Chapter 959 Amazing decision!The Lord of the Rings is given to the enemy! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
All eyes were focused on Du Yu!
"You object?" Galadriel couldn't help showing surprise in her clear and cold eyes.

In her opinion, anyone may object, but only Du Yu will not object!

Because the hatred between Sima Yi and him is actually the deepest.

Not to mention that his woman Catherine was assassinated by Sima Yi twice, just the last time in an ambush, Sima Yi used the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation to throw Du Yu into Doomsday Volcano, almost killing Du Yu.

This hatred is already enough to kill you.

Du Yu Youzai Youzai casually raised his finger, and under the gnashing gaze of the Elf Queen, he said calmly: "Yes, I do not agree to attack Sima Yi immediately! Or, if you are willing to die, I can't control it, but Luo Hanguo 1 knights, not a single soldier will go to Baicheng!"

Galadriel's eyes suddenly turned cold, and an angry cold light shot out from her beautiful eyes!
Celeborn died to avenge her, and whoever blocks her revenge is her enemy!

Du Yu is no exception!

Although Du Yu and her have the grace to save her life, although Du Yu and her are intertwined with love and hatred, and the relationship between Du Yu and her is constant, but when Celeborn bids farewell, Galadriel has already sworn to her dead husband!

If she has anything to do with Du Yu again, her soul will never rest in peace, and she will be a lonely ghost on the mainland!
Now that she decided to sever ties with Du Yuyi, Galadriel suddenly stood up, her phoenix body trembling slightly under her long black dress: "What do you mean?"

Du Yu glanced at Catherine, and said calmly: "Sima Yi is my enemy, this hatred is irreconcilable! I will definitely behead him!"

Catherine's beautiful eyes were hot, and tears almost rolled down.

She knew that Du Yu was a man of his word, and since he said so, he would definitely avenge her!

No matter how hard it is.

Aragorn smoothed things over and said, "Since we share the same hatred, why don't we join forces again? Sima Yi played a trick. It is impossible to let the Anduin River flood a second time! We will not fall into the same pit a second time."

"It's true that he can't do a water attack." Du Yu said coldly: "But the coalition's disastrous defeat last time was not accidental. If you don't understand this problem, I'm afraid the second time you fail, you will all be trapped in it." , revenge is hopeless!"

Several people looked at each other.

Galadriel said coldly, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Although she was determined not to have any physical relationship with Du Yu, she was aware of Du Yu's cunning and wit, and she was willing to listen to Du Yu's advice more.

Du Yu stood up from the chair, jumped onto the table, and said with a big laugh, "Why would Sima Yi treat the three kings of elves as fat sheep and kill them one by one?"

Legolas, Arwen, and Galadriel flashed anger at the same time.

Du Yu's words hurt people too much.

But Du Yu was still sharp and sharp: "Because of their IQ, they are worse than Sima Yi here!"

He pointed to his head.

"Sima Yi just made a small plan, and sent the elf kings who boasted of their achievements and invincibility to hell!" Du Yu said coldly: "If you elves don't admit that IQ is a flaw, If you want to hit a stone with an egg and play wits with Sima Yi, the lost elves will fall into hell forever and never turn over."

Galadriel, Arwen, and Legolas showed deep thoughts.

Aragorn also had to sit down and meditate.

Du Yu said with emotion: "The plan for now is to take advantage of the respite that the elves of all races have successors and are not extinct, gather strength, and wait for the opportunity. Such a brilliant victory by Sima Yi will inevitably cause Sauron, Saruman and others to fight against each other." The fear of him, and then make him a priority attack target. The elves who suffered heavy losses and the fall of the elf king will be ignored. This is our only chance!"

"You want black and white?" Galadriel pondered.

"How ugly is black eating black?" Du Yu showed his white teeth, "In the country where Sima Yi and I live, this strategy is called driving tigers and swallowing wolves."

"You're thinking too simple." Aragorn shook his head and stood up: "Sauron and Saruman's characters are just like wolves! They will not attack the strongest enemy, but they will find the weakest prey. I guess, Saruman Man will attack the Mirkwood, and Sauron will attack the Golden Forest first, instead of attacking Sauron."

Du Yu nodded, with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes: "Yes. With Sauron and Sima Yi's tacit understanding of attacking Edoras together, they are likely to work together! But the problem is, once there is enough temptation, don't say these few days. This guy is just working together, even if they are really good friends, you will fuck me, I will fuck you, and I will kill you!"

"Could it be the temptation you're talking about?" Galadriel, worthy of being the queen of elves, was the first to guess Du Yu's god-level thinking that day, and stood up in a voice.

"That's right!" Du Yu said word by word: "It is a treasure that can attract Sauron and Saruman at the same time. There is only that thing in the world——Supreme! Venerable! Demon! Ring!"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone knows the endless temptation of the One Ring to Sauron.Especially Aragorn and Legolas, who are the backbone of the Fellowship of the Ring.

