone," Du Yu continued.

Seeing the regent returning safely, the knights of the Rohan Kingdom immediately found their backbone.The previous Catherine's rule was not justified, and it was difficult to implement it.

From behind the pillar, Princess Iowyn turned out.

Since Du Yu disappeared, she should have been happy.This snake-like three-inch tongue will never pester her again.Some people even congratulated her.

But Eowyn frowned, not in the slightest joyful mood.

Du Yu's time with her was not too long, and there were festivals such as charming King Theoden and imprisoning Eomer.

But Eowyn couldn't help thinking of Du Yu.

Think of his overbearing, but also think of his kindness to himself.

As a princess, she naturally understood that if she hadn't cared about her feelings, King Theoden and Eomer would have been separated.And she also overheard that Shen Luoyan, who was beside Du Yu, made more than one suggestion, asking Du Yu to deal with Iomer as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

These two highly prestigious and orthodox rulers of the Rohan Kingdom were unexpectedly retained by Du Yu, but they were imprisoned and did not harm them.

Eowyn sighed.Du Yu was willing to think about her, how could she expect Du Yu to die?

To say that he is in love with Du Yu is far-fetched.

Nie Yuan, Nie Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu actually came back.

Eowyn let out a sigh of relief, and finally didn't have to worry about whether he should launch a coup d'état.

After hearing Du Yu's order, she immediately found a room for Mrs. Galadriel in the side hall.

Galadriel glanced at Éowyn gratefully, and glanced at Du Yu with a complicated expression.

Of course she knew that this Éowyn was Ge Lima's legitimate wife.

Galadriel and Du Yu once broke through the taboo and tasted the fruit of love while hiding in Tibet in the Doomsday Volcano.Every time she was insanely happy, she couldn't help but think, how happy would she be if she were this man's legal wife?There is no need to worry about the guilt of betraying her husband, and she will live and fly with this man.

This child is really enviable.

She immediately expelled this unwanted thought, picked up Celeborn, entered the room, and bid farewell to her lover who had been in love for thousands of years.

Du Yu and the beauties also went to the bedroom to express their love.

Legolas and Aragorn, together groomed King Thranduy for transport back to Mirkwood for burial.

After a long time, Galadriel slowly walked out of the side hall.

She had changed clothes by now.The white dress that symbolized holiness and divine power was replaced by a solemn black dress.The elf queen's bright golden hair was tied into a solemn bun by a black ribbon, and her beautiful face was covered with a black veil, which symbolized Lady Galadriel's identity as a survivor.

But in Du Yu's eyes, this widow is too familiar and sexy, making people want to stop.

The long black dress perfectly outlined Mrs. Galadriel's graceful and exquisite curves, and the mysterious black gauze mask shrouded the beautiful face of the beauty queen, making her look even more beautiful.

"Oh, Galadriel!" Arwen looked miserable, and threw herself into Galadriel's arms: "You are Arwen's only relative now."

Galadriel fondled Arwen's hair.This granddaughter is also her only relative.

Seeing Mrs. Galadriel and Arwen embracing each other, Du Yu's heart was full of wolves.

It's not that he's too beastly, it's just that the mother-in-law and grandson are too attractive.

Galadriel and Arwen, a pair of beautiful faces, get together and dawdle intimately. The two teams cut water and bright eyes, mournful and tearful.

Du Yu shook his head, to drive away the animal thoughts in his mind.Everyone has suffered a catastrophe, their husbands and fathers have died, how can I add insult to injury and hit other people's ideas?

After a period of grief, Galadriel restored Lady Galadriel's calmness and grace.

She said indifferently with sadness: "relatives or remaining sorrows, others have already sung. What is the way of death, and the body is on the same mountain. Today we bid farewell to the three great elf kings. They are going to return to the embrace of the God of Nature. It’s not a bad thing. Those of us who are still alive should think about how to avenge them!”

Speaking of the word revenge, her beautiful eyes behind the veil were full of coldness!

At this time, Galadriel and Du Yu were happy all the way, and they had recovered 8% to 9% of their combat power.Although the curse of Morgoth was still vicious and intractable and could not be eradicated, it was compressed into a corner by Galadriel and could no longer hinder the overall situation.

The elf queen who has recovered her strength, the first major event is revenge!
To avenge her husband, to avenge herself!
The identity of the enemy is clear, only Sima Yi.

In order to take revenge, Galadriel temporarily ignored Saruman who cast the curse, which shows how much she loves Celeborn and how much she hates Sima Yi!
"Arwen, Legolas, Aragorn, the three of you come here. Let's hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with Sima Yi." Galadriel glanced calmly at the group of juniors, and her eyes trembled when she passed by Du Yu .

She really loves and hates Du Yu.

Du Yu once saved her from Sauron, but it was also Du Yu who took away her innocent body.

She simply didn't know how to face Du Yu.

According to Galadriel's usual style, she would go straight back to Rose Lorraine and never meet this man who loves to hate, but if she wants revenge, she can't avoid Du Yu!

Du Yu owns Luohan, and he is the only one who was not lost in the war!

Catherine's wisdom allowed Knight Rohan to preserve his strength.

Finally, Galadriel hesitated for a moment, and said with difficulty: "Regent Grima, come too. Let's join this meeting together."

She was the first to turn her head and walk towards the conference room.

Du Yu snickered.

If Galadriel is really a stranger to him, then he really has no chance to win back the widow's heart.

But Galadriel wants revenge, and her enemy's goal is highly consistent with her own.

Du Yu sincerely thanked Sima Yi.Although Sima Yi threatened his life several times.

But without Sima Yi, Du Yu said it would be impossible to get Galadriel.

Catherine, as Saruman's representative, also obtained Galadriel's permission to attend the meeting.

Galadriel, Arwen, Legolas, Aragorn, Du Yu and Catherine, each representing a side of power, participated in this important meeting.

"We want revenge." Arwen's tenderness is like water, but she can't help but be the first to speak: "Gather the army immediately, send troops to Baicheng again, and attack and kill the enemy!"

Her opinion represents the opinion of most of the people here.

Legolas didn't speak, but he held his golden bow tightly, and his resolute eyes said everything.

Aragorn immediately stood up and shouted loudly: "That's right! Arwen said well, we have this blood feud, how can we not avenge it?"

Galadriel said indifferently: "I also have the same opinion. Since everyone has no opinion, I will immediately send Hadir back and dispatch all available soldiers from the Golden Forest to fight Baicheng to the death!"

These bloody and vengeful elves, even in a few words, have decided to take revenge again and attack Baicheng!

"Who says there's no objection?" Du Yu raised his head lazily and put it on the table unscrupulously, and smiled disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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