Chapter 967 The Lord of the Rings Betrayed!The Fellowship of the Ring fights! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
And this trap also affected his companions.The eagle was also severely injured, but Sima Yi deployed all kinds of vicious sieges when he lured them back.

Therefore, during the explosion and killing of his wife and children, this eagle was also affected and besieged, and finally died tragically on the spot.

Of course, its demise was also delayed.On his sharp beak, there was a tragic death of a human head.

It was the head of an adventurer from the Holy Fire Cult.

It should be that the plan went well, but when it was about to succeed, a greedy adventurer tried to take back some valuable and rare materials on the giant eagle, such as the legendary beak, as a trophy, and was devoured by the dying giant eagle , tragic death.

There was a sneer on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

These bastards besieged Catherine and himself, but under his own design, they were also sent to Huangquan Road one by one, like water flowing into a dry field, absorbing and infiltrating a little bit, no matter how many people around Sima Yi, he couldn't help being so exhausted!
Moving forward, it will be the final tragic battlefield.

Legolas suddenly screamed: "Gimli! Gimli! Wake up! My God, the Queen comes to save him."

Du Yu was shocked, why is Jin Li still alive?

Sure enough, it was Jinli, the dwarf with red beard, still holding a sharp axe, but dying, he fell by the stone wall beside him, his breath was extremely weak.

Du Yu guessed that this vicious battle must have been extremely tragic and fierce. Looking at the surrounding caves that are still covered with rubble and the traces of battle can be seen everywhere.Moreover, although the dwarf Gimli was strong, he didn't have any famous weapons or equipment, so after the enemy knocked him down, they rushed over eagerly, and didn't have the intention to plunder him.He barely survived with the world-famous physique of the dwarves.

Galadriel took two quick steps, and indeed lifted Jinli, who was only breathing.

Jinli fell into a coma, but still muttered: "Eat your grandfather with an axe, Sima Yi, you traitor!"

Hearing the familiar name, the faces of Aragorn, Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen and other sufferers changed at the same time.

How miserable were they by Sima Yi?
It turned out that this vicious ambush was indeed his handiwork again.

Galadriel decisively took out the last leaf of the holy tree.Before she left for the mainland, she only brought three leaves of the holy tree.Two were given to Legolas as a birth gift, and one was kept with him as the ultimate life-saving hole card.

But seeing that Jinli was seriously injured, she generously took out her life-saving hole card, put it in her mouth, chewed it, and then stuffed it into Jinli's mouth.

A mouthful of sweet clear spring was poured in, and the leaves of the sacred tree were poured into Jinli's mouth.The magical scent of the sacred tree finally brought the red-bearded dwarf back to life and regained a little sanity.

He slowly opened his eyes, but saw the handsome face of his best friend and gay friend Legolas.

"The stone is on top," the dwarf murmured, "Could it be that I'm already dead and have seen the illusion?"

Legolas answered his answer, a hard punch.

The dwarf's eye sockets were smashed like a panda, and he immediately jumped up and roared loudly: "Little elf! Don't think that you can bully me when grandpa is dead! You"

He suddenly saw the longing goddess Galadriel!

The dwarf, who was about to get rough, suddenly became shy, and said, "Galadriel? Why are you here?"

"What happened? What about Mithranda and the others?" Galadriel asked eagerly.

"Gandalf? That's right!" Jinli jumped three feet high: "They are in danger! That bitch Sima Yi is actually in the cave, with a lot of ambushes. Taking advantage of the complicated terrain, we keep dividing our troops and chasing after him. I was caught by him. The ambush has been dispersed. Go to the rescue!"

In the darkness, the smile on the corner of Du Yu's mouth bloomed.

From the fact that Jinli was on the verge of death, but the other party didn't even have a person to check his injuries and make up the knife, it seems that Sima Yi was also very nervous about using the hole cards in his hand to ambush Gandalf + Guan He and snatch the Supreme Lord of the Rings. ah.

It can be inferred that even if he succeeds in the end, he will have to pay a huge price.

Losing to both sides is exactly what Du Yu is after.

A group of people quickly got up and chased into the depths of the cave.

Sima Yi really used the geographical advantages of this place to the extreme.This cave is very deep and long, with winding paths leading to secluded places, and there are countless spider web-like branches, spreading in the hinterland of the mountain range, and the terrain is extremely complicated.Under the guidance of the dwarf Jin Li, the people also went astray several times.After all, although Gimli knew the contact code, he passed out and could only judge the direction through the mark left by Gandalf.

"In front!" Aragorn shouted angrily.

Known as strider, he is also a ranger, good at tracking, and found the mark left by Gandalf.

When they arrived in the wide cave ahead, everyone was stunned.

This is where the final battle takes place.

There are traces of the wind king Guan He, the violent wind skills and sharp claws and beaks, as well as the terrible magic killing marks of Gandalf.