"No!" Galadriel slammed her fist on the table and said angrily, "I understand that once Sauron hears about the whereabouts of the Lord of the Rings, he will go crazy and send out the Ring Spirits and the main force to snatch it. .And Saruman is ambitious, and has been immersed for many years, studying the method of making the Lord of the Rings. The attraction of the Supreme Lord of the Rings to him is incomparable! But the problem is precisely here, the reason why we organize the Lord of the Rings in Rivendell The team secretly escorted the Lord of the Rings to Mount Doom just to avoid Sauron’s attention and secretly destroy the Lord of the Rings. Once Sauron got the Lord of the Rings, the consequences would be disastrous!”

Du Yu said coldly: "It is said that if you can't break, you can't stand! Break and stand! It's also called one time and another time! At that time, the Guardian of the Rings team was organized because Sauron's family was dominant! The elves and humans were not sure that they could defeat him who was immortal, so they could only play with one hand. The bright ones are playing with the dark ones. But in the current situation, Sima Yi’s Gondor is the dominant family! Even Sauron’s limelight has been concealed. Can any of you tell me, whoever is sure will be able to capture the city that never falls Minas Tiris, capture and kill Sima Yi? Has it happened?"

The hall was silent.

Even the three legendary elven kings were captured and killed by Sima Yi in one fell swoop during the joint crusade. All the people present here are their juniors. No matter their ability, prestige, knowledge or experience, they are far inferior to the elven kings. How dare they say that they can win? ?

Du Yu said coldly: "Based on this situation, Sima Yi will come to the city and attack Edoras within two months! I still have to think about how to defend the Luohan Kingdom! How can you still think about defending Luo Han? Counterattack the White City? Let me be blunt, after the White City flooded the seven armies, the situation of Gondor dominating the mainland is inevitable! The elves are weak, and they can no longer send troops to contend with it, right?"

Galadriel, Arwen, and Legolas looked at each other, gloomy with each other.

Yes, the [-] elven army of the coalition army is already the elite of the elven countries. Even if there are still some troops, the number is not large. .

"What are you going to do?" Galadriel looked directly at Du Yu.

Du Yu said decisively: "Stop the task of the Guardian of the Ring team immediately, and bring all the Guardian of the Ring team to the palace of Edoras. I will find a way to give the Lord of the Rings to Sima Yi!"

"Are you crazy?" Arwen lost her voice: "Sima Yi is our enemy, if you give him the Lord of the Rings, isn't that an act of patronizing the enemy?"

Aragorn also frowned.

Du Yu smiled lightly: "Miss Arwen, you need to figure it out first. In essence, the Lord of the Rings is not an artifact at all, but a trap controlled by Sauron! I don't believe that the Lord of the Rings was sent to Sima Yi. If you can bear it, throw the Lord of the Rings off the cliff!"

Aragorn said solemnly: "Aren't you afraid that Sima Yi will become even stronger after getting this treasure?"

Du Yu stared at the crimson sky in the east: "If there is another way, I will not put all my eggs in one basket, but at this time we have no choice. The flooding of the Seventh Army has already given Sima Yi the absolute initiative in the mainland!"

Galadriel frowned.

Baicheng, Sacred Tree Garden, in the palace.

De Naisser II's eyes widened, his hands trembling, and he glared at the man in front of him.Streams of black blood flowed out of his mouth.

"You", the regent who is used to scheming, can't believe that he would end up in such a miserable end.

"Oh, this is my most merciful treatment for you." Sima Yi on the opposite side grabbed a handful of delicious berries and strawberries without hesitation in front of the dying King De Naiser II with convulsive limbs, and began to chew.The red juice, as his white teeth moved up and down, split and splashed, staining his lips completely red. Under the dim oil lamp, Sima Yi looked like a ferocious wolf drinking blood!
De Naiser II looked at Sima Yi with resentment: "Being a slave to the master! You will die badly."

Sima Yi stood up coldly and stomped on Di Naiser's head: "You yourself are a slave who betrayed the master and usurped the throne. How dare you say me? Let's talk again."

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he said with a sneer: "Isn't it true that I haven't done the allusion of three horses in the same slot?"

Although he didn't understand what three horses were in the same boat, it must not be a good thing. De Naisser II was full of resentment in his arms, and finally fell into a pool of blood.

The priest of the Sacred Fire Sect walked out of the darkness with a sneer, and gave Sima Yi his thumbs up in admiration: "Master Zhongda, you are really amazing. Now the strongest country and city that never falls of the human race belongs to us."

Zhong Da picked up the bloody key from De Naiser II, played with it, and put it in his arms.

Gulu, the priest of the Sacred Fire Cult, swallowed his saliva and swallowed, his heart full of slander.

This Sima Yi was really powerful. He slaughtered the three elf kings one by one, and then bit back, poisoning De Naiser II to death.

Under his calculations, these famous celebrities and legends in the mainland turned into big fat sheep full of treasures and benefits.It is estimated that Sima Yi made a lot of money from this adventure, right?
(End of this chapter)

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