On the ground, the bodies of at least 6 or 7 people were lying here and there.

To say they are human would be an understatement.To be precise, it was the remains of an adventurer.

All adventurers who were hit by Guan He's wings, sharp claws and beak were immediately torn apart and died terribly.This is the inevitable end of annoying the legendary existence.

But Guan He did not escape.

The legendary Wind King finally died tragically in the middle of this large cave, with his guts broken and his death unsatisfactory.

In the middle of its bird's head, there was a neatly cut hole - if Du Yu's estimation is correct, the demon core or magic core of Guan He, the wind king, had already been plundered as a spoil of war.

And Guan He's claws and beak did not escape the bad luck, they were cut off and taken away.A pair of wings were also cut down in a miserable state, and the feathers were plucked clean - the feathers of the Wind King should be an excellent material for making wind scrolls or armor.

The once invincible King of Feng, Guan He, who fought fiercely with Du Yu in the royal palace, had his wings, beak and claws cut off, just like a plucked oversized Christmas turkey, waiting to be put into the oven.Both eyes are dead, unable to close, full of rage that is about to tear apart.

"Sima Yi did it again." Galadriel knelt down and prayed devoutly for Guan He. Her crystal tears fell into Guan He's eyes like stars falling.

Guan He's furious eyes were slowly closed, and his expression changed from violent and furious to gentle.

His soul, in the identity of Maya, returned to God's Continent.

Galadriel was heartbroken, and if Guan He hadn't been entrusted by her, he would not have been easily involved in the conflict on the mainland.

"Where are Mithranda and the Lord of the Rings?" Aragorn didn't have the sympathy of an elf queen, and went straight to the point, asking him the question he was most concerned about.

The Lord of the Rings must never fall into Sima Yi's hands.

But when everyone looked around, it was Legolas who had the sharpest eyes, and found a small figure behind the rock.

"It's Pippin!"

He picked up Pippin.

Pippin's injury did not appear to be serious.This is easy to understand - under the light of the two great gods, Gandalf and Guan He, it is difficult for Sima Yi's people to pour their firepower on a weak hobbit.What is inversely proportional to the hobbit's terrible fighting power is their world-famous good luck!

Pippin suffered at least three horrific wounds, but all of them escaped mortal wounds by some ingenious escape.When Galadriel activated the magic of the Ring of Water and healed him, the hobbit opened his eyes.

"The Ring!" he exclaimed in horror. "The Ring, it has betrayed us! Frodo is in danger!"

Under the gentle comfort of Galadriel, Pippin finally calmed down a little from his panic, and told about the nightmare not long ago.

After fighting fiercely all the way, Guan He, who found out that he had been caught in a trap, finally calmed down after the tragic death of the three eagle sons and grandchildren, and followed Gandalf to fight and retreat.

It's a pity that at this time Sima Yi has already shown a tendency to catch them all. He brought more than 30 adventurers and pressed forward step by step, not giving the Guardians of the Ring any chance to breathe.

"A wicked woman in revealing clothes chased and killed me. After knocking me down, she snatched the elven cloak you gave me, Galadriel, and even the elven cake!"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat: "That woman, does she have a black dragon tattooed on her arm?"

Pippin cried out: "Exactly! You know the wicked woman?"

Du Yu sighed.

From these corpses, he found the tattoo of the Black Dragon Society.And the only female adventurer Du Yu knew of the Black Dragon Society was Bei Ye Nan in the inner city.

This powerful Yamato woman, who claims to be male of any race, also came to this world, and led the Black Dragon Society as a reinforcement to join Sima Yi?
"In desperation, Gandalf made an exception and allowed Frodo and Sam to use the invisibility function of the Lord of the Rings to escape outside. But at the critical moment, the Lord of the Rings betrayed us, and it exposed Frodo!" Pippin yelled in horror: "The enemy immediately sent people to chase and kill Frodo and Sam. Gandalf also rushed up to protect them. Here Guan He was responsible for blocking the enemy. In the end, he couldn't defend. After killing some enemies, he died tragically. .”

Immediately, the memory of this tragic battle appeared in the minds of everyone: Frodo, who was chased to nowhere by the enemy, was lured by the Lord of the Rings, begged Gandalf bitterly, and made an exception to use the Lord of the Rings once.Gandalf was not sure of keeping Frodo, and was besieged from all sides. He really couldn't protect the four hobbits, so he had to agree.

But as soon as Frodo put on the Lord of the Rings and walked a few meters out of the siege circle, the Lord of the Rings blatantly abandoned his weak old master, jumped off, and rolled spiritually on the ground!

Frodo loomed, as if naked, among his enemies.

He screamed and grabbed Gollum's rolling ring.

The loyal gardener Sam is not afraid of death, guarding Frodo, wielding the elf sword, fighting and retreating.

"There are bloodstains here." Aragorn noticed the clue and tracked it down.

Finally, everyone found Sam tens of meters ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